As Elros woke up the next morning, he noted that he was again alone in bed. Looking over, he saw that the sun peeping over the tree line hazed slightly by a small mist in the grounds. Yawning, he quickly showered before heading down - meeting with a startling sight.
"Mr. Gremory!" Elros greeted cheerfully as he saw the patriarch of the Gremory clan on the sofa, sipping some tea and waiting for him.
"Ah, Elros! Good to see you again soon. I hope I'm not disturbing you," Mr. Gremory said as he got up and embraced Elros, bypa.s.sing the extended hand. Elros was surprised by the motion but returned the embrace.
"Not at all, sir. I don't think I've had a chance to thank you for the house, either," Elros said as he took a seat opposite him.
"Not at all. Truth be told, we were hoping to go much grander - perhaps with a large compound as opposed to simply a residence," Lord Gremory said, his tone apologetic.
"Please sir, I don't want you to trouble yourself. This is… perhaps too much already," Elros said.
"Nonsense. You deserve this and much more, Elros - for the help you've offered my family, as well as the happiness you've offered Rias. Never have I seen her in such high spirits," Lord Gremory said with a smile.
"I'm happy to have done both, sir. Speaking of which, are Rias and Akeno here?" Elros asked as he picked up a cup of tea as well.
"Venelana has taken both of them shopping. I believe you have a date with Akeno tomorrow, yes?" Lord Gremory asked.
"Yes, sir," Elros nodded.
"Wonderful. I know Venelana has likely asked you already, but as a father, I must as well. Both are dear to me, Elros… Akeno, much like a second daughter. Please, take care of them," Lord Gremory said.
"I will, sir. With my life, if it comes to that," Elros nodded. Satisfied with his answer, Lord Gremory smiled.
"There's something else I wish to discuss with you, although perhaps it's best not to mention it to Rias. You two have been intimate lately, have you not?" Lord Gremory asked. Elros took a deep draw of the tea before answering, wondering how to answer.
"If you're asking what I think you're asking sir, yes," Elros said.
"I see. You love my daughter?" Lord Gremory asked.
"Very much, sir," Elros nodded.
"Very well. That's that, although I daresay my wife might be a bit more… in depth with her questions," Lord Gremory sighed.
"The other reason I came here, however, is to discuss another matter. Rias mentioned that she had informed you of the challenges you've been made? In regards to Duels," Lord Gremory clarified.
"Yes, sir. She mentioned something about the 12th, 9th, and 5th Duelists wanting to fight me. I told her that I accept the challenges," Elros said.
"Know that you do not have to accept them, Elros. You've already sufficiently impressed the Underworld, I dare say. After all, no other Low-or-Middle-Cla.s.s Devil has ranked in the top 20 - usually, the innate powers are too much. You can take these at your own pace," Lord Gremory said.
"Refusing the Duels would reflect poorly on Rias as well as the Gremory Household as a whole, wouldn't they?" Elros asked. Lord Gremory sighed.
"You're certainly more prescient than most. While that's true, it's not a very large factor. Many Duelists postpone Duels until a later time after they've a.n.a.lyzed their opponents further and have developed a strategy. Winning is the most important thing in the Duels. As Rias likely has told you, everyone in the top 20 is undefeated. In those slots, the only way to ascend further is to defeat another ranked Duelists and usurp their spot," Lord Gremory said.
"I a.s.sume they're challenging me either because they think they've figured out my weaknesses. Or perhaps they're not happy with the state of affairs between Rias and me," Elros said with a bitter smile.
"The latter, I believe. The 12th and 9th placed Devils that have challenged you are also suitors my daughter rejected. Their egos are large, their att.i.tude pugnacious and belligerent, their modesty lacking. I ask for your forgiveness in laying these matters at your feet," Lord Gremory said apologetically. Elros and Rias should've had some time to settle in further and be happy for a while, he and his wife thought, before the requests for fights had come in. Most of it was their fault, they felt, for dragging him into the mess with Riser. But he had exploded on to the Underworld scene in such a fas.h.i.+on, that it was difficult not to take note of him.
"It's fine, sir. I think the quicker I shut them down, the better. Now, do I have to accept the fights in that order? Or can I just fight Number 5? And do you know who number 5 is?" Elros asked.
"You'll have to fight them in order, I'm afraid. 12, 9, then 5. Between those three, you can s.p.a.ce the fights out as much as you'd like, however - take the first challenge now, then wait to take on the other two. As for number 5 - she's one of two female Devils in the top five. Truth be told, I'm not quite certain of why she challenged you," Lord Gremory said.
"Hmmm… I see. What about taking them in quick succession?" Elros asked.
"Seriously?" Lord Gremory asked, surprised.
"Yes, sir. I think I might have what it takes. Plus, I think it'd stop the others from being so eager. Although, I also thought that beating Riser would cool some jets so perhaps I'm not as educated on the matter as I thought myself to be," Elros grumbled.
"That is your prerogative, although all of them would have to accept to fight in those conditions. The two higher ranked Devils might not be as willing - they've more to lose then gain, after all," Lord Gremory said.
"I imagine the first two will want to wager Rias's hand in marriage as well?" Elros asked.
"I believe so. The fifth, I cannot say," Lord Gremory sighed.
"When can I negotiate with them?" Elros asked.
"I can set a meeting for tomorrow, before your date with Akeno. Depending on how many of them you'll challenge, the Duel might be for next week or, if they agree to fight you at the same time, I imagine this will become a much larger affair and will be pushed back a few weeks until all more Devils have congregated for the summer. There may well be some Angels and Fallen Angels in attendance as well, should that be the case," Lord Gremory said.
"Understood. Tomorrow it is then, sir," Elros nodded.
"Wonderful. I'll go get the meetings set up, then. Enjoy your date, Elros," Lord Gremory said with a wink before he disappeared into a magic circle. As he left, Elros let out a deep sigh.
'Great. More Duels. More guys wanting Rias's hand. Fine. Looks like I'll be putting Saint Walker's training to use a bit quicker than antic.i.p.ated, then,' Elros thought as he suddenly opened a dimensional portal with his ring. As he reached inside, he felt three objects brush against his skin; one felt as though it burned it, the other made him gulp, but the third one made him smile. Gently he grabbed it and pulled it out, brus.h.i.+ng it lightly with his fingers.
