Black Iron Magician - Chapter 307: The Stacking Blow

Chapter 307: The Stacking Blow

Chapter 307 The Stacking Blow

The accumulated ki of Touko condensed at once, and the air around it began to squeak. Touko intends to put all her power and all grudge on her next attack, assuming that she has only one chance to attack Alezel.


It was a tremendous blow that pushed up from the bottom to the top. Perhaps the impact was pushed upward by involving the surrounding air, the fist of Touko turned into a wide-range attack that blocked the entire passage and it attacked the rushing Alezel. Not only the power, but the speed is also amazing.

As if Im gonna die so easily!

Alezel jumped forward and rushed in front of Touko even before Touko finished pushing up. It would have been difficult even for Alezel to move faster than Toukos full power blow in this supergravity. Her forehead is covered with sweat, and her merchants smile has turned into a bitter smile. However, it didnt change the fact that she had avoided the attack. Just before Touko completely pushed up her fist, Alezel passed by Touko.

(Youre amazing, Touko-chan~. Making me take it seriously is a great achievement, yknow?)

(Damn it!)

I felt like they were saying something like that to each other in their minds. The gazes of the two clashed fiercely when they passed each other. Especially, Toukos gaze was so intense that it seemed to be able to kill a small animal with the gaze alone.



Toukos fist couldnt hit Alezel, and her strong gaze wasnt even a threat. So, she probably thought that she should at least put a burden on Alezel with her voice. Touko squeezed her power and demonstrated the lung capacity that she had cultivated in her martial arts. She shouted as hard as he could into Alezels ear right next to her. Alezel blocked her ears, but it wasnt perfect and her body stiffened.


Theres no way Haru would miss this chance. She had already thrown two iron balls that she took out from her pouch. The first is a fastball thats heading straight for Alezel, and the second is a curveball thats approaching from Alezels blind spot. They were launched at perfect timing as if she had anticipated Toukos shout. Alezel cant avoid them with simple speed. Besides, she can only move one arm right now. If it was Nell, she would have tried to catch it with her bare hand, but with Alezels endurance, thats impossible. Its a desperate situation for her.

Got you!

Not yet!

Alezel moved her arm at a high speed that cant be seen with eyes. For a moment, I thought that she was going to reach out to the iron ball, but I was wrong. The destination of her hand was Touko, whos next to her.

Then, there was a sound of something snapping. I intuitively understood that Alezel had stolen something. However, Touko was already almost naked, so there was not much that can be stolen. Or rather, she was already only wearing her underwear.


I wonder how many times Ive heard Toukos soundless scream today. I felt that the two plump fruits were exposed, but I didnt see anything. I didnt see them, okay? Well, you see, it was Toukos bra that Alezel had stolen.

Touko-chans are big, huh! The size is just right!

Alezel swung the stolen bra and hit the iron ball, and she did the same to the iron ball that was approaching from her blind spot. The cup parts of the bra burst open when touched the iron balls, but it seems that she managed to shift the trajectory of the balls by a slim margin. With Toukos bra as a sacrifice, Alezel had survived the crisis.

Thats the worst. There was no other way, but thats the worst.

Thats all I can say.

You missed your last chance, huh, Haru-chan!

Alezel, who has completely broken free of her stiffened state, passed through Touko, whos tormented by the sense of shame, and she heads for Harus final defense. That said, Haru is not that far from Touko, so their distance is already very close. The game probably will be decided in the next moment.



Haru launched a very simple left jab at the center Alezels face when she entered Harus attack range. There was no preparatory movement that Alezel couldnt predict it, giving her no time to think about avoiding it.

In addition, Haru had set up a trap for Alezel. Alezel was coming through the supergravity net, but she didnt notice that the area between Haru and Touko had a different type of net. It was not a wide-range Gravitas, but a one-point concentrated Graviton. So, Alezel lost her composure because she was suddenly attacked by a great burden. This was also a fine play of Touko who succeeded in distracting Alezels consciousness with her loud voice.

Alezel stopped after she passed by Haru. The two of them arent moving. Hmm, its hard to see from here. What the hell is going on!?

Not bad, Haru-chan. No, it was everyone who created this situation, huh. It was fierce~

Alezel shakes his head several times and turns towards Haru. And on her cheek, theres a line of scratch.

With this, Alezel-chan training is over! Good work!

Ossu! Thank you for your hard work!

The two of them greeted each other with great enthusiasm, and the game of tag, which was harsh in various ways, came to an end.


Hnnn. Hm? Ara? Since when did I sleep?

When I returned below after Chinatsu, Touko, and Zeta had changed their clothes, Nell, who was carried by me, woke up. Good evening, what a good timing.

Morning, Nell. So, Deris, you escaped death, huh?

What are you talking about?

We are talking about Haru and the others who have successfully cleared Alezels training! There is no other meaning!

? Hmm, thats great. Chinatsu, you did well.

Yeah, you did well to make it in time. Really.

The last attack by Haru-chan, I seriously couldnt dodge it~. Still, seeing youngsters grow up is a pleasant thing~

No, I dont think I could land a hit if it was one-on-one. It was thanks to Chinatsu-chans support, Zeta-sans tenacity, and Touko-chans quick-wittedness!

Hahaha! Youre so humble~. Well, its a fact, though!

Youre like that until the end, huh.

Youre also being harsh until the end, Touko! Still, youre all really amazing, yknow? Even if you search all over the world, the ones faster than me are only Maria-han and Nell. In other words, whoever the opponent is, you can land a hit if you work together. Defeating them is a different matter, but its still a good thing!

Alezel took out a cracker from her pocket and rang it to congratulate the four. Its true that each one of them still has a long way to go. Even so, the fact that they were able to do so well against the Great Eight Demons will surely be a great source of sustenance for them in the future. Im just amazed at how fast they grow.

H-Huh? It looks like Im being invaded by something poisonous.

Ah! Im sorry, Alezel-san! I poured various things into the jab and injected you with deadly poison!

Haru apologized with an exaggerated bow. Her, thats rather nice. As your master, I approve it.

Alezel-san, Ill heal it with my light magic, so

Ah, its okay. Dont worry, Ill steal it myself.

Saying so, Alezel bit her arms and put her mouth on the wound. Then, she sucked the blood and spat it out on the ground. That was without a doubt an action to remove the poison, but the place where she sucked it out and the affected area was clearly different.

There, its healed.


After Alezel stole the poison from her body, she received a retort from everyone. The Great Eight Demons are unfathomable beings.