Boku no Bungeibu ni Bitch ga Irunante Arienai - Vol 1 Chapter 3

Vol 1 Chapter 3

「Well, you two, how about starting right now?」

After leaving the school, we came to the fountain park in the city center.

It was past 6:00 PM, the sunset was in full view. The station across the national highway was filled with people coming in and out without rest. This place can be considered a commuter town despite being a provincial city, so during rush hour there are lots of people.

「Ano, s.h.i.+nonome…..What did you mean by saying 『How about starting right now?』, can you be more specific?」

「Ikuno-kun, it was you who accept it. Aizawa-san’s request 『I want to know the feeling when dating a boy』. You, as her fake boyfriend, will naturally escort her, Ffufu」

She was smiling, but her eyes did not…..

Then, I remembered what happened a while ago in the clubroom.

「Well then, Ikuno-kun, I’ve become this club’s member, so without delay let’s go on a date?」

「U….Un, Since it was my promise, I got it」

After having written her name in the member application form, Aizawa said so and I also got ready, then….

「Ikuno-kun, can I tell you something?」

「Eh…..It’s fine, but what is it?」

I got a bad feeling about this…..

「I think I have not yet taught you the knowledge of these duties. Aizawa-san, because this is only related to both of us, can you wait outside?」

s.h.i.+nonome elegantly said so, then the honest Aizawa, without a doubt, answered,

「A. Then, during that time, I will stop by the restroom. I want to fix my appearance a bit…..ehehe」

「Got it. Please wait at the entrance when you’re done」

「Un! Then you two, see you later!」

The last moment when Aizawa matched her eyes with me, she laughed in embarra.s.sment and left.

It looked like Aizawa was very happy. Perhaps, by any chance she is looking forward to the date with an otaku like me?

She said that she didn’t have any experience with men, so she must be excited at her first date.

Completely forgot about how detestable beautiful girls were, I honestly thought Aizawa was really cute.

「Ara, I wonder why you are grinning?」


The moment when my necktie was pulled, I raised my voice of agony as my neck was wrung.

「H-Hey s.h.i.+nonome….Stop strangling, I can’t breath…..for real」

「Ara, look like I went too far. Sorry」

Giyu〜〜〜〜!! (ぎゆ) 

This girl, she completely wanted to finish me off!

「Keho, Gohogoho! Y-You…..Are you trying to kill me!?」( ごほごほ = gohogoho = coughing)

「Ffufu. Nope, I will never do that sort of thing. I just want to make you suffocate」

「They are the same, aren’t they!?」

「What a noisy livestock. That aside, you are mine. Despite that, you even became fake boyfriend of that woman, what are you thinking?」

Maybe it’s just my imagination, s.h.i.+nonome looked like she was getting impatient. Moreover, her cheeks are red.

「It’s, because my job is to respond to the student’s consultation, it can’t be helped, isn’t it?」

Besides, Aizawa also became a member. There’s no way I can refuse.

「Certainly, your job is to respond to consultation from anyone. As told in Article 14 of the const.i.tution 『Equality under the law』 there should not be any discrimination against race, beliefs or gender. However, becoming someone’s is a different story」

「Eh……Becoming her fake boyfriend is just temporary, isn’t it?」

「Fufu, that’s right. But, the fact that you became someone else’s will not change, right?」

Unexpectedly, s.h.i.+nonome smiled gently and caressed my cheek

「It is better if you wouldn’t become anyone else’s. Therefore, I’m going to train you to the extend that it would break your rebellious heart. I will not hand you to anyone」

She kept caressing many times over as if it was something important to her.

But the next moment, suddenly my cheek was pinched, and she pulled it to her face.  [1]

「Ouch ouch ouch ouch! W-What are you doing!?」

「Fufufu. As expected, you are not pleased at all despite being touched by me. Other men, just touching my hand make them happy. …..You are truly an interesting man」

s.h.i.+nonome stared at me cheerfully, pinched gently many times like playing with her toy.

「S-Stop! I’m not your plaything!」

Then, surprisingly she stopped immediately. However, her face is still close.

「But, it becomes quite troublesome. That woman joining the club is an unexpected development. Though it won’t change the fact that the literature club would be disbanded, I’m unable to train you by using this one-month duration….. It’s hard to find such a secluded location without anyone else, what a waste」

「I see. s.h.i.+nonome can’t show her true nature if Aizawa is here. Also in the meantime, if another one join the club with me and Aizawa, my literature club will be saved!」

While looking at s.h.i.+nonome’s beautiful face beside, my chest is filled with expectations.

However she started smiling again.

