"Yes, I understand. That's unfortunate," Addison spoke into the phone. "She's here with me. A little the worse for wear, but basically sound." Skyler felt an irrational sense of pride at the a.s.sessment. The agent continued the conversation as Mr. MacSwain returned with a small tray bearing two steaming mugs of tea and a plate of chocolate covered tea biscuits. Skyler took a mug gratefully and wrapped both hands around it as she sipped and made small talk with the gentleman. She a.s.sumed Addison was relating the details of her rescue and their current situation as she overheard the phrases "Brodie", "Innisbeth" and "Isle of Skye".
Mr. MacSwain consulted his watch and said to Skyler, "If I don't leave now, they'll be lined up outside waiting for me to unlock the gate to the woollen mill. It's in the next town so I need to be going. I suppose I can rely on Miss Black to lock up, eh?" He chuckled and winked at the American as he moved toward the door.
"Thank you so much for your help, Mr. MacSwain," Skyler said to the departing man.
"No thanks is necessary, la.s.s. It's an honor to be of a.s.sistance." He came to attention, saluted Addison crisply and was out the door. The scholar returned her attention to the woman in black.
"No, I'll tell her. Yes, I'm sure. Goodbye, sir." Addison hung up the phone and turned to Skyler. "Ground transportation will be here in an hour. You'll be taken to the closest airport where you will be escorted back to London. Ah, tea. Just what I need and...Jaffa cakes!" Addison took up one of the spongy chocolate covered biscuits with the orange jelly filling and popped the whole thing into her mouth.
"If I did have a weakness, which I don't, Jaffa cakes might be it," the agent proclaimed. She picked up a second treat and it soon followed the first.
"I'm going to be taken to the nearest airport? You're not going?" Skyler asked.
Addison took a healthy swallow of her tea. "No, I have other business to attend to." By her tone of voice Skyler knew she was going after Brodie.
"Well, good luck in the hunt, Agent," Skyler said. "Um, Addison, what are you going to tell me? The conversation? You were going to tell me something. No wait; let me guess. You were going to tell me that there is a big warm room waiting for me at the Ritz in London. Or maybe you were going to tell me you've arranged an hour long soak in a Jacuzzi tub followed by a vigorous ma.s.sage by a hefty Swedish woman named Inga?"
Addison took another swallow of her tea as she studied Skyler in an appraising manner. "You don't seem to be the type to lose your composure so I'll give it to you straight. Your mother has gone missing. She's apparently been taken." The agent's breath stilled as she waited for a reaction.
The slow and calm manner in which Skyler set her mug back on the tray belied the surge of adrenalin now coursing through her veins in response to Addison's words. The scholar moved from the chair and walked directly up to the Brit, moving within inches of her face. It would have been her face if Addison hadn't been several inches taller than her.
"Missing and apparently taken? You said you talked to her. How could she have been taken? Weren't you people and your super secret organization watching her?" With each sentence Skyler's voice rose.
"You're telling me I endured a kidnapping, imprisonment and beating all for nothing! What the h.e.l.l is your problem? Is there only one fabulously skilled operative in your whole outfit? If that was the case then they should have left you with her and sent Average Joe Agent after me!" Skyler punctuated her statements by poking her index finger several times squarely onto Addison's breastbone.
The agent narrowed her eyes and her voice became deadly. "Don't poke me. I don't like it." Skyler realized she was jabbing a woman who only hours earlier had killed several people without batting an eye.
"Oh, um...sorry," she mumbled but was sidetracked only momentarily. "It doesn't change the fact that your people dropped the ball and let somebody..." She stopped there and began to think.
"Somebody, but not Brodie. It couldn't have been, she was busy trying to eliminate us. That guy you interrogated said something about 'foreign alliances' and a meeting on the Isle of Skye. That's it isn't it? There's a bigger plot going on here than just Agnes Brodie and her gang, isn't there?" Addison said nothing.
"That's where you're going on your 'business', isn't it? You're going to the Isle of Skye because you know that's where Brodie is going and where you think they've taken my mom!" Skyler took Addison's silence to mean she was right.
"That's good, Agent. You can just book two tickets to the Isle of Skye. I'm going with you."
