As Elros stepped through, Rias, Akeno, Sona, and Tsubaki were quick to congregate with each other. Worry was evident in their faces - they weren't used to going up against such ma.s.sive forces. Seeing that, Venelana went over to comfort them, with the other girls living with Elros joining as well.
"I'm sure you ladies don't have much reason to worry. Luke has hinted that Elros flourishes in these kinds of situations," the matriarch of the Gremory family said.
"What do you mean, mom?" Rias inquired.
"I'm sure we'll see soon enough," Venelana replied, waving her hand at the screen. All eyes turned to it and began looking around for the appearance of the three warriors that decided to step into the ring.
"There!" a Devil shouted, pointing at a particular spot. A magic circle had opened, and Yama, Luke, and Elros walked through. All three easily levitated without the use of their wings, courtesy of Luke sharing an infinitesimal part of his power.
"Oh, what have we here? The Khaos Brigade! h.e.l.lo, greetings, one and all!" Luke said cheerfully.
"Luke Star," a Devil said, stepping forward. His eyes washed over Yama and Elros as well, before turning back to Luke.
"That is correct. Ophis dear, are you there? Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Luke said in a singsong voice. At the mention of her name, everyone prepared to attack.
"You finished, Luke? My trigger fingers been itching for a while now," Yama said.
"Ah, yes. Perhaps the Infinity Dragon will show itself once we've eliminated their forces. You all should've stayed away. Now my s.h.i.+rt is ruined, and you've raised my ire," Luke said, smiling devilishly. Before he or Yama could do anything, however, Elros was the first to move. He quickly took to the skies, drawing Yama and Luke's interest - both seemingly forgetting they were in battle.
"However, I suggest we all pause and enjoy this moment first! Whenever Elros does something like this, it's worth watching," Luke said, putting his hands behind his head and lazing around. Yama crossed his arms over his chest as he let the Magicians and Devils attack him. Their attacks did virtually nothing, bouncing off his armor and barely moving him an inch.
'Huh. Let's see what you're made of, kid,' Yama thought to himself. Luke looked at him with interest before turning his head up again, smiling as the sky was bathed in a pale green glow, followed by a hot blue one. Twitching his fingers, Luke covered the building below in a powerful barrier. Those inside let out a sigh of relief as the rumbling stopped; all that remained were tiny echoes of those that may have breached.
"It looks like Elros is using his powers," Rias said.
"It would appear so. Now that I think of it, I don't recall seeing Elros use his powers that often. This… might be interesting," Sona said. She berated herself for using this opportunity as a way to gauge Elros's ability but found herself unable to let go of such a prospect to observe and react.
"Michael - what do you think of their chances?" Zeoticus asked Michael, all of them gathered tightly around the screen.
"It was unnecessary for all of them to go out if I am honest. Luke can handle such situations on his own. But he has a tendency not to exert himself if he can help it. Luke much prefers to spread the work, if possible. I doubt he would've even gotten involved had Creuserey not ruined his s.h.i.+rt," Michael sighed.
"All this over a d.a.m.n s.h.i.+rt?" Zekram asked, a slight snarl creeping into his voice. Michael looked him at him shrugged.
"As I'm sure Elros will agree, Luke tends to have a nihilistic view of things. He hardly involves himself in any matter unless it concerns him or something important to him - such as his reputation - directly. Luke simply could not let Creuserey disrespect him in such a fas.h.i.+on. The poor fool had no idea what he was doing, it appears," Michael said.
"Was it just me, or did something about him seem off? I know for a fact that he's nowhere near that or dominant. h.e.l.l, I'm pretty sure he was one of the first ones to run and hide during the Great War," Azazel said.
"I know what you mean. Hmm… Ajuka, Falbium - although we don't have Creuserey as a subject at the moment, do you think there is any retrievable information from his ashes?" Sirzechs asked.
"Leave it to me," Ajuka said, striding over with Falbium at his side. Scooping them up in a jar, Ajuka began to work on observing them.
"You seem to know Luke well, Michael," Sirzechs mused.
"Yes. I have known him for a long time," Michael replied.
"Longer than Elros?" Azazel asked.
"Quite a bit longer, although Elros is the one who has had the most contact with Luke in recent years. As I'm sure he told you, Luke offered him his residence for several years. I was quite surprised to learn of that," Michael said, cracking a smile.
"What's so surprising about that?" Rias asked. Michael looked at her but didn't reply as he turned his gaze back to Luke on the screen.
"What's he doing?" Yama asked Luke.
"Give it about… oh, fifteen seconds shall do. I simply hope Elros has the courtesy to leave some fun for us. Ophis, dear - please come out soon. If you do not, then I shall indiscriminately begin the slaughter of your troops," Luke called out. Again, more Magicians and Devils started to attack him and Yama, each hit simply bouncing off.
"This better be worth it," Yama said.
"Oh, I'm sure it will be. I suppose that this display of power will be for the benefit of all the Devils watching this live, as well as a prelude to what you might expect in your upcoming… Duel," Luke said with a smile. Yama looked at Luke before turning his eyes to the sky again.
"Looks like something's happening," he said. He found himself coated in the same barrier that Luke covered the building in. Finally, Elros broke through the cloud cover above - and most everyone watching let out a gasp of shock.
As Elros descended through the clouds, something else came with him. A long and thick blue strand trailed behind him, extending from the green ring on his finger. However, as opposed to a green construct coming with him, this one was blue - an electric and fiery blue, courtesy of his spectacular wings. The size of a zeppelin, it blotted out the entire sky as it descended with a slow and marauding force. Elros was almost invisible in front of it, his figure barely a blemish in front of the burning fireball. Magicians and Devils shouted in horror as the construct descended upon them. Several had the presence of mind to move out of the way, but just as many were affixed to the spot they floated in - unable to do anything except stare at the Heavens above.
"What is that?!" Issei exclaimed, eyes wide as he saw the construct.
"Michael?" Sirzechs asked, startled by the size of the construct. He recalled Elros's creation of the F-22 against the Khaos Brigade but was mostly unawares of the actual extent of his powers. This construct was far larger than anything he could've thought possible of being created. Looking at it, he estimated that even using his Powers of Destruction, it would take an ample amount of time to chew through it - which would've been useless, as any impact would devastate a significant area. The Angel only smiled at Sirzechs before looking back at the screen.
"That's insane," Rias said weakly.
"How're we supposed to counter something like that?" Tsubaki whispered to Sona.
"Oh, I don't think you'll have to worry about Elros doing that in a Rating Game. No, these kinds of attacks are reserved for special situations. It takes quite a bit of time to create and pull it off. Although, if he does, I'd suggest you run. Even my son had a hard time blocking on his… larger attacks," Odin whispered to them. Sona was surprised to find the G.o.d in her ear and let out a yelp that Serafall giggled at.
"That thing is ma.s.sive. Imagine something like that hitting the Earth…," Akeno gulped. She looked at Michael who smiled serenely at her.
"Luke has taken the liberty of casting a protective enhancement around this building and the surrounding area. The only ones that shall bear the brunt of the attack are the Khaos Brigade," he said. His eyes trailed to Zekram, whose mouth hung open in sheer surprise.
"Impressive. I'm looking forward to fighting your peerage more and more, cousin," Sairaorg mused to Rias. She looked at him before looking back up.
"This… changes things," Diodora said, frowning as he witnessed the powerful attack.
Other Rating Game contenders and Duelists found their minds in a flurry; from fear to excitement to terror to shock to bewilderment and another thousand emotions in between. As they watched, they began to restructure their strategies and styles for the eventuality of facing Elros.
"Ah! Excellent!" Luke exclaimed happily as he let the hot blue flame wash over his body, warming him up. He saw that Yama had hardly reacted, only bringing a finger to his chin as he continued observing the attack.
"T-minus seven seconds," Yama said.
"Indeed. Oh, I hope those poor fools have the presence of mind to move soon enough. Otherwise, they are as good as dead," Luke said casually, nodding to the still unmoving Devils and Magicians of the Khaos Brigade.
"Huh. The idiots are dead regardless. T-minus 2," Yama said. He braced himself for the attack.
"MOVE!" one of the Magicians roared to the forces still in a daze, but it was too late. Immediately after the syllable left his lips, the ma.s.sive fireball that Elros had constructed hit a broad swath of Khaos Brigade members standing in his way. Several Devils watching on the monitor had to cover their eyes as it changed to a blazing white, painful to look at it. Luke only smiled as he felt the cras.h.i.+ng and burning of the attack. Not a single scream was heard - the roar of the impact was.h.i.+ng out every other sound. In the instant, hundreds of Magicians and Devils were utterly obliterated, no trace of their life remaining.