It was a blue ring with an embossed design on it - the symbol of the Blue Lanterns. Just holding the ring was enough to fill one's body with an uncanny warmth and a sense of hope - a sense that all will be well. He brought it closer to his own green ring and the two s.h.i.+ned bright in congruence with each other. With a sigh, he put the ring back in the dimensional portal with the other two he had recently acquired. He would need to reach out to Constantine again for a place to train.
"Hey, you there?" Akeno asked as she called Elros. She felt the wind bustling through her hair as she, Venelana, and Rias walked down a street in London under their umbrellas - the rain was pouring down fiercely as the overcast skies blotted out the sun. Looking at the time, night was going to descend soon.
"Yup. You and Rias out with Mrs. Gremory?" Elros asked.
"Yeah. Did Mr. Gremory talk with you already?" Akeno wondered, sighing deeply along with Rias. They weren't fans of him continuing these Duels, especially so soon after the one with Riser.
"Yup. Negotiations are tomorrow, before you and I head out. Fun stuff," Elros said, sighing deeply on the other end.
"You'll be fine. Anyways, Rias, Venelana, and I are going to be running a bit late - and it looks like it's going to be dark soon. But as for tomorrow, what time do you want to head out if you're negotiating first?" Akeno asked.
"Let's say noon. That work for you?" Elros said.
"Sounds good. What're you going to do the rest of the night, though?" Akeno asked.
"Just landed in London a minute ago, actually. Meeting up with an old friend for a drink," Elros said.
"Really? That works out really well, actually. We're here right now. In London as well," Akeno said, surprised. She looked at Venelana and Rias who gave her a quizzical look as they ducked under an awning.
"Really? You guys want to grab a bite or something?" Elros said.
"That works for us I think. I'll text you the details in a bit, yeah?" Akeno asked with a smile.
"Sounds good. I'll see you guys later," Elros said as he hung up.
"He's here as well?" Rias wondered as she held on to her hat, a gust of wind whistling by. She groaned as she held on to her umbrella, trying to keep it from wresting loose; although she loved watching the rain, being in it was a different matter.
"That's what he said. He's going to visit a friend for a drink," Akeno said.
"Another girl, perhaps?" Venelana wondered although she had an inkling of who he was meeting with; her husband had told her, and everyone knew about John Constantine.
"I wouldn't be surprised. Although I don't think he'll do anything. I trust him," Rias said fiercely. Venelana and Akeno smiled as they heard the confidence in her voice, agreeing with it.
"So Akeno dear, do you know what he has planned?" Venelana asked as they began walking again, crossing the street to go to another shop.
"No. He refuses to tell me at all. All I know is we're going to Switzerland," Akeno said with a smile.
"Perhaps he'll take you to the moon as well?" Venelana wondered as she put an arm around her second daughter, sighing; she would love to see what Earth looked like from that perspective. Rias had spent much of the day describing it; at this point, Akeno and Venelana longed to see it.
"I don't think so. Something tells me that's only between him and Rias. But maybe elsewhere. Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it. I think he knows what he's doing," Akeno said.
"Mmm… well, just in case - better take these, sweety," Venelana giggled as she handed a couple of packets to Akeno. Both Rias and Akeno went red; condoms.
"MOM!" Rias squealed adorably as she covered her face in embarra.s.sment.
"Just looking out for you, dear. You can never be too safe," Venelana said.
"Speaking of which… Rias?" Akeno asked, turning to her. Rias blushed a bit as she shook her head.
"No," she said.
"Sad?" Akeno teased her, turning her even redder.
"WHAT?!" she asked.
"You heard me. Are you telling me you don't want his kid?" Akeno teased her.
"Oh no, you guys need to stop with that! And especially not in front of him!" Rias said threateningly. Venelana and Akeno giggled at how easy Rias was to tease; for someone so seductive, she was still startlingly innocent.
"It took your father and me several tries to get pregnant. It's… difficult to say the least, especially for Pure Blooded Devils," Venelana sighed.
"That means more fun for Rias," Akeno said. Rias quickly put her hands over her mouth, shaking her head vigorously.
"Enough of that!" she squealed.
"Three eyes?" John asked, startled as he took another drink. He and Elros were in the 100 Club again, John's favorite respite.
"Yeah. f.u.c.ker nearly killed me," Elros sighed as he drank some soda, lifting up his s.h.i.+rt to show the new wounds. While Asia had healed him for the most part, small impressions still remained - another story to tell.
"This is a bar, mate; not the Golden Arches. Live a little, kiddo," John said with a chuckle as he pushed some whiskey towards Elros.
"Not everyone has your level of immortality, John. Then again… extenuating circ.u.mstances," Elros said with a laugh as he took the whiskey and took a deep draw.
"Extenuating… yeah. f.u.c.kin p.i.s.s offs," John grumbled, shaking his head as he smoked another cigarette.
"Oh, went to see Zatanna, by the way. After I got back from War World and before my date," Elros said with a grin.
"Ah yeah? What'd she want?" John asked. Elros just winked in response, making Constantine laugh.
"Yeah, should've figured that one mate. I'll never understand it. I mean… you're a right f.u.c.king c.u.n.t. What do women see in you? Don't they know they can do better?" John wondered aloud.
"What do you see in me?" Elros asked the bartender, flas.h.i.+ng her a charming smile.
"A man who apparently takes good care of his friends," she replied, smiling at him before glaring at John who deadpanned; why was he the bad guy?
"Well, there you have it," Elros said, clinking
"p.i.s.s off," John grumbled.
"Anyways, that's my line to go. I'll see you Tuesday about the training. As long as she can go, this time. I need to test the new ones out. You want to give them a once over as well, before Bruce?" Elros asked checking his phone; Akeno texted him the address to go to.
"Much obliged, mate. I'll see you Tuesday then," John nodded.
"For the next couple of weeks, if you don't mind. If he asks for any of the good stuff, you're welcome to spit in it before giving it to him," Elros chuckled as he pa.s.sed some large bills to the bartender, as well as a significant tip.
"That would definitely be my pleasure," she said with a smile.
"He should be here soon," Akeno said as she took a seat next to Rias, sitting across from Venelana. They had hardly gotten situated before someone walked up to their table. He was a handsome gentleman in a striking suit, flas.h.i.+ng them a charming smile.
