Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis Vs. Max Schmelin - Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 17

Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 17

Chapter Seven: Victor and Vanquished.

"What round?": Newark Evening News, Newark Evening News, June 18, 1936. June 18, 1936.

"Bad day, eh?": New York American, New York American, June 19,1936. June 19,1936.

"You gentlemen know each other": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 19,1936. June 19,1936.

"Now on the scales: Joe Louis!": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 18,1936. June 18,1936.

"Thank you, General": Ibid.

"Good luck this evening, Joe!": Schmeling, Erinnerungen, Erinnerungen, p. 336. p. 336.

"As the condemned man and the executioner stood": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 19,1936. June 19,1936.

"too normal, too perfect": Dr. Vincent Nardiello, The World of Nardiello The World of Nardiello (Unpublished; property of David Nardiello), chap. 11, p. 153. (Unpublished; property of David Nardiello), chap. 11, p. 153.

"That ain't no way to spell my name": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 18,1936. June 18,1936.

"How's about it, Uncle Mike?": Ibid.

"Go to bed now and don't get run over by a truck": New Orleans Item, New Orleans Item, June 19,1936. June 19,1936.

"You can see them guys all summer long": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 19,1936. June 19,1936.

"raining pitchforks"; "dead fish on his hands": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 19,1936. June 19,1936.

"He worried off four pounds": Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"The stay the heavens gave him": New York Post, New York Post, June 19,1936. June 19,1936.

"Max will weather Louis' early assault": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 19,1936. June 19,1936.

"Heute sieg swelft runde": Spur, September 1936. September 1936.

"all golf, stances and grips and hooks and slices": Detroit Free Press, Detroit Free Press, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"That was the biggest 39,000 I ever saw": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"yawned in the darkness like divots on a fairway": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 21, 1936. June 21, 1936.

"Unlike the American Negro, Jews do not believe": Richmond Planet, Richmond Planet, June 27,1936. June 27,1936.

"illuminated bulletin board": Boston Post, Boston Post, June 18, 1936. June 18, 1936.

"was just something for the fans to look at": Newark Star-Eagle, Newark Star-Eagle, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"Chatted and laughed with her": Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, T.I, Bd.3/II, June 11,1936, p. 104. T.I, Bd.3/II, June 11,1936, p. 104.

"We're anxious the entire evening": Ibid., T.I, Bd. 3/II, June 20,1936, p. 112.

"Night of the Boxers": Berliner illustrierte Nachtausgabe, Berliner illustrierte Nachtausgabe, June 18,1936. June 18,1936.

"We will broadcast the Louis-Schmeling fight": Nemzeti Sport Nemzeti Sport (Budapest), June 21, 1936. (Budapest), June 21, 1936.

"a true symphony of rattling alarm clocks": NS-Kurier, NS-Kurier, June 20-21,1936. June 20-21,1936.

"Good luck, Max!" Schmeling, Erinnerungen, Erinnerungen, p. 337. p. 337.

"I know you can win, Max": Ibid.

"Tot"; "cold as ice": "cold as ice": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, September 15,1937. September 15,1937.

"I want to see him": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"A sort of premonition": Norfolk Journal and Guide, Norfolk Journal and Guide, June 27,1936. June 27,1936.

"I wish good health to all my friends": Hellmis, Max Schmeling, Max Schmeling, p. 110. p. 110.

"one of the greatest heavyweights in the annals of Fistiana"; "Let us cast aside all prej-udism"; "Let us say 'Ring the bell, let 'er go, and may the best man be the winner'": New York Post, New York Post, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"sneeringly confident and patronizingly bored": New Orleans Times-Picayune, New Orleans Times-Picayune, June 21,1936. June 21,1936.

"Nervous conversation popped on all sides like firecrackers": New Republic, New Republic, June 27, 1936. June 27, 1936.

"an almost insolent confidence": Ibid.

"filling in": Connecticut Nutmeg, Connecticut Nutmeg, June 2,1938. June 2,1938.

"This baby is easier than either Carnera or Baer": New York Sun, New York Sun, August 15,1936. August 15,1936.

"he iss going to fall for it": Topical Times, Topical Times, July 9,1938. July 9,1938.

"sort of deadened everything": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, August 6,1936. August 6,1936.

"fairy-tale city": This and subsequent quotes from the German radio broadcast of June 19, 1936, come courtesy of Mr. Ralf Klee, a German sports scholar, who owns what appears to be the only complete audio recording of the 1936 fight, contained on twenty-seven Decelith sound foils. He hopes to include them in his own sports museum.

"You fetched him a pretty good one"; "I think I knock him out"; "I have him where I want him": Saturday Evening Post, Saturday Evening Post, September 5,1936. September 5,1936.

