Color darkened Lirith's cheeks, and she turned away. Sareth tried to catch her eyes, but she wouldn't look at him.
Ellis let his gaze flicker up and down the witch's slender figure. "I wonder that hiring her kind for such a public position is even legal."
"Maybe it is," Gentry said, taking a step forward, spurs jingling. "And then again, maybe it shouldn't be. Maybe the law in this town ain't doing what it should. But that's all right. Because there are men who'll do what the law won't." He fixed his cold blue gaze on Travis. "You're friends with that new deputy, aren't you? Mr. Dirk, I believe his name is?"
Travis swallowed but didn't say anything.
"I heard Dirk's a man-killer out of Abilene," Murray said, his voice high-pitched with emotion. "And I don't doubt it. Not from the look of him. That'd be just like Tanner, to go and deputize an outlaw."
"You're right, Mr. Murray." Gentry kept his focus on Travis. "And there's something shifty about this one, too. Though I can't quite put my finger on it. He doesn't wear a gun, but he's dangerous all the same. I'd keep my eyes on his hands, if I were you."
Outside, a rocket screamed like a mountain lion. Travis let go of the bar. The moist outlines of his splayed fingers lingered on the wood, then evaporated.
"What do you want with Sareth?" Travis said, although he knew the magic of the coin fragment made the name come out Samson .
Gentry took another step forward. "We have it on good account that your friend Mr. Samson robbed McKay's General Store earlier today."
Both Lirith and Travis shot astonished glances at Sareth. The Mournish man shook his head in confusion.
"It can't be," Lirith said.
"I talked to one of Mr. McKay's clerks myself," Ellis said, tossing his cigar butt on the floor. "Mr. Samson stole a box from the loading dock. The clerk said it contained a set of silverware intended for young Miss McKay's wedding gift, and that it was worth more than fifty dollars. I suppose this here thief has already melted it down and sold it."
"Is that so, Mr. Ellis?" said a deep, calm voice.
Travis looked up to see two figures standing in the doorway of the saloon. One was slight, with a sandy mustache, the other no taller, but broad and solid. Sheriff Tanner and Durge. Travis felt a surge of relief.
"Sheriff," Gentry said, spitting out the word like bad whiskey.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to get here," Tanner said. "I only just now heard about the robbery at McKay's. And if it hadn't been for one of Mortimer Hale's newsboys, selling the late edition of the Clarion fresh off the presses, I might not have heard about it at all. When I saw you all come in here, I thought I'd better stop by. You see, I still can't quite figure out why the folks at the paper heard about this, only I didn't."
"Maybe the clerk at McKay's didn't think you'd do anything about it, Sheriff," Gentry said with a sharp grin. "Maybe he came to people who he knew would help him."
Durge gave Gentry a piercing look. "It is more likely that this clerk you speak of had some compelling reason not to speak to Sheriff Tanner. Perhaps he stole this silver himself and wished to blame another for the deed."
Tanner nodded at the knight. "That's good thinking, Mr. Dirk. We'll be sure to have a talk with him. He might have something more to tell us."
At that, Murray cast a glance at Gentry, his eyes worried. Gentry glared at him.
Ellis's face grew more sallow yet with anger. "Are you calling us liars, Mr. Dirk?"
"Even good men can be made into fools, Eugene Ellis," Tanner said.
"Wait a minute," Travis said, shocked to realize it was he who had spoken. "It doesn't matter if the clerk was lying or not. Sareth couldn't have robbed anyone. He was at the Bluebell Boardinghouse all day. I'm sure Maudie Carlyle can vouch for that."
Tanner raised an eyebrow and glanced at Sareth. The Mournish man chewed his lip.
Travis felt panic rising in his chest. "You were at the Bluebell, weren't you, Sareth?"