"h.e.l.lo. Is this seat taken?" he asked, smiling at Venelana.
"I'm afraid so, dear," Venelana replied immediately with an even more dazzling smile. The man suddenly began to stutter before he walked away, blus.h.i.+ng. He had barely sat down before another came up to try his luck.
"Sorry about my friend. He doesn't know how to talk to girls yet," the man said. The ladies ignored his advance. He opened his mouth to speak again, but someone else cut him off.
"Get lost, kid," said a rude voice. Rias, Akeno, and Venelana turned to look at the new arrival. Rias groaned in displeasure as she noted him. It was one of the Devils that she had met with Elros before his fight with Riser; Anders Canio. On his arms were two women, different from the ones she had seen the previous time. Her eyes narrowed as she saw the bruises on their arms.
"Who-," the man began before Anders gave him a vicious snarl. With a gulp, the man retreated to sit with his friends, shooting angry looks over at the new Devil.
"Rias," Anders greeted her, smiling.
"What do you want?" Rias asked, skipping the pretense.
"Just came to see my prize," Anders said c.o.c.kily.
"Excuse me?" Rias asked, getting angry.
"The Reincarnated Devil in your peerage - Elros. He's Rank 18 now, isn't he? And one of his challengers is Rank 12? That's yours truly," Anders informed her.
"Elros is going to be fighting you?" Rias asked, surprised.
"Yup. Your father only just contacted mine that negotiations are going to be tomorrow. I just came here to tell you to enjoy whatever time you have left with him. Least I can do," Anders said.
"You're very sure of yourself," Rias said, looking at her menu.
"I didn't get my rank by being made into a b.i.t.c.h, that's for sure. Riser… embarra.s.sing. Although all things considered, it probably would've been better for you to end up with him. I mean, with a servant is just… cra.s.s. I intend to make all right with the world, however. Your boy toy better be ready," Anders sighed.
"If I cared for your - or any Devils opinion, rather - I would've asked. And he's not my boy toy - he's my boyfriend," Rias said. Anders smile fell at that. Rias smirked as she saw his anger rising to ahead.
"Anders!" came another voice from behind. A man that resembled Anders came up to the table, although he seemed older. The man had his dark hair brushed neatly to the side and had a neatly trimmed goatee. He wore a s.h.i.+ning black suit, much like his son. His eyes were almost blood red.
"Father. What're you doing here?" Anders asked, surprised.
"I could ask you the same thing," his father said, looking at the three beauties seated.
"Just getting acquainted with my future fiancee," Anders said.
"If I had to choose between wedding you, or being eaten alive - I think I'd prefer the latter. Much less disgusting, overall," Rias retorted.
"You inherited your mother's Power of Destruction. Pair that with my Demonic Transformation, and you have a winning pair. Our children are going to be legends. However many tries it takes," Anders said with a wink.
"I a.s.sure you that even being in your presence is hardly tolerable. Sleeping with you? I'd honestly much rather swear off men for the rest of my life if I have to… settle for less. After all, what kind of self-respecting man would hurt a woman like that?" Rias asked, smiling as she saw his anger flare.
"Your daughter has quite the mouth, Ven-," Anders began before he suddenly gulped. Venelana smiled pleasantly through the entire exchange until Anders tried to tell her off about her daughter. Still smiling, her eyes hardened as she looked at Anders. He felt a s.h.i.+ver go down his spine as he felt it; her Power of Destruction. It was much more potent than her daughters; several other patrons began to evacuate as they felt the chill and anger.
"That's Lady Gremory to you, dear," she said with a pleasant voice, laced with danger.
"L-Lady Gremory," Anders gulped, nodding vigorously.
"I didn't know we were having a party!" came Elros's cheerful voice from behind Anders. He whipped around and snarled at Elros, who simply walked pa.s.sed him, flas.h.i.+ng a smile at the two women on his arm.
"Hey," Elros said as he leaned down and kissed Rias gently.
"Hey," she replied, kissing him back with a pa.s.sion, elated by the reaction she got from everyone around them; the men from earlier looked aghast, some angry. Anders began to fume at the public display of affection. He grabbed Elros by the shoulders and reared him back.
"Woah! What's the big idea?!" Elros asked as he quickly elbowed the High-Cla.s.s Devil in the face, sending him to the ground. Anders snarled up at Elros.
"How dare you strike me!" Anders said, nursing his jaw. Elros paused before narrowing his eyes.
"Who are you? And why do you look so familiar?" he asked, confused as he rubbed his chin.
"My name is Anders Canio," Anders snarled. Elros raised an eyebrow as he sheepishly scratched his head, wracking his brains.
"Who is he again?" he asked, leaning close to Rias who giggled.
"He's one of the Devils that tried to propose to me," she said with a sigh.
"Oh. Sorry, I don't really remember you. What was your name again? Something K-9? Are you part of a Devil Police Unit?" Elros asked.
"You've got some mouth on you," Anders snarled as he tried to get up. Elros surrept.i.tiously swiped his feet, sending him down again.
"Elros Eärendil. Astor Canio. Anders father. My apologies for the behavior of my son," his father suddenly said, extending his hand to Elros.
"Pleasure," Elros said, shaking hands with the man. They took each other in; Elros was a bit taller still than Astor, who was as tall as his son. As the older man looked up, he swallowed a bit; Elros loomed over him.
"You certainly have a presence, child," Astor said.
"I've been told that, sir. Good genes, it appears. Still growing as well," Elros said with a smile.
"I see. Are you aware that you'll be negotiating with my son tomorrow?" Astor asked, finally letting go of his hand.
"For what?" Elros asked.
"He's ranked 12th amongst Duelists," Astor explained.
"Oh, got it! So your son is one of the 12? Ah, well yes - tomorrow it is. I spoke with Mr. Gremory about it earlier today. I believe the other two will be there as well. I hope to put this entire matter to rest in one fell swoop," Elros said as his eyes traveled to Anders, still on the ground.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Anders asked.
"You'll find out tomorrow. Until then - Mr. Canio. Andy. Ladies," Elros said as he took the open seat next to Venelana.
"Enjoy what time you have left with her," Anders said.
