Addison flexed her fingers as she stared at the white door. Its bra.s.s number seven shone with obvious tender upkeep. Placing a hand upon the door Addison listened to the soft music coming from inside the flat. Another two days had pa.s.sed since the meeting Addison had in Mark Blithe's office. She had delayed her visit with Skyler after hearing the young doctor was to move into a temporary residence of her own and Addison decided to give her some time to settle into the flat.
The music coming from Skyler's flat was unrecognisable, at least to Addison. Although she had a varied taste in tunes and styles, this was something she was unfamiliar with. Feeling a scuffling around her ankles, Addison looked down to find Spike standing between her feet, waiting patiently.
"I suppose I should knock, huh girl?" Spike walked around her left foot and stood in between her legs again. "Impatient? Okay." Addison knocked on the door with a rhythmic tap.
From the opposite side of the door Addison heard, "Hold on... I'm coming, let me just..." The door swung open and Skyler Tidwell stood before the agent.
"Addison!" The surprise was clear in Skyler's voice.
"Hi." Addison smiled. "Not expecting me, huh?"
Skyler flushed. "Well, no. I wondered what happened to you. How are you?" She looked down at Addison's side.
"Oh, you know, healing. A few black and blue marks... a few st.i.tches... they are annoying more than anything." Addison paused. "How are you?" She had been concerned about how the events in Scotland and Israel had affected Skyler. This was a world the doctor was unused to. A world built around secrecy and great danger. For Addison, she had lived many years with the acts that eventuated through her job. Skyler, although she had travelled, never had to deal with the violent underbelly that existed within the shadows of everyday life.
The doctor shrugged. "I seem to be dealing with things in my dreams. I can't really remember them too well so I guess that's good."
Addison nodded and bit her bottom lip. She rolled up onto her toes and back again, trying to think of something to say. She wasn't prepared to leave so soon. The agent felt there was a certain amount of unfinished business they needed to address. The incessant movement of a stunted tail wagging relentlessly against her ankles diverted her thoughts.
"I'd like to introduce you to a friend."
"Oh?" Skyler looked out past Addison to the hallway.
Addison smiled and pointed to her feet. Looking down, Skyler was instantly taken by the tiny black dog looking up at her earnestly. "Go on then, Spike".
"Oh my goodness," Skyler crouched and exclaimed as the little bundle of fur charged her and dove into her arms. "Aren't you just the cutest little thing I've ever seen?" The doctor scooped Spike up and ruffled her head as she attempted to lap at any available portion of Skyler's flesh. "This is your dog?"
Looking on bemused, Addison could only laugh. "Yes she is... and I have to say, I think she likes you!" The agent smirked. "A little too much by her behaviour. Spiky, stop it," Addison ordered as Spike tried to latch her paws around Skyler's neck. The blonde continued to fuss with the excitable mongrel in her arms. Addison could only look on in amus.e.m.e.nt. She began to wonder whether Spike actually saw her as a 'chick magnet'; she certainly seemed to be enjoying Skyler's attention.
Eventually, Skyler looked back at Addison. She blushed once again. "Will you come in?"
"Sure," Addison replied a little too eagerly.
Skyler stepped to the side, Spike still in her arms, and Addison walked into the flat. The dwelling, to Addison's surprise, was actually smaller than she antic.i.p.ated. She stepped straight into what was obviously a tastefully decorated living room. The colour schemes were cream and beige and black-framed landscapes adorned the walls. Addison noticed, as she ventured further into the room, that it was actually split in half. To her left was the living room and right, was a kitchenette. A door to the far right led into a blue and white bathroom. Addison a.s.sumed the door to the left must have been the bedroom. Small, she thought, but efficient.
Looking back at Skyler, Addison rolled her eyes. "Alright, Spiky, that's enough. Leave the poor woman alone for crying out loud."
Skyler chuckled and placed Spike back down upon the floor. "I think I would have expected you to have a Rotweiller or some other mean looking dog like that."