It was a solid three to four minutes before the bright light finally died down - mostly courtesy of Luke. He smiled as he saw Elros floating gently, frowning as he observed the damage he caused. The building below was virtually unscathed - the only difference being a few fallen statues or other valuables inside. Meanwhile, the enemy was shaken to their very core, screams of agony finally heard as they witnessed the catastrophe Elros had wrought upon them. What began as a sizable force was cut severely down to size.
"You reduced the effectiveness of my attack, Lucy," Elros suddenly said.
"If I didn't, you would have left Yama and I looking like fools. I can't have that, can I!"? Luke said good-naturedly as he finally stopped lazing around and drew himself to full height. Elros sighed but smiled and shrugged at his father-figure, drifting closer to him and Yama.
"Not bad, kid. Probably should've done that against those three you fought last time," Yama said.
"You can't expect me to show off all my tricks in one go," Elros said. Yama let out a mirthless scoff and shrugged, finally materializing his rifle in his hand.
"Anything else to add, Luke? Or can we finally get this over with?" Yama asked.
"Ah, yes. Let's. I certainly hope Ophis shows herself or himself or whatever it is now," Luke sighed.
"You know the leader of the Khaos Brigade?" Elros asked in interest.
"Enough. Talk later," Yama said as he suddenly surged forward. Bullets began to spray; it was now time for him to demonstrate his mettle.
"THAT ATTACK WAS INSANE! LOOK! HE KILLED HALF OF THEM!" Issei shouted in bewilderment.
"KILLED?! HE f.u.c.kING OBLITERATED THEM! HOLY s.h.i.+T, WHAT HAPPENED TO THEIR BODIES?!" Saji roared, shock tinted with horror.
"Guys a monster!" one of the viewers thundered. He recoiled as Rias snarled at him for insulting Elros.
"That was quite impressive. I expected something, but I'm not sure I expected it to be that powerful. d.a.m.n, glad I'm not on the other side," Azazel chuckled.
"Ha! Good showing. Sirzechs, mind if I get a recording of this?" Odin asked, stroking his beard.
"Certainly… but why?" Sirzechs wondered, as impressed as the others.
"To show Thor. He and Elros are always working on outdoing each other. Perhaps this will spur him to finally restart his training. He's the had the lead for the past few months," Odin said, surprisingly devilish. Meanwhile, Rossweisse was wide-eyed as she saw the effect of the attack.
"c.r.a.p…," Kiba gulped. Every time Elros fought, he seemed to unveil something else; something stronger; something terrifying.
"That's about the size of it," Xenovia agreed.
"Woah! That was… WOAH!" Gasper said, caught between shock, terror, excitement, and glee at seeing Elros do something awesome.
"I wonder what else he can do?" Akeno mused, looking around to observe the damage. No one on the stage was a stranger to killing, but most of them had difficulty doing it on a large scale. Even Rias's Power of Destruction wasn't as potent as her mothers or brothers. Looking to Venelana and Sirzechs, she saw surprise and interest on their faces. Both were wondering how their own attacks would stack up against that Elros's, no doubt.
"The boy is certainly powerful," Zekram said. Several Devils came up and began whispering in his ear, something that the Gremory's noted with narrowed eyes - whatever it was, couldn't be good.
"Like I said, Venelana - an impressive addition," Lillian said, walking to her friend.
"h.e.l.lo, Lillian. Indeed he is. He certainly knows how to surprise consistently," Venelana said with a smile.
"Ah… it appears as thought Yama is getting ready to attack," Lillian said. All necks suddenly snapped towards the armored Devil, who was tearing through Magicians and Devils like no tomorrow. Rias's eyes grew in fear as she saw it; Yama, despite using a rifle, was getting in close with each and every Devil. His armor was turning a bright and glistening red as blood sprayed on him.
"My G.o.d…," Azazel said, just as surprised. Whereas Elros was clean and efficient with his attack, Yama was brutalizing everyone. Screams of pain and terror sounded as some Magicians and Devils were given the opportunity to beg for mercy - only to have it denied as a bullet tore through their temple, their heart, their pelvis, their throat, or one of a hundred other different locations.
"He's… slaughtering them. I mean… not that Elros didn't, but this guy… Christ…," Azazel continued.
"This doesn't bode well for us…," a Duelist said to another.
"Come with me. We need to talk strategy," another agreed, frowning as he and other Duelists began to converse with each other. They were left to their own devices as most were far too interested in the battle raging outside.
"Elros Eärendil, Luke Star, and Yama… A veritable Triumvirate of the some of the strongest Devils the Underworld has," Odin said, commented. Several eyes turned to him before turning back to the screen; he wasn't wrong.
Elros observed Yama utilize his weapon to maximum effect. Some, he would kill efficiently - the lucky ones. Others had their heads bashed in by the b.u.t.t of the weapon, brain matter, blood, bone fragments, eyeb.a.l.l.s, tongues, and teeth flying loose. Some of the matter attached to Yama's armor, coating it in a coagulated mix of blood and matter.
He saw Yama pierce the throat of a Devil with a bullet before he thrust an armored hand inside. The Devils eyes went wide as he let out a raspy scream of pain before Yama gripped the spinal cord and began to pull it out, leaving it half pulled as the dead Devil plopped onto the top of the building below.
"Was that necessary?" Elros asked, flying close to him. Yama suddenly shot at Elros, the bullet missing his head by a millimeter as it struck a Magician behind him precisely to paralyze. Yama flew past Elros and holstered his weapon, taking the Magicians head in his hands.
"You should've let this go off without a hitch," he said coldly as he began to squeeze - hard. The Magician roared in pain, his mouth hanging wide open as his tongue flailed, begging for mercy or a quick death. He received neither. Putting his thumbs on the Magicians wide open eyes, he thrust the eyeb.a.l.l.s back into the skull before crus.h.i.+ng it in his hands. Crushed brain matter mixed with other fluid in the skull before oozing out of his ears, nose, mouth, and socket. He let the Magician fall back down, the body twitching once more before going still.
As they were observing Yama's brutality, Issei and Asia both suddenly lurched over and vomited, unable to stomach the sights. Gasper buried his head in Venelana's side. She scooped the young Vampire up and began to rock him, keeping his eyes averted from the carnage. Her mouth hung open slightly as she witnessed the attack by the monstrous Devil.
"I'm… I'm going to f.u.c.king puke as well!" Saji said, quickly bending over as he let loose. No stranger to death, this was too much for him - as well as for many of those a.s.sembled.
"Elros… has to fight this guy?" Akeno gulped, turning a stark white as the thought finally hit her.
"There's… there's… nothing to be worried about," Sirzechs said, although his pale color indicated otherwise
"WHAT THE h.e.l.l DO YOU MEAN THERE'S NOTHING TO BE WORRIED ABOUT?! ARE YOU EVEN SEEING WHAT I'M SEEING?!" Rias yelled at him, just as shaken as the others. She didn't want the match to happen in the first place; seeing what Yama did only strengthen her resolve. Sirzechs didn't answer, continuing to observe.
"Odin? What do you think?" Azazel asked the wizened old man.
"Hmm… His moniker is well earned. I'm not sure I've met many figures in any Pantheon that are as brutal as this man… well, maybe some here and there. Usually, people only act like that when they wish to make a point. Even if it's for pleasure, they don't do it in the heat of battle. No, this man is different," Odin observed.
"What do you mean?" Rossweisse asked.
"This isn't to make a point or for pleasure. He does it because it's ingrained in him. It appears that the sight of gore is part of his being," Odin said.
"What? What does that even mean?!" Rias asked. Odin shrugged, continuing to watch.
"This is what I was talking about," Lillian whispered to Venelana. Venelana looked at her and saw the look of fear on Lillian's face. Looking at Cimerias, the Devil ranked fourth, she saw the same look of fear.
"It's all necessary," Yama replied before continuing his ma.s.sacre. He suddenly found his body reined back by Elros, a cold glare in his eyes.
"Enough. Do it quickly, or remove yourself," Elros told him.
"And what makes you think you can dictate to me?" Yama asked, pointing his gun at Elros.
"WHAT'RE THEY DOING?!" Zekram roared.
"ELROS!" Rias shouted, opening a magic circle. Just as quick, Sirzechs stopped her.
"WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!" she yelled at him, slapping his hand away.
"Rias - you do not interfere," Sirzechs said sternly.
"I have-," Rias began but felt a hand on her shoulder. She saw Venelana shaking her head.
"But… Elros…," Rias said fearfully.