「Well, something like this is easy. For now, I will change my goal from training you to making that hindrance leave the club. And I am thinking of doing it immediately」

「…..You don’t mean, are you going to hara.s.s Aizawa?」

「I don’t have time for that. Today, just one day is enough. And I don’t even need to do anything」

Chasing Aizawa out in one day? Also don’t need to do anything, how can she do that?

「Fufu, I’ve been looking at you the whole time for one and a half month. Although I asked to carry my heavy luggage, you always acted like you were busy and didn’t lend a hand. You are the worst. I wonder if someone who can not be kind to girls like you, managed to accomplish a date without being hated by that woman?」

「S-Such a thing, of course I can do it」

That said, I don’t have any dating experience except in gal-game. But surely, the knowledge should be useful somehow. So I think nothing terrible would happened.

「Well, whatever. But I will tell you my expectation. You will be thoroughly disliked by that woman on the date. And, at today’s parting she will say something like 『I will resign from joining your club』」

「Haha, that’s just your expectation. Absolutely, I won’t make such mistakes」

「So, I’m looking forward to it. Also, I prohibit you from being familiar to that woman more than necessary in front of your master. If you can’t keep this promise, you will be punished. Ufufufu」

Well, such thing happened, that’s why s.h.i.+nonome’s att.i.tude is that cold.

「Ikuno-kun, please begin the date. As for me, I’m only here to watch so you can forget about me [2]. Also, it looks like Aizawa-san is troubled」

I looked back as she said so, Aizawa looked restlessly.

「I….Ikuno-kun, I’m sorry. This is my first time doing something like this, so I’m quite nervous….」

With a perfect appearance, the blus.h.i.+ng Aizawa diverted her gaze while brus.h.i.+ng her hair behind the ear.

Speaking of which, at first she looked really happy but she was less talkative on the way there…..

I wanted to do something about Aizawa who became redder with the evening sun.

「I-It’s all right! This is also my first time, so you shouldn’t be nervous」

「As expected, such a thing like this is also Ikuno-kun’s first time. I know it」

Not good, she’s become more anxious

Aizawa is a benefactor who cooperated to protect the literature club.

Although my doubt about Aizawa being a l.u.s.tful b.i.t.c.h is still not cleared because 「most beautiful girls are b.i.t.c.hes」 is something undeniable, for now I must become her fake boyfriend and create a dating mood as my grat.i.tude.

On the way home after school.

If it was in gal-game, then…..

「Aizawa, at this time you must be hungry, right? If you want, why don’t we looking for somewhere to eat?」

Then, suddenly Aizawa’s face became bright.

「Oh, that’s a good idea! We’ve walked for a while so my throat is kinda sore」

「Then, let’s go to the shop on the next street」

「Un! I’m fine with it」

As I was able to read the mood, Aizawa smiled joyfully

First obstacle cleared.

Then, speaking of a date, we should hold hand, right?

「Ano, Aizawa. If you want to understand the atmosphere of a date, should we hold hand?」

「Y-You’re right…..But, that sort of thing is still…. I want to do it when I am dating with someone I truly love. Therefore, I’m sorry」

「I see. It’s fine even if Aizawa don’t want to. Don’t worry」

Just asking to hold hand make her fl.u.s.tered like this.

She is truly a pure girl.

Still impressed, I began to walk with Aizawa. [3]

s.h.i.+nonome followed and stared coldly.

「Ikuno-kun. It’s my first time dating someone, so I seem to be nervous. And to think about it, you must also feel the same. So let’s enjoy today!」

Aizawa looked up at me from the side and showed a natural smile.

「Somehow, it looks like your reaction is normal?」 [4]

「Yup! It should be because you are an otaku. But, I have the feeling there are something different….」

Aizawa adjusted her step to match mine.

Then she said.

「Oh, I know! Maybe, it’s because you are *nayo nayo* like a girl?」 (ナヨナヨ  nayo nayo)

「It’s true that I don’t have any muscles….. but saying something like that to a boy is not good, you know?」

「Eh….. I’m sorry!」

Aizawa blocked her mouth instantly, then walked to match my pace again.

「Ahahaha! But just leave everything to me.

Even if Ikuno-kun picked a quarrel with delinquents, I would beat all of them for you!」

Do you want to shave off your HP?

「Aizawa, look really natural…… Huh?」

I looked back because there was no one next to me, then I saw her running to me.

「…..Haa. I’m sorry, I was blocked by a car coming our from the side」

Eventually, s.h.i.+nonome also caught up.

She smiled mysteriously.