The Mournish man gave him a sheepish look. "A man came to the boardinghouse while Lady Maudie was resting upstairs. The man said he had a delivery for Maudie, but his arm was in a sling, and he couldn't carry the box, so I said I would carry it for him. He took me to a shop-this McKay's-and pointed to a box on the loading dock. So I took it back to Maudie's."
Travis's right hand itched. It had all been a setup. On Eldh, the Mournish were known to be clever con men. Sareth should have been able to see through what was happening.
Only this isn't his world, Travis. Everything in this place is strange to him. There was no way he could tell that what was happening wasn't right.
The sound of fireworks was reaching a crescendo, mixed with the bright sound of bugles and the stomping of feet.
"Did you hear that, Sheriff?" Gentry said, taking a step toward Sareth. "This thief just confessed to his crime."
"That's not what I heard," Tanner said.
Ellis clenched his hands into fists. "What are you talking about, Tanner? Everyone in this saloon just heard him say he took the box from McKay's."
A few of the onlookers in the saloon nodded.
"That's right," Tanner said. "He took the box this other fellow told him to. And I'm wondering who this man is, the one with the bum arm. Can you describe him, Mr. Samson?"
Sareth opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Calvin Murray lunged forward and grabbed his shirt.
"You're a thief!" the young man shouted, his face as red as his hair. "And we ain't gonna let you get away with it!"
"Step away from him, Calvin Murray," Tanner said, his voice low with authority, his right hand by his hip.
"Or what, Sheriff?" Gentry said, his lips curving in a sharp smile. "Dropping your gun won't accomplish much."
Next to his hip, Tanner's hand shook violently, moving so quickly the fingers blurred. The sheriff turned away, clutching his right hand with the left, stilling the spasm.
"Let go of me," Sareth said. His eyes glinted with a dangerous light that made Travis think of his sister, Vani.
"You're gonna pay right now for what you done," Murray said through clenched teeth.
Countless flashes of light burned through the saloon's windows as a volley of rockets was launched outside, and in the strobe everything moved with queer, staccato slowness.
Calvin Murray reached into his suit coat and pulled out a silver revolver. The gun glinted in the white-hot light as he pressed it against Sareth's chest. Sareth grabbed for the young man's gun hand. As he did, Murray slugged Sareth across the jaw with his free hand. Then the two men stumbled away from the bar, spinning and grappling, their bodies so close together Travis couldn't see what was happening.
Lirith reached toward Sareth, her mouth open in a cry Travis couldn't hear above the noise of the fireworks. Both Tanner and Durge started forward, but Ellis stepped into their way. Only Gentry didn't move. Instead he watched, hands on hips, a smile on his face.
You've got to do something, Travis.
But what? The shotgun was in reach, but Sareth and Murray were spinning so fast there was no telling which he'd hit. And using a rune wouldn't be any better.
It didn't matter. He couldn't just stand and watch. Wasn't that what he had learned last Midwinter's Eve? Making the wrong choice was better than making no choice at all. Travis's right hand tingled as he reached out and started to speak a rune.
There was a searing flash of light, and with it came one final report, louder than all the others before it, shattering the air of the saloon, stunning those within. Then the light dimmed, and the noise rolled away like thunder. Outside, on Elk Street, the parade was over.
Travis lowered his hand as a coldness spilled through him. Sareth stood in the center of the saloon, a bruise already forming on his jaw, his expression one of puzzlement. In his hands was Murray's silver gun, and at his feet lay Calvin Murray. The young man stared upward with dull eyes, his cheeks no longer red, but white as ash. Already blood soaked into the sawdust around him, oozing from the hole in his chest.
The silence in the saloon was broken as words of shock and anger rose from the onlookers. It was Lirith who moved first. The witch knelt beside Murray, touched his brow, then looked up at Sareth.
"He's dead," she said, her eyes filled with anguish.
Sareth shook his head, staring at the gun. Travis couldn't quite hear the words he spoke. They might have been, This cannot be so.