"He knows how to handle himself. I don't think Yama will try anything, though" Venelana said comfortingly, although Rias could sense the fear in her voice. Her hands folded over her heart, she turned back to the monitor.
As soon as he did that, Elros had his ring pointing at Yama's head.
"Do it quickly, or remove yourself," he repeated icily.
"They'd slaughter you in a second, boy," Yama replied, his voice still lacking emotion.
"I won't repeat myself again," Elros said.
"You won't have to. Looks like we can settle our score right now," Yama said.
"Enough," Luke said. Elros and Yama suddenly found themselves blasted back. They both looked at Luke before looking at each other.
"Fine," Yama replied after a long pause before flying off and continuing his attack, although at a much quicker pace. Elros looked at Luke before sighing and nodding.
"Sorry," Elros said, flying off to notch his own kills. Observing them leave, Luke finally sighed. Suddenly, he turned his hand to the sky.
"Ophis, please show yourself within the next three seconds or I shall target something nearer and dearer to your heart next. One," Luke said. Suddenly, a ma.s.sive fireball appeared. Yama and Elros found themselves stopped in place, unable to move as a barrier covered them.
"Two," Luke said, his voice almost singing as the heat in the vicinity began to rise. Several Devils felt their skin start to burn, charring and starting to peel. As he was about to say three, however, he heard a pop and smiled. Bringing Elros and Yama over to him, he observed the new arrival. Elros was most surprised by the entry.
Standing in front of him was a cute little girl with long black hair, much like Akeno's - h.e.l.l, if he didn't know any better, he would've mistaken her for Akeno's little sister. Her ears were slightly pointy, mostly covered by the hair. She was dressed like a Gothic Lolita, with a long flowing black dress with a purple bow on the back and a purple headband on her head. She was frowning slightly, her tiny hands balled into fists as she looked at them.
"Ah, Ophis dear! h.e.l.lo, h.e.l.lo," Luke said cheerfully.
"Luke. And Yama. It has been a long time since I have seen either of you. And… I don't know you," Ophis said, frowning at Elros.
"Likewise. You alright there, kiddo? You're not lost, are you?" Elros asked concernedly, eliciting a chuckle from Luke and a slight giggle from Ophis.
"Forgive Elros. He has a tendency to err on the side of concern. Elros, this is Ophis. The Ouroboros Dragon or the Infinite Dragon G.o.d, as I believe they like to call her. A shapes.h.i.+fter, Elros - so don't be fooled. And this, Ophis, is Elros Eärendil, a great friend of mine," Luke said.
"Hmm… Elros… Eärendil?" Ophis said. Elros nodded, still bewildered by the fact that the leader of the Khaos Brigade was a tiny version of Akeno.
"Now, now, Ophis. You ought to know better than to attack a function which I attend," Luke said, his voice laced with danger. Ophis merely observed him before smiling.
"I wasn't aware you were going to be there, Luke," she said.
"No, but you ought to have. That poor young fool that followed you… I forget his name, forgive me," Luke said.
"Cruserey Asmodeus?" Ophis inquired.
"Yes, that's the one. He ruined my s.h.i.+rt, as you can see," Luke said, pointing to the spot where the alcohol fell. Ophis frowned as she saw that and looked back at him.
"You killed him for spilling… a martini on you?" she asked, sniffing the air.
"It was the implication behind the action, my dear. Now, as my time in exceedingly valuable, I thought we could come to terms here and now. Disband your Khaos Brigade, turn yourself in, etc., etc.. This, that, whatever," Luke said, his voice bored.
"You don't seem particularly convinced by what you're asking me to do," Ophis said.
"Stemming from my relative indifference to the matter. But, you forced my hand I'm afraid," Luke sighed.
"… Because of your s.h.i.+rt?" Ophis asked, her voice a bit incredulous.
"Because your subordinate thought he could dictate to me," Luke said.
"That was his mistake, not mine," Ophis said.
"And he has paid for it. I am curious to hear your side, however. Why have you allied with these Devils? You cannot possibly care what happens in h.e.l.l. It is not your home, after all," Luke said.
"I don't care happens here, correct. I am simply allied with the Devils that you've seen so that they can help me achieve my goal. I have no loyalty to them otherwise," Ophis sighed.
"And what is that?" Elros asked.
"To go back home. Back to the peace and quiet. To the silence. Back to the Dimensional Rift," Ophis said, looking out into the distance with a thoughtful expression.
"Ah. The place Great Red calls his home. Yes, yes, I see now," Luke nodded sagely.
"The f.u.c.k is a Great Red?" Elros asked, utterly bewildered by the conversation.
"The Apocalypse Dragon. The True Red Dragon G.o.d Emperor. The True Dragon. The Dragon of Dragons," Luke listed the names.
"You've gotta be f.u.c.king kidding me. Who the f.u.c.k comes up with those t.i.tles?" Elros deadpanned, eliciting a raucous laugh from Luke.
"Well, not all of us have the fortune of something as simple as 'Peacewalker,' my friend," Luke said with a smirk. Elros groaned as he called him that.
"Oh G.o.d, please don't call me that ever again. I don't even know how that got started," Elros grumbled.
"Perhaps you prefer the other t.i.tle they gave you? I admit, it's not as catching as 'Peacewalker,'" Luke smirked.
"No, not that one either," Elros said, a bit sharper this time. Luke merely chuckled before turning to a likewise bewildered Ophis.
"You appear to have a comfortable relations.h.i.+p with him, Luke. I didn't think you had that with anyone," Ophis said, amused.
"Only those few worthy of my respect, my dear Ophis. But back to your dilemma. Yes, yes. Great Red. Having trouble pus.h.i.+ng him out, then?" Luke asked.
"That's right. He took up residence there after I left and now refuses to leave. Whether by killing him or driving him out, I will be rid of that buffoon. Perhaps… would you consider helping me? Then I can end all my existing alliances. You and I can work together towards the silence," Ophis said.
"No, thank you. I do not care for your qualms, I'm afraid - nor have I any interest in helping you. That said, you shall stop pestering me. I shall forgive your transgression this one time, as the slight was not by your hand. Should it happen again, I will destroy you, my dear," Luke said with a smile. Ophis looked at him with narrowed eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it as she felt the spike in the temperature around her.
"Do not think to disobey me, little dragon. I do not care for your form, your problems, or your solutions. Involve me - even tangentially - again, and I will first destroy your home in front of your eyes before destroying you. And my dear, you know better than most that I do not lie. Ever," Luke said viciously. His voice carried over the battlefield as well as through the monitor on the screen. Every Devil or other being that observed it gulped in fear - their hair standing on end. Ophis moved back a few inches, thinking about what her next move would be.
"And why aren't you killing me right now, then?" she asked after a long pause.
"I must let life carry on without interference, my dear! The Underworld shall make its own decisions, as shall Heaven and Earth. It is all in good hands with the New Satan Faction, after all. And I would love to see these Peace Talks prosper. However, beyond offering my opinion on the matter, I shall not sway it one way or the others. It is the duty of those in power - and those vying for it - to come to accords and reach a solution. Whatever the end result is, it shall be accepted. Only when I am concerned in a direct fas.h.i.+on - as I was today - shall I get involved. Commit my answer to your mind - I will not repeat myself. Accept my mercy - or my displeasure - little dragon," Luke said. Ophis nodded before looking at Yama.
"And what about you, Yama, o' G.o.d of Death? I see you're functioning on your own this time. Where are the ones you once rode with? I half expected to see them in their glory as I learned you were here," Ophis said.
"Mind your tongue, dragon. I personally have no problem cutting it out before killing you," Yama replied.
"I wouldn't cross him, my dear. As powerful as you are, Yama has more than a couple of tricks up his sleeve - as you very well should know by now. To be expected of such a... ah, fearsome Devil," Luke said with a chuckle. Ophis narrowed her eyes at the armored Devil before turning to Elros.
"And you? What do you intend to do?" she asked. Elros looked to Luke and Yama; the former smiled while the latter offered no insight on his thoughts.
"You're the leader of the Khaos Brigade," Elros said.
"I am," Ophis answered.
"You're a little girl," he said.
"I appear as such," she replied. Elros clicked his tongue, thinking of what to do.
"This is… bizarre. I respect Yama and Lucy's decisions not to act - and I can't quite well force them to go against their nature. Ugh, this… is difficult," Elros grumbled.
"What's so difficult about it?" Ophis inquired.
"I get that you're a dragon and powerful and what naught. But you're just a little girl! I mean... so tiny! You're like Akeno but littler!" Elros exclaimed, eliciting a chuckle from Luke.