「Ikuno-kun, eto…. you walk quite fast, don’t you think?」

「Eh, really? Leaving that aside, Aizawa, is the family restaurant over there good?」

「Eh…. It’s good. It’s the nearest one from the park, I have no objection」

With Aizawa’s approval, there of us entered the store.

Toward the non-smoking section, I sat on the window side, s.h.i.+nonome sat next to me and Aizawa sat opposite me.

「Look, look! This cake, it looks delicious, isn’t it!?」

Aizawa looked at the menu with her eyes *kirakira* sparkling and said so while pointing to the cake.

Haha, it’s truly a riajuu and cutie (lol)’s way of talking.

「Certainly it looks delicious, but isn’t it too sugary?」

「M-Mou! Why did you say something like that!」

Eh? Did I say something bad?

「Sorry. Eto…..」

I apologized while still in confusion, Aizawa, knowing the atmosphere is worsened, said,

「Ah….. I’m sorry. A-Ahaha. We can’t have a good date without putting any effort, right?」

That reminds me, even in normal conversation with a cla.s.smate, saying something like that is not good.

Moreover, today I’m also Aizawa’s boyfriend….

「Aizawa, have you decided your order?」

「Eh, ano! I shall have this cake…… No, I’d like to try this pancake and lemon tea.

How about you?」

「I’d like fried potatoes and coffee. Then, shall I call the waitress?」

「Un, please! ….Ehehe」

As I took the initiative, Aizawa laughed happily and while holding her cheeks with both hands

Just when I thought the atmosphere was good, s.h.i.+nonome sitting next to me said,

「Ikuno-kun, please order a strawberry parfait. Also ask for 2 spoons」

Although I had a bad feeling, I ordered what she said.

When I and Aizawa finished our meal after exchanging the story about our cla.s.s, Aizawa spoke again,

「Ikuno-kun, Aizawa-san. For now, please eat this strawberry parfait together」

「「Yappari!」」 (thought so)

Having foreboded this situation, Aizawa and I tsukkomi’d at the same time.

「Ahahaha. Please don’t joke, s.h.i.+nonome-san. After all, Ikuno-kun and I are not going out for real, that sort of thing is indeed impossible」

「That’s right s.h.i.+nonome! Don’t you think it’s bad to go that far?」

We said so, then s.h.i.+nonome smiled.

「Well, you two are on a date so doing something like this is expected. Besides, Aizawa-san, you want to convince your friend that you truly have real experience, don’t you?」

「Uu…..  It’s true, I did say so」

「Fufu, well then you two, please eat. But, please make sure to feed you partner first. After all, something like that is common when dating. It’s easier for them to believe in your story just by focusing on this alone.Ara? You two, what’s wrong?」

This s.h.i.+nonome, isn’t she the one who told me not to be familiar to Aizawa more than necessary?

No, s.h.i.+nonome is someone with a strong monopolistic desire.

Normally she wouldn’t allow it.

However, I’m handling the work of the student council now.

Aizawa is someone she really dislikes but it looks like she’s trying to help with the consultation.

Her ability to not mixing up business with personal affairs is really praiseworthy.

「I want to return the favor to Aizawa, that’s why I will try my best. Of course, if Aizawa is fine with it」

I’m not Aizawa’s beloved one so even holding hand is not good.

Therefore, doing something like that is NG, too (No good, was used in the raw)

But, after I thought so, Aizawa nodded.

「I-I see. If everything is no good, this date will be pointless….」

Aizawa bit her lips tightly, then she took a spoonful of parfait.

「Then, Ikuno-kun, a-a~n」

Reddened face, with a complicated yet seductive expression, she timidly hold out the spoon.

Uwa! I’ve seen this scene many times in gal-game but to see it in real life make me nervous.

Moreover, she’s also one of Two Great Idols of our school.

Even though I’ve been looking at her since the beginning, her expression is way too cute.

Although I blushed, I made up my mind and ate the parfait on her spoon,

「It…. It’s very tasty! Thanks Aizawa!」

「Souka. I’m glad….」 (そうか = really?)

Aizawa looked down as feeling depressed.

After all, something like this should only be done with someone truly important.

It didn’t mean that I was hated but as expected, I was truly shocked when seeing her expression.

「Eto, then, Aizawa….. It’s my turn!」

「Eh? Oh, yeah, that’s right…. I’m ready」

Aizawa closed her eyes to endure the embara.s.sment, then slowly opened her mouth.

Swallowing my saliva, I moved the spoon toward her mouth with my trembling hand.

Dangerous, Aizawa’s eyelashes, they are very long and beautiful.

Her lips also shook in l.u.s.ter.

Fascinated by Aizawa’s appearance, my heart started throbbing.