"Get away from him, Jezebel!" Ellis shouted at Lirith, lifting his hand as if he might strike her. The witch rose and stumbled toward Travis and the bar.
"So the thief's become a murderer," Gentry said. "If he wasn't already." Of all the people in the bar, he was the only one who didn't seem shocked at what had happened. Instead, there was something satisfied about his expression. "What are you going to do, Sheriff? I say we carry out justice right here and now." He rested his hand on the grip of his holstered gun. Murmurs of assent ran around the saloon, along with a few muttered instances of man-killer and hang him high.
Now all eyes were on the sheriff. Tanner gazed at the dead man with what seemed a thoughtful expression. At last he nodded and looked up at Durge.
"Mr. Dirk," he said, his voice weary. "Arrest Mr. Samson. Take him to the jail. We'll lock him up to wait for trial."
"Lynch him now!" came a shout from the back of the saloon. More shouts echoed this sentiment, but Tanner silenced them all with a stern glare.
"I said take him to the jail, Mr. Dirk. The circuit court judge will be coming in a couple of weeks. Mr. Samson will get his trial then."
Durge let out a heavy sigh, then he stepped forward and took Sareth's arm. "I am sorry. It is my oath to obey Sir Tanner."
The Mournish man nodded. "I understand."
"No!" Lirith gasped. "You can't do this, Durge."
Tanner approached the bar, and he spoke in a quiet voice. "Let Mr. Dirk do his duty, Miss Lily. You'll see it's for the best.
We've got plenty of time to sort things out before the circuit court judge comes. And right now, the jail is the only place in town where Mr. Samson will be safe. If I don't put him behind bars, they'll hang him before the sun rises."
Travis knew Tanner was right. More men were coming into the saloon, listening to the words the others whispered, and turning their angry gazes on Sareth.
"I'll be fine, beshala," Sareth said, forcing a smile for her sake. "I'm sure Durge will take excellent care of me. Look how good he is with Maudie's cats."
The Embarran knight gave the witch a solemn nod. "You have my word he will not come to harm."
Lirith pressed her lips together but said nothing. Travis moved around the bar and took her trembling hand.
"Will you take Calvin Murray's body to Doc Svensson?" Tanner said to Gentry.
Gentry's blue eyes were as cold as ever. "Don't you worry about him, Sheriff. We'll take care of our boy."
His words sent a chill through Travis. Two men helped Gentry and Ellis pick up Calvin Murray's limp form, and they carried him out the door. Tanner and Durge followed, leading Sareth between them. Once they were gone, Lirith buried her head against Travis's chest, and he held her as tightly as he could as she wept.
A hundred icy hands pulled Grace down into dark, endless depths.
You're drowning, Grace, spoke the clinical doctor's voice in her mind. You've got to swim. Now.
It was so hard to move; the shock of the cold paralyzed her. But then, hypothermia could begin to set in almost immediately in water so frigid. The sea roiled around her, and a groaning noise vibrated through her body. The currents spun her around, so that she didn't know which way was up. Her lungs were already starting to burn.
Something warm clamped around her wrist. The brine stung her eyes, but she could just make out a figure silhouetted against wavering gray light. Beltan. The light had to be coming from the surface, and the knight's legs were kicking hard. He was trying to swim upward with her, even as the sinking ship dragged them both down.
Help him, Grace. If you don't help Beltan swim, the ship will take both of you with it.
Her flesh was like clay, but she forced her legs to move. Behind her (below her?) she sensed a hulking shadow. It was the Fate Runner. Had everyone gotten off the ship?
She reached out with the Touch, and the sea became a starry sky filled with flecks of light. Most of them were fish, but she saw several brighter sparks as well. Some flickered, descending with the dark bulk of the ship. But not all. She could feel others in the water not far away. To whom did the life sparks belong?
The pain in her lungs grew more urgent, breaking her connection with the Weirding. However, using the Touch had allowed some of the life force to flow into her, warming her, just as it had a year ago in the frozen garden in Castle Calavere, when Lady Kyrene first showed her what it meant to be a witch.