"Eternity," Elros replied dully, bringing a large smile to Rias, Akeno, and Venelena's lips. With one last glance, the Devils left.
"Man, what a p.r.i.c.k," Elros groaned, his head falling on the table - why were people such f.u.c.king a.s.sholes?
"I know," Elros said as she stroked his hair gently, giggling.
"No sense of sportsmans.h.i.+p whatsoever! Just my luck, dealing with a cur," Elros grumbled.
"You don't have to worry about that until tomorrow, at least," Rias said.
"Good point. Much more important things to focus on for the weekend," Elros said, smiling at Akeno who giggled.
"So what were you doing in London?" Rias asked, leaning on her elbows as she admired him.
"Had to meet a friend of mine - John. He's the one that I usually train with if I need to learn a lot in a little bit of time," Elros said as the waitress came by. They placed their orders, noting that she hardly wrote anything they said down - except for Elros. He was about to answer when suddenly Akeno took a whiff of the air around him.
"You smell like alcohol and cigarettes," she said grimly.
"Yeah, we were at the 100 Club. He's an alcoholic and smoker; pretty sure I'll have lung cancer from a.s.sociating with him," Elros chuckled.
"John Constantine?" Venelana asked, clarifying.
"Yes, ma'am," Elros answered.
"You know him, Lady Venelana?" Akeno asked. Venelana sighed and nodded in response.
"I do. Most Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels do. He's quite famous amongst our factions, as well as several other Circles of h.e.l.l. The story that Michael told us about him is that he tricked three Lords of h.e.l.l into offering him immortality," Venelana said with a grim smile.
"What?" Rias asked, surprised. They looked to Elros for clarification.
"That's about the size of it. I wasn't kidding when I said he's a smoker. He came down with lung cancer a while ago. His condition was deteriorating. The short of it is he ended up selling parts of his soul to three Lords of h.e.l.l in a different Circle. That way, if he died, there would be a war for his soul - one with almost no winner. So he's immortal. And he lives like it," Elros chuckled.
"How did he do that?" Rias asked, shocked.
"You've never met him, and you probably don't want to. John could make you drink corrosive acid and convince you he was doing you a favor and you'd believe him in earnest. Doesn't help that he isn't a huge fan of Heaven or h.e.l.l - his side is humanity. Although, he's not averse to alliances," Elros said with a smile.
"I have a hard time believing he's as smooth of a talker as you claim," Rias said.
"The First of the Fallen - one of the Lords of h.e.l.l - came after one John's old friends souls. To save him, John tricked the Lord of h.e.l.l into drinking Holy Water," Elros said.
"Seriously?" Akeno asked, shocked.
"Yup. Now, the Fallen is immortal - so no eye batted there. But Holy Water has a horrendous effect on demonic beings. It rendered him helpless and unable to collect the soul on time," Elros said.
"Ok. So we definitely don't want to run into him in a dark alley," Akeno said.
"For the most part, no. But, I love the guy like a brother. Swears a bunch, adrenaline junkie, and cynical in the most British way possible. Good times," Elros said cheerfully.
"Have many friends like that?" Akeno wondered.
"Here and there," Elros said with a dark chuckle.
"You're being evasive," Rias said.
"Some of them prefer their… secrecy, shall we say. Speaking of which, by the way - what's the stance on Devil secrecy? Is it something we guard jealously or…?" Elros trailed on.
"We make it point to not use our powers in front of others when we can help it. Otherwise, there are several that know of our existence - after all, everyone that creates a contract knows of a Devils existence. But we certainly don't advertise it. If you want to tell someone, it's no big deal," Venelana said.
"That's good to know," Elros nodded.
"I suppose I should tell you, dear - some of the girls have been wanting to see you. Perhaps you'll spend some time with them tomorrow?" Venelana suggested. Akeno and Rias frowned at that as they thought about a certain seductive, purple haired vixen.
"Sure. We're all going down, aren't we?" Elros asked. Akeno and Rias quickly nodded, eliciting a giggle from Venelana.
"Taking care of several women is difficult work, dear. Don't overdo it," Venelana said as stroked his hair, eliciting a whine of displeasure from Rias.
"Ughh, mother, do you have to do that here?" Rias asked.
"Jealous, sweetheart?" Venelana asked.
"I don't get it. Whenever I'm home alone, you're always so strict," Rias grumbled.
"Well, Elros is quite a charming young man. It's hard not to feel younger and lighter around him," Venelana giggled. Their food soon appeared and they happily dug in, making light conversation.
"I'm gonna go get some sleep before tomorrow," Akeno said, giving Elros a hug before disappearing into a portal.
"And I'll see you tomorrow as well," Venelana said, doing the same as she left as well, leaving Rias with Elros.
"Just us. Finally," Rias said happily as she grabbed his arm and smiled at him.
"Yup," Elros said, giving her a gentle kiss as they walked through the rain, their feet pattering on the damp pavement. It was a while before Rias spoke again, looking around in interest as she suddenly saw where they were - in front of the London Eye.
"What're we doing here?" she asked, looking at the giant Ferris wheel. It was situated on the South Bank of the Thames, offering beautiful views at the top.
"Going to ride up," Elros said with a smile.
"It closes at 8:30pm. It's 10pm now," Rias said with a frown.
"Hey, man. Thanks for holding it for us," Elros said as they approached the operator who grinned.
"Not at all, sir. Here you go," he said, opening the door so Rias and Elros could get in. He closed the pod door and soon started the Ferris wheel.
"I've never been in here actually," Rias said, her face against the gla.s.s as let out a peaceful exhale. She wrapped her jacket tighter around her, suddenly feeling Elros's arms as well - hugging her close.
"You seem cold," he whispered in her ear as she admired the view before he began kissing her neck.
"Now I know why you brought us here," she giggled as she held his head down, taking it all in.
"Only part of it, I might add. I brought you here because it's romantic and offers a great view," Elros said as they looked out over the water and then towards the city, s.h.i.+ning bright like a jewel as the rain still fell.
"It's beautiful," Rias said.
"I'm glad you think so," Elros said as he turned her to face him. Smiling, she leaned in to kiss him.
"You paid the guy off, I'm guessing?" Rias asked quietly.
"Yup," Elros replied.
"Is he going to do anything else?" Rias asked.