Because of that,

My hand slipped right before the spoon entered her mouth.

「So cold!」


The parfait on the spoon is sucked into Aizawa’s plump valley and began to melt because of the temperature.

In addition, the cream was scattered to her uniform, it became terribly dirty.

「H-Hey, Ikuno-kun!? What in the world are you doing!?」

「Uwa! G-G-G-G-Gomen!」 (gomen = sorry, in a casual way)

Aizawa raised her panic voice, unable to do anything but looking down at her chest with a very troubled expression.

「I-I will wipe it immediately! Wait a sec!!」

Becoming relentless to this situation, I took a handkerchief from my pocket and gave it to her.

Pashaaaaa!!! (SFX for splas.h.i.+ng)


My mind became blank for a moment.

Unintentionally, I knocked a water-filled gla.s.s toward Aizawa.

「Eh? This is…..?」

Aizawa’s short skirt got wet instantly, she was dumbfounded.

I’m the worst. My hand was trembling, my whole body went pale and I couldn’t even say a word.

「Hey, Ikuno-kun. Can you step aside!?」

Then s.h.i.+nonome, who was sitting next to me, said that with a cold voice and approached Aizawa.

「Aizawa-san, come to the toilet to dry up. I’ll help you」


Holding Aizawa’s hand who was confused, s.h.i.+nonome walked toward the store’s toilet.

W-What to do now?

Just now I acted exactly like a clumsy kid.

What am I doing…. Then I remember what s.h.i.+nonome said.

『You will be thoroughly disliked by that woman on the date. And, at today’s parting she will say something like 『I will resign from joining your club』』

……A-At any rate, I must apologize to Aizawa when she comes back.

But I had dirtied her uniform, as a girl who always pays attention to the appearance like Aizawa, she would definitely be angry.

Also, in that situation, her underwear is surely……..

First of all, I help the shop employee to clean the table and sofa

Then, after waiting for about 20 minutes, they finally returned.

Aizawa kept looking downward. Though I didn’t understand her expression, it’s obvious that she was angry.

I waited for those two to sit down then apologized to Aizawa.

「Aizawa, I’m sorry! Your uniform is dirty because of me」

In that situation, anyone would get angry.

So I prepared myself and waited for harsh words, but

「Ahahaha. It already happened, and I don’t really mind」

「Eh? But…. Even though I did something terrible!? 」

When I raised my face, Aizawa was smiling and brus.h.i.+ng her hair.

「Certainly it surprised me. But thanks to s.h.i.+nonome, my skirt is dry now. The dirt on the uniform was wiped clean so I don’t mind」


「Mou, I told you, I don’t really mind! Besides, you also said that this is your first time going on a date, I can understand your nervousness because I’m the same. That’s why, this date, let’s continue!」


Seeing the bright smile like of an angel, I tightly clenched my fist.

She forgives me although I was clumsy to that extent.

If the partner is a b.i.t.c.h, she must have shown her true nature at this point.

I trusted Aizawa more than a while ago and wanted to do my best for her somehow.

「Got it! I will try my best, is it alright?」

「Of course. So, where should we go next?」

Aizawa, who put both her hands on her cheeks while smiling, asked, my face became slightly red.


While I was thinking, s.h.i.+nonnome who had been watching smiled and said,

「Ikuno-kun, although I intended not to interrupt your conversation, it looks like you don’t understand so I must say this. Aizawa-san, just a while ago, even her underwear was wet so she will catch a cold if you leave it like that. That’s why, you two should go to the lingerie shop.」

「L-Lingerie shop!?」

I shouted, Aizawa also heard that word and flapped her hand *watawata* (wata = flap, watawata is an onomatopoeia for flapping)

「S-S-Such thing is not good! I can endure it until I go home! Just this much is nothing, I can’t catch a cold———Kushun」 (Kushun is SFX for a short sneeze)

「Ufufu. Look like you two have to go as soon as possible, Ikuno-kun」

U…. It’s because of me, therefore I have to go with her…..

「I understand. But first of all, we have to pay for this……How about splitting the cost?」

For an instant after hearing those words, Aizawa’s face looked like she is going to cry.

But she kept up a smile instantly.

「Umu! Of course」

After finis.h.i.+ng the payment, with a heavy gait I went to the shopping mall.

Meanwhile, Aizawa matched my walking pace.

「Hey Aizawa, you haven’t done yet? As expected, just standing here is difficult….」

Inside the lingerie shop which is entirely decorated with pink ornaments, I said so to Aizawa.

