Bibliomania Or Book-Madness - Bibliomania or Book-Madness Part 54

Bibliomania or Book-Madness Part 54

[Footnote 407: Lysander is right in noticing "_all the parts_" of the Masonian Library. I will describe them particularly. Pt. I. _A Catalogue of a considerable portion of the Greek and Latin Library of_ GEORGE MASON, Esq., with some articles in the Italian, French, English, and other languages, &c. Sold by auction by Leigh and Sotheby, on Wednesday, January 24, 1798, 8vo. 497 articles.

Pt. II. _A Catalogue of most of the reserved portion of the Greek and Latin Library of_ G.M., &c., chiefly classical and bibliographical, with a few miscellaneous articles in French: sold as before, May 16, 1798, &c. 480 articles.

Pt. III. _A Catalogue of a considerable portion of the remaining Library of_ G.M., Esq.--chiefly historical, with some curious theological, and some scientific, articles: sold as before; Nov. 27 to 30; 1798, &c. 547 articles. Pt IV. _A Catalogue, &c., of the remaining library of_ G.M., Esq.--chiefly Belles Lettres, English, French, and Italian, &c., sold as before; April 25, 1799: 338 articles. These FOUR PARTS, priced, especially the latter one--are uncommon.

My copies of all of them are upon _large paper_. It must have been a little heart-breaking for the collector to have seen his beautiful library, the harvest of many a year's hard reaping, melting away piece-meal, like a snow-ball--before the warmth of some potent cause or other, which now perhaps cannot be rightly ascertained. See here, gentle reader, some of the fruits of this golden Masonian harvest!--gathered almost promiscuously from the several parts. They are thus presented to thy notice, in order, amongst other things, to stimulate thee to be equally choice and careful in the gathering of similar fruits.


NO. 150. Winstanley's Audley End, inscribed to James the Second, fol. _Never published for sale_ 27 10_s._ 0_d._

158. Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, C.T. _F.D. Ald._ 1499 5 0 0

162. Aquinae (Thomae) Quartiscriptum, C.R. _Moguntiae Schoeffer_, 1492, fol. 6 0 0

295. Cicero de Officiis, C.T. F.D. _Moguntiae ap. Fust._ 1465. 4to. In hoc exemplari Rubrica inter libros secundum ac tertium habet singularia errata, quae in nullo alio exemplari adhuc innotuerunt; viz. _primus_ ponitur pro _secundus_, _secundus_ pro _tertius_, et _secundum_ pro _tertium_ 26 5 0

307. Chalcondylas, Moschopulus, et Corinthus, Gr. _editio princeps._ Vide notam ante Librum 8 18 6

308. Constantini Lexicon Graecum. _Genevae_, 1592 4 5 0

324. Ciceronis Orationes, C.T. viridi F.D. _per Adamum de Ambergau_, 1472, fol. 5 5 0

468. Homerus, Gr., 2 vol., _Editio princeps_, C.R. Flor.

1488 11 11 0

496. Xenophon, Gr., _editio princeps_, C.T. F.D. _Flor. ap.

Junt._ 1516, fol. 2 3 0


70. Maundrel's Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, _L.P. Oxf._ 1714, 8vo. First edition of the entire work 3 18 0

101. The Psalter of David, large B.L. C.T. nigro F.D.

_Cantorbury, in St. Paule's Parysh, by John Mychell_, 1549, 4to. 4 4 0

102. The Gospels in Saxon and English, dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, by John Foxe, C.T. nigro, F.D. _Lond. by Daye_, 1571, 4to. 4 5 0

103. The new Testament, by Thomas Matthew, 1538, 4to. 3 4 0

["There are cuts to the Revelations, different from any Mr.

Herbert had seen; nor had he seen the book itself, till he was writing his 'Corrections and additions,' where, at p.

1833, he describes it."]