Through his grip on her wrist, Beltan must have gained some of the energy as well. Both of them kicked harder, and the light grew brighter above them. Needles stabbed at Grace's lungs. Instinct to draw a breath screamed at her like a furious child, but she fought it. They were almost there.
Focused as she was on the light, Grace saw it too late to react. A ragged chunk of wood as big as a car spun toward them, carried by a violent eddy. It was a fragment of the ship's hull. Beltan tried to twist away from it, but the water slowed his movements. She felt rather than heard a sick crunching sound as the piece of wreckage struck them both.
Grace gasped in pain, and her mouth flooded with water, choking her. Beltan's grip was jerked away from her wrist, and then she was spinning out of control. Light and dark flashed by in dizzying alternation. On one rotation, she thought she saw two murky shapes sinking away from her. One was large and jagged-the piece of the hull-and the other smaller, arms and legs trailing limply. Was that Beltan? Or someone else?
She was descending again, and this time she couldn't resist. Her limbs would no longer respond, and she could feel her consciousness shrinking inward like the aperture of a camera. One more moment, and it would fade to black.
The darkness vanished, replaced by a shimmering light. The light was different than the wavering gray daylight of before. It was brilliant, encapsulating her as if in a glowing sphere. It seemed she heard a faint, chiming music.
You're hallucinating, Doctor, that's all. It's the same thing patients in the Emergency Department see when their hearts stop, just before you jolt them back to life. But no one's here to work the defibrillator in your case.
The visions would only last a few seconds; they were simply part of the dying process. Except the light grew brighter, and it seemed there was a face inside it, gazing at her with large, tilted eyes.
Who are you? she wanted to say. Maybe, somehow, she did.
As if in answer, a profound warmth filled her, making her think of sunlight on ancient stones. The pain vanished from her lungs, and it felt as if she had become marvelously buoyant. She could sense the water rushing around her as the light bore her upward. She was going to make it....
No. I can't abandon them. Despite the warmth, panic filled her. I can't just leave the others down here.
The sense of motion slowed. The light hesitated.
Please. Grace felt her consciousness slipping away again. Each word was a terrible effort. Beltan. And Vani and Falken. They'll drown down here.
Her last vision was of the eyes in the light gazing at her, and in them was an expression that filled Grace with such wonder that surely she was hallucinating again.
It was a look of love.
Grace felt the water swirl past her once again, in a new direction now. Then darkness at last closed around her, and for a time both thought and light ceased.
Grace opened her eyes.
It was still light all around her. Only this light was the color of ashes, and all traces of the warmth she had felt before were gone. She couldn't see much of anything, and after a time she realized she was lying facedown on wet sand. Every few moments a frigid wave washed over her, chilling her further. Somehow she was alive, but if she didn't get up, if she didn't get moving, she wouldn't be for long.
Sitting up was a lengthy process. For a time she simply thought about moving, and even that was almost too exhausting to bear. When she finally did move, it was only to flop on the sand like a stranded fish. Eventually she made real progress and rose up onto her elbows, eliciting a fierce bout of retching. Spasms racked her body, and water gushed from her mouth.
After that, she felt better.
You've cleared the water from your lungs, Grace. You're getting more oxygen now. You're going to be fine as long as you don't get a secondary infection.
She dragged her body forward until she reached dry sand-it felt soft and amazingly warm, even though she knew it wasn't- then sat up and got her first good look around. She was on one end of a small horseshoe of sand that rimmed a narrow bay. The coast in either direction was made up of black rocks with cruel edges against which the sea broke and foamed. If the waves had washed her up only a hundred yards to her left, she would have been dashed to bits. Hitting this beach had been good luck.
Or had it? Grace remembered the silver light that had surrounded her after the ship went down. It had seemed like there were eyes in the light, and a face. Only that was impossible.