To think her boyfriend interfering in her purchasing underwear, the older customers and shop a.s.sistant looked at me with pleasant eyes [5]

「S-Sorry, because I’m embarra.s.sed! Also, I mean, if you are embarra.s.sed like that, I’m fine with you waiting outside, you know? Even if it’s said to be a date, as expected, doing this much is…..」

「I understand it clearly. But, just now I promised to do my best to make this look like a proper date. It’s just…..Besides, didn’t s.h.i.+nonome say that?」

I glanced at s.h.i.+nonome who was smiling happily a few meters behind,

「Buying underwear with boyfriend is something of high level, so talking about it would be enough to make Aizawa’s friends believe in her having experience with men」

「Well, it certainly is, I have a feeling that what s.h.i.+nonome said is right….Umm….T-then I’ll quickly choose, can you give me your opinion? Then the feeling when buying underwear with boyfriend, I think I can understand it」

I nodded, then immediately she showed the top and bottom of an elegant black underwear.

「T-This….. Do you think they suit me?」

Putting the underwear against her well-developed body, Aizawa averted her embarrased face.

「E, eto….. Perhaps, they don’t, I think…..」

I imagined Aizawa’s big chest and b.u.t.tocks being wrapped in the underwear and blushed

「Eto, Ikuno-kun, is there something wrong? I don’t know anything that can be used as a reference for this….」

Aizawa’s face was as red as mine.

「A, ano….Though Aizawa looks good with such an adult-like one, I think clean white suits you even more」

The white underwear I saw in the clubroom, it really suits her.

「I-Is that so? Then, how about this?」

Aizawa looked somewhat joyful, she put on the pure white underwear decorated with red ribbon.

As expected, white suits her….. No, yabaiyabai! Without a doubt, myface must be absolutely red right now! Isn’t it look like I’m thinking of something indecent?」

「…….Eh, well, it looks nice, maybe?」

Somehow I managed to answer, but Aizawa suddenly became silenced.

「Eh, what’s wrong?」

「U….eh! No-Nothing, ahahaha. Then, I guess I should buy this」

Aizawa headed toward the cas.h.i.+er with the white underwear, then she soon trotted back to me.

「Then, I’m thinking of changing them…..eto, becauce for now, you are my boyfriend, can you stay nearby? Say, if someone accidentally entered the dressing room by mistake, it would be embarrasing」

One of our school’s Two Great Idols, Aizawa is changing her underwear besides me…. Just thinking about it make my heart throb *dokidoki*.

Moreover, the dressing room in this shop are curtain dressing room…. [6]

But, like it or not, I must work hard as Aizawa’s fake boyfriend.

It will be troublesome if I don’t.

「W-well then, let’s go」

Aizawa went to a dressing room and took off her shoes.

After entering, she looked at me with a red face.

「Ikuno-kun, please watch properly and make sure no one would enter」

「Leave it to me. I will diligently watch so just change them without worry」

「I see….Thank you」

Aizawa trusted me? She smiled slightly and closed the curtain.

After a few second, I heard something similar to the sound of untying a ribbon, then the rustling sound of clothes can be heard.

And, after the sound of the zipper, a piece of cloth quickly fell to the floor.

That piece of cloth means right now, Aizawa is in the state close to completely naked….

The big bulges are pus.h.i.+ng up the cloth as her uniform is not b.u.t.toned.

The skirt symbolize her round b.u.t.tocks which seems good for giving birth [7]

However, both her legs and waist are thin and fair-skinned like a model….

「Ikuno-kun, come here for a sec」

To be called suddenly, I involuntarily jumped.

Still trembling, I walked toward s.h.i.+nonome.

「S-Suddenly called me like that, You surprised me!」

「Really? But leaving that aside, I think I should tell you something」

「Tell me something, what is it?」

s.h.i.+nonome laughed daringly, while her raven-black hair was fluttering beautifully she said

「That woman’s evaluation to you should be considerably low now. Her problem of wanting to understand the mood on a date with boyfriend — pretty much everything you’ve done up to now is the worst. If you do anything poorer, you will be completely hated」 [8]

「To be hated…….No, I also think the problem in the family restaurant is the worst.

But I haven’t done anything bad other than that? Even now, I put up with my embarra.s.sment to be in such store」

「Are you serious about that?」

「Eh, I-I am…..」

s.h.i.+nonome stared at me with her completely cold eyes.

「You, truly are a hopeless man. Certainly, at the beginning, your choice of having a light meal is excellent.  But, all actions you took after it are the foolies that should be called asininity」

This s.h.i.+nonome, she intended to make me lose confidence.

Because of that, the date which went well currently would end up a failure, and without doubt Aizawa’s evaluation to me would drop.