"Joe, honey, get up! Get up!"; Get up!"; "Kill him, Max! Kill him!": "Kill him, Max! Kill him!": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"young cub who had been roundly cuffed": Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond Times-Dispatch, June 21, 1936. June 21, 1936.

"The gasps that went up": Wignall, Ringside, Ringside, p. 59. p. 59.

"Those far back ... cannot see the stupor": San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco Examiner, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"Now I got him": Topical Times, Topical Times, July 9,1938. July 9,1938.

"So. Den ubermensch haben wir": Saturday Evening Post, September 5,1936. September 5,1936.

"I just remember one pop, a sort of sudden blaze of lights": Boston Post, Boston Post, June 17,1937. June 17,1937.

"like a man on stilts": Washington Post, Washington Post, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"Der ubermensch hat ja Gummibeine": Saturday Evening Post, September 5,1936. September 5,1936.

"Finally, a blue, the color of lapis lazuli, rimmed his eyes brightly": Boston Post, Boston Post, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"Der wird frech. Nehm's ihm wieder ab": Saturday Evening Post, August 29,1936. August 29,1936.

"Go on, Maxieboy, kill that nigger, kill him!": Hellmis, Max Schmeling, Max Schmeling, p. 117. p. 117.

"A ship in a storm without a rudder or a mast": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"like a tired child at bed-time prayer": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"And Louis is down again": New Orleans Times-Picayune, New Orleans Times-Picayune, January 25,1937. January 25,1937.

"Up Chappie! Up, boy! Steady!": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"there was a miserable, frightened look": Norfolk Journal and Guide, Norfolk Journal and Guide, June 27,1936. June 27,1936.

"a terrific burst of acclaim": Columbus (Georgia) Enquirer, Columbus (Georgia) Enquirer, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"For a fraction of a moment, the crowd seemed unable to cheer": Macon Telegraph, Macon Telegraph, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"Sixty thousand people stood": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"the white gentile section": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, June 27,1936. June 27,1936.

"You, yourself are still trembling and shaken": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"There lay Joe Louis in an abject heap": Los Angeles Evening Herald and Express, Los Angeles Evening Herald and Express, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"He's hurt bad": San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco Examiner, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"Her face streaming with tears": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"a blocky young man": Boston Post, Boston Post, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"beaten his way back over the rough trail from Hasbeenville": San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco Examiner, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"We never saw a gamer fighter": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 29,1941. June 29,1941.

"I guess I fooled you guys": The People The People (London), June 21,1936. (London), June 21,1936.

"a world full of pinwheels": Boston Globe, Boston Globe, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"a grotesque Stepin' Fetchit type of a tired Negro": Washington Post, Washington Post, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"Wrapped in his garish red and blue ring robe": Boston Post, Boston Post, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"There goes one of them supermen": Newark Star-Eagle, Newark Star-Eagle, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"in vast and amazing plenitude": Boston Post, Boston Post, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"Don't fool me, Mister": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"They wouldn't believe their eyes": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, June 27,1936. June 27,1936.

"Some day the sphinx will talk": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"Had I found God himself": LAuto, LAuto, June 21,1936. June 21,1936.

"For your wonderful victory": Volkischer Beobachter, Volkischer Beobachter, June 21,1936. June 21,1936.

"In the twelfth round, Schmeling knocks out the Negro": Frohlich (ed.), Die Tage bucher von Joseph Goebbels, Die Tage bucher von Joseph Goebbels, T.I, Bd.3/II, June 20,1936, p. 112. T.I, Bd.3/II, June 20,1936, p. 112.

"For the wonderful victory of your husband": Volkischer Beobachter, Volkischer Beobachter, June 21,1936. June 21,1936.

"What joy, what deliriousness": LAuto, LAuto, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"All of Berlin is joyful": Ibid., June 21,1936.

"at a million-dollar angle": Newark Star-Eagle, Newark Star-Eagle, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"Where's all dem guys?": United Press International, June 20,1936; "Youse newspaper guys, youse experts": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"I'm even with the world! I'm even with the world!": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"I'm so happy"; "I leave here three years ago": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"I am a proud man": Boston Herald-Traveler, Boston Herald-Traveler, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

Fighting is a profession: United Press International, June 20,1936.

"Please, tell my countrymen at home": Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"Heil Hitler": Boston Herald-Traveler, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"I'm Dreaming with Open Eyes": Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"wall of people": Der Mitteldeutsche, Der Mitteldeutsche, June 21,1936. June 21,1936.

"We knocked out that Brown Bomber": New York Post, New York Post, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.