"I'm not sure whether that was an insult."
"Well they do say a dog kind of represents his owner. Are you saying I am more of an ugly mean Rotweiller than a cute little flea bitten mongrel?" Addison was quick to add, "I am kidding about the fleas by the way."
Skyler smiled. She looked around her small flat as a moment of awkwardness settled between them. Even Spike seemed to feel the tension as she sat between the two women; ears swept back as she looked between Addison and Skyler. The doctor was the first to speak.
"So... can I get you a drink?"
"Orange juice?" asked Addison.
Skyler nodded and headed towards the open plan kitchen. "I can do that." She opened a small chest high fridge-freezer. Want anything in the juice? Vodka?"
Addison was ready to decline but changed her mind. The way she was feeling, something strong might be a good idea. "Go on then."
As Skyler began preparing the drinks, Addison looked around for Spike. The tiny canine was suspiciously absent from the spot she had previously been sitting. Narrowing her eyes, Addison looked around. Her search didn't take her too far. Spike sat in the kitchen by Skyler's feet, watching her pour two of juice. The agent gave her dog a reprimanding look and pointed to the floor beside her. Spike delayed her obedience by walking between Skyler's feet and wagging her tail. She looked beseechingly at Addison to Skyler and back to Addison.
Oh it's like that, the agent thought with amus.e.m.e.nt. Shaking her head Addison shoved her hands into her pockets. Her eyes travelled up Skyler's body. Bare feet led to three quarter length black trousers and a simple white t-s.h.i.+rt. Addison couldn't help but notice there was no bra under the white top. She closed her eyes and swallowed. Warmth spread through her veins and coloured her cheeks.
"Are you okay?"
Addison opened her eyes. "Yeah, just a little warm."
"I know!" Skyler motioned to her bare minimum of clothing. "In the US we have air conditioning. Here in England you have radiators. It's almost zero degrees outside yet in here it's practically tropical." Skyler handed Addison her gla.s.s and the agent accepted it with a smile. She placed it upon a kitchen work surface and pulled off her jacket. Placing it on the back of the nearest couch, Addison reclaimed her drink. Again, that awkwardness of silence pa.s.sed between then. Both women gazed at each other, beginning to feel more than they were able to say.
Addison studied Skyler. She gazed upon subtle differences, which was the young doctor at ease. No longer feeling the stress of their last week, the tension had slipped from her features. There was little doubt to the agent that she found Skyler attractive but suddenly the phrase 'beautiful' came to mind. Her heart increased its beat.
Finding herself under the obvious scrutiny of Addison's gaze, Skyler blushed. Embarra.s.sed by the warm glow upon her cheeks, she lowered her head and stepped past Addison. "Want to sit?"
"Sure." Addison and Spike followed Skyler to two beige couches. The comfortable two-piece suite stood opposite each other with an oak wood coffee table between them. Addison sat down, facing Skyler. Spike settled by the doctor's feet.
"I was surprised to see you," Skyler commented. "I'm glad you're okay."
Addison brushed off her remark. "Nah... it takes more than a crazy Irishwoman to keep me down. I'm fine."
Skyler smiled. "I see you have a new contact in," she said, referring to Addison's brown eyes.
"I keep plenty of stock at home." The agent smiled. Taking a drink she happily swallowed down the strong taste of vodka tainted orange juice and placed her gla.s.s upon the table. Still feeling strangely anxious, words eluded Addison. Searching her mind, she recalled her conversation with General Blithe.
"I um... I heard your mum was accompanying Mark Blithe to the Gala this weekend."
"Oh yes, she is." Skyler chuckled. "I think mom is looking forward to it. She called me this morning to ask whether I would help her shop for a new dress."
Nodding silently, Addison appeared thoughtful. "I was wondering... You see... I have to attend this Gala myself and thought maybe you'd consider going with me?" The initial surprise upon Skyler's face forced Addison to think she may have read their situation wrong. Her expression, however, changed. The agent wasn't sure whether she was seeing confusion or intrigue.