I was going to refute to the b.i.t.c.h’s scolding, but…. [9]

「First of all, there is a girl walking with you and you don’t even care about matching your pace」


Being pointed out specifically, my body hardened.

「Don’t 『Eh?』 to me. A man whose average height is high, his step being larger than a woman is something inevitable. Yet you just walked in your usual pace. Aizawa-san, was really struggling to walk together. But, you must be anxious because it was your first date so she didn’t say anything, and just try her best to keep up」

I recalled, when Aizawa walked next to me, somehow it looked like she was in pain.

D-d.a.m.n it! Despite having such knowledge, why did I…..

「Secondly. Splitting the payment. The first date in general, men are said to be preferable to pay for everything or at least 70% of the cost. But you chose the method of splitting the cost. Currently, what was Aizawa-san to you?」 [10]

「M-My girlfriend….」

d.a.m.n! This is also in my knowledge…..

At that time my head was filled with 『buying underwear with Aizawa』, I didn’t remember that.

Hmm? Oh wait.

Aizawa is not my real girlfriend, going that far is….

s.h.i.+nonome said as if she saw through my thought.

「Even if she’s not your real girlfriend, you’ve dirtied the underwear of a girl. As an apology, something like that would be good?」

「Uu, certainly….」

「When you told Aizawa-san about splitting the cost, her look is too pitiful. Moreover, what you ordered costs 300 yen」 [11]

「What, is that true?」

Knowing the truth, I’m ashamed of my pathetic action.

「Next, not praising what a girl chose」

「It’s about the underwear, right? But it’s…..」

「『Praising one’s underwear is embarra.s.sing』,  I think so. But, Aizawa-san should have been more embarra.s.sed than you. A girl of that age showing her underwear to someone of the opposite s.e.x who is not her boyfriend, it’s a disgrace to the extent that she can’t be a bride anymore. But because you have tried your best for her sake, she desperately endured it and listened to you. Despite that…..」

「….Praising it, I didn’t do that」

「Yes, exactly」

s.h.i.+nonome seemed to be angry as a girl, flatly said.

But, what s.h.i.+nonome said in regard to this……

What am I doing?

Although I’m acting as her fake lover to let her understand the felling of dating with her lover, on the contrary I just make her worry!

But it’s too late to regret now, I feel like running away from here immediately

「Kuso! If this was in gal-game, such terrible things would not happen…..」

「2D and this world are different. Please do not underestimate reality」


2D and 3D are different.

Though I should have understood it the most, because I had the knowledge from games, I was self-conceited and didn’t even try to look at Aizawa.

I’m truly the worst.

「By the way, you called me a b.i.t.c.h, that word means wh.o.r.e, s.l.u.t. abazure, unpleasant woman, generally it’s an derogatory term used to insult detestable woman.

Then, what’s the derogatory term used for a detestable man adversely?

Frankly, I can say it to the present you right now」 [12]

s.h.i.+nonome closed her eyes and smiled,

「Son of a b.i.t.c.h」

s.h.i.+nonome knows I dislike b.i.t.c.h.

That’s why she said it that way.

「The current you is an existence at the same level as the b.i.t.c.h which you dislike the most. Your excessive cruelty make me lose interest. You, are truly selfish you know?」


From s.h.i.+nonome who is always a b.i.t.c.h I despised, I have never thought of hearing such a thing.

But she’s right.

The current me is the lowest, the same as the b.i.t.c.h who I most hated.

It’s my fault that such a girl come to hate me [13]

I could feel a pain in my heart, and naturally my breathing became painful.

While I was in such state, an OL sister looked at me anxiously when she pa.s.sed me.

And toward the dressing room, she tried to open the curtain where Aizawa was.(Office lady, also used in the raw)

「Oh, wait…….!」

I saw it and started running vigorously to the dressing room which is only a few meters ahead.

Aizawa was changing her clothes inside.

When I promised to diligently watch, she trusted me and smiled.

Because she believed in me, I truly didn’t want her to have another unpleasant thoughts about me!

「Please wait! Inside there is…..!?」

But, the OL sister walked toward another dressing room as she noticed Aizawa’s shoes in front of that dressing room.

Because I was running without thinking anything, I couldn’t stop and plunged into Aizawa’s dressing room.


「Tch……ugh」 [14]

I opened my eyes slowly.

The woman’s dressing room is really s.p.a.cious.

In the center of the room, I fell onto Aizawa who was staring at me with her big eyes.

「Eto, sorry Aizawa…… Well, as for this, it’s……」

Aizawa who had a nice fragrant had finished changing her clothes.

So for a moment I felt relieved, but then I realized my hands were placed on some soft bulges.

