244. Leonora, from the German of Burgher, by Mr. Spencer, with the designs of Lady Diana Beauclerc, 1796. Folio. 25 4 0
_A beautiful unique copy, with the plates worked on satin, superbly bound in blue turkey._
245. Dryden's Fables, with engravings from the pencil of Lady Beauclerc. _A beautiful unique copy, splendidly bound in morocco, with the plates worked on satin._ 34 13 0
246. Missale Monasticum secundum Ritum et consuetudinem Ordinis Gallae Umbrosae. Venetiis, per Ant. de Giunta Florentinum, 1503. _A most beautiful copy of a very rare book, with plates and illuminations, bound in morocco._ Folio. 13 3 6
247. Postilla super Libros N. Testamenti Fratris Nicolai de Lyra. Venet. per Joan. de Colonia et Nic. Jenson, 1481. _A fine specimen of beautiful vellum, with illuminations, bound in blue turkey._ Folio. 17 17 0
248. The German Bible, by Martin Luther, 2 vols. Augspurg, 1535, folio. _A most fair, and beautiful copy, with coloured plates, in the finest preservation, and bound in crimson velvet, with two cases._--'The copies on vellum of this fine edition were printed at the charges of John Frederick, Elector of Saxony, (vide Panzer).' Folio. 52 10 0
249. Le Livre de Jehan Bocasse de la Louenge et Vertu des nobles et Cleres Dames. Paris, _par Ant. Verard_, 1493. _A beautiful work, with curious illuminations, finely bound in blue turkey._ Folio. 14 14 0
250. Virgilii Opera cura Brunck. Argentorati, 1789. _An unique copy, bound in morocco, with a case._ Quarto. 33 12 0
251. Somervile's Chace, a Poem, with fine plates on wood, by Bewick. Printed by Bulmer, 1796. Quarto. _A beautiful unique copy, splendidly bound in green, morocco._ 15 4 6
252. Poems by Goldsmith and Parnell, with fine plates on wood by Bewick. Printed by Bulmer, 1795. _A beautiful unique copy, superbly bound in green morocco._ 15 15 0
253. The Gardens, a poem, by the Abbe de Lisle, with fine plates by Bartolozzi, coloured. Printed by Bensley, 1798. _A fine book, and bound in green morocco._ Quarto. 14 3 6
254. The Castle of Otranto, by the Earl of Oxford. Printed at Parma, 1791. _A fine copy elegantly bound in blue morocco._ Quarto. 13 2 6
255. Coustumes du Pais de Normandie. Rouen, 1588. _A beautiful unique copy, on fine white vellum, the presentation copy to the Duke de Joyeuse; in old morocco._ 14 3 6
256. P. Virgilii Maronis Codex antiquissimus in Bibliotheca Mediceo-Laurentiana. Florent. 1741. _A curious facsimile of the old MS. bound in yellow morocco_, 4to. 17 17 0
257. Junius's Letters, 4 vols., 8vo. Printed by Bensley, 1796. _A beautiful unique copy, with the plates also worked on vellum, bound in morocco._ 25 4 0
258. Il Castello di Otranto, storia Gotica, Lond. 1795.
_Beautifully printed, with fine cuts, illuminated, bound in morocco._ 4 16 0
259. Milton's Paradise Regained, Poems, and Sonnets, and Latin Poems, with notes, 3 vols. Printed by Bensley, 1796, 8vo. _A unique and beautiful copy, bound in blue turkey._ 17 6 6
260. La Guirlande de Julie offerte a Mademoiselle de Rambouillet, par le Marq. de Montausier. Paris de l'Imprim.
de Monsieur, 1784, 8vo. 'This matchless book is embellished with exquisite miniatures, paintings of flowers, and wreaths of flowers, to illustrate the work, and is one of the most exquisite performances ever produced;' _superbly bound in green morocco_.
[30 guineas were bidden; but the book was passed on and not sold.]
