Bibliomania Or Book-Madness - Bibliomania or Book-Madness Part 72

Bibliomania or Book-Madness Part 72

54. King and Queen of Bohemia, and five children, by Wm.

Passe, with thirty-two Englishes [qu?]; 1621: _extra fine and rare_, The same plate; _with the addition of five children; the youngest in a cradle_. 4 11 0

55. The same, sitting under a tree; with four children; the youngest playing with a rabbit: fine _and_ rare. 6 6 0

92. James, Duke of York: _with the anchor, proof_; very fine and rare. (16th day's sale.) 5 2 6

72. Sir Francis Winderbank and Lord Finch; _with Finch's wings flying to Winderbank_; extra rare. (19th day.) 25 0 0

_A Catalogue of a genuine and valuable Collection of English and Foreign Portraits, &c., sold by Auction by Mr.

Richardson, February_ 18, 1798.


34. Princess Augusta Maria, daughter of Charles I. _in hat and feather_, aetat. 15, 1646: by Henry Danckers, 1640. _Fine and rare._ 3 3 0

57. Anne, Queen of James I. with her daughter Anne; _curiously dressed, whole length_. By J. Visscher: _extra_ fine _and_ rare. 6 0 0

41. Mary, Queen of Scotts: "Scotorumque nunc Regina"--_in an oval: cap adorned with jewels, feather-fan in her hand_, &c.

By Peter Mynginus: _extra_ fine _and_ rare. 6 12 0

53. Prince Frederick, Count Palatine, with Princess Elizabeth, _whole length, superbly dressed_: By R.

Elstracke: _extra_ fine _and_ rare. 14 0 0

74. Henry the Eighth, _with hat and feather, large fur tippet_: by C. M(atsis); _very_ fine, _and supposed unique_.

10 10 0

79. Mary, Queen of Scots: _veil'd cross at her breast: aetat._ 44, 1583: _extra_ fine _and_ rare. 9 2 6

80. Queen Elizabeth; _superbly dressed, between two pillars: extra_ fine _and_ rare. 15 15 0

_A Catalogue of a valuable and genuine Collection of Prints, Drawings, and elegantly illustrated Books, &c., sold by auction by Mr. Richardson; March_, 1800.

143. Henry, Lord Darnley, by Passe; fine _and very_ rare. 16 0 0

186. Sir Philip Sidney, by Elstracke; _extremely_ fine. 3 1 0

263. Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, by ditto, _extra_ fine _and_ rare. 13 0 0

264. Edward Somerset, Earl of Worcester, by Simon Passe: rare _and_ fine. 7 15 0

265. Henry Vere, Earl of Oxford, sold by Compton Holland; _very_ rare _and_ fine. 9 0 0

273. Henry Wriothesly, Earl of Southampton, by Simon Passe; _most brilliant impression, extra rare_. 13 5 0

278. Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, by the same; _rare and very fine_. 5 0 0

279. Richard Sackville, Earl of Dorset, by the same; _extra fine and rare_--(with a copy by Thane). 3 0 0

280. John Digby, Earl of Bristol; rare and fine: from the Fothergill Collection. 13 0 0

281. Robert Sidney, Viscount Lisle, by Simon Passe; _rare and very fine_. 5 2 6

284. Edmund, Baron Sheffield: by Elstracke; _very fine_. 14 10 0

286. James, Lord Hay, by Simon Passe; _brilliant impression_, fine _and_ rare. 9 0 0

294. George Mountaine, Bishop of London; G.Y. sculpsit; _very fine and rare_. 5 10 0

330. Sir Julius Caesar, by Elstracke; _extra_ fine _and_ rare. 23 12 6

335. Arthurus Severus Nonesuch O'Toole, by Delaram; _most brilliant impression, and very rare_ (with the copy). 11 11 0

367. Sir John Wynn de Gwedir, by Vaughan; _very rare_. 6 6 0

472. Prince Frederic Henry, by Delaram: _very_ fine _and_ rare. 5 7 6

479. Prince Rupert, by Faithorne; _very_ fine _and_ rare. 7 5 0

567. Sir John Hotham, Governor of Hull; _whole length; extremely_ rare _and_ fine. 43 1 0

812. Edward Mascall, by Gammon. 7 3 0

946. Edward Wetenhall, Bishop of Corke and Ross; mezzotint, by Becket; _fine_. 5 0 0

960. Andrew Lortie, by Van Somer. 13 5 0

979. Thomas Cole, large mezzotint. 4 10 0

997. Sir William Portman, mezzotint. 7 10 0

1001. Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, by Blooteling; _exceeding_ fine _impression_. 6 0 0

1013. Sir Patrick Lyon, of Carse, by White. 5 5 0

1033. Sir Greville Verney, by Loggan. 5 10 0

1045. Marmaduke Rawdon, by White; fine. 14 0 0

1048. Slingsby Bethel, _whole length_, by W. Sherwin (with small copy). 17 5 0

1054. Samuel Malines, by Lombart; very fine. 12 0 0

1057. Thomas Killegrew, _as sitting with the dog_: by Faithorne. 16 0 0

_A Catalogue of a very choice assemblage of ENGLISH PORTRAITS, and of Foreigners who have visited England: serving to illustrate GRANGER'S BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY; the property of an eminent Collector_, &c., Sold by auction, by Messrs. King and Lochee, April, 1810.

But it is time to pause. The present note may have completely served to shew, not only that Lysander was right in drawing such bold conclusions respecting the consequences resulting from the publication of Granger's Biographical History, and the capriciousness of print-fanciers respecting impressions _in their various stages_, and with _all their varieties_,--but, that the pursuit of PRINT-COLLECTING is both costly and endless. For one 'fine and rare' _print_, by Hollar, Faithorne, Elstracke, the Passes, Delaram, or White, how many truly precious and useful _volumes_ may be collected? "All this is vastly fine reasoning"--methinks I hear a Grangerite exclaim--"but compare the comfort afforded by your 'precious and useful volumes' with that arising from the contemplation of eminent and extraordinary characters, executed by the _burin_ of some of those graphic heroes before-mentioned--and how despicable will the dry unadorned volume appear!! On a dull, or rainy day, look at an illustrated Shakespeare, or Hume, and then find it in your heart, if you can, to depreciate the GRANGERIAN PASSION!!" I answer, the Grangerite is madder than the Bibliomaniac:--and so let the matter rest.]