「I-Ikuno-kun….. You, w-w-what are you……!」

Aizawa was blus.h.i.+ng to the ear, her body kept trembling *wanawana* (わなわな = trembling)

Such development is common in 2D.

And it always end up with violence.

But again Aizawa didn’t do anything to me, with teary-eyes she pushed me away, hurriedly took her bag.



After wearing her shoes, she ran out of the shop at full speed.

Seeing the state of Aizawa, s.h.i.+nonome couldn’t hide her impatience.

「You, what are you doing Ikuno-kun! Run after her!」

「U, okay! I know」

Aizawa quickly pa.s.sed through the shops and already went out of the mall.

I finally reached the exit which is facing the main street.

Surprisingly, I found Aizawa immediately.

「Oi, it hurts. Do you even look while walking?」

「A, eto…..that…..」

Surrounded by several delinquents, Aizawa stood petrified.

But the pa.s.sersby saw her earrings and blonde hair, turned a blind eye.

「A-ahaha…..I’m sorry, I was in a hurry. Excuse me」

「Hey, you b.u.mped into us and just laughed foolishly like that?」 [15]

「A, no…..ehehe. I didn’t have such intention」

It’s bad.

Aizawa who is poor with men always put on a fake smile while talking to someone other than me.

Normally it can be seen as a beautiful girl’s charm, in this situation it completely backfired.

「But onee-chan, you have such a nice bodyーIf you are willing to apologize, you should come with us」

「Eh? It is…..」

Little by litte, the men approached, Aizawa’s smile gradually collapsed and her slender body started trembling.

This, this is dangerous! I must stop them!

I was going to rush out.

But seeing the body of the delinquents, my whole body was dominated by fear.

All of them are muscular, have thin eyebrow and frightening look.

…..Right, here’s what would happen if I go there.

I will be surrounded and beaten up anyway, it won’t just end up not being able to protect Aizawa.

B-Besides, I’m just an otaku.

In elementary school third grade when I was still popular, my reflexes were good so I had ambitions, but currently I’m just a weak otaku,

moreover an helpless guy who is frightened to b.i.t.c.h.

But then, recalled what s.h.i.+nonome said.

『The current you is an existence at the same level as the b.i.t.c.h which you dislike the most. Your excessive cruelty make me lose interest.  You, are truly selfish you know?』

Such excuse is not good.

But I’m scared.

I don’t want to be the same as those hateful b.i.t.c.hes, but….

「I, iya…..Do not come here」

One of the men was going to take Aizawa’s arm who was pushed back, her frightened scream can be heard.

But it’s impossible, I’m also scared.

Sorry, Aizawa…..

Afraid of being beaten, I turned back.

「Come on, just come with us is fine….huh, what are you?」


Ha, I’m really stupid.

Why did I spread out both hands in front of the delinquents like this.

Doing this, I will just only be beaten, although I myself completely understand my uselessness……!

On top of that, I’m risking myself trying to help a beautiful girl, an existence that has derailed my life.

But Aizawa is different from all beautiful girls whom I’ve met.

B-Besides, even if she’s really a b.i.t.c.h…… it won’t change the fact that she’s an angel who joined my literature club to save it!

「Hey, say something, or you want to be beaten?」

「I-I…..」 [16]

My voice became hoa.r.s.e and I can barely stand as my legs started trembling.

There should be a limit of being uncool.

「Ara? Do you think someone like you can win against us!?」

「S-S-S-So what?」

If I talk further, they will surely hit me.

For now, escaping alone is possible! But my mouth just moved involuntarily.

「I will protect you! If I’m unable to protect someone important to me…..I, I can’t call myself a boyfriend!!」


Ha, haha.

It’s over.

Surely I will be beaten and Aizawa will be taken away.

I understood the result from the beginning.

To be beaten up in front of a girl is a shame, I won’t get anything nice from this.

Why am I involved in such a thing.

I should consider my own strength.

I’m such a fool.

「This one is annoying! Hey, do it!」

The enraged delinquents approached.

But after all I’m a fool.

Though my body can move, I didn’t try to escape.

My whole body trembled but my eyes remained their sharpness.

Steeled myself, I closed my eyes.

Then unexpectedly, 「Itetete!」 a delinquent groaned painfully. (いててて)

「You people, a girl has apologized and you can’t let it go? I’m amazed.

Though your bodies are that big, I wonder how small your tolerance are」 [17]

With fluttering raven-black hair, the cool-looking s.h.i.+nonome stood before me and twisted the raised hand of the leader.

「You, don’t get!」

Finally freed himself from s.h.i.+nonome, the man raised his fist.

