Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse - Chapter 1269 Final Stretch

Chapter 1269 Final Stretch

Chapter 1269 Final Stretch

Obion World.

After activating his Infinity Devouring Armor, Bai Zemin did not give his enemy time to think things over. As if he had gone completely berserk and bloodthirsty, he activated his various skills to boost his Agility and dashed forward with great impulse. This was the only way he could see a glimmer of hope.

It had been a long time since Bai Zemin had been forced to fight in such a "wild and rustic" manner. However, he understood perfectly well that to fight against enemies above his league, one needed to be willing to make great sacrifices for the sake of a tight victory.

Seeing the existence he had despised all this time charging towards him without fear at all after hurting him, Sonnata finally became completely enraged.

"You're just a little Lower Existence... How dare you resist the will of Heaven!!!" Sonnata charged forward and threw a new Light Spear, this time much more powerful than the first. "I refuse to believe that my attacks are useless against you!"

At a distance of not even 1000 meters and with the throwing power of a Fifth Order Higher Existence, it was absolutely impossible for Bai Zemin to dodge the Light Spear. Although in his heart he was insufferably nervous, his newly evolved skill helped him remain calm. He could not react in any way, and he could not afford to defend himself openly either. If Sonnata found out that his Light Spears could hurt him, his chances of victory would instantly plummet to extremely low rates.

Fortunately for him, it seemed that the beautiful G.o.ddess of luck was willing to flirt with him a bit more in this battle.

[The 'anti-magic' effect of your Anti-Magic Domain skill was successfully activated].

The Light Spear exploded into thousands of tiny fragments of white light when it seemed to be about to hit Bai Zemin, disintegrating completely a moment later.

Bai Zemin raised his spear and fiercely stabbed forward, once again activating Rending of the Night without any hesitation.

"[Bright Flame!]" An exquisite sword appeared in Sonnata's right hand, and soon the blade of the sword was devoured by a pure white flame that increased the physical attack power of the angel considerably.


When the tip of the spear and the blade of the sword met in the clouds, it resulted in a terrifying explosion that shook the sky and split the earth. More than half the sky lit up as white flames spread everywhere as if threatening to swallow the entire world.

Bai Zemin was again pushed backward, but this time it was only a little more than 250 meters; a stark contrast to the first 1000 meters and subsequent 500 meters. This was the result of negating practically 80% of the power behind his opponent's attacks thanks to the effect of the skill Ruler of all Matter plus the power of the Heavenly-Devouring Flame, whose defensive power was the highest among all divine flames!

As he steadied himself, Bai Zemin couldn't help but curse in his heart: 'As expected... The difference between the Second Order and the Fifth Order is too much, even for me.'

Although his attacks seemed casual, Bai Zemin was giving everything he had to attack Sonnata. He was even not forgetting to activate Air Manipulation to boost the thrust of his spear even more, as well as to shape wind chains in not-so-successful attempts to restrain his opponent for at least 0.01 seconds. However, he was still being pushed back.

Still, Bai Zemin did not panic.

As Bai Zemin flew backward, Sonnata's expression froze for a brief moment. Out of the corner of his eye and with a slight cracking sound, Sonnata saw his silver armor crack.


Like a completely crazed beast, Sonnata finally seemed to lose all patience as the enemy he always disdained once again hurt his "pious body".

This could be the first time in the history of creation that an angel was injured by humans!

This was a difference of over 300 levels and three Orders!




For the next 30 seconds, Bai Zemin and Sonnata clashed in the sky. The two exchanged tens of thousands of attacks in this short span of time, and the location of the battlefield changed repeatedly.

Bai Zemin was pressed by Sonnata so fiercely that he had already retreated more than 10.000 kilometers in total; always within the range of the array. His body was covered with wounds all over and his blood flowed freely; except for his face, there was practically no healthy part of him.

Any other human being would have already fainted from excessive blood loss, but Bai Zemin had Blood Manipulation to rely on. Had it not been for this skill, as well as his high regeneration rate, this battle would have already ended within the first 10 seconds not to mention half a minute.

The blood loss was the least important thing though.


After a last impact, Bai Zemin almost fell out of the sky as Sonnata sent him flying once more.

'Dammit... This d.a.m.ned light element is not only obstructing my regeneration, but it's also steadily attacking my internal organs.' Bai Zemin felt such an immense amount of pain that he felt like falling asleep and resting.

Sonnata's attacks not only broke Bai Zemin's bones into fragments but his lightlike skills were also attacking him mercilessly.

It was as if millions of diminutive ants were taking tiny bites out of his flesh and every major organ of his body, slowly eating him from the inside. Even for Bai Zemin this was a somewhat unbearable degree of pain despite all the things he had gone through to reach this point.

One could only try to imagine how terrifying and hopeless it was to feel being slowly eaten from the inside, regenerating, and being eaten again by tiny teeth.

Fortunately, he did not have to suffer for anything.

Sonnata's handsome face was practically deformed as he gazed down at his body.

"How can this be possible... A mere Lower Existence... An insignificant human... Wretched ignorant ant..."

All sorts of insults targeted at Bai Zemin poured out of the angel's mouth. However, these insults previously filled with disdain now carried pure hatred and disbelief.

His silver full body armor, a Rank 5 armor with over 25.000 points of physical defense, was no longer as nice and elegant to the eyes as it was less than a minute ago. Cracks of all sizes extended from the neck and shoulders to the leg area. There were areas, particularly on the chest and arms, that had already been destroyed to the point where one could see the hidden skin beneath.

Any blacksmith would probably discard this armor and throw it in the dumpster as there was no hope of restoring it.