"Don't let her appearance fool you, my friend. She could annihilate you in a second," Luke said. Elros sighed deeply and put an arm around Luke.
"Lucy, Lucy, Lucy - if there's one that that does fool me, it's appearances. You should know that," Elros said with a chuckle that Luke joined in on. Ophis, as well as everyone watching, looked bewildered by the whole interaction.
"If you don't mind, could you change into… I dunno, an old guy or maybe add on fifteen years to your age? Then I won't feel as bad about bringing you in," Elros said with a smile. Ophis giggled yet again.
"You're funny," she said with a smile.
"Charming a dragon, eh? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, my young protege. Indeed, I've taught you well," Luke smirked.
As Elros was about to respond, the world suddenly went dark.
"What's going on? Did we lose visual?" Zekram barked.
"It appears so. Let's get it back up - quickly!" Azazel ordered.
"What's going on?" Rias asked, on edge.
"I'm not sure. It appears that the monitors went out, but I don't know if that's the case. Listen," Sirzechs said. They could hear Elros talking about what just happened; the monitors were still in effect.
"A new enemy?" Azazel asked.
"That would appear to be the case, yes," Michael nodded, frowning.
"Who can cause that much darkness?" Azazel asked, slightly on edge.
"What's going on?" Elros wondered as Luke, Yama, and Ophis came into view again. Looking around, he frowned; they were surrounded by a black that he had never seen before. Zero light penetrated, making it a wonder that he was able to see the others at all. Looking below, he couldn't see the building. It almost appeared as though they were in a dark dimension.
"Ah. It appears as though we have an unwanted guest. Another ally, Ophis?" Luke asked.
"One of many, Luke," she replied, her voice still mostly flat.
"Ophis. Why are you playing around?" came another voice. Elros looked around and soon saw the source. Flying towards them was a woman with a bluish-purple cloak and hood, her eyes mostly shadowed by it. She wore yellow earrings as well as a white necklace around her neck. The bluish-purple cloak transformed into a dress as it descended with two slits on either side, allowing her legs to s.h.i.+ne through. She came to a stop above Ophis, her hands pointed at Luke, Yama, and Elros.
"Stop!" Ophis suddenly yelled at her.
"What? Why?!" she snarled back.
"This isn't a fight that we can win. Not yet. We'll retreat for now, Luke," Ophis said, looking at the fearsome Devil who smiled and nodded.
"Excellent choice, my dear. Yama and I shall bow out as of now. Is that acceptable, Yama?" Luke asked, although his tone early indicated that the armored Devil had no choice but to accept.
"I don't particularly care," Yama said, his rifle finally dematerializing.
"And the funny one?" Ophis asked.
"As Elros is involved with this on a more personal level, he is more than welcome to attempt to stop you. I shall not interfere on either of your behalves," Luke said. Elros smiled and nodded, while Ophis and the newcomer looked surprised.
"You'd let him die, then? Even if you could stop it?" Ophis asked eyes narrowed.
"Elros and I are firm believers of free will and interfering as little as possible. A complicated relations.h.i.+p to most, I imagine; but it works wonders for us, my dear dragon," Luke said. Ophis raised an eyebrow at Elros.
"Of course, I advise you to be careful. Graze me but a little, and I shall consider it an act of war," Luke said, floating back with Yama. As soon as he was far back enough, Elros ripped forward at the newcomer, smacking her away quickly with a hammer construct before shooting a rope at Ophis.
"What happened to not hitting a little girl?" Ophis asked as she easily deflected the constructs and flew circles around him. Meanwhile, the newcomer held out a hand and shot a powerful wave of dark energy at Elros. He quickly dodged it and began to scan the new environment; he had to know what he was dealing with.
"You'd really let the boy die?" Yama asked.
"I would indeed. I am sworn to noninterference as much as possible," Luke replied.
"Then why even attend these talks?" Yama inquired.
"Boredom mixed in with a deep and sincere interest. The Khaos Brigade has partnered with the Old Satan Faction and is attempting to overthrow the New Satan Faction, which defeated the Old Satan Faction centuries ago. I wish to see where it goes next. To that effect, I shall observe and possibly throw in a comment here and there. Otherwise, I will only watch," Luke said.
"Huh. You've always been peculiar," Yama said, watching Elros mostly play defense.
"What's far more interesting to me is your concentration on my dear friend. I daresay I find it more interesting than the politics of the Underworld," Luke said.
"That's none of your business," Yama replied, eliciting a chuckle from Luke.
"As you wish. I shall, like the others, wait for your match with Elros. Oh, this shall be spectacular to behold, I believe," Luke chirped. Yama remained silent, watching and tracking Elros's movements.
"He's not bad. I sense quite a bit of power from. It is troubling, however… I cannot seem to detect or tap his emotions. Either he lacks them entirely or is far to attuned to them," the newcomer said to Ophis, who continued to smile and fly around, easily evading Elros's rope constructs.
"He seems intent on capturing me without actually trying to harm me. It's quite funny," Ophis said, almost playful as she zipped around.
"This is no joking matter. Enough! I tire of this game of cat and mouse! Be gone!" the newcomer roared at Elros. Elros saw a dark shadow - darker than the black around them - arise from the newcomer, swirling around as it took on the shape of a bird - almost raven-like in appearance. It began to chase Elros around; meanwhile, he kept shooting constructs at it. Each construct connected but seemed to have no effect.
'Intangibility? Oh, that's no good,' Elros thought to himself with a frown. Making his choice, he increased his speed before pulling off a hairpin turn, flying right at the shadow. At just a moment before collision, he grazed its underbelly; meanwhile, the shadow careened into the dark barrier before flying back at its master, restoring itself inside her. Not letting up, Elros flew at the newcomer and brought a hammer construct down on her. She put up a hand and quickly blocked it - although was unable to shatter it.
'She's strong… but she lacks the necessary will!' Elros thought, adding boosters to the construct. The combined power was enough to send her careening, although she recovered quickly - visibly unhurt and unshaken. She frowned at Elros, who was once again playing cat and mouse with Ophis.
"Who is this boy?" she mused aloud to herself.
"His name is Elros! Elros Eärendil, my dear! Be careful with your clothes! He's quite adept at removing them!" Luke yelled out to her. She snapped her head at him and held out a hand but quickly brought it down, remembering Ophis's warning.
"The girl seems to be afraid," she heard Yama say. She snarled at him but reset her focus on Elros.
"It appears she's taking Ophis's words of caution to heart. I do wonder who she is, however? She seems to have a powerful cloaking charm around her," Luke mused.
"I doubt that's what's stopping you," Yama said.
"Quite right. I do enjoy being surprised," Luke said casually, turning his eyes back to Ophis.
"Do you plan on using your powers - at all?" the woman asked Ophis.
"I suppose now is the right time. I'm getting bored as well," Ophis sighed. Holding out a hand, a black snake shot out and began to chase Elros around. Sending out his own construct, Elros connected with the snake - but to his surprise, found his construct broken easily.
'Oh man. She's got a really intense will. Going to have to pull out the stops for this one,' Elros thought. Surrept.i.tiously, he reached into a pocket and slipped on his blue ring. Wearing the cyan armor under his regular clothes, he began to fly directly towards Ophis and the newcomer again.
"I can t," the stranger said before her eyes went wide. Blue flames erupted from Elros's hands and flew back before smas.h.i.+ng against her and Ophis. Both the Infinity Dragon and the newcomer were buffeted back considerably, surprised by the attack.
"What else can he do, I wonder?" Ophis said, slightly mesmerized by the beautiful wings that now emerged from Elros's back. They extended longer than usual, one of them serving as a platform for him to stand on as he reared to attack.
"A phoenix?" the woman asked tentatively.
"It appears so. Even rarer than dragons. I can see why Luke respects him. He's quite powerful," Ophis said. The two looked at Luke who had a bright gleam and a broad smile, staring at Elros who winked in his direction.
"Excellent show, my friend. What do you think, Yama?" Luke wondered.
"He's got his tricks," was all Yama said. Elros reared and flew forward at a surprising burst of speed, his arm becoming a blue flame once again. He swiped Ophis and the newcomer, both of whom paused to put out the fires that caught on their clothes.
"We have to retreat," Ophis suddenly said, frowning as she looked at her arm. To her immense surprise, scorch marks appeared on her skin.
"The two of us should be able to handle him," the newcomer said.
