Boku no Bungeibu ni Bitch ga Irunante Arienai - Volume 2 Chapter 5 Part2

Volume 2 Chapter 5 Part2

「Fuu, today is a good day, isn’t it?」

Because, although I couldn’t play an active part by myself, somehow Amami-senpai’s request to the club was solved. The results are that Clair’s life was saved and Amami-senpai must have reconciled with her boyfriend.

Because today, not even one consultant came, I was able to enjoy my hobby in the clubroom after a long time.

Because Aizawa was reading a fas.h.i.+on magazine happily and s.h.i.+nonome also read after finis.h.i.+ng the work of the student council, there wasn’t any nuisance in particular or anything worth mentioning.

Because I speak loudly, the pa.s.sersby on the street was surprisedーーbut I don’t mind.

The culprit who is the sender of the letter hasn’t come to contact with the literature club yet.

「But if we clear all the trials, a day like today may come again. If so, it’s nothing (to be afraid)」

Like that, I quickly reach my house.

I opened the entrance hall door with an unusual cheerful voice.

Sharte who is wearing the uniform of houtou junior high school is sitting on the floor grasping her knees. In her hand is a ladle, it seems like she’s in the middle of cooking.

「Hai. Because, waiting like this is a little sister’s duty」

Every time I return, she always acts like this happily. By the way, if the current Sharte had a tail, there’s no doubt that it would be waving with all its strength right nowーーit’s because she’s pleased.

「Nii-san. The usual, please」

I gently hug the small body which has a faint, nice smell.

「Sharte, you did your best alone today too, right?」

As if checking my warmth, she tightens moderately.

If I leave her side even just a little, there will be a gap.

「Sharte is so admirable. Despite the fact that being separated from me is scary, you do your best and go to school diligently. You was so excellent that you are the student council president now, I’m relieved because of that」

I was surprised when the information came after Sharte became the student council president.

「But Sharte, you really have grown up. In the past, after I returned from school, you immediately leaped towards and followed me. Do you still remember?」

As if embarra.s.sed, she hugs me more.

I think in those days, when she went to school in the morning, she didn’t want to separate from me and fretted. It was very troublesome, but after I protected Sharte from the bully, she didn’t say any selfish thing anymore.

Feeling gloomy by the result of remembering that unpleasant memory, I exert myself to act brightly.

「…..Hai. I think I can do by best tomorrow with this」

I separate our bodies and go towards the living room, Sharte quietly entwines both her hands around my arm.

When we enter the living room, a nice smell drifted from the kitchen.

When I pull the chair of the dinning table out to put my bag on, there was a white, beautiful female cat sleeping on it.

「Haha……you are really a whimsical cat, aren’t you? This time, you are outside for five days」 (今回は五日も外にいたってことか)

For the time being, I put my bag on the chair nearby and go to the kitchen with Sharte.

「Thank you, nii-san. Well……because the curry has boiled well,

「Okay. Leave it to me」

While grieving, I cut the vegetables using my dominant hand while Sharte is using a tool to skim the sc.u.m from the already boiled liquidーーafter a short time, Sharte is joining hand with me for the dining table.

「Hai. Please eat everything and grow big」

I fill my mouth with the delicious curry. After having made sure of the situation, Sharte also began to eat the meal.

In the past, Yaga’s feeding ground was near the kitchen,

By the way, Sharte also thinks of her new parents as important. For the two who don’t return form the foreign countries for a long time, there are two big, red and blue bear dolls placed on two seats in front of me. She won’t treat as if they are not here (決していないようには扱わない) 

「Nii-san, what happened?」


I don’t want Sharte, who is my important family, to feel like Clair for a second time.


But, she seems to understand what I think somehow and nods *kokun*.

ーー*gyuu* I’m embraced, and two soft swellings are pushed against my arm.

「Other than that, Nii-san」

Somehow, hearing the seemingly pleasant voice of her, I’m startled.

I was stared with the quiet, motionless eyes.