However, the damage to the armor was what Sonnata cared least about. What really threw him for a loop was that the attacks of the one he always saw as a little ant that he could crush at will not only shattered his armor but also hurt his body!

Even though his wounds were medium level at worst after so much piling up, Sonnata had already become a blood person. His entire body except for his face was covered in small lines of white blood that slowly ran down and fell from the sky.

Bai Zemin looked down and could not help but feel a chill as he saw the ground being consumed with each drop of angelic blood falling from the sky. If not for his armor he probably would have died by now not from Sonnata's attacks but because of that blood!

Of course, his armor had already been completely destroyed, as well as all his equipment.

The only thing Bai Zemin had at the moment was the system equipment such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Besides his spear, the only piece of manmade equipment still surviving on his body was his boots, nothing else.

If not for the Infinity Devouring Armor, Bai Zemin would be fighting naked at this point.

"Ugh..." An involuntary wince made him frown. A tinge of anxiety began to spread through his heart as he thought, 'I have to end this now else I'll really die! It's not just my fleshly body, even my soul...'

In the past thirty seconds, Bai Zemin had activated Overlap Regeneration no less than 5000 times. Switching rapidly and continuously between Strength, Mana, Agility, Magic, and Stamina; the burden on his soul after the abrupt record changes caused small cracks to appear in his spirit just like a crystal gla.s.s on the verge of collapse.

Had it not been for the fact that Bai Zemin's soul was thousands of times stronger compared to the past he would already be dead not because of his enemy's attacks but because of his own skill.

However, thinking about how he used to get hurt after a dozen uses from the activation of Overlap Regeneration, Bai Zemin felt that all the suffering he experienced to get this far was worth the effort.

As Bai Zemin adjusted his condition to make the fatal blow, notification after notification shone in Sonnata's eyes constantly.

[Level 410...] [Level 409...] [Level 408...]

"Enough..." Sonnata muttered under his breath to no one in particular, or perhaps to himself.

Due to the array created by Kali that Bai Zemin had hidden in the area, Sonnata's records continued to fall 6 times faster than they normally should have.

In theory, Sonnata should have been able to hold on as a Higher Existence and alive for about 5-6 minutes even after being hit by the Soul Record's punishment. However, as things stood he probably couldn't hold out for 1 full minute.

d.a.m.n you, you filthy ant!!!

Sonnata's voice boomed like thunder in the sky.

His ever-warm eyes blazed with fury as he glared at Bai Zemin. He spread his arms wide and roared, "Go to h.e.l.l!!!"

Swoos.h.!.+ Swoos.h.!.+ Swoos.h.!.+ Swoos.h.!.+ Swoos.h.!.+...

Bai Zemin's pupils contracted fiercely as he surveyed the sky behind and around Sonnata. An intense feeling of crisis that he had never felt until now threatened to swallow him whole as he watched the thousands of Light Spears floating and pointing in his direction.

This kind of attack... Unless his Anti-Magic Domain was running at its highest level, Bai Zemin had zero chance of surviving.

"You still haven't learned your lesson? Magical attacks don't work against me, you dumba.s.s!" He sneered as he charged towards Sonnata urgently.

Not only did his wounds keep getting worse on a carnal and spiritual level, but now he was facing an attack that would 100% kill him if it hit him. He had to attack now or he would die a horrible death!

Indeed, Bai Zemin's words had some effect on Sonnata.

This proud and arrogant Fifth Order angel had lost his sanity for a moment, which led him to spend 90% of his Mana on these Light Spears after forgetting that the previous two did not even serve to shake his opponent's hair. However, it was too late for regrets.

Besides, he would soon die anyway so there was no point in saving Mana.

Die with me, BAI ZEMIN!!

As Sonnata waved his arms forward, the thousands of Light Lances flew towards Bai Zemin. In fact, Sonnata wanted to die together with him as soon the two of them were encased in what seemed to be a large sphere of light made up of thousands of spears.

[The 'anti-magic' effect of your Anti-Magic Domain skill was successfully activated].

[The 'anti-magic' effect of your Anti-Magic Domain skill was successfully activated].

Two Light Spears disappeared when they were about to hit him, but Bai Zemin had no luck with Light Spear number 3.


The Light Spear not only pierced his stomach but directly crushed the lower half of his body into a b.l.o.o.d.y mist.

Bai Zemin had to bite his tongue and tear off a piece to avoid fainting when he felt a huge amount of light energy attacking him from within. He couldn't hesitate even for an instant or he would really die here!

Sonnata's pupils trembled fiercely at the sight. Even an idiot would realize what was happening not to mention an angel such as himself.

It was now evident that his Light Spears could indeed hurt the other party!

For a moment forgetting that he was destined to die anyway, Sonnata subconsciously slowed down the advance of the Light Spears since otherwise he himself would be torn apart by his own attack. Unbeknownst to him, it was that hesitation and fear of death what saved Bai Zemin.

"[Immortal s.h.i.+eld!]" Bai Zemin roared in a hurry, directly using the second activation of Air Manipulation and deactivating the power of the Anti-Magic Domain without hesitation.

In less time than it takes a person to blink once, a barrier of radiant wind formed around Bai Zemin and the density of said element immediately increased so much that any Third Order soul evolver within 2000 meters would be torn apart by the pressure

BOOM!!!!! BOOM!!!!! BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!!

The barrier was bombarded by more than a dozen Light Spears and the sky within thousands of kilometers was immediately dyed bright white to the point where all races were forced to close their eyes.

The continuous overlapping explosions were so terrifying that everything within 500 kilometers was flattened to ground level and all life below the 200 level was extinguished without a trace.

Sonnata and Bai Zemin disappeared into the intense white light, so it was impossible to determine the condition of either of them.