Addison did react to that. "There's no way in h.e.l.l you're going with me so get that thought out of your head. You're going back to London as planned and that's final!"
"Think about it logically here, Addison," Skyler said. "The way I see it there are two options. One, I can go to London and start trumpeting the fact that there is a secret government organization that allowed a well known scientist involved with biological studies to be 'taken' right out from under their noses. Two, you can take me with you and a.s.sure yourself of my silence and safety because I'm not safe in London, am I, Agent Black?"
Addison's jaw tightened and she felt herself being backed into a corner. She knew the abduction of Marlene Tidwell had to be facilitated by someone on the inside and discovering who the traitor was would begin on the Isle of Skye. If Addison sent Skyler back to London she couldn't guarantee her safety or that she wouldn't be taken again to use as a bargaining chip to force Marlene's co-operation. Her whole mission had been to prevent such a thing from happening in the first place.
"Field decision, you go," Addison growled. "But only for the two reasons you mentioned. I want your safety and your silence."
Skyler was elated as she watched the agent move to the phone again. "I'll be silent as the grave, Agent Black," she said and could only hope her words wouldn't be prophetic."
Chapter 9.
Addison sat on an old leather couch, slouched down into the oversized piece of furniture. Her thighs were wide apart; one hand held a cup of strong, yet cool, tea that sat upon her stomach. The other hand rested beside her face, a single finger tapping her chin. Mr. MacSwain's house was silent apart from the echo of a ticking wall clock.
The two-story house was spa.r.s.ely decorated; obvious signs that Mr. MacSwain lived alone. Piles of newspapers, dating back more than ten years, sat stacked in the back room. An aging record player stood in the corner beside a large selection of long playing records. They were all highly maintained with careful, loving pride. There were no signs of a television so Addison presumed the player was Mr. MacSwain's only source of entertainment.
Casting her eyes around the room, Addison noted the lack of decoration on faded, floral papered walls. Mr. MacSwain lived a simple life. In a certain way the agent could see a similarity between him and herself. Though her life was anything but simple, she saw loneliness in the Scot's living that she shared.
Turning back to Skyler, Addison observed the blonde doctor. Skyler sat in the chair opposite her, eyes closed in a moment of much needed rest. At that moment she looked so peaceful, so innocent. It was a stark contrast to Addison herself, but deep down inside, something she had longed to be. Skyler was innocent, Addison reminded herself. She should never have been exposed to this kind of life and Addison doubted Skyler's decision and understanding of what it meant to go with her.
"That was black mail," she said offhandedly.
Green eyes blinked open. A second past before understanding dawned on Skyler. "Yeah, I suppose it was."
"Do you have any idea what could and has happened to people who have tried to black mail Her Majesty's Government?"
Skyler's self-confidence faltered. "Um... no, but if that's the case, why did you agree I could come along then?"
For a moment, Addison pondered that very fact herself. "Because, like I said, I do feel you'd be safer with me for the time being." The agent had thought long and hard in considering Marlene's abduction and Skyler's safety. She came to only one conclusion, but it was a possibility she wouldn't bring to light at that time. Tidwells', mother and daughter, lives depended on it. Placing down her tea, Addison leaned forward, her elbows resting upon her knees.
"Well?" pressed Skyler.
"I have my reasons." Addison really didn't want to vocalise her suspicions until she obtained a little more proof.
A spark of annoyance flashed through Skyler's eyes. "I don't know why I even bothered. Are you always so cloaked and caged?"
"Only when needs be."
"You see that response?" Skyler pointed out. "What does that mean?"
Addison felt an impish mood take her. "Why do you ask?" Skyler clenched her jaw. The soldier could see her hackles begin to rise.
"Do you even know how to answer a simple question?"
"As opposed to?"
"I bet it's one of your lessons isn't it?" Skyler stated. "In British spy school, or whatever the h.e.l.l you are. 'How to answer a question with a question'."
Addison nodded. "Yes, actually it is, right there before 'The art of yanking the proverbial chain' to your advantage."