I, who admired my imouto’s splendidly growth, reluctantly threw that red evil thing in my mouth.


The big chorus of the cicadas echoes under the transparent-like blue sky.

「So hot, Aizawa……」

Aizawa smiles awkwardly while brus.h.i.+ng her forelock to her ear.

「Other than that, Ikuno, this place……doesn’t have an electric fan?」

「I, I see… can’t be helped if that’s the case」

Aizawa laughingly says in hesitation.

「Iya, I want to do that too but……hora, other clubs still do their activities soーー」

「And, we don’t know then the consultant possessing the a.s.signed trialーーor the sender of the letter will come. Therefore, for the time being」

The fair-skinned, angel-like beautiful girl smiles *ehehe* That smile alone is the salvation in this heat.



Aizawa, you completely forgot, right? What a very easy to understand girl……

Previously, Aizawa said she wanted to experience the hobby of people she likes, but seeing this result, it’s obvious that her interest in me is thin.

「I, Ikuno, you are misunderstanding. Sono, it’s not like I’m not particularly interested in it……but that manga, etto……」

And, she is fl.u.s.tered as her eyes are wandering about as if to search for words, then with a small voice.

「U, un……if that’s the case, it’s fine」

The story during middle school. From my beautiful cla.s.smate (an extreme fujos.h.i.+), I was told that she wanted me to lend a certain shounen manga, a total of 36 volumes (三六巻分) was lent.  But I listened to the remarks similar to a while ago many times and finally, even one book wouldn’t return ーー that’s why I end up being cautious even if it’s Aizawa. (fujos.h.i.+ = girl who likes yaoi aka boy x boy stuff)


I naturally bring up another subject as I feel like it’s my responsibility.

「……e? a, un……that’s right. When it’s this hot, one’s throat may dry-up as expected」

Thinking more about it, because Aizawa and s.h.i.+nonome were here, I was able to protect my important literature club, right? And the present time too, as long as we solve the request of the letter’s sender, the future where I can do my activities pleasantly in the clubroom will be saved. Thinking so, I want to do something to show my grat.i.tude to the beautiful girl in front of me.

「e, treat me……Ikuno, what’s wrong with you, suddenly?」

「I, I’m fine already! Such a thing, it feels bad, somehow」


But Aizawa refused without hesitation.


Aizawa stares at me with anxiety.

「a, don’t worry about it. I was just in a daze」

The hairdo of Aizawa who sits next to me shakes as she suddenly approaches with a serious expression.

「I, I can……I can see it perfectly. Sono, can we separate. I wonder?」

Her well-defined, thin eyebrows changed into the letter ハ (ha), this time it was Aizawa’s turn to blush.

「U, uun, it was fine」

The awkward atmosphere is floating. But because Aizawa is someone who can quickly change into refreshed stateーー


「Hora, because it’s better to buy one’s own share, giving someone a treat is kinda unfair. Therefore, let’s go and buy together. Doing it that way, I think it will taste delicious when we drink it together♪」


Just now, what was that!?

It was such a solemn s.h.i.+ne that I completely believed that she was an angel or a saint. Although it’s Aizawa who shows a bright smile similar to the sun, normally she can’t show such a face to others man. Because she shows such a face to me only……

ーーーtte, what am I thinking!?

It’s only because I’m a common, harmless to human and animal existence, Aizawa doesn’t think anything else about me in particular. (ただ人畓無害そうってだけで、別に愛沢は僕のことなんて何とも思ってない。) I must not misunderstand. Besides, Aizawa is a beautiful girl, even if she’s not a b.i.t.c.h but it’s necessary to be cautious just in case.


Extremely cute.

「Ikuno, sorry for making you wait. Then, let’s go」

*tonton*……the door is knocked, and opened slowly.

「Ano, I came because of someone’s recommendation. Please, please help me!」

It seems like, the juice will have to wait for a while.

While praying that I won’t collapse because of heatstroke, I led the girl to the inside.


The girl’s name is Tadokoro Nao, she’s a second-year who works as the treasurer in the student council.