「Are you sure? I think there is a police box behind you.

I wonder what will happen if I shout?」

「…..s.h.i.+t! Hey, leave them!」

The delinquents turned back to confirm, then they quickly left while glared at us.

But, even then, my legs didn’t stop trembling.

Being helped by a girl, how lame…..

「s.h.i.+nonome… saved us. Thank you」

「Ffufu, please don’t mind. After all, Ikuno-kun is not accustomed to these things」

「s.h.i.+nonome-san, really, really thank you〜〜!」

「Oh, h-hey! Why suddenly, Aizawa-san, what is it?」

Aizawa said with a cheerful voice, she clung to s.h.i.+nonome while smiling as if everything happened a while ago is a lie

「s.h.i.+nonome-san just now was really cool, just like a hero, thank you!」

「H-hero?…..Such exaggeration. Also, we are catching attention, can you be quiet for a bit?」

It’s rare to see s.h.i.+nonome’s discomposure, she worried about the surroundings while being hugged.

「Ahaha, I’m sorry! But really, thank you」

Then, naturally, Aizawa continued saying.

「In fact, about s.h.i.+nonome-san, at first I thought you were cool and hard to talk to.

But even though today is my first day talking to you, I believe you are an extremely kind person.

Therefore, can we become friend?」

「Friend?……We are in the same cla.s.s, it means we are already friend, right?」

「N-No, that’s not what I mean. Oh, I know! Can I call you Ibuki from now on?」

When the friendly Aizawa pleasantly smiled and asked, I felt that s.h.i.+nonome’s cheeks became slightly red.

「I-If you don’t call me by a strange nickname, then I guess it’s fine…..」

「I see, then I’ll call so from now on, Ibuki」

「Tsu….Leaving that aside, this date has not ended yet. You two must return to the fountain park to end this date. It’s already late, we should go now」

「Oh…’re right」

s.h.i.+nonome bashfully said so, Aizawa remembered my existence and glanced awkwardly at me.

「Then, with this, the date is over」

Arrived at the park before 8:00 PM, in front of the fountain s.h.i.+nonome announced while smiling.

「「 」」

In the end, on the way back we didn’t exchange a single word.

I paid attention to Aizawa and adjusted my pace to walk side by side with her but maybe it made her feel uncomfortable, Aizawa walked in front of me quickly

Aizawa, completely angry….

Aizawa didn’t face me and tried to keep distance from me.

The worst mistakes kept piling up, not only entered the dressing room but also touching her chest.

A pure girl who thinks even holding hands is NG like Aizawa, I must be the lowest of the low.

「Aizawa-san. Well, it might be difficult to ask but, was the solution for your request all right?」

s.h.i.+nonome feebly smiled and asked.

「U, un. Thank you, both of you」

Because Aizawa averted her face, I didn’t know her expression but her small voice was gloomy.

「It is good for me if you say so. Also, if there are any problem, please do not hesitate to rely on the consultation office. If there are next time, I’ll solve your problem in a different way….」

Glanced at me, s.h.i.+nonome smiled gently at Aizawa

The request 『I want to know the feeling when dating with a boyfriend』 is not settled properly, s.h.i.+nonome seemed to understand that.

「Then, because I have a curfew, it is rude of me but I have to go first. You two are also students, please pay attention not to come home too late」

「Oh, wait Ibuki! My home is also on that way so can we walk together?」

「Eh? Maa, I don’t particularly mind…..」

「Ehehe, thank you! Then, let’s go」

Aizawa, became attached to s.h.i.+nonome.

Compared to that, I……

Aizawa, with a carefree smile, turned her back to the station and walked towards s.h.i.+nonome. [18]

Among the thoughts about what will happen to me next, s.h.i.+nonome’s prediction appeared in my head.

…..Everything she said, it was true. When we returned, Aizawa already disliked me. Her joining the club became a blank paper, too……Moreover, it’s because of me.

I clenched my fist.

Because of what I’ve done, this result is natural.

Aizawa certainly will not talk to me anymore.

Just like everyone in the elementary school, she will avoid me.

While thinking so, my shoulder was gently patted. When I turned around, I couldn’t help but be surprised.

「Eh, Why?」

Aizawa poked her finger at my cheek, she looked down so that I couldn’t see her red face. [19]

Then, while fidgeting.

「C-Club activities……I will start tomorrow」

Only said that much, Aizawa returned to where s.h.i.+nonome was waiting.

She ran with her foot in loose socks, the jacket tied around the waist and the short skirt flutteringly swaying, her beautiful golden saidoteru bounced *ponpon*

This is the story of my first date with Aizawa.It was something unpredictable to the end.