"What?" Skyler's eyes drifted away from the soldier as her thoughts pondered over Addison's words. A flicker of understanding illuminated the doctor's features. "Okay, that's it. I've known you for less than twenty-four hours and you've proved to be one of the most..." she struggled to find the words of which she felt best described the agent. "Infuriating... people I have ever encountered!" She placed down her empty cup and regarded Addison seriously. "Unfortunately for you, this isn't going to change my mind. I'm still going with you to the Isle of Skye."
Okay, Addison thought, it's crunch time. Placing down her own cup, Addison took the last Jaffa Cake from its box. "Look, Skyler, I have to be honest with you. Compared to some of my other a.s.signments, what we just went through was a piece of p.i.s.s. Things can get nasty... very nasty. I am talking blood, pain, violence and death. My job is to deal with people who don't respond to politeness or diplomacy. If you don't put a terminal stop to them, they will keep coming and coming and coming... until one of you is dead. Brodie is a fine example of that." Addison stood slowly. "You're coming with me because I'm concerned for your safety. But you must understand where we are going might well be all I just described. I can protect you, never doubt that, but you must be sure you know what you are getting yourself into and at every moment, do exactly what I say." Finis.h.i.+ng her speech, Addison sat back down and bit into her treat. She waited for Skyler's response.
Rising from her own seat, Skyler looked towards the adjoining door. "Give me a minute to think, will you?" She wrung her hands together. "I'm just going to wash up a little."
"Okay, but don't take too long." Addison motioned towards the window. "Our transportation will be arriving pretty soon."
With a nod, Skyler left the room.
Tapping her foot upon beige carpeted floor, Addison turned her attention to the old record player. She got up out of the chair and walked over to the pile of records by its side. Tentatively, she lifted a small handful from the pile and flipped through the selection. Many t.i.tles were unknown to her but one particular sleeve caught her eye. It was a Cliff Richards alb.u.m. Addison recalled how her mother had loved him and his music. Whenever she was playing his songs or watching his films Addison wasn't allowed to speak or make a sound. She remembered once looking through the collection of songs and receiving a beating from her mother for "touching what didn't belong to her". For a brief second, that same fearful emotion pa.s.sed through her, but she brushed it aside. Addison slipped the pristine vinyl from its sleeve and placed it on the turntable. With an overpowering urge, she turned on the system and placed the needle on the record. Teak effect speakers crackled and hissed before a familiar song filtered into the room.
Addison crouched down, record sleeve in hand. The memorable melody of 'Summer Holiday' filled the room and Addison's reveries. She recalled her mother and the deadly look she would receive as she walked into the room. It was a clear warning that the wisest thing she could do was to keep quiet and leave. Addison always did, resenting her mother a little more every time. Needless to say, as she reached her early teens she spent as little time as possible with her parents.
Suddenly, and for the first time in many years, Addison wondered what became of her parents. Were they still alive? When she left for the Marines, much to the disgrace and shock of family and friends, she had bid a last farewell to her old life. None of them could believe or understand why she did it. She never told any of them what happened the night that changed her forever. How would they understand? The only thought that her mother and father seemed interested in was the fact they would have less money coming into the home. She wondered whether they missed her at all.
Hearing movement behind her, Addison turned to see Skyler step back into the room. She graced the agent with a questioning look.
Switching off the player, Addison returned the alb.u.m to its sleeve and placed it back upon the pile. She made sure it was in the exact position she had originally found it.
"I was just reminiscing," Addison offered. "You don't see many of these around anymore."
"No, you don't." Skyler looked out the window. She saw what appeared to be two cars pull up outside the small house. Momentarily ignoring them, she turned back to Addison, whom she could see was also aware of their presence. "I'm coming with you."
Addison pursed her lips. "Okay." She nodded swiftly. "Then I need to give you something... but lets wait until we're on our way." With those words Addison opened the front door. Standing on the other side, just about to knock, was Quinton Zimmerman. "You took your time," the agent said and stepped out into the street. Skyler followed her but remained by the doorway to Mr. MacSwain's dwelling.
"Well excuse me! I heard you already trashed one of our vehicles." Quinton leaned up against Addison's new 'set of wheels'. "So what do you think?"
The soldier nodded, she was impressed. "Nice."
"Nice?" Quinton gasped. "Addy, this is a Subaru Forester turbo. It has the engine of an Impreza, all wheel drive," He ran his hand over the navy blue paintwork. "The handling is great. I have one of these myself."