"Are you asking me because my mom's going?"
With a frown, Addison shook her head. "No... it's more like..."
"A date?" The corner of Skyler's lips quirked in a small grin.
Addison pursed her lips to refrain from smiling herself. "Do you want it to be a date?"
"Is that what you're asking?"
A smiled graced the agent's feature. "It is, yes. If you are willing I would like you to accompany me."
"Why?" asked Skyler "Why?"
"Addison?" Skyler placed down her own drink and sat back into the couch. She struggled to find the words she wanted to say for several moments. "What happened between us in Israel, Addison?"
What happened in Israel? That was a question Addison had asked herself many times since. There was no doubt both Skyler and her mission started off as just that... a mission. What changed was something Addison hadn't expected. Yes, Addison would be the first to admit Skyler wasn't the first person she had been attracted to while on a.s.signment. The difference with Skyler was the simple fact that Addison felt a never before experienced bond with the doctor. When thinking of Skyler, every fibre of Addison felt drawn to her. It was a powerful need to hold her happiness in the highest priority. Seeing Skyler smile was like seeing the sun rise on the darkest of days and wondering what it was that made her wax lyrical in such ways perplexed her greatly. Holding Skyler had felt good. It was a feeling that went way beyond physical desire and it was this that caused Addison such consternation. Was this really what she thought it to be?
Sucking her front teeth, Addison rose and walked around the coffee table. Pus.h.i.+ng Skyler's gla.s.s out of the way she sat down in front of the blonde. The table's solid frame supported Addison's muscular physique easily.
"What happened between us in Israel was..." Addison took Skyler's hands within her own. "It was something I want to explore. I know you feel it too." Taking a chance, Addison released Skyler's left hand and placed her own under Skyler's breast, feeling the rapid beat of the blonde's heart. Skyler's breathing increased and she closed her eyes.
The agent gazed at Skyler. Although her lids were lowered, her flushed skin and the way she bit her lower lip told Addison that Skyler did indeed feel what she was feeling. "Yes?" Addison slid off the table and knelt in front of Skyler.
The blonde opened her eyes when she felt Addison move closer. She instinctively opened her legs wider to allow Addison further room. "What are we doing, Addison?"
Addison repeated Skyler's question under her breath. Making an internal decision, Addison rose to her feet and pulled Skyler up in front of her. "I'm not going to deny there's something between us, Sky. Can you?"
Skyler placed her hands upon Addison's hips. "Not anymore."
"Good because..." Addison moved closer. "I want to..." she cupped Skyler's chin. "I need to try something." Slipping her fingers through silken blonde hair, Addison pulled Skyler willingly towards her. Their lips connected softly. Addison closed her eyes. The feeling of guarded tension, which had accompanied their last kiss, was no longer present. As such, Addison let go of the tight rein she kept on her control and allowed herself to sink into Skyler. The softness of her lips was delightful; the velvety caress of Skyler's tongue wrapped sensually around her own. Addison felt her knees weaken and her heart explode within her chest. Slowly, she pulled away.
Opening her eyes Skyler licked her lips. She had to clear her throat before asking, "Did it work?"
"Did what work?" Addison took a breath to calm her fevered pulse.
"You said you wanted to try something." Skyler moved her hands across Addison's back. She felt taught muscles tremble under her touch.
"Well..." There was little doubt in Addison's mind of what she was feeling or what she wanted. "That depends on one thing."
"Which is?"
"Whether you mirror the need I feel to make love with you right now."
Skyler's mouth fell open as her cheeks flushed. She seemed to momentarily search her mind for something to say. Addison waited for her response but was pleasantly shocked as Skyler wrapped both hands around her head and pulled her into a devastatingly intense kiss. The agent felt herself being pushed backwards until her back was against the wall. The Berettas Addison kept strapped to her belt, dug into her back but she paid them little heed. Instead she pulled Skyler closer, cupping her behind and holding her body firmly. Their tongues wrapped around each other frantically, almost desperate to taste and feel as much of the other as possible. Addison's eyes closed, her other senses taking over her need for Skyler. The soft sweet scent of her, lavender and musk; her delicate encouraging sounds aroused Addison further.