"Nope. Just one round, unfortunately. Tried to get him to pause it at the top, but he's taking a risk just doing this," Elros sighed.
"How long is the ride?" she asked.
'Half an hour," he replied.
"Not too long, then," she said, disappointed.
"Not for that… but for something else," Elros said as his hands went to her jeans. In almost a flash, he had undone her b.u.t.ton and slipped his hand inside. Rias let out a gasp as she felt his finger slide over her c.l.i.t, tracing her.
"You like?" Elros asked as he nibbled her ear gently.
"I… do," she said.
"Looks I might end up being that lucky guy after all," he whispered to her as he entered, making her moan in pleasure. She lowered her jeans and adjusted herself to give him better access, spreading her legs as she let him take her through the motions. She pulled his head to hers as she began kissing him pa.s.sionately, screaming and squealing into him whenever she felt a particularly pleasurable motion. Elros couldn't help but chuckle at how excitable Rias was, but he was happy that she was happy. He increased his speed slightly as his other hand went under her s.h.i.+rt and squeezed her breast, pinching her nipple slightly.
As their lips parted, he heard her heavy panting; she kept tell him to go faster and harder. He obliged, sending her into an egregious ecstasy until he finally felt it. Rias released on to him and grabbed his arm to stop him, her breathing ragged as her head hung in the air. Smiling, he brought his hand from under her s.h.i.+rt and made her face him. He teased her a bit, revving up here and there and making her scream in pleasure.
"f.u.c.k," she whispered as she kissed him again.
"I'm willing and able. Don't really care about getting seen," Elros laughed.
"I'm sure," she said with a giggle as she took his hand out, biting her lip as she saw how wet it was.
"Enjoy it?" Elros asked.
"So much," Rias said.
"Then why'd you stop me?" he asked with a smile.
"I can only take so much," she said.
"if you say so," Elros said as he cleaned his hand off. Rias redid her b.u.t.ton before snuggling closer to him, her mind electric and her smile bright.
"This is nice," she said, using him as her pillow.
"I know. Plenty more where that and this come from," Elros said as he patted her head. He gently gifted positions so he was on top, kissing her down her neck before slowly pus.h.i.+ng her top up and kissing her stomach. He heard her giggle as he did so.
"Ticklish?" he asked.
"I am, especially when you kiss me like that," she said as she ran her hands longingly through her hair. He winked as he went down to her jeans again, but she pulled him up.
"I don't think so. Not after I just came, at least," Rias said.
"As you wish, m'lady," Elros said, kissing her pa.s.sionately again. Soon, however, the ride stopped and they exited. Elros pa.s.sed a few more bills to the man, along with a wink, before he and Rias went a whiles away and opened up a magic circle to return home.
"It's nice here, but I love the weather in London. Rainy. Snippy. Cold. Crispy. It makes me want to cuddle even more," Elros said as he put his arms around Akeno and Rias who both giggled, each taking a shoulder.
"We should go there more often then. Or places like it," Akeno suggested.
"Definitely. Anyways, let's rest. Big day tomorrow," Rias said with a smile. With a sigh, they nodded and went into a slumber.
Elros was in the shower early next morning, preparing for his negotiations with the other Devils. As he dried off, he looked at himself in front of the mirror - his eye scanning his face scar before looking at the wounds caused by the monster.
'I was hoping that after flooring Riser, they'd back off somewhat. Guess that was too much to hope. Oh well. Can't do anything about it now. Anders might have a att.i.tude, but if he's ranked 12 he can probably back it up. Same with 9, and more than that for 5. I could try taking Anders and 9 on at the same time… then 5. Hmmm… Regardless, I'm going to have to cut loose. It's time to make a statement,' Elros thought determinedly to himself.
"Hey," Rias said as she came behind him, putting her arms around his waist. He smiled at the touch; both Rias and Akeno had a knack for improving his mood considerably with a simple gesture. He turned around and looked at her in all her glory, smiling up at him.
"You and Akeno. Definitely the brightest spots of my day," he said as he took her face in his hands and kissed her gently. Rias returned it in full force as she pushed her body against his, running her hands through his hair as she did so. As she stopped, she ran her fingers lovingly over his face and chest, leaning forward and resting against him.
"I love you," she whispered.
"I love you, too," Elros whispered back, kissing her atop her head. As she got in the shower, he got dressed and headed to the kitchen where Akeno was already ready for the day.
"Hey. Here's some tea. You ready for the negotiation?" she asked worriedly.
"I am," Elros as he kissed her his thanks and began sipping it, resting an arm on her.
"More importantly, are you ready? We'll head to Lauterbrunnen after we visit the place you wanted, yeah?" Elros said.
"Lauterbrunnen?" Akeno asked.
"Well, now that it's day of the date, I can fill you in a bit more. Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. My… uhh… well… hmmm… you know what, no. My favorite or second favorite place on Earth," Elros grinned.
"Really?" Akeno asked.
"Yup. You been there?" Elros asked.
"Nope What's it like?" Akeno asked.
"Rivendell," Elros whispered.
"What?" Akeno asked.
"Rivendell. It was J.R.R. Tolkien's inspiration for Rivendell. Lauterbrunnen… The Valley of 72 Waterfalls," Elros said, his eyes misting over.
"It sounds like it's special to you," Akeno said, smiling.
"You have no idea," Elros said, looking at her and suddenly swooping in, kissing her again.
"What was that for?" she asked, his lips just centimeters away.
"You're special to me as well," he whispered, making her blush.
"So if that's your second favorite, what's first?" Akeno asked.
"Kuoh!" Elros said excitedly.
"Thought so," she giggled.
They made light conversation as they waiting for Rias, who soon came down.
"Shall we? Everyone else should be there," Rias said, opening a magic circle.
"Let's. Or we can make them wait a bit longer and make our entrance more dramatic," Elros suggested.
"Faster we do this, faster you and I can get our show on the road," Akeno said in a sing-song voice. At that, Elros quickly jumped in. Rias and Akeno smiled at each other before following.
Each took an arm before they continued their stroll where all the Devils would be congregating.
"Ok, so K-9 is number 12," Elros mused.
"Canio," Akeno said.
"That's what I said. K-9," Elros responded.
"It works for me," Rias shrugged.