"As small as a Phoenix might be, they aren't to be trifled with. I've no doubt that we'll meet again," Ophis said. The newcomer bit her lip but acquiesced. Ophis suddenly sent out a ma.s.sive burst of energy - one that stopped Elros in his tracks as it buffeted him back. When he looked up, he saw the darkness was receding, and Ophis and the newcomer were gone.
"f.u.c.k," was all he said as he went back to normal, flying over to Luke and Yama.
"I doubt anyone else would've fared much better. Let us head back. I daresay people are wondering what has happened. Besides, the afterparty shall begin soon! I do not wish to miss it," Luke said, opening up a magic circle back into the room they were in previously. One by one, they went back.
As they reappeared, Elros noted that Sirzechs, Michael, and Azazel weren't there; Rias and Sona's peerages appeared to be gone as well.
"Where is everyone?" he asked Yubelluna.
"They've gone to take care of any forces that might have lagged behind," she said immediately. Elros nodded and quickly flew out of the stage room to rejoin whatever battle might be going on inside.
"Luke. Yama," Zekram nodded at them.
"Yes?" Luke inquired, making himself another martini.
"What happened? Everything went dark," Zekram said.
"Ophis appeared, as I'm sure you could tell. However, there was another figure there as well. Neither of us got a name, but she seems to be able to usher in darkness at will," Luke said.
"Where are they now?" Zekram asked.
"Retreated for the moment. I daresay those within the building didn't get the memo," Luke said. He offered Yama a gla.s.s as well, but the armored Devil denied it.
"You could've brought them in," Zekram said.
"This isn't my fight, Elder Bael. I shall not involve myself in such a matter. Elros attempted - and was able to make them rethink their strategy. You are as well aware of the fact that that is all anyone likely could've hoped for at this point," Luke said.
"Unless you stepped in," Zekram reiterated.
"Quite. Now, how many forces remain inside? I hear the rumble and rattle," Luke said, a hand to his ear.
"Likely on the magnitude of several hundred, but we have to be more careful dealing with them," Odin said. He accepted the drink Luke offered him.
"Well, let us relax until it is taken care of. When does the party begin again, may I ask?" Luke asked Zekram. The elder Devil pursed him lips but didn't reply, taking a seat and staring at Luke and Yama.
"Perhaps you should deign to wash off, Yama? The stench is growing," Luke said, looking around. People averted Yama's cold gaze, but soon couldn't deny his presence; the smell of blood and gore reached them, and many made a quick exit to vomit.
"Weak stomachs within weak Devils. This Battle Royale is useless," Yama said, although he soon made his exit. As he did, Zekram looked at Luke again.
"You wish to say something?" Luke asked casually.
"No. Not yet, at least," Zekram said, leaning back. He closed his eyes, listening to the sounds of battle.
"Elros!" Rias shouted, quickly putting up a barrier as she gave him a hug and kiss.
"Hey, sweetheart. Maybe it's best we save this for later?" Elros chuckled, shooting a few Khaos Brigade members in the head.
"How're you feeling? I don't know what happened! Everything went dark!" Rias exclaimed.
"I'll explain it all later. Let's take care of business for now, shall we?" he asked. Rias smiled and nodded before suddenly kicking things into overdrive. Akeno soon came up behind him and turned it up to eleven as well. The other Devils that were aiding them looked on in surprise as the two dominant Devils obliterated the low double-digit agents in front of them.
"c.r.a.p," one Devil said, eyebrow raised.
"No kidding. Hot and powerful…," another grumbled, looking sideways at them. He cringed as Rias shot him a glare before kissing Elros yet again, Akeno following.
"Are you alright?" Akeno asked.
"Yup. Shall we continue?" he asked. They nodded and led him around, taking care of business with extreme prejudice as they went along. Elros looked on with amus.e.m.e.nt as he was barely able to get a hit in.
As everyone rea.s.sembled back in the hall, Elros was on stage filling Michael, Sirzechs, Azazel, and everyone else in on what had happened above. Yama and Luke corroborated the same story. As they finished, Zekram looked between Yama and Elros, an angry look in his eye.
"What was the meaning of pointing your weapons at each other?" he asked. Neither replied, only looking at each other. A cold spell fell throughout the room as their energies cascaded, potent enough to give virtually everyone except Luke pause. He put an arm on their shoulders and shook his head; at that, they stopped. Azazel quickly interjected.
"We're going to need some more security. These Peace Talks are going to continue for a week, at least. I wouldn't say that it's out of the question that we might suffer another attack. That is two of the original Four Great Satans dead, now. It seems like Ophis is sharing her powers with all of them, although Cruserey wasn't able to do… well, anything, actually," Azazel said, looking at Luke.
"I would say that your a.s.sumption is safe, Governor General. Ophis, as well as this new being that's allied with her. I imagine she has her own force or forces, although I cannot begin to comment on that. I would a.s.sume there may be more ent.i.ties involved with them that are currently considered," Luke said.
"I thought you weren't going to get involved?" Elros asked with a smirk.
"I shall not! This is merely a comment that anyone with half a mind should be able to make. Now, shall we continue this party or is there still something else to discuss?" Luke wondered.
"A few more things, Luke. You'll be able to enjoy yourself soon enough," Michael sighed, exasperated. Luke chuckled before taking a seat, sipping another martini. Elros sat next to him, a thoughtful expression on his face as he replayed the events through his mind.
"Highfather-," one Devil began before Odin corrected him.
"Allfather," he said kindly.
"… Allfather. How can we be a.s.sured of your commitment to the cause?" the Devil asked.
"Well, me coming here wasn't exactly accepted by all of Asgard. I think most of them are calling for my head now, actually. I came because it's the right thing to do. Peace between the Three Factions… this will lead to Peace between the divided Pantheons - or at least that is my hope. That is why I'm here," Odin said.
"Do you obtain no personal benefit?" another Devil asked.
"A life of peace and prosperity for all," Odin replied.
"Will your son, Thor, continue with the commitment after your retirement?" Zekram asked.
"He will indeed. My son is fond of Earth in particular and wishes to see no harm come to it. I've no doubt he will begin attending these kinds of talks with me shortly," Odin said.
"An open question to everyone else - are there any other Pantheons or magical races that have approached you about making peace?" another Devil asked.
"The Fairies. Their Queen should be here before the night is over, as I'm told. We expect others to come shortly," Azazel answered.
"And how will this change the nature of the Underworld?" another asked.
"Perhaps not as much as you're thinking. Expect much less fighting and more resources to utilize at the very least. Beyond small forces dedicated to stamping out resistance, we hope to make a large scale war completely unnecessary," Sirzechs said.
"What about attacks like today?" Lillian asked.
"Progress is often marred by those who would rather see us held back. We will not let an event like today's inhibit us, however. This is much larger than any one Devil - than any one race," Michael answered serenely. The Devils continued to murmur and ask their questions.
Finally, the questioning had ended, and people began to file out into different rooms to continue the party. Elros joined up with Rias and started talking, while Luke waltzed over to the Four Great Satans, Michael, Azazel, Zekram, the Gremory's, and Odin.
"Luke," Zekram said.
"h.e.l.lo, h.e.l.lo, Zekram. I'm curious - where is that descendant of yours? I would expect the current head of the Bael Clan to be here," Luke said.
"I am here instead. He has other duties to attend to," Zekram replied.
"I daresay none of them are as important as this peace," Luke said. Zekram narrowed his eyes at the blond Devil; there weren't many that could talk to him like that.
"It is what it is," Zekram finally said through gritted teeth.
"I am curious of your thoughts on my protege. He performed quite admirably, I daresay. Obliterated half of the invaders, then held his own against the Infinity Dragon and the newcomer. Even I was reasonably impressed. Especially when you consider his young age, I doubt most of the old Devils would've fared as well," Luke said cheerfully.
"What is his exact relations.h.i.+p with you?" Zekram asked.
"I suppose you could say I acted as a father figure for him. After all, we are one and the same when it comes to that. I detest my father as much as he detests his," Luke said, looking at Michael. The Angel narrowed his eyes but calmed down soon after.
"And who is his father?" Zekram asked.
"Enyalius Eärendil," Luke replied casually.
"Never heard of him," Zekram scoffed.
"Perhaps that's for the best," Luke chuckled.
"Meaning?" Zekram asked.
"Derive what you will from it," Luke replied.
"Enyalius… Enyalius… Is he a Devil?" Zekram asked.
"I do not know his current status," Luke replied.
"Mmm… And the boy - would you consider him your heir?" Zekram asked.
"I've no empire to leave to him, my good man," Luke replied.
"You have a significant amount of territory, wealth, and legacy," Zekram said.
"Hmm… yes, I suppose I do. Elros!" Luke called out.