Taking Addison's hands, Skyler held them above the agent's head. Leaving her lips she peppered wanton kisses down her throat. Moaning, Addison said, "I take it this is a yes?"
In response Skyler took both of Addison's hands with one of her own and began ma.s.saging Addison's breast through her forest green b.u.t.ton down s.h.i.+rt. The manipulations sent bolts of desire down the agent's body. Addison revelled in the sensations, thrilled by Skyler's bold actions. The events, she knew, affected Skyler as much as herself by the way the blonde ground against her thigh.
Panting heavily, Addison pulled her hands away from Skyler's light grip and took her again in a deep, hot kiss. She started backing her up and in the direction of what she presumed was the bedroom.
"Addison," Skyler whispered between kisses. "It's a real mess in there."
Addison pushed the door open, focussed only upon Skyler. "Like I have eyes for anything but you," she said as they pa.s.sed through the doorway. Addison kicked it shut with the back of her foot. She spun Skyler around and pinned her against the door. From the opposite side they heard Spike whimper for entrance.
"Should we let her in?" Skyler asked as Addison latched onto her neck and pushed both hands up her t-s.h.i.+rt.
"Are you kidding?" Addison chuckled. She caressed Skyler's back feeling muscles quiver under her touch. "Spiky is a joiner and there are some things I refuse to let her be a part of."
"Good idea." Skyler hissed as Addison's hands swept around to the front of her torso and cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "G.o.d...Addison." The agent pulled Skyler's white t-s.h.i.+rt over her head revealing an ample chest. Their lips came together again in a kiss hungry and wanting. Groans of escalating pa.s.sion filled the air.
Addison looked around long enough to locate Skyler's bed and began moving backwards in its direction. She never released Skyler from the kiss that rose in heat and intensity. Stepping over discarded clothing that lay strewn upon the floor, Addison felt the back of her legs. .h.i.t the unmade bed. She stopped and spun Skyler around.
"G.o.d I want you." Soft lips attached to Skyler's neck. Addison sucked gently.
Panting, Skyler held Addison close. "I'm yours." With a groan she pulled Addison's lips back to her own and turned, pus.h.i.+ng her onto the bed. Lips attached and tongues entwined. They crawled up the bed to jumbled pillows. Pa.s.sion firing her veins, Skyler lowered her hands to Addison's s.h.i.+rt. With a strong tug she pulled the b.u.t.tons apart, ripping the forest green garment open. Addison gasped as her black satin bra was pushed up and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were encased in searching hands and devouring lips. The soldier writhed helplessly, Skyler's attention sending a pulsing pressure to her centre.
"Skyler," she gasped.
The blonde doctor looked up, breathing heavily. Addison cupped her cheeks, pulling her down for a deep kiss. When their lips connected Addison bucked, flipping Skyler over, fighting once again for the control they had been battling for from the moment they connected. Without breaking the kiss, Addison raised enough to reach her belt and unhooked its buckle. She released the pistols from her rear and dropped them carefully onto the floor. Rising to a sitting position she pulled the belt from her jeans and let the ripped s.h.i.+rt and bra fall from her shoulders. As Skyler's eyes connected with Addison's both women froze.
Addison's fevered breathing calmed slowly. She sat straight and pulled Skyler up in front of her. A moment of tranquillity and acknowledgement formed around both women. The air crackled between them as two hearts formed an invisible bond. Skyler reached out and softly caressed the soldier's cheek. Addison trailed the tips of her fingers over Skyler's lips. The almost urgent need that had engulfed them upon their initial kiss suddenly melted away and a deeper connection started to blossom.