"Who are 9 and 5?" Elros asked.
"I'm not sure, to be honest. Duels were never my thing. The only reason I watched some were because my parents were obligated to go. Rating Games have always been our choice. Duels are more for the lone wolf types. Most Devils choose one and become proficient at it. There's only been a few that have been amazing at both," Rias said.
"Interesting. Lone wolf type, eh? That's hot," Elros said.
"Mhm," Akeno giggled as she held his arm between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
"But yeah, no idea who they are. I know 5 is a girl, though. Extremely powerful. I don't remember who it was, but one of the Top 20 tried to take her rank a few months ago. She beat him so badly, that he retreated from society," Rias sighed.
"Jeez…," Elros grumbled.
"Welcome to Devil Society," Akeno said grimly.
"At least there aren't any reporters here. You only have to deal with them at events," Rias said.
"Can't somebody… I dunno, talk for me or something? Someone needs to do the heavy lifting for me," Elros sighed.
"Isn't the battle the heavy lifting?" Rias asked.
"Nope. The politics," Elros grumbled, his mood suddenly s.h.i.+fting.
"I'll ask my father," Rias offered.
"You're a lifesaver," Elros said, kissing her on the cheek. Seeing Akeno pout, he did the same for her.
"Ah, Elros! Wonderful, you're here," Lord Gremory greeted him as they came into view.
"Hey, Mr. Gremory. Good to see you so soon," Elros said, shaking his head.
"h.e.l.lo, Elros," Sirzechs said. Elros shook his hand as well and hugged Venelana. To his surprise, there were a couple more unexpected partic.i.p.ants.
"Azazel! Mikey!" Elros greeted the Fallen Angel and Angel.
"Mikey?" Azazel asked with a laugh, while Michael sighed.
"Elros is fond of giving nicknames to people. Often nicknames that they have no say in," Michael said with a smile.
"What good is a nickname if it doesn't tease the person? Huh. What could Azazel be… Azazel… Zazel… Zaz… Yeah, that's it. Zaz," Elros said.
"Oh G.o.d, no…," Azazel suddenly said, his face falling while the others laughed at his expense.
"Mikey, Zaz. Zaz, Mikey," Elros said with a grin as he slung his arms over the two who sighed in annoyance.
"Huh. Tough crowd," Elros grumbled before going back to Rias and Akeno, both of whom were trying to keep their laughter in.
"What are they doing here, mom?" Rias asked, finally getting control of herself.
"As a symbol of peace, we thought that it might be a good idea to invite Azazel and Michael here to oversee the proceedings - as well as have them attend the duels as guests of honor. The judges were fine with it," Venelana said.
"Where are the others?" Elros asked, looking around.
"Elros!" came Xenovia's voice - the peerage was off to the side. To his surprise, Sona, Tsubaki, and Serafall were there as well.
"The other Devils will be here soon. Until then, might as well relax," Sirzechs said.
"Sirzechs… Zechs. Hmmm… no, no, too simple," Elros muttered to himself, eliciting a chuckle from the adults while the three went over.
"Man, talk about a lack of decorum. We've been waiting for who knows how long?" Elros grumbled as he patted Koneko on the head.
"It's literally been five minutes since we get here," Akeno deadpanned.
"Kill me now…," Elros whined.
"I didn't know you were so eager to get this fight started," Sona said with a smile.
"I'm not! But now that I'm here, I just wanna get these negotiations done so I can get to the important stuff," Elros grumbled.
"Most would say this is the important stuff," Tsubaki added.
"Most don't have a date with Akeno later today!" Elros said as he kissed her atop the head. Akeno usually didn't mind, but in front of everyone - it was a bit embarra.s.sing.
"Akeno's turning red!" Gasper pointed out, to everyone's delight.
"Revenge for all the times you guys teased me," Issei grumbled.
"Sona! Elros is cheating on you!" Serafall cried out.
"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Sona said as she suddenly pulled Serafall over to the side to scold her. Tsubaki sighed and followed; she would need her help.
"Hey, Elros?" Gasper asked.
"What's up, little buddy?" Elros asked as he knelt down.
"Can we do something fun soon as well?" Gasper asked. Koneko nodded her head vigorously.
"Sure, kiddo. I'll figure something out when I get back, yeah? Or is there something you had in mind?" Elros asked.
"I want to try to go to an amus.e.m.e.nt park!" Gasper said. His answer surprised the others; Gasper was extremely shy around people and didn't handle crowds particularly well.
"Really, Gasper? I mean… are you sure?" Issei asked. Gasper paused and looked intently at Elros before nodding. Elros grinned.
"In that case, I know just the thing to do. I'll let you know Monday, yeah?" Elros asked. Gasper nodded excitedly. Suddenly, two magic portals opened.
"Ah, Astor. Good to see you again," Zeoticus said, smiling at Anders' father.
"Likewise, Zeo. Forgive me for this. I'm sure you heard the same from Riven. My son feels as though he has something to prove," Astor sighed, shaking his head.
"Rias," Anders said as he eyed her up and down. The look sent an unpleasant s.h.i.+ver down Rias's spine as she held on tighter to Elros's hand. Elros brought it up to his lips and kissed it. His eyes then fell on the other arrival. He was around Anders height with neatly combed blond hair - almost looking like Riser. He wore a dark navy suit and had his hands folded behind his back as he observed Rias and Elros's interactions with an air of disgust and superiority.
"You must be the Reincarnated Devil in Lady Rias's peerage. Her servant, if I'm not mistaken," the man said. Elros didn't reply, simply staring at and past him.
"Well? Did you hear me?" he snapped.
"What? Sorry. I zoned out for a second," Elros said, shaking his head quickly and jerking awake.
"My, a lowborn and a short attention span to boot. Why Lady Rias is so enthralled with you is a mystery," the man said.
"Handsome. Sweet. Charming," Rias ticked off.
"As am I," Anders said.
"As am I," the new arrival said.
"You guys forgot desperate and creepy. By the way, who're you?" Elros asked.
"Sir Bastion Milcom," the man said. Elros nodded.
"Where is Lady Fomina?" Anders asked Bastion.
"I do not know. No doubt she's simply running late. A lady of her status must be offered such allowances. She isn't number five for nothing, after all. I daresay our friend here doesn't know who she is, however," Bastion said with a smirk.