105. Nychodemus' Gospell, C.T. F.D. _wood prints. Wynkyn de Worde_, 1511, 4to. 1 5 0

107. English Prymer, in red and black types: _with emblematic frontispiece from a wood-cut_. C.T. caeruleo F.D.

_Byddell_, 1535, 4to. PRINTED ON VELLUM 8 18 6

110. Speculum Christiani (in Latin prose and English verse) C.T. nigro. _In civitate Londoniarum, per Wilhelmum de Machlinia. Supposed to be the first book printed in London, and about_ 1480, 4to. 4 4 0

111. Contemplation of Synners, (Latin prose and English verse) with double frontispiece, and other wood-cuts.

_Westminster, by Wynkyn de Worde_, 1499, 4to. 2 3 0

112. (Walter Hylton's) Scala Perfectionis, London, _without Temple-Barre_, by Julyan Notary, 1507, 4to. 1 11 6

151. Dives and Pauper, C.R. _first dated impression by Pynson_, 1493, folio 2 5 0

164. Hackluyt's Collection of Voyages, B.L. 3 vols. in 2.

Lond. 1599. "This work contains in vol. I. (beginning at p.

187) a political tract in verse (of the time of Henry VI.) exhorting England to keep the sea." 4 10 0

178. Arnold's Chronicle, or Customs of London, B.L.

C.T.--F.D. (1521) folio 15 15 6

180. Chaucer's Hertfordshire; _with all the plates_, C.R.

_Once the book of White Kennet, Bishop of Peterborough; whose marginal notes in are pp._ 64, 359, 523, folio 21 0 0

338. Froissart's Chronycles, 2 vols. C.R. F.D. _Printed by Pynson_, 1523-5, _folio_, 2 vols.

341. Rastell's Pastyme of People, C.T.--F.D. Johannes Rastell, (1529) _One page and part of a pieced leaf written._

349. Monasticon Anglicanum, 3 vols. ligat. in 4, C.R. all the plates, Lond. 1651, 61, 73. "This copy contains that very scarce leaf, which sometimes follows the title-page of the first volume: an account of which leaf (by Tanner and Hearne) may be seen from p. 45 to p. 50 of the sixth volume of Leland's Collectanea, and their account rectified by Bridges, at the conclusion of Hearne's preface to Titus Livius Foro-Juliensis." Folio.

466. Hardyng's Chronicle (in verse) C.R.--F.D. _With an original grant (on vellum) from Henry VI. to Hardyng, Londoni._ Grafton, 1543, 4to.

[This beautiful copy, formerly West's, is now in the collection of George Hibbert, Esq.]

518. Fabian's Chronicle, C.T. caerulo F.D. 2 vols. in 1. B.L.

Lond. W. Rastell, 1533. "This edition (as well as Pynson's) has the hymns to the Virgin, though Mr. T. Warton thought otherwise." folio.


[Transcriber's Note: In this section, no prices are given in the original.]

37. Kendall's Flowers of Epigrams, B.L.--C.R. _Leaf 93 is wanting_, 12mo.

47. M(arloe)'s Ovid's Elegies and Epigrams, by J. D(avies of Hereford). (Ovid's head engraved by W.M.) C.T.--F.D.

_Middlebourg_, 12mo.

57. Observations on Authors, Ancient and Modern, 2 vol.

Lond. 1731-2. "This was Dr. Jortin's own copy, who has written the name of each author to every piece of criticism, and added a few marginal remarks of his own," 8vo.

150. Valentine and Orson, B.L. cuts. _Wants title, two leaves in one place, and a leaf in another_, 4to.

152. La Morte D'Arthur, B.L. _wood-cuts_, Lond. _Thomas East._ _Wants one leaf in the middle of the table._ See _MS.

note prefixed_.

153. Barnes's (Dame Juliana) Boke of Haukynge, Huntynge, and Cootarmuris, C.T.--F.D. _Seynt Albon's_, folio, 1486. "This perhaps is the only perfect copy of this original edition, which is extant. Its beginning with sig. a ii is no kind of cantradiction [Transcriber's Note: contradiction] to its being perfect; the registers of many Latin books at this period mention the first leaf of A as quite blank. The copy of the public library at Cambridge is at least so worn or mutilated at the bottom of some pages that the bottom lines are not legible." [This copy is now in the matchless collection of Earl Spencer.]