Blue Moon Bride - 15 The Mighty Xia Wei's World Was Turned Upside Down 2

15 The Mighty Xia Wei's World Was Turned Upside Down 2

Little did Feng Qiang know, Xia Wei, locked himself up alone and succ.u.mb to the painful feeling he is feeling right now. He opened the bottle of wine in his study room and started to drink it. He started drinking to forget the pain until tears started to form around his eyes that's when he smashed all the things on his table and in front of him. He also started to throw things. The maids outside his study room can hear the sound of things breaking, hearing it the maids panicked and one of them called Feng Qiang and said in a panicked tone: "a.s.sistant Feng! a.s.sistant Feng! The young master is..."

Feng Qiang stopped the car he's driving and then he spoke to the maid "What happened?" Feng Qiang asked worriedly. The maid still answered in a panicked tone "a.s.sistant Feng, the young master is currently breaking things inside his study room. He also locked himself up there. We're afraid that soon the house will cease to exist!"

"Okay. I will be there soon. Please watch after the Boss for a while." Feng Qiang said and then he started driving back to Xia Wei's house.

Feng Qiang quickly drove to Xia Wei's house after receiving the call. Upon arriving, he quickly parked the car and went inside the house. He went directly to the study room. But just before he could open the door of the study room a loud noise had been heard outside.


Hearing the loud "Bang!" Feng Qiang quickly went inside and looked around the place. He found the place so messy. He also noticed that Xia Wei's hands are bleeding.

"Quickly call Dr. Ye!" Feng Qiang instructed one of the maids. That maid quickly ran out of the study room and made a call to Dr. Ye.

Feng Qiang walked towards Xia Wei and helped him up. Xia Wei looked like a lifeless man right now. It was like he lost the will to live. His expression was now devoid of his usual cold expression. He is completely devastated. While Feng Qiang's helping him up, Xia Wei started saying things.

"Feng Qiang, am I really not allowed to be happy?" Xia Wei asked.

"Am I really too late? Was it too late for her and me?"

"I don't really know what happened. Why did she leave me at that time?"

"Why did she chose to leave? After that night we shared, I changed. I learn how to love someone genuinely. She was by my side for 5 years as my secretary." Xia Wei choked out because of his own words. And then the tears that were formed at the corner of his eyes earlier started to fall down. Tears began falling as he kept on saying things.

"She was by my side that long and I haven't recognized her presence that time. Instead, I frequently changed women that time just like as I was changing my clothes. I was a complete womanizer that time. Until that night when she and I went on a business trip." Xia Wei continued while tears are still falling down from his eyes.

"That night, we both don't know what happened but it seems like we're both attracted to each other that time. So in the end, we shared a night together. At first, I thought it was just a one night stand."

As Feng Qiang was listening to Xia Wei, he can't help himself from thinking if it is because his Boss was drunk that he started opening up or his boss just really had a breakdown but Feng Qiang didn't say anything to him. He just kept on listening.

"I really thought it was just a one night stand so I started treating her more coldly than the first time she worked for me. But as time goes by I don't know why I'm drawn to her. When I saw her with other men I get furious. I get jealous. I only realized that I was in love with her when Luo Feng told me that I looked like I'm in love with her. I even thought I was incapable of loving someone." This time Xia Wei let out a gentle laugh and tears stopped falling down from his eyes.

"When I discovered that I am in love with her. I started to act differently around her. I started to care for her. I started treating her with love and warmth. And then I told her I like her. At first, she can't believe it, but at the end of that day, she also told me that she liked me. Did you know that she liked me way before I like her?" Xia Wei said and once again he let out a gentle laugh.

"It was the happiest day of my life that time. We started dating. I don't even hide the fact the I'm dating her from the company. I wanted to show everyone that she is mine and that no one can hurt and touch her." Xia Wei said and his tears started falling again.

"I don't know what happened, everything just falls apart. We started arguing because of small things. I told her to trust me and she did. She said she trusted me, she said she loves me. But why? Why did she leave me alone?"

"Why? Don't I really deserve to be happy? Am I really that hard to love? I'm willing to do everything for her."

"If she asks me to step down from my position that time, I will step down. If she asks me to be with her and abandon everything, I will be with her and abandon everything. If she asks me to kill someone, I will kill someone. If she asks me to give my heart to her, I will dig out my heart and give it to her. If she asks me to give her my life, I will give it to her willingly."

"I'm willing to give her my everything. EVERYTHING." Xia Wei said while his tears are still falling down from his eyes.

After what Xia Wei said, it suddenly became quiet. That's when Feng Qiang noticed that Xia Wei suddenly fell asleep. He let out a sigh of relief from seeing the sleeping Xia Wei. He escorted Xia Wei to the master's room and put him on the bed. Throughout the entire time earlier, Feng Qiang just kept on being silent. He let Xia Wei say everything on his mind. Feng Qiang just lets himself be a listener.

Right after Feng Qiang put his boss on the bed, a maid accompanied by a middle-aged man went into the master's room.

"a.s.sitant Feng, Dr. Ye's already here." The maid said and then she bowed and left the room.

"Dr. Ye, please look after the Boss' wounds." Feng Qiang said and then Dr. Ye just nodded and went on treating Xia Wei's wounds. When Dr. Ye's treating his Boss' wounds Feng Qiang stood by the side. He was afraid that things will get more serious if he was delayed earlier. This is the second time he saw his boss like this aside from that time 7 years ago when Zhuang Yue left him.


Author's Note:

So here's my promise ma.s.s release for Blue Moon Bride! Yay! I did it! I'm so happy. So how was my update? Hahaha. Did you guys have fun reading the ma.s.s release chapters? Anyway, thank you for reading and supporting Blue Moon Bride! I am really thankful. :) More revelation soon!

Oh and by the way, I'm posting the other novel I've mentioned the other day today too! If you guys still have time and want to check it please feel free to visit my profile and check it there or just search the t.i.tle "Destiny's Game" Thank you!

PS: Please tell me if you notice some mistakes so that I can quickly correct it. Thanks!

PSS: Since I'm done with the scheduled chapters per week and I also made a ma.s.s release, I was supposed to do an update next week but since I still have time and I love my readers and the fact that school's not starting yet I will keep on updating BMB as long as I'm free. So I won't stick temporarily on my scheduled 3 chapters per week until the 6th of July even though school days starts on the 9th of July 'coz I have to prepare my things starting on the 7th of July. Stay tuned for more chapters coming until the end of my vacation. Hahaha.