The short-haired, child-faced girl becomes dejected and hangs her head in shame although normally, she’s cheerful.

Aizawa who sits next to me talks seriously while looking downward.

Sensei forgot the key of the treasury in the student council’s room. Because it was stolen, the request for us was to search for it. After being silent for a little while, Tadokoro-senpai opens her mouth.

……Yareyare, sensei is completely like a child.

「By the way, who is the one recommended senpai to come here?」

After suddenly becoming restless, she lowers her head *pekori*

As expected.


The person who recommended Tadokoro-senpai to come here must be that letter’s sender 『Hanikamu Iyo』. Similar to the time with Amami-senpai, the sender has seen this from the point where he/she muzzles senpai in order not to reveal his/her own name. (天美先輩の時と同様、自分の名前が割れないようにロ土めしている點から見てそうだ) Then, the case this time is one of the trials too?

Yesterday, the time of supreme bliss when I enjoyed after a long time in the clubroom.

「The key of the treasury which Kimura-sensei left in the student council room must have been stolen by someoneーーwhat we understand is only that part. That’s why, Tadokoro-senpai, firstly, can we hear the detailed situation at that time?」

s.h.i.+nonome isn’t here so Aizawa becomes anxious, but when I take the lead, she shows a bright expression.

After senpai stared at the floor as if to arrange what happened inside her head,

I and Aizawa nod. Because s.h.i.+nonome attends at the committee meeting, she’s not here right now.

Tadokoro-senpai says so, and her body becomes smaller.

Aizawa seems not to know how to react just like me, she smiles wryly.

「When I came to the student council room, the lock was already opened, Kimura-sensei and vice president were inside. Because of this heat, the windows were fully opened and the electric fans were turned on. And Kimura-senseiーー」

When I ask, senpai sadly nods.

Senpai tells us clearly by mimicking the gesture of something like a monster (kaijuu).

「Maa, in a sense」

「And Kimura-sensei, after boasting thoroughly, remembered some errands and suddenly left and hasn’t returned. Well, she forgot the key…… As all other members of the student council had attended the meeting, if the vice president didn’t begin to go to the meeting soon, it would be badーー」

「Hai……I was told so. But immediately after vice president left, I……ano」

I, who try to hasten the story to its main points, don’t understand and become puzzled. And Aizawa seems to be worried.


「Sono……I, came to the, t, toilet……uu」

The reason for that strange bashfulness of Senpai is because it sounds really erotic.

「Then, senpai left the room just like that?」

「W, wrong! Even I wouldn’t do that. After locking all the windows and the door, I went to the toilet. At first, I thought of taking the key of the treasury with me, but I thought it would be bad if the key was washed away in the toilet, I put it on the desk of the student council room just like before」

Aizawa seems to arrive at that certain answer, I talk to senpai to confirm.

「Hai. When I opened the lock and entered, only the key of the treasury was missing. Although I checked again, all the locking was perfect……」

「……Ikuno, this」

「Certainly……this request, is a locked room case」

The thing which seems to only happen in mystery novels, is now happening in reality.

Since s.h.i.+nonome isn’t here, I thought I could do my best, but this request is obviously a high-difficulty one.

While thinking hard, a flash runs in my head.

「No, that’s wrong」

「Because, I also thought so, after locking the student council room again, I went to the staff room to confirm. And the teacher managing the keys said that no one had borrowed the master key today. And Kimura-sensei, who went out, seemed like she hasn’t returned」

But without using the master key, how could it be stolen?

When I groan and think, Senpai’s eyes slowly become teary.

「Ano, are you okay?」

Is that so? Because the entrusted key of the treasury which contained a great amount of money was taken, she will get extremely angry without fail if it is exposed. I mean, that’s out of question if it couldn’t be found.

Knowing that I’m burdened with a heavy thing, I become anxious.