"What's up, Lucy?" Elros called back.
"I, at this moment, bequeath my territory, wealth, and legacy in the Underworld to you upon my sudden death or… you know, whatever," Luke said casually.
"Ha. Alright, then," Elros chuckled, turning back to Rias who seemed as surprised by everyone else that heard.
"Well, I suppose that's that," Luke said, turning back to the surprised group around him. They couldn't tell if he was joking or not.
"I think I like this guy," Azazel chuckled, pulling out a cigar and offering it to Luke.
"Ah! Finally, someone with good sense. Yes, this is excellent. Thank you," Luke said, lighting it with a spark from his fingers.
Zekram, however, wasn't too pleased.
"You can't just leave it all to the boy, Luke," he said.
"What's wrong with that?" Luke wondered.
"You know what," Zekram spat.
"You know how long I've been uninvolved, Zekram. Forgive me, but whatever is wrong with it has slipped my mind," Luke said. Zekram looked around before replying.
"This is better discussed in private," he said.
"Very well! But first, I surmise that you would like to speak with me, Michael?" Luke said, looking at the Angel. Everyone looked at Michael who finally smiled.
"Indeed I would, Luke. Perhaps now would work for you?" he said serenely.
"Yes, of course. Shall we?" Luke asked, opening a magic circle. Michael nodded at him before stepping in, followed by Luke. Elros sighed as he watched them go.
"What is it?" Rias asked, caressing his cheek.
"Just curious what they want to talk about," Elros said.
"They both seem to know each other, don't they?" Rias said.
"Mmm," Elros hummed before taking her chin in his hand. Smiling, he leaned forward and gave her a pa.s.sionate kiss that she happily returned. Giggling as they separated, Rias leaned forward and rested her head on his chest. The Four Great Satans as well as the Gremory's and Azazel smiled at the tender scene while several other Devils shot looks at them.
"Christ, some of them really don't want us together," Elros grumbled.
"I know. I'm sorry for that. You don't deserve it," Rias sighed.
"Not your fault. Besides, looks like more than a few of them are going to be in the Battle Royale. Maybe I can convince Lucy to help me beat some sense into them. Hope they have their affairs in order," Elros said darkly, laughing a bit as he saw some recoil.
"You did that on purpose," Rias giggled.
"Yup. They're welcome to hate, but I'm going to have some fun with it," Elros said cheerfully.
"Elros!" came Mihae's voice.
"Hey, Mihae," Elros said, hugging the girl. She hugged him back, eliciting multiple coos's and aww's from the girls. Mihae was easily as adorable as Asia and Koneko, and they couldn't help but sigh in exaltation when she interacted with Elros - whom she so obviously had a crush on.
"There's… umm… someone I'd like you to meet! Thank you for putting her on the guest list, Lady Rias," Mihae bowed to Rias.
"Not at all, Mihae," the redhead smiled.
"Mihae!" came another voice. Looking down, Elros raised an eyebrow as Mihae blushed bright red. Looking for the source, Elros saw a beautiful woman striding towards them. She wore a kimono like Mihae - and looked as though she could be her older sister, although her features were a bit more adultlike. She had sharp, yellow eyes as opposed to Mihae's big, round ones; and her full, red, lips were curved into a stunning smile. Her stunning raven-black was tied in a long ponytail that went down her back, reaching waist length.
"Mother. This is Elros," Mihae said, pointing at him.
"Oh, what a handsome young man! h.e.l.lo, sweetheart," Mihae's mother said, tightly embracing Elros. To Elros's amus.e.m.e.nt and Rias's surprise, Mihae's mom began rubbing Elros's back as she whispered in his ear.
"Thank you for taking such good care of my daughter. If there's anything I can help with, you need but to ask," she said lasciviously. Elros looked at Mihae who had turned even redder before pulling her mother off.
"Mother! What did I say!" she squealed adorably.
"Sorry, dear. But it's so fun to tease you," Mihae's mother giggled, pinching her daughter's cheek. Mihae let out a little whine before looking at Elros, who just laughed and hugged her again.
"Hi there, Miss," he said cheerfully.
"Please, call me Anna. Sorry about that. I just enjoy embarra.s.sing my daughter as much as possible," Anna chirped. She looked to Rias, who just seemed bewildered.
"And this must be Rias. Thank you for allowing me to come. Forgive me if I was a bit obtuse there," she said with a charming smile.
"It's… fine… I guess…," Rias grumbled.
"It's a pleasure, Anna. I didn't know Mihae had such a beautiful mother. Although, I should've expected no less, considering how beautiful your daughter is," Elros said, kissing her hand and eliciting a giggle.
"Oh, a charmer. Perhaps I'll have to keep a closer on you than I initially thought," Anna said with a smile.
"I aim to please, my lady," Elros said dramatically.
"Oh, no! Stop flirting with him at once, mother!" Mihae squealed adorably, tightening her hold on Elros.
"As you wish, darling," Anna giggled, caressing her daughter's cheek. "But indeed, thank you, Elros. It's been years since I was able to see my daughter because of that man," Anna said seriously.
"Not at all. I'm just happy that Mihae seems more satisfied now," Elros said, kissing her atop her head. Mihae turned red at the gesture but smiled, eliciting more aww's from those around.
"Ah! And these are your friends, Mihae?" Anna asked, looking at Yubelluna, Marion, BĂĽrent, Karlamine, Isabela, and Xuelan.
"Yes. Let me introduce you," Mihae chirped, beginning to do so.
"They seem happy. That's good," Elros said, kissing Akeno atop her head as he pulled her in a bit closer. Akeno smiled and nodded, resting her head on his shoulder as she watched the peaceful scene unfold.
"So Rias - do we know who we're going to be facing tomorrow?" Akeno asked.
"We'll find out tomorrow, actually. In the morning is the ceremony, after which the Duels begin," Rias said.
"Ceremony?" Elros wondered.
"To launch the Young Devil's Tournament. We'll be asked to talk about our dreams and aspirations, after which the Games will begin," Rias said.
"And what are your dreams and aspirations?" Elros asked, brus.h.i.+ng a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"You'll have to wait to find out with everyone else tomorrow," Rias said with a smile.
"Aww, come on. I'm your boyfriend! You have to put me on a pedestal or something. Pretty sure that's the rule," Elros complained.
"I would've told you, but this is what you get for teasing me all the time," Rias said.
"Ugh, you're so mean," Elros grumbled.
"I love you too, dear," Rias giggled, kissing him on the cheek.
"Hmm… I already know what Sona's dream is, I think. I wonder what the others want, though?" Elros said, looking at the other Young Devils: Sairaorg Bael, Diodora Astaroth, Seekvaira Agares, Zeprhydor GlaysLabolas, and two others he didn't know.
"Some want power and prestige; some want something tangible, others don't. It varies year to year, gathering to gathering. I think by now, we've heard a wide range of dreams," Rias said.
"Dreams and aspirations are important. They're what drives us, after all," Elros said.
"What's your dream?" Rias asked. Elros just winked at her before moving behind, resting his hands on her stomach before going to her ear.
"Will you dance with me?" he asked.
"What?" Rias asked, turning a bright red. She only just noticed that the music had changed to something slower.
"Will you dance with me?" Elros asked, gently taking one of her hands in his and twirling her to face him.
"Yes," Rias breathed. Elros smiled and began to walk backward, leading her to the floor. People cut a broad swath as conversations stopped and eyes and heads turned to the couple. Rias was smiling bright and full as Elros intertwined on hand with hers and wrapped the other around her waist. She did the same and closed the distance between them, and the two slowly began to dance - the rest of the world just melting away.
"They look like a prince and princess," one of the Devils said.
"Hmph. A princess and a pauper, perhaps," another added derisively.
"So cute," Akeno cooed, putting a hand on her cheek.
"You're not jealous?" Issei wondered.
"Nope. This is more Rias and Sona's scene if I'm honest. I prefer to be a bit more… well, you know," Akeno giggled, turning Issei red.
"I must admit, they do make a stunning couple," Tsubaki said with a smile.
"He's got quite a large heart. I suppose it's not surprising he's able to make room for so many people in it," Sona said, also smiling. Marion, BĂĽrent, and Yubelluna soon joined them, also smiling at the two.
"Adorable," Venelana chirped.
"Quite. It appears that the others are just as mesmerized," Zeoticus said, chuckling at the people staring.
"Doubt all of them are approving, though," Azazel noted.
"Those that aren't can take it up with Elros directly, should they wish," Grayfia added surprisingly. Everyone looked at her in surprise but smiled as they continued to watch.