"I don't know who any of you are," Elros replied lamely.
"Heir to the Canio family," Anders said.
"Heir to the Milcom family," Bastion said.
"That tells me exactly nothing," Elros replied.
"They're both guys that tried to propose to me. I shot both of them down. He's an a.s.shole, he's an egomaniac - much like Riser," Rias said, explaining their simple traits.
"There we go. See, simple. Thank you, Rias," Elros said as he leaned down and kissed her. She put her arms around his neck as she kissed him back with a pa.s.sion. Akeno giggled as she saw how red and angry Anders and Bastion got; they obviously weren't fans of this display.
"Enjoy her while you can, lowborn. Once the fight is over, she's mine," he snarled.
"Do not get ahead of yourself, Anders. Lady Gremory's virginity must be entrusted to someone who will delicately take care of it; someone who will give her a strong and powerful son," Bastion replied.
"Dude. Do you realize how f.u.c.king creepy that is?" Elros said, weirded out by how Bastion spoke about Rias.
"Well, dude, I speak the truth. Lady Rias is a prize amongst all of Devilkind. Her virginity, her status, her wealth, her power - it's something that men would give their lives for, should she request it of them. It, in the care of… you. It's an affront to our kind," Bastion said coldly. Elros could feel Rias's anger grow as he spoke to him in such a way. She was about to retort when suddenly, another magic circle opened. Another person - a woman this time - stepped out.
Anders and Bastion both bowed to her, while Xenovia, Akeno, and Rias's eyes narrowed. Elizaveta had long curly crimson-pink hair that fell to her legs, with a b.u.t.terfly hair clip at the top; as well as a curvaceous figure. She had heterochromatic eyes - the right one a bright gold, her left a sapphire blue. She wore a regal, purple dress that covered half of her cleavage, leaving her stomach bare. She wore a purple corset; the rest of her dress skirted around and above her knees, exposing the long pink lace stockings and dark garter belt she wore, coupled with her high heels. In her hands, she wielded a gold-turning-to-purple cat o' nine tails.
"Lady Fomina," Bastion said, but she walked right past him and Anders until she was looking up at Elros, who simply smiled pleasantly at her.
"Elros Eärendil. Elizaveta Fomina," she greeted him.
"A pleasure, miss," Elros said as he kissed her hand. Unlike many other girls, she didn't blush.
"The pleasure is all mine. I saw you fight against Riser - and I must say that I was deeply impressed," Elizaveta congratulated him.
"Well, I'm glad at least one of you were. K-9 and the other guy seem to be… well, a.s.sholes. Plus that guys just creepy," Elros said, looking at them and nodding at Bastion.
"Because they fear you. I think that obvious. Lady Rias," Elizaveta said, turning to Rias who seemed startled. She held out her hand, which Rias shook.
"A pleasure, Ms. Fomina," Rias said.
"Please, call me Elizaveta. I am sorry for the treatment you've been offered by Anders, Bastion, and Riser. Once you tell a man no, he should learn to back off," Elizaveta said with a sigh. Rias nodded in agreement.
"You two seem quite happy. That said, I am sorry in advance for my wager," Elizaveta said.
"Why?" Rias wondered, surprised.
"Elros Eärendil," Elizaveta said.
"Yes?" Elros asked.
"Should I win, you will marry me," Elizaveta declared.
There was a silence all around,
"WHAT?!" Rias, Xenovia, and Akeno shouted at once; Kiba and Issei looked just as shocked; while Koneko narrowed her eyes and Gasper looked on in surprise; Asia simply turned red. Anders and Bastion were floored by the declaration as well; as were the Gremory's. Michael chuckled as the events unfolded while Azazel laughed uproariously.
"Is Elros trying to become the Genghis Khan of the Underworld? Make sure that a bunch of future generations of Devils are his heirs?" Azazel laughed.
"Huh?" Elros asked.
"Should I win, you will marry me," Elizaveta said again, unflinching and looking directly at him.
"Uhh… no," Elros said.
"Why not?" Elizaveta asked.
"Because it's stupid to marry someone you don't know or don't like," Elros said.
"Except I know you well and I like you very much," Elizaveta said.
"You know me?" Elros asked, raising an eyebrow.
"But of course. I've watched your matchup with Riser Phoenix at least 24 times in full by now. I know how you move, how you attack, how you defend, how you dodge. I know you very well. And it's why I like you. You might be ranked 18, but you are undoubtedly much more powerful than that. I've no need for t.i.tles, or wealth, or status. I do, however, wish for a powerful man. You will fulfill such a role," Elizaveta said.
"Wait! There's no way Elros is marrying you!" Rias shouted.
"I agree!" Akeno added.
"24? Huh… that's pretty impressive actually," Elros mused.
"Should he win, he will not. Should he lose, he will. How much faith do you have in him?" Elizaveta asked. Rias and Akeno went silent at that, both of them glaring daggers at Elizaveta.
"That is all I wished to say. The judges are here now. Let us come to terms," Elizaveta said as she walked away, brus.h.i.+ng past Anders and Bastion without sparing them a glance. Both looked livid as they turned to Elros, scoffing before turning to follow.
"What… just happened?" Elros asked, scrunching his eyes to think through the events.
"Why that little… harlot!" Rias said.
"Harlot?" Elros chuckled.
"Yes! Who does she think she is?!" Rias asked angrily. Elros sighed deeply.
"Well, it's time. Be back in a bit, sweethearts," Elros said as he kissed Akeno and Rias on the lips for good luck before jogging after the judges.
"MARRY HIM?!" Akeno asked, seething as Venelana came over, giggling at the affair.
"You ladies have some compet.i.tion, it seems," she said, smiling.
"Mikey, question: Elros beating Vali. Do Anders and Bastion know?" Azazel asked with a grin.
"I'm afraid not, it seems. Those two young men are stepping into the fight of their lives if that was anything to go by. Miss Fomina, however, seems different. Her very aura casts a shadow over Mister Canio and Mister Milcom," Michael said, intrigued.
"I know what you mean. Depends on how seriously Elros takes them. He didn't even use his powers against Riser, and while those three are powerful, Vali would've floored them. Anyways, more importantly - Sirzechs, Michael, let's put our heads together. Elros needs a nickname as well," Azazel said with a chuckle.