Slowly and with sweet antic.i.p.ation, Addison kissed Skyler. Their lips fluttered delicately over each other before opening to enhance the connection. Softly, Addison lowered Skyler back onto her bed. She allowed half her weight to rest upon the doctor and moaned as warm flesh and aroused b.r.e.a.s.t.s made contact. Skyler grazed blunt nails over her back and pleasant quivers a.s.saulted her body.
"Addison," Skyler whispered.
The soldier's tongue licked a languid trail down Skyler's neck. "Hmm?"
Skyler writhed and groaned as Addison's mouth captured her nipple. The sensations caused her centre to pulse and desire to seep from her core. She couldn't speak until Addison refocused her attentions to the valley of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "Please tell me this isn't just about s.e.x."
Shaking her head, Addison rose back up to face Skyler. "No... this is more... much more than even I have ever..." Without finis.h.i.+ng her words, Addison kissed Skyler again. She felt the blonde's hands unb.u.t.ton her jeans and slip down her waist. Addison moved down Skyler's torso once again, past her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and on to the waist Skyler nodded. "Please... don't stop now."
With a light nod of her head, Addison unsnapped the b.u.t.ton and lowered Skyler's zipper. She slipped her fingers into the waistband and began pulling Skyler's trousers down her of her trousers. "Are you okay?" she asked looking up at her soon to be lover's thighs, noticing she had been wearing no underwear at all. The knowledge caused a smile to quirk her lips and liquid antic.i.p.ation to seep in a southerly direction. As the trousers slipped from her feet, Addison rose, standing beside the bed. Keeping her eyes linked with Skyler she lowered her jeans and thong underwear. Once both were fully naked, Addison descended upon Skyler.
They kissed again, unable to get enough of the sensual softness their explorations produced. Addison pushed her tongue further into Skyler's mouth, entwining with the blonde's in a silent quest for more. Hands moved effortlessly over bared flesh, searing paths of mounting desire. The temperature inside the room rose. The air was heavy with the scent of arousal and groans of desire. Addison moved her hips in a rhythm Skyler matched in pace and intensity. Thighs slipped between each other, the evidence of their pa.s.sion appeared slick against hot flesh.
Addison broke the kiss. "G.o.d you feel so good," she moaned.
Skyler moaned as her hands encased Addison's b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "I can't get enough of you." Lifting her head she sucked one of Addison's nipples into her mouth. Addison cried out. Her c.l.i.toris was bombarded with stimuli and she ground harder against Skyler's thigh.
"G.o.d, Sky." Addison panted uncontrollably. "Don't stop... f.u.c.k don't stop." Her body trembled as the sensations rose within her. Addison's moans grew louder. She wasn't expecting such a quick release but there was nothing stopping the inevitable.
"Skyler..." Addison's movements grew more intense. "I'm gonna come."
"Ugh!" Skyler sucked harder. "Yes," she mumbled around Addison's breast. The blonde pressed harder into Addison.
Addison writhed as her body reached its peak. "Ugh... Skyler... Yes." Her eyes squeezed shut tight as crests of explosive pleasure soared through her body. Addison shook, her back arched and her centre throbbed as she milked her released with a powerful need. Sweat beaded over her forehead and slipped down her brow. Skyler's name fell from her lips again and again.
Slowly the spasms calmed and so did Addison. Still holding herself upon her arms, she opened her eyes. Addison looked down at Skyler. Unexpectedly an errant tear fell from each eye.
"Hey..." Skyler whispered, wiping a finger under Addison's eyes. "What is it?"
Addison shook her head.
"No... come on."
Without answering, Addison lowered herself back down on top of Skyler and initiated a deep kiss. Skyler responded helplessly. She held onto Addison as the agent rolled over until Skyler was above her. Addison smoothed her hands down Skyler's back and cupped her behind. Releasing Skyler's lips she started to push the blonde up her body. Sky complied willingly until she realised what Addison intended.
"Addison, wait."