"Oh, that's the cutest THING I'VE EVER SEEN! If it were Sona, it'd be so much more adorable, though!" Serafall giggled. Zekram, notably, was frowning.
"You don't approve?" Odin asked him quietly. Zekram looked at him before looking back at Rias and Elros.
"Everyone's staring," Rias said, blus.h.i.+ng as she leaned a bit forward.
"I know. Do you mind?" Elros asked, twirling her gently.
"Not at all," Rias chirped. She felt b.u.t.terflies in her stomach, a flutter in her heart, and the hotness on her cheeks. She looked up and saw Elros smiling serenely at her, his eyes full of pa.s.sion as he continued to lead along. No stranger to dance, she was able to add her own flourishes here and there.
"I love you," Elros said as he pulled her in a bit closer and gave her a gentle kiss.
"I love you, too. So much," Rias replied happily, wrapping her arms around his neck and slowing down. The two began to sway from side to side, ignoring everyone and everything else.
"Ah, young love," Luke said with a smile as he and Michael returned. The Angel smiled serenely as usual upon Elros and Rias.
"Indeed. Never thought Elros would be the one to settle, though," Odin chuckled, taking a martini from Luke.
"Nor did I. I suppose it happens to the best of us. After all, how long has it been since you were in the same position?" Luke chuckled.
"Ah, don't remind me. I might be here, but Freya expects me to check in every couple of hours," Odin sighed.
"You best attend to that. We know who wears the pants in that relations.h.i.+p," Luke chuckled, Odin laughing along.
"If you have a moment, I'd like to speak with you in private, Luke," Zekram said.
"Certainly. Follow me," Luke said, opening a magic circle; Zekram followed him through.
Finally, their dance ended. Giving Rias one more long and pa.s.sionate kiss, Elros led her off the floor.
"Lady Rias, perhaps you wouldn't mind gracing me with a dance?" a handsome Devil asked. To his chagrin, Rias just ignored him as she rested her on Elros's shoulder.
"Or me?" another asked. Again, the same response.
"Or me?" a female Devil asked. Again, ignored. They soon stopped and slumped away, egos cras.h.i.+ng.
"Poor b.a.s.t.a.r.ds," Elros sighed.
"They'll live. Don't tell me you actually feel sorry for them," Rias giggled.
"Na. You can tell what they want from how they approach. p.r.i.c.ks. Sincerity is important in love, after all," Elros said.
"Got that right," Rias chirped.
"That, and destroying the person's house. You can never forget the dramatic entrance," Elros said.
"Pinpoint accurate, even when unconscious," Rias sighed.
"Tell me about it. Literally, of all the places I could've landed. Anyways, excuse for a moment, sweetheart. I need to talk to Mikey about something," Elros said.
"'Kay," Rias chirped, giving him a kiss before rejoining Akeno and the others.
"You had fun," Akeno said with a smirk.
"You've no idea," Rias said, bubbling over with glee.
"What is it, Elros?" Michael asked as he was pulled aside.
"I wanted to talk to you in private about this. You uh… well, you know what happened a little while ago on Earth, right?" Elros asked.
"Indeed. Forgive me for not communicating sooner. How are you feeling?" Michael asked.
"Well, surprisingly. I haven't checked in with what's going… I'll do that this week. But that's not it! Alright, so I talked to the others, and I met with Constantine. He told me a bit about that a.s.signment you had him, Jason, and Jim do. You recall it?" Elros asked.
"I do. A strong magical disturbance in London," Michael said.
"Right. Now, John said that the only thing they found was a cloak. Purple in color, with significant magical properties," Elros said.
"That's correct," Michael said.
"When everything went dark, another figure appeared alongside mini-Akeno… c.r.a.p, what's her name? Orifice… no, Ophis! That's it. Another figure appeared alongside Ophis. Woman. Incredibly powerful, able to control darkness. She had the same cloak that John described," Elros said. He pointed his ring between him and Michael and pulled up a figure of the newcomer. Michael observed it intensely, committing it to memory before nodding.
"Thank you for sharing this with me. I'll tell Azazel and Sirzechs," Michael said.
"Alright. Best to be careful with this one, I think. She couldn't break my constructs, but was still strong enough to block it. Intense magical power," Elros said.
"How strong is her will, if you had to estimate it?" Michael asked.
"Hmm… probably on par with Rias or Sona's. Not as strong as Ophis, though. She shattered my construct," Elros said, tapping his foot. Michael put a hand on his shoulder and smiled serenely at his friend.
"You are still young, my friend. Ophis is far, far older. It's impressive that you were able to make her retreat," Michael said. Elros sighed and nodded before smiling bitterly.
"You know me, Mikey. Have to be the best. Enough about that, though. You and Luke - everything alright?" Elros asked.
"As well as it could be," Michael sighed. Elros nodded, deciding not to press the point further for the moment. They both walked back to the room and rejoined the party.
Elros was happily talking with the group when he suddenly noticed a look of dread come over Yubelluna's face. Her eyes went wide as the door opened and the haunting figure from her past came through.
Everyone cut a swath as Riser Phoenix entered, a scowl on his face as he looked at Elros. He recoiled as he saw the snarl on his face. Elros felt Yubelluna hold on tightly to his arm. He pulled her in closer, letting her rest her head on his chest as Riser continued to approach.
"Huh. Riser Phoenix," a Devil scoffed.
"Can't believe he'd show his face here, after what he pulled. I'm not the lowborn's fan, but Riser sunk below his level when he attacked him," another said.
"Mhm. Coward indeed. I wonder how Lord and Lady Phoenix feel about this?" another said.
"They're not here. I wonder why they let the pariah leave his room? Is he done licking his wounds?" another added snidely. Riser just ignored them as he walked the stage.
"Oh, Riser Phoenix. A social pariah," Luke said cheerfully as he saw him.
"What is the boy doing?" Zekram wondered.
"I do hope he doesn't push Elros's b.u.t.tons too much. It appears as though Riser knows that, however. Can you smell it?" Luke asked.
"Smell what?" Azazel inquired.
"Fear, my dear Fallen Angel. Fear," Luke said with a sardonic chuckle.
"Smell… fear?" Zekram asked.
"Luke's quite right. I daresay Elros has picked up the scent already," Odin said.
"I've no idea what you two are on about," Azazel sighed.
"Eärendil. I need to speak with you," Riser said.
"About what?" Elros asked coldly.
"In private," Riser said.
"You don't want that," Elros said, gritting his teeth. Riser was about to retort but thought about what might happen if they did speak in private; he decided against it.
"It's about my peerage," Riser said.
"You have no peerage, beyond the girls that decided to stay. These ladies have left your service," Elros said.
"My entire peerage," Riser said, ignoring what he said.
"Your whole peerage is with you. As per our negotiations, you forfeited them. I let the ones that wanted to stay stay. These ladies wanted to leave and are with me now," Elros said, holding Yubelluna a bit tighter.
"I can't function without my full peerage," Riser said.
"That's your problem, not mine. Shouldn't gamble what you're not willing to lose, bird," Elros said. Riser gritted his teeth.
"Yubelluna. Marion. BĂĽrent. Mihae. Isabela. Karlamine. Xuelan. With me, now!" Riser barked, looking at them.
"No," Mihae said fretfully. She retreated a bit as Riser looked at her. Rias put a comforting arm around her, holding her close; meanwhile, Anna narrowed her eyes at him.
"Don't forget who reincarnated you, girl. I gave you a chance when no one else would! You belong to me!" Riser said harshly. They recoiled as he spoke to them.
"You lost the match fair and square, Phoenix," Rias said coolly. Riser looked at her before looking at Elros and Yubelluna.
"Give me my Queen, Eärendil," he said.
"No," Elros replied.
"Yubelluna. You belong to me. I am ordering you to get over here. Otherwise, you know what my punishment will be," Riser said. Elros felt Yubelluna whimper and tighten her hold on him; he reciprocated the action, feeling his anger rise.
"Let's come to a deal," Riser said to Elros.
"Leave now. Before I lose my patience, bird," Elros said coldly.
"Mr. Gremory, Mrs. Gremory," Riser said, turning and going to the elder Gremory's.
"Riser?" Zeoticus said coolly.
"I humbly ask you to speak with your daughter's servant regarding this matter. I cannot function with my full peerage, and I have no more pieces with which to Reincarnate more. I need them," Riser said.
"You know as well as I do that one cannot renege on their wagers, Riser," Zeoticus said.
"If he were to come to an agreement, it would all be well - on both sides," Riser said.