「Nee, Ikuno, the request this time, I feel like it’s not at the level that we can do something……After all, after the money in the treasury was taken, it would be too late」

Because it seems like the treasury is put in the staff room, it may be all right during the day when there are people. But if it’s night, such a thing won’t happen. I, as the club president, is urged to decide what to do. Informing the teachers or police, or stubbornly trying to settle by ourselvesーー

However, before I decide, the literature club’s door is opened.

The girl who could be said as our club’s ace saw my bewildered face and smiled happily.


We explained the situation to s.h.i.+nonome and headed toward the student council room.


The cool-looking s.h.i.+nonome who walks next to me notices my gaze and begins to talk.

「……it’s a locked room case after all. And it was the key of the treasury that was taken」

However, why? After s.h.i.+nonome came, I felt relieved. Therefore now, I don’t think her being by my side is not that much of a pain. If it’s the perfect, superwoman s.h.i.+nonome, she can easily solve the request this time tooーーperhaps because of that thought, I’m relieved.

「It’s simple. because there is a possibility that the key of the treasury only falls under the desk, so let’s check the inside of the student council room carefully first. And if it isn’t foundーー」

「The possibility of Tadokoro-senpai taking it is considered too, the need of searching may appear」 (探す必要性が出てくるわね) 

「I think you doesn’t read too many detective novels. Not limited to locked room cases, the first discoverer of a case is always the suspicious one. Therefore, senpai becomes one of the suspect too」

Perhaps I had a face which seems a little angry, s.h.i.+nonome says kindly as if soothing me.

「Is that so, then it’s fine」

I feel bad to do something like doubting a person whose appearance is like a child.

「Are you really a lolicon, I wonder?」

「Because, Ikuno-kun, you was very sweet in Takatora-san’s case tooーーis is wrong?」

「Hee, is that so?」

「Then, the girls like me and Aizawa-san are your type, right?」

I recall Aizawa’s figure, and look at the swellings of s.h.i.+nonome’s poor-looking chest in succession.

「Please die」 (死になさい)

「Itatatatata, let it go! Let it go I tell you!」

Aizawa who saw the situation calls out from our backs.

s.h.i.+nonome looks back with a wry smile, and finally lets her hand away from my ear.

「……It’s hard to say but….. he said that if the client was someone with small chest like Tadokoro-senpai, he would be excited and very motivated」 (興奮する means excited/stimulated/aroused)

This fellow, what did you say without hesitation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thinking it would be bad if I didn’t deny, I who was being shaken blurted out at once.

「e, bigger ones……a」

She holds her chest tightly and averts her face to the slope to the left below while blus.h.i.+ng (彼女は胸をぎゅっと抱いて、赤くなりながら左斜め下へと顔を逸らす) 

Senpai seems to believe s.h.i.+nonome’s words, she holds her body and stares at me with frightened eyes. ……That fellow s.h.i.+nonome, the client’s evaluation of me was dropped once again.

Haa……something like making two girls’ evaluation of me drop at a time, as expected of the cunning, neat-type b.i.t.c.h.

We arrived at the student council room shortly after. The end of the corridor is split into 2, if we turn right and pa.s.s the 2nd conference room, we will reach the school cafeteria where the vending machine is put. Perhaps I and Aizawa would go here and buy juice together if the request wasn’t there.

I finish checking and return to the girls’ place

Then, Tadokoro-senpai who is still cautious of me hides herself behind Aizawa.

「I, Ikuno, good job」 (otsukaresama)

「Thanks, Ikuno-kun. Then next is, let’s confirm the locking inside」

「……Understood. Then, senpai, can I borrow the keyーー」

With a pleasant *charin* sound, s.h.i.+nonome takes the key out from her pocket (sfx: cling-cling sound) 

「Why, does Ibuki have the key……?」

s.h.i.+nonome, while closing her eyes and brus.h.i.+ng her smooth hair,

When she says with that much confidence, perhaps it’s truly wrong.

「ーthen, why is there another key?」

After Aizawa put her finger on her chin and thought 「Uーn」,

But that opinion is denied by Tadokoro-senpai.