"Quinton, you're not trying to sell it to me, you know!"
Quinton carried on regardless. "Plus, a bonus is that it looks like your average Joe n.o.body's land cruiser. Perfect for you and this kind of job."
"I get the point." Addison peered through the window. "Looks good." She briefly registered the two uniformed soldiers who stood by a second, more traditional military vehicle. "There's been a change of plan."
Quinton turned from his appraisal of Skyler to Addison. "Change? What kind of change?" Suspicion was clear in his voice.
"Well," Addison paused; knowing Quinton would not like her intentions. "You will no longer be escorting this woman back to London."
Skyler frowned at the term, 'this woman'.
"What? What exactly do you mean, Addison?" Quinton's voice rose. "We are under direct orders to escort the female in your care back to Headquarters."
"I changed my mind."
"You can't do that. The General will blow one!" It was common knowledge that Mark Blithe could, at times, have a very short temper.
Addison merely shrugged. "He'll understand."
"Oh yeah... just like he did when you commandeered a certain yacht last year."
"I was in a rush."
"It was the Queen's."
"She wasn't on it."
"Lucky for you!" Quinton sighed. "Why?"
Rolling her eyes, Addison patted the taller man on his back. "Look, just tell Blithe I will explain it all when we next talk."
"I strongly advise against this." Quinton put his arm on Addison's shoulder and spoke quietly in her ear. "This could be very dangerous. Are you sure you know what you are doing?"
"Always, Quin." She took the Forester keys from his hand and turned to Skyler. "Are you ready?"
"Yes." Skyler walked up to the pa.s.senger door of the car.
"You have the envelope?" Addison questioned Quinton.
Quinton Zimmerman took the white envelope out of his inner pocket and handed it to Addison as she handed him Myers' weapon. She took the item back into Mr. MacSwain's house and placed it upon his coffee table. It was a 'special letter' occasionally given to civilians on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, thanking a member of the public for a.s.sisting her government's soldiers in a time of need. It was always highly appreciated and better received than reimburs.e.m.e.nt for expenses incurred.
Exiting the house, Addison closed the door behind her. Quinton had already climbed into the jeep behind them. He sat in the pa.s.senger seat beside a broad Marine Commando. Addison nodded in thanks. Her friend just shook his head.
"One last chance?" Addison offered Skyler.
For her answer, the blonde opened her door and got into the vehicle.
"I suppose that's a no." Walking around the Forester, Addison climbed into the driver's seat. She pushed the key into the ignition and started the engine. "No turning back now." Addison pulled out onto the village street and began their perilous journey.
By midday, Addison had escaped the rough dirt tracks that pa.s.sed as roads and found a semi-decent 'B' road. It was still one lane in each direction but at least the ground was level. That made for a smoother drive. For the most part, they were still surrounded by the Highlands. The great hills would recede the closer they drove towards the ocean.
Addison yawned. She looked to her side where Skyler slept beside her. The blonde's head rested upon the window. Addison was thankful, once again, that the rocky terrain had eased, making sleep for Skyler possible. The young doctor looked exhausted. Rest, however much it was, would do her a world of good.
Up ahead, Addison spotted a welcoming sight. It was a mileage sign and logo for the next service station. She would soon require fuel and was sure Skyler was as hungry as was she. Apart from that, her bladder had been screaming for relief for the past half an hour. With added enthusiasm, Addison increased her speed, soon saw the sign for a small roadside cafe and petrol station. She pulled into the car park.
Needing to wake Skyler, Addison turned to the dozing blonde. Reaching over she tickled Skyler's nose. There was no response. She tried again, only to have her hand brushed away. Smiling, Addison leaned further over to Skyler.
"Hey," she whispered.
Skyler hummed, turning towards Addison's voice.
"Wake up!"
There was no response.
"Skyler?" Addison leaned back slightly. "Skyler wake up. Break time."
The blonde slept on.
"Don't make me do this the hard way."
Nothing Addison shrugged. "Fine." Clasping her hands around Skyler's shoulders, the soldier shook her while calling, "Skyler Tidwell, wake the h.e.l.l up!"
Shocked green eyes flew open. "What are you doing?"