"That is Elros's choice, not ours. Your quarrel is with him, child," Venelana said. As she spoke, Riser gulped; he remembered Venelana activating her Powers of Destruction after his attack on Elros.
"Mr. Bae-," he began before Zekram cut him off.
"You have no sympathy from me, boy. Man up and accept your loss!" Zekram barked. He turned to Luke, who was the only one smiling at him.
"Luke Star…," Riser said.
"It's best you leave, Young Phoenix," Luke said.
"What?" Riser asked in surprise.
"I said it's best you leave. I do not wish this celebration to be marred by more death. And perhaps you haven't noticed, but Elros is currently teetering on the edge. One wrong move and one of us will have to inform your parents about why their son is being sent to them with his wings torn out, head ripped off, and genitals stuck in his mouth. While I would love to see such sights on a typical day, today is not it. Leave now," Luke said. Riser opened his mouth to protest but was suddenly thrown clear across the room. Looking up, he saw Elros striding towards him.
"LEAVE! NOW!" Elros roared, his wings suddenly bursting from his back. Devils around him flew back in a panic as they felt the searing fury wash off of him like a mighty waterfall. One of Elros's hands turned into a blazing piston of blue fire as it pointed at Riser, who looked on in fear.
"Now. I'll give you the chance you didn't give me," Elros hissed. Immediately, Riser came to his senses and ran out the door. Sure he was gone, Elros calmed down and walked back to the stage, quickly hugging Yubelluna again, bringing Mihae in for a hug as well.
"Don't worry, you guys. I'm not letting anyone take you, alright?" he whispered, letting them cry on him. He heard other Devils gulp before resuming their conversation, trying their best to forget what just happened.
Rias gently rubbed Elros's back, kissing him on the cheek in comfort. He let out a deep sigh and gave her a wry smile as he continued to rub Yubelluna and Mihae's backs. The other girls congregated around him in fear as well, as though expecting Riser to come back. Both Rias and Sona's peerage formed a protective wall around them, glaring at any Devil that approached.
"Whew. That went better than I thought," Azazel said with a deep sigh.
"No kidding. Thought that the blond kid was dead for a second. Good thing it wasn't Thor. He would've sent that kid flying," Odin said.
"I will concede that Riser was in the wrong. That said, Venelana, the boy should know how to treat with Highborns," Zekram said.
"As you said, ancestor, Riser was in the wrong. Riser likely wouldn't have been as forgiving were the tables turned," Venelana said.
"Perhaps - but the boy is nonetheless part of the Phoenix Clan. While he might not be the next heir, his Demonic Power is far superior to the other boy. I don't think I've even seen what his Demonic Power is," Zekram said.
"You cannot expect him to reveal all his tricks immediately, my dear Bael," Luke said with a smile.
"I get the feeling you know what it is," Zekram said.
"Certainly. But I shall let him reveal it in due course," Luke said.
"This isn't a joking matter, Luke," Zekram said.
"Quite - and I wasn't joking," Luke replied. Zekram was about to reply but decided against it. He turned his gaze back to Elros, his mind running. He didn't have much time to think, however, as the doors suddenly opened again. As everyone turned to see the new arrival, jaws dropped.
Walking through the doors was one of the most beautiful women anyone could ever recall seeing. She wore a regal red and white dress that flowered around her legs like a skirt. It hovered gently above the ground, not even a single grain of dirt upon it. It seemed to glow brightly, even in the well-lit room. Her hair was the most vivid red one could have imagined, flowing down her back and just barely grazing the ground, heaving and lowering with every step that she took. On her feet, she wore magnificent gla.s.s slippers that clicked musically. Our of her back were four flowery petal wings, red and purple in color. Her full red lips were curved into a pleasant smile as she clasped her hands in front of her, amplifying her generous bust.
"h.e.l.lo," she said in a lofty voice that sounded like music to everyone that heard it.
"Ho…ly… sh…it…," Issei said, his jaw on the floor. Saji followed, just as stunned by how beautiful she was. Men and women alike were overcome with her beauty as she walked on the stage, smiling at everyone. As she stopped, she bowed low.
"Forgive my lateness. There was a matter to which I had to attend," she said.
"Who… who… are you?" Rossweisse asked, surprising everyone with the fact she was still there.
"Oh, forgive me! My name is t.i.tania. Queen of the Fairies, at your service," she said, bowing again.
"Hi there," Elros said cheerfully. Everyone looked at him in surprise before several shouted in uproar at how casual he was being. They immediately stopped as t.i.tania giggled. Immediately, they fawned over how beautiful she was.
"Forgive him. He doesn't know how to treat with royalty. Zekram Bael, at your service," Zekram said, bowing low.
"No need to be so formal, Zekram Bael. After all, I am your guest, most gracious host," t.i.tania said.
"h.e.l.lo, t.i.tania," Luke said.
"Mr. Star. It has been a while since we last met. How are you?" t.i.tania asked with a charming smile.
"Well, my dear. It's nice to see you again," Luke said, bowing as well. t.i.tania returned the bow. The others did the same for her, but she soon turned to Elros, smiling especially wide.
"You must be Elros Eärendil," she said.
"Yes, M'lady. How… did you know?" Elros wondered.
"I made sure to acquaint myself with the most prominent Devils, dear. Elros Eärendil, Rias Gremory, Sona Sitri, Akeno Himejima, Tsubaki s.h.i.+nra, Issei Hyoudou, Sirzechs Lucifer, Serafall Leviathan, Ajuka Beelzebub, Falbium Asmodeus, Zekram Bael, Lord Bael - who I note is conspicuously absent, Yama," t.i.tania said, listing off their napes with perfect enunciation. She seemed to have done her research.
"Yup, that's me!" Elros said cheerfully, eliciting another giggle.
"Elros…," Rias sighed.
"What?" Elros wondered.
"She's… well, unknown royalty you could say. What I'm trying to say is… maybe be a bit more serious," Rias sighed. Elros looked shocked she would suggest such a thing.
"Actually, I'd prefer that he act this way," t.i.tania said with a smile.
"You would?!" several Devils asked, comically concurrent.
"Indeed. I wouldn't dare ask him to act against his nature," t.i.tania said. Elros grinned his appreciation and nodded, while Rias and Sona sighed in exasperation.
"That's my protege!" Luke chuckled.
"Elder Bael - perhaps you and your a.s.sociates wouldn't mind filling me in on what has transpired? After which, I humbly ask that I might be able to retire for the night. The day has been a long and weary one," t.i.tania said tiredly.
"Of course, my lady. Please, this way," Zekram said hurriedly. He, the Four Great Satans, Azazel, Michael, Luke, and Odin followed.
"We ought to get to bed as well. It's going to be a long week," Rias said to Elros.
"Right. Uhhh… let's go," Elros said, looking at the spot where t.i.tania was. As she left, his eyes narrowed.
'Why does she seem so… familiar?' he thought. The others didn't notice; or if they did, they didn't comment.
"I'm sure most everyone half expected you to slaughter Mr. Phoenix on the spot," Luke said with a smile as he went up to Elros. The party was ending and almost everyone had gone to sleep by now. Elros, notably, was frowning at some soot on the ground. He finally looked up and returned the smile.
"He's going to be in the Battle Royale. I'll take care of him then," Elros said.
"I look forward to it. Good night, Elros," Luke said.
"Sweet dreams, Lucy," Elros said making his exit.
As t.i.tania walked through the empty hall towards her room, she heard a clink behind her.
"Yama," she said coldly, not turning to face the Devil.
"t.i.tania," he replied, his voice just as cold. "It's been a while."
"It has indeed. How have you been?" she asked, her tone indicating a lack of interest in the response.
"You don't care," he replied.
"True. I hear you're coming out of retirement for one last fight?" she said.
"I am. Against the boy. Elros," Yama said. As he said the name, t.i.tania turned to face him, her vivid green eyes boring into his soul.
"And what is your wager with him?" she asked.
"You'll find out with everyone else," he replied.
"You will lose, Yama. Luke's brought me up to speed on him," t.i.tania said. Yama let out a derisive chuckle.
"I bet he has. It doesn't change what you did. t.i.tania, Queen of the Fairies… t.i.tania, the Coward," Yama said as he walked pa.s.sed her. Suddenly, he felt his body stop.
"I will not be insulted by you," she said icily.
"I only speak the truth, o' Mighty Queen. He'll be interested to know that you're here. Unless he's forgotten you, that is - just as you forgot your promise," Yama replied. A moment later, he broke out of the charm that t.i.tania cast over him. As he walked away, t.i.tania let out a shuddered breath and closed her eyes. She quickly walked to her room and shut the door.