「……I see. I just thought that I caught a valuable clue」

「If everyone is white, there isn’t even a suspect then this……」

「a ー kuso, this……makes my head hurt」

「e……Ibuki, is that so?」

s.h.i.+nonome gently says so and opens the door using the key.

We entered the student council room and confirmed the outside window, but it was locked properly.


But I immediately calm down, stiffen my expression and say.

「Un, that’s true」

「Ano, s.h.i.+nonome-san. If you need anything, please say. I, will do anything so……」

「ano, if it’s good, shouldn’t we take a small break? As today is very hot, and I think my throat is dry too, I’m thinking of buying some juices, is it fine?」

I suggested that because I was worry about Aizawa too, so when she accepted it with joy, I felt a little happy.

s.h.i.+nonome mutters a few words. Then she turns toward senpai,

「Hya, hyai!」 (shocking sound “hya” + “hai* which means yes) 

s.h.i.+nonome notices that senpai became nervous, she loosens her expression.

「a, hai. What is it?」

「Thing which disappeared? eーtto, well……」

And then, she lets out a 「a」 as if it comes out from her mind, her face immediately becomes pale and she starts trembling (そして、「あっ」と気の抜けたような聲を出し、途端に顔を青くして震えだす。) 

「what disappeared?」

「Vice president’s wallet which was put next to the key of the treasury……is gone. Surely,

Senpai’s voice becomes tearful, she frequently wipes the tears which started overflowing.

「Senpai, it’s alright so don’t cry. Because, I already found out the culprit」

At the same time as senpai raising her face, Aizawa who had a surprised face asks.

「Yes, I think it’s probably not wrong」

The information we got just now was only 『Vice president’s wallet is gone』 .

s.h.i.+nonome tidies up her hair which is fluttering gently because of the fan’s wind and sits down on the pipe chair nearby. When she looks at us with composure, she slowly open her mouth.

「Everyone has their own duplicate key, right?」

「But Ibuki, the time when the crime happened, everyone of the student council had attended at the committee meeting, right? I think it was impossible to steal the key」

However, although a hole of her reasoning was pointed out, s.h.i.+nonome doesn’t break her composure at all.

「e? what do you mean by that……?」

「Maa, that’s true but……」

「In today’s meeting, all of the teachers in charge was expected to come. But because of the teachers’ circ.u.mstances, the starting time is set to be slightly off subtly. Although at the time the crime happened, almost all the meetings should have been started. But, there is only one meeting which starting time overlaps the estimated time of the crime」 (けれど、一つだけ犯行推定時刻と被る形で始まった委員會があるわ) 

「Right now, the beautification committee using the second conference room」

「The student council members partic.i.p.ating the beautification committee, certainly……the vice presidentーー」

Hearing that name, both me and Aizawa show our astonishment. s.h.i.+nonome looks at us, smiles gently and says.

「T, that’s right. Are there anything……?」

Leaving this room, turning right at the end point earlier is the second conference room. (he is talking about the split road) Furthermore, by going toward from there, one can reach the cafeteria where the vending machine is putーー

「And that time, she saw the key of the treasury left on the table, what if she felt that it’s unsafe and took it awayーー」

This room is a bit better because it has an electric fan, but because today’s temperature level can be said as “intense”, standing still is enough to sweat and naturally, everyone wants something to drink. Taking into account the possibility of being thirsty in case of a long meeting, it’s not mysterious if she thought of buying a drink at the vending machine nearby.

Aizawa nods many times as if she’s sorting the information inside her head,

s.h.i.+nonome’s reasoning was so unimpeachable that it was perfect.

「Awesome, Ibuki! You could find out something like this!」

Saying as if hiding her embarra.s.sment, she smiles gently without showing the haughtiness.

As expected, s.h.i.+nonome is awesome. Because there was barely any hint, and yet she solved it.

I feel like it’s extremely unlikely for me to win against her even though I want to do my best somehow.

