Bon Appétit - Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Published at 16th of September 2022 02:12:04 PM

Legion wasnt the only one who was busy. As he became busy, Luana had a hard time splitting the day because she had to take classes to become an empress.


Luana fell on the desk and made a groaning sound. Although she liked that she had nothing to study since she was reincarnated. It wasnt usually difficult when she came back and started learning again. Still, she was fine with the theory. All she had to do was memorize the book. The problem was practice, not theory.

Dance, etiquette, manners, musical instruments, embroidery.


Luana hit her head on the desk.

Id rather cook for you!

If thats the case, shed have a lot of fun! Since she has lived in a world of etiquette, she was doing it to some extent, even if the culture was different, but other things were difficult. Every time she danced, she often creaked, and the instrument was out of beat and embroidery.


Luana sighed deeply as she looked up at her bandaged finger. Why should only women do this? She didnt particularly like sports, but she thought it would be better to learn swordsmanship.

No, why am I doing this in the first place?

Arent they in a contractual relationship? However, when she came to her senses, she found herself taking the Empresss lessons. She said she would, but what about Legion? Luana had no choice but to question.

No, I would have told you sooner if it wasnt okay.

But she was nervous because she hadnt heard anything in particular.

Can I really do this? Is it okay if I become an empress? In the middle of it, I even thought about what if Legion also said I couldnt do it.

Even though she knew it was a delusion, she couldnt help it.

As she rested her chin with her hand and pondered for a while, she heard a familiar voice. His voice was rough, but it felt friendly.

Are you okay?

It was Legion. While she was groaning, Legion seemed to have entered. At his worried voice, Luana jumped up and looked at him. It turned out just in time. It didnt suit her taste to just groan with curiosity.

Legion! You came just in time!

Yeah, thank you for welcoming me.

How long has it been? Luana held back her desire to jump at him immediately and opened her mouth. The question had to be resolved first.

Is Legion okay?

Im fine. Ive worked this much many times before.

No, thats not it, are you okay with me?


Legion tilted his head lightly.

You know what class Im taking right now, dont you?

Its a class to prepare you to be an empress.

You know that! Were still in a contract relationship. Are you really okay with this?


It was only after she spoke openly that Legion seemed to realize something. A puzzled expression flashed across his face for a moment; then, he covered his mouth with his hand. Then he asked cautiously.

Did I not tell you?



Legion lowered his hand and naturally pulled Luana into his arms.

Can you feel it?

What? When Luana tried to ask again, He could feel his heart pounding.

Thump thump

His heart was pounding so hard. At first, she thought it was the sound of her heart, and her face turned red, but then she realized it. It wasnt her heartbeat. It was Legions!


Legion, who made a little space between them, looked Luana in the eye.

I like you. No, I love you.

Her cheeks began to heat up at the first confession she heard properly. It was not until her lively cheeks turned red like an apple that Luana managed to open her mouth.

D- Did you just confess?


No, but I love Legion, too! But the curse hasnt been lifted!

Legion smiled at Luanas words.

Curse doesnt matter now, doesnt it?

Gerald said that love is the key to his curse, but even if they love each other, the curse is still not lifted. But it was okay. Now, it wasnt the curse that could bother Legion the most. It was Luana. It was more painful for her not to be by his side.

Luana cried out in tears at Legion.

Why, why it doesnt matter? If the curse is not lifted, it will be painful for you!

Even if its painful, if youre with me,

Then he raised Luanas hand and kissed her hand. Then he asked with a sly smile.

So what is the answer?

Yes, its alright!

When she came to her senses and responded quickly, Legion laughed loudly. It was a clear laugh she wanted to hear forever.

Still, curses are painful, so Ill try my best to break them!

Luana clenched her fists and shouted.

Yeah, Id appreciate it if you did. By the way, is the class very difficult?

Lets talk about class again. Even though Legions appearance was absurd, Luana answered honestly.

Its hard. What the hell does becoming an empress have to do with embroidery?

Shouldnt someone whos good at it do it? Why do we have to sit down and train people who dont have talent? Luana sniffed in Legions arms.

What did you do today?

Im making a rose.

Is it very difficult?

Its difficult. This is not made for humans!

Despite that, the teacher was doing very well, but she left that point out. Legion, who hesitated for a moment at Luanas words, said,

May I help you?

Who? Legion? Have you ever embroidered?

No, I havent. But Ive seen a nanny do it as a child.

But, its really hard, though?

Can you make it through a brief memory from your childhood? Luana had deep doubts. However, apart from the doubt, Legions hand handles a needle, thread, and a pattern. In addition, it was the embroidery pattern that the teacher told her to follow. Now she wanted to borrow someone elses hand. Why didnt she say that it would be better if we put a blank sheet together?

Legion held up the frame, looked around, and finally inserted a needle into the cloth.

Tell me if Im wrong.

Then he began to sew; the gesture was awkward. Seeing his big, firm hand holding a small needle was cute and funny. So she couldnt hide the smile at the sight and looked at Legion. But for a moment, too, Luanas eyes grew wide and bigger, and she was astonished.

Are you sure you never do this before?

When she came to her senses, a rose petal was complete. Not only that, but the speed became faster, and the petals quickly formed the shape of a flower.

You said you never embroidered?

Because they dont teach embroidery to men. This is my first time, too.

But why are you so good?

Its not particularly difficult, is it? Isnt it just a matter of passing a needle through the fabric?

Thats the hard part! Thats ridiculous!

Is this possible? Luana looked at Legions fast-moving hand movements with a startled look. What she said earlier was canceled. What does she mean by a blank sheet?! Legions hand could not even compare to Luanas. Luanas eyes shone brightly with admiration.

Now with Legion, the embroidery homework was a piece of cake. Luana put her hands together and said to him.

Sir Legion!

Luana? Didnt we decide to drop the honorific?

I have to call your name with honorific now! Because Sir Legion is my savior!

Can I become a savior with just one embroidery?

Of course. It can be anything!

Luana said, grabbing Legions hand.

May I ask you to do my embroidery homework in the future?

Its not difficult, but will it be okay?

Its all right. Instead, Ill make your snacks as much as you embroider for me.

If thats the case, Im fine with it. The last thing I ate was Madeleine, which was delicious. The souffle was also delicious.

Legion replied with a coy smile.How can you be so handsome?Luana resisted wanting to hug him tight again because he was holding a needle.

Ill do as much as you want!

Then two. No, three would be good.


What does that mean?

No, its great.

Luana laughed and replied. Now that the embroidery had been settled, she only had to do the rest. Musical instruments and dance! She can memorize the rest with the rhythm she studied in childhood.

Is there anything else difficult?

Legion put down the completed embroidery and asked calmly.

Musical instruments and dance! I was told that I at least should master one instrument, but I cant.

Musical instruments. I can play the piano a little bit.

What cant you do?

There are many things I cant do. Everyone is good at different things. I cant cook.

The other dishes tasted just awful, so it was understandable. Once you know how to taste, you can set the standard for cooking. Of course, if you follow the recipe, it would be fine, but what if you make a mistake? Then it will spoil the taste.

But since youre good with swords, you dont have to be good at cooking, do you?

Thats true, but I wanted to make it with my own hands at least once.

Do you want me to teach you?

Luana will?

Yes! I think we can start with the easy ones.

Fried eggs or rolled omelet. At Luanas words, Legion happily nodded his head. She doesnt think he was like this when they first met. As they spent time together, his cuteness started to stand out.

But again, that is my preference.

Luana put her hands on her chest.