261. La Vedova, Commedia facetissima di Nic. Buonaparte Cittadino Florentino. Paris, 1803, 8vo. A curious work by an ancestor of the First Consul; _a beautiful unique copy, superbly bound in red morocco_. 4 4 0
262. The Old English Baron, a Gothic story, by Clara Reeve, 1794, 8vo. _Richly bound in blue turkey._ 2 0 0
263. The Oeconomy of Human Life, with fine plates, 1795.
_A beautiful unique copy, with the plates finely tinted in colours and superbly bound in morocco_, 8vo. 15 15 0
264. Dr. Benjamin Franklin's Works. Paris, 1795, 8vo. _A beautiful unique copy, and bound in crimson velvet._ 5 0 0
265. The Dance of Death. Painted by Holbein, and engraved by Hollar, _a beautiful unique copy, with the plates exquisitely painted, and very richly bound in red morocco_.
17 17 0
266. La Gerusalemme liberata di Torquato Tasso, 4 vols.
Parigi Presso Molini, 1783, 8vo. _A beautiful copy, bound in green morocco._ 9 19 6
267. Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, 3 vols. Par. ap.
Coustelier, 1743, 8vo. _A singularly beautiful copy, and bound in old blue turkey._ 14 14 0
268. Opere Toscane di Luigi Alamanni. Leoni. ap. Gryphia, 1552. _A most beautiful copy, presented to King Francis I.
of France: old morocco._ 6 6 0
269. A New Testament in German. Augsburg, 1535, 12mo. A fine copy, with illuminations, of a very rare edition. 2 7 0
Lysander has above noticed the collection of Count M'Carthy of Toulouse. By the kindness of Mr. Roche, banker, at Cork, I learn that this collection 'is a truly splendid one.' The possessor's talents are not confined to the partial walk of bibliography: in his younger years, he was considered one of the first gentlemen-violin players in Europe. He quitted Ireland forty years ago, and now resides at Toulouse, in his 70th year, surrounded by a numerous and respectable family.
His leading passion, in book-collecting, (like his countryman's, poor Mr. Quin--who gave 170 guineas for the Spira Virgil of 1470, _in membranis_!) is marked by a fondness for works _printed upon vellum_. From Mr. Roche, Mr. Edwards, and other quarters, I am enabled to present the reader with a list of a _few_ of
Psalmorum Codex; _Mogunt._ _Fust and Schoiffer._ Folio, 1457.
---- ----; _ibid._ _apud eosdem._ Folio, 1459.
Durandi Rationale; _ibid._ _apud eosdem._ Folio, 1459.
_Clementis Papae V.
Constitutiones_; _ibid._ _apud eosdem._ Folio, 1460.
---- ---- ---- ----; _ibid._ _apud eosdem._ Folio, 1467.
Catholicon; _ibid._ _apud eosdem._ Folio, 1460.
Biblia Sacra Latina; _ibid._ _apud eosdem._ Folio, 1462.
[His Majesty and Earl Spencer possess similar copies of these works.]
Franciscus de Retras Comment. Vitiorum; _Nuremb._ Folio, 1470.
Hieronimi Epistolae; _Mogunt._ _Fust and Schoiffer._ Folio, 1470.
(Another copy: very large thick paper.)
Priscianus de Art.
Grammat. _Venet._ _Vin. Spira._ Folio, 1470.
(See p. 407, ante.)
Liber Sextus Decretalium Bonif. Papae VIII. _Mogunt._ Folio, 1470.
Guarini Regulae; Quarto, 1470.
Quintiliani Institutiones; _Jenson_, Folio, 1471.
Baptista de Alberti de Amore; Quarto, 1471.
de Amoris Remedio: Quarto, 1471.
Biblia in Ling. Volg. Folio, 1471, 2 vols.
Historia Natur. de Plinio tradotto da Landino; _Jenson, Venet._ 1476.
(A similar copy is in Mr. Coke's library at Holkam; illuminated, and in magnificent condition.)