Blue Moon Bride - 36 Call Me The Way You Usually Call Me

36 Call Me The Way You Usually Call Me

Right now, Zhuang Yue was already at the Lu Residence waiting for the twins downstairs. She was going to drop the twins at school for their first day of cla.s.s and then, later on, she would also pick them up because she promised the twins that she will do so.

Zhuang Yue was seated while waiting when Zhuang Yingyue saw her and quickly ran to her. "Mama!" Zhuang Yingyue called. Zhuang Yue turned and saw her running downstairs, she was worried that her daughter might slip off and hurt herself.

"Ying'er be careful!" Zhuang Yue instructed but Zhuang Yingyue ignored her and was still running until she reached her mother. Zhuang Yingyue immediately hugged her mother upon reaching her.

"Don't run when you're using the stairs, okay?" Zhuang Yue worriedly said and then she hugged her daughter back. Zhuang Yingyue just nodded at her.

Zhuang Yixing saw what his twin sister did but he didn't show what he was thinking on his face. He walked down the stairs calmly until he reached his mother. Zhuang Yue noticed him and motioned for him to come closer. Zhuang Yixing obeyed and came closer, Zhuang Yue also pulled him into a hug.

After hugging the twins, Zhuang Yue stood up and asked: "Are you both ready for your first day?"

Zhuang Yingyue excitedly replied "Yes!" while Zhuang Yixing just nodded and smiled at her. Zhuang Yue then hold both the twins hands, Yingyue's right hand and Yixing's left hand. And then they went to the car her brother prepared for them and boarded it.

Inside the car, the family of three was just enjoying being together, even the emotionless and expressionless Zhuang Yixing had an expression of a gentle and happy kid compared to his usually expressionless face.

"You two, listen to what your teacher's going to say to the both of you okay? When the teacher started teaching listen to her or him, okay? I know that I do not need to tell you both to behave because I know you two very well. You two do not need someone to tell you to behave because you two already know what to do."

"Okay, Mama. Yingyue understand. Brother and I will enjoy our first day!" Zhuang Yingyue answered excitedly.

"Don't worry, Mom. I will protect Ying'er." Zhuang Yixing said and then he showed a rea.s.suring smile to his Mother.

"That's good." Zhuang Yue said and then she smiled at them. The car pulled over and the driver told them that they were already at school. He got out of the car and opened the car door for Zhuang Yue and the twins.

Zhuang Yue and the twins got off the car and went inside the school. They were guided by a faculty staff to the twins' cla.s.sroom as instructed by the When they reached the room, the teacher stood at the side and waited for the twins to bid their goodbye to Zhuang Yue.

Zhuang Yue bent down and kissed the cheeks of the twins and said: "Remember what I've told you two, okay?"

Both Zhuang Yingyue and Zhuang Yixing nodded and smiled at her. Zhuang Yue smiled back and then when she was about to stand up, the twins suddenly pulled her and hugged her tight. At first, Zhuang Yue was surprised but she hugged back the twins at the end.

"Bye, Mama/Mom." The twins said and then they kissed Zhuang Yue's cheeks. Zhuang Yue just nodded and then she stood up and turned to the teacher.

"Please take care and watch after them, Miss. They are a kind and obedient children. Please teach them. Thank you." Zhuang Yue said to the teacher. The teacher smiled at her and said: "Rest a.s.sured, Miss Zhuang. I will take care of them."

"Thank you, Miss. I will take my leave then." Zhuang Yue said and then the teacher just nodded. Once again, Zhuang Yue bid goodbye to the twins and afterward, she left. While she was walking away, the twins just stood with a sad look that no one could recognize or see.

After Zhuang Yue left, the teacher turned to the twins and spoke to them lovingly and politely. "Ying'er, Xing'er, let's go inside the room. The cla.s.s will start soon. I will introduce you both to your cla.s.smates." The teacher said while smiling.

"Okay, teacher." Zhuang Yingyue returned her smile. While Zhuang Yixing just nodded and was his usual self again, the expressionless and cold Zhuang Yixing. The teacher was informed about the twins personality especially Zhuang Yixing so she didn't really mind but she was really surprised to meet a child like Zhuang Yixing. He was still a child but his aura was like of an adult. He was also completely in control of himself and his emotions.

When the teacher snapped back to reality, she guided the two inside the room. At first, all the children were mesmerized by the twins' appearance, one was like a lovely princess and the other one was like a cold king.

"Okay cla.s.s, I would like to introduce you all to your new cla.s.smates, Zhuang Yixing and Zhuang Yingyue. You all can be friends." The teacher, Mrs. Xu said. Most of the children were happy to meet the twins except for some who look like they were annoyed by the twins' presence.

After introducing themselves to the cla.s.s, Zhuang Yixing and Zhuang Yingyue bowed. Zhuang Yingyue was smiling while Zhuang Yixing's face was still the same as earlier. "The two vacant seats at the front will be your seats, Ying'er, and Xing'er." Mrs. Xu said. The twins just nodded and went to their seats. After the twins took their seats, Mrs. Xu started the cla.s.s.

Meanwhile, at ALF, Zhuang Yue just arrived at the company and was just about to enter her office when her office door suddenly opened from the inside. A man wearing a black suit welcomed her. "Good morning, Miss Zhuang." Feng Qiang greeted and then he stood to the side and made way for Zhuang Yue to come inside.

Of course, Zhuang Yue knew that when Feng Qiang's here, Xia Wei would also be here. Her deduction was proven in a flash. Right after she entered her office, she spotted Xia Wei sitting cross-legged on the couch in her office. When he saw her, he smiled at her. However, Zhuang Yue restrained from smiling back and just went straight to her chair and sat.

"What are you doing here again? You've been here every morning the whole week already." Zhuang Yue said.

"Don't you want to see me? I want to see you so I always come here in the morning. And aren't you already used to seeing me here every morning?" Xia Wei said using a teasing tone.

"Mr. Xia, if you-----" Before Zhuang Yue could finish what she was saying, Xia Wei interrupted her. "Call me the way you usually call me." Xia Wei said seriously. He meant that Zhuang Yue should call him by what she was calling him in the past, he wanted Zhuang Yue to call him by his second name. When Feng Qiang heard what Xia Wei said, his mouth twitched a little.

'Doesn't Boss hates it when someone calls him by his second name? Why is he asking Miss Zhuang to call him the way she used to call him?' Feng Qiang thought until he realized the fact that Zhuang Yue was the only one who was allowed to call his Boss by his second name.

"Alberghi." Zhuang Yue called and it made Xia Wei smiled from ear to ear but he didn't say anything instead he patted the seat next to him, inviting Zhuang Yue to sit there while talking to him. Feeling like she was defeated, Zhuang Yue just sighed, stood up and sat next to Xia Wei.

Xia Wei put his left hand behind Zhuang Yue as if declaring for anyone that will be seeing them that it was his territory. While his right hand took off Zhuang Yue's and pulled some pins off her hair, letting Zhuang Yue's hair down, ruining her disguise.

The Zhuang Yue right now looked like the Zhuang Yue back then when Luo Feng's interviewing her, the beauty, Zhuang Yue. When Zhuang Yue's hair was already down, Xia Wei used his fingers to comb Zhuang Yue's hair. When you look at them, they look like they were flirting with each other because Xia Wei was letting such a flirtatious aura around them.


Author's Note:

Hallo! Hope you guys liked this chapter.~ Thank you!

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