「ano……The vice president is the culprit, I think perhaps that is true. But, sono, I,

As if imagining the scene of being scolded by the vice president, Senpai grasped her skirt tightly *gyuu* and slightly trembled. Completely looks like a frightened child, as one would expect, I end up feeling sorry.

「Un, that’s true. Besides, wanting to go to the rest room is something can’t be helped. If senpai is scolded because of that, I will say something to the vice president for you!」

However, s.h.i.+nonome sitting down on the chair raises her hand straight to hold her back.

I and Aizawa don’t understand, we have a face like having a question mark floating overhead.

Looking kindly at senpai whose cheeks become wet again, s.h.i.+nonome slowly shakes her head.

「No, senpai. Simply because she’s a strict person, it’s fineーー」

And, when we wait for a while, someone enters the student council room.

Is it this person? Certainly, she is a bit scary……

Tadokoro-senpai who saw that is convinced, she timidly takes a step forward and asks.

「…..If it’s about that, I already returned it」

「Ss, sorry. I, wanted to go to the toilet before returning it……that’s why, sono」

Vice president suddenly squints, she looks down at senpai as if overpowering her. Thanks to that, senpai lets out a small shriek and her eyes become teary, but


「a……h, hai!!」

「And, you guys」

Aizawa was in high spirits and said something a while ago, but now when facing the vice president, she immediately straighten her back, looking nervous. Maa, it’s understandable, because I’m scared, too……

「I’m sorry, vice president. We will leave immediately」

When I looked back just before leaving the room, Tadokoro-senpai lowered her head *pekopeko* many times over.


We came back to the literature club’s room and after about 30 minutes had pa.s.sed, s.h.i.+nonome who had finished the student council meeting returned.

「Then, s.h.i.+nonome, did you know why the vice president didn’t scold Tadokoro-senpai?」

I and Aizawa who were interested in the reason, talked about it all the time until s.h.i.+nonome came. But the answer couldn’t be found, so right now, both of us are bending toward s.h.i.+nonome lightly. s.h.i.+nonome who sits opposite to us uses the handkerchief to wipe the sweat of her forehead elegantly.

s.h.i.+nonome whose face is smiling (満面笑顔) softly pats the seat next to her, Aizawa looks puzzled.

「Because, didn’t Ikuno say he liked big-breasted girls? It’s dangerous to be near him too much」

Aizawa glances at me. She said nothing and slowly moved to the opposite.

Rather, I’m sure that s.h.i.+nonome couldn’t be able to stomach something like there were other girls next to me.

「It’s simple. Vice president is the person who is very strict toward another person, but she’s also strict toward herself too. Therefore, she wasn’t able to get angry at Tadokoro-senpai」

Looks like Aizawa didn’t understand, but I understood that somehow.

s.h.i.+nonome nods lightly.

She wouldn’t get angry ー that was my conclusion」

All the mysteries of the request this time are solved, Aizawa nods impressively.

「Other than that, what’s with these drinks? There are three of them」

After I and Aizawa left the student council room, we went to the cafeteria and bought the drinks from the vending machine.

「You two, because you saved the club from the danger of being abolished……besides, Clair’s case, this case too, you cooperated properly to find the solution. Therefore, this, I mean, as the minimal grat.i.tude as the club president……maa, because of that feeling, I will be happy if you receive it」

She says while making a joyful face.

「……but, didn’t you guys buy this because you were thirsty? Then why do you not drink it yet, I wonder?」

「Because with Ibuki, the three of us did our best and solved the case. It will be delicious if everyone drinks them together, right?」

「Fufu, it’s indeed an Aizawa-like opinion」

Though it was s.h.i.+nonome who solved the locked room case very easily, she didn’t seem to know that, huh? (“that” = the question above) 

When I call out, each of us picks up a can, opens the pull-tab and raises it lightly.

I make a light sound with the can and drink it dry (kanpaisuru – 乾杯する) 

Probably because I was able to appear like a club president, even just a little, Carbonic acid tasted extremely tasty.