"Lord Anders Canio, ranked number 12; Lord Bastion Milcom, ranked number 9; and Lady Elizaveta Fomina, ranked number 5 - have all challenged the Reincarnated Devil, Elros Eärendil, to a Duel. Elros Eärendil has accepted all three challenges. Depending on the rules of engagement, the match may be held in as little as a week, or as long as until the summer starts and young Devils begin to return. Chief Michael of the Angel faction; and Governor General Azazel of the Fallen Angel faction will both be in attendance if the latter is the case, as a show of goodwill and peace between the Three Factions. The duel may be won by knockout, forfeit, or death. We shall work out the nature of the prizes at stake, as well as the handicaps allowed in each match. Do you understand?" a judge asked.
"I do," they replied in unison.
"But a question," Elros suddenly said.
"Yes?" the judge asked.
"You mentioned something about death last time as well. I shot plenty of Riser's peerage point blank in the head. How come they're still alive?" Elros asked.
"While that is the case, as soon as they were knocked out they were transported into their safe zone. Death will happen in only the most extreme circ.u.mstance - or unless the match itself is a Death Match. You will need to inflict grievous injury upon your opponent for a match to end in such a way; we, however, take such instances extremely seriously. Even with matches that have ended with a serious injury, the last death was decades ago. The last death match was over 100 years ago. It is not lightly requested, accepted, or given the green light," the judge explained.
"Got it. Please, continue," Elros nodded.
"Very well. From the onset - as it pertains to Lord Canio and Lord Bastion - both would like the hand of Rias Gremory in marriage. Lady Fomina, meanwhile, would like the hand of Elros Eärendil in marriage should she win. Do you have any questions, Mr. Eärendil?" the judge asked.
"None come to mind yet," Elros said.
"Very well. Challengers - what else would you ask Mr. Eärendil to stake?" the judge asked.
"Risers peerage. His fortune as well," Anders said.
"I would ask him to stake those as well," Bastion said.
"None of it. Simply him," Elizaveta said.
"Mr. Eärendil?" the judge asked.
"I agree to the wealth. Not the girls," Elros said.
"Why not? Afraid you'll lose?" Anders asked.
"No. But I don't bet people - well, except for maybe one condition," Elros mused.
"And what is that condition?" Bastion asked.
"You bet the lives of your families. I consider those girls mine," Elros offered sardonically. Bastion and Anders turned white at the suggestion.
"No? I thought so. The peerage is off the table; the wealth is on. I have a few other conditions, as well - seeing as I'm the challenged party yet again," Elros said. They grudgingly nodded.
"And they are?" the judge asked.
"One - for Anders and Bastion. When I win, both of you must resign from Dueling and Rating Games - for the rest of your lives," Elros said.
"What?" Anders asked in surprise. Bastion and Elizaveta looked shocked as well, while the judge smiled lightly.
"No more Dueling. No more Rating Games. For either of you. And should I lose, I will do the same," Elros said.
"You can't be serious," Bastion said.
"I am completely serious," Elros said.
"Can he make such a wager?" Anders asked the judge.
"Mr. Eärendil can ask you to wager whatever he wishes," the judge said. They thought about it for a second before gulping and nodding.
"Fine. What else?" they asked. Elros smiled inwards as he saw the sweat form on their brow.
"Well, since you wanted my wealth, I'll take yours in return," Elros said.
"Done," Anders said, gritting his teeth. Bastion nodded.
"Have you nothing to ask of me?" Elizaveta asked.
"Nothing. You wish to marry me should you win; I agree to that. But if I win? Hmm… I don't know, Elizaveta. What do you have to offer?" Elros asked.
"Should you win, I offer myself fully," Elizaveta said.
"I don't think Rias would like that very much," Elros said with a laugh.
"It need not be official, then. I shall discuss that with Lady Rias in private," Elizaveta said. Elros shrugged.
"Very well. The wagers have been agreed and settled upon. Next - the stipulations," the judge said.
"Both of us will be allowed the full use of our powers," Elizaveta said. Elros nodded.
"Full powers," Bastion said. Again, Elros nodded.
"Full powers," Anders said, smirking. Elros, again, nodded.
"Mr. Eärendil?" the judge asked.
"I don't want to draw this out over a long time. I want this done in one round. All three of you versus me. One round. That's it. No more. Let's put it to rest in quickly and immediately," Elros said.
"WHAT?!" Anders yelled.
"One day. One round," Elros said.
"You're one b.a.s.t.a.r.d," Bastion snarled.
"No. I'm sick and tired of you, though. Let's put it to rest quickly," Elros said.
"Very well. I agree," Elizaveta said. They looked at her in surprise.
"You don't wish to fight him one on one, my lady?" Bastion asked.
"Elros is tacitly implying that he's strong enough to take all of us on in a day - and not just that, but all of us at the same time. As a Devil, I'm obligated to put him to the test. Should you two find your hearts lacking, then forfeit the match before it begins and do not waste his - or my - time. I shall carry the slack," Elizaveta said, her voice frosty as it reached Anders and Bastion.
"Well? After we wipe the floor with him, we can settle this like gentlemen. The Lady gets what she wants by virtue of him losing," Anders said, looking at Bastion.
"I agree. You've sealed your fate, lowborn," Bastion said, looking up at Elros.
"Yeah, that doesn't really work when I'm taller than you kiddo," Elros said with a chuckle.
"Why yo-," Bastion began before he suddenly fell to the ground in pain. They looked to the judge, who suddenly had a dark look in his eye.
"Mind your tongue and manners, Lord Milcom. Any preemptive strike will be dealt with… severely," the judge said dangerously. Elros was surprised - the judge wasn't someone to be trifled with, it seemed. Bastion nodded, getting up slowly and carefully, avoiding the judges eye.
"Very well. The wagers have been made, the terms of the battle set. The tournament will be in a few weeks. This Duel shall be the opening ceremony of the conference to achieve a peace between our three factions. Until then," the judge said as he walked away.
"Alright, later," Elros said as he brushed past his foes and headed towards the peerage.
"While I agreed to your challenge, do you think it wise to face all of us on the same day? We are a much more fearsome match for you than Lord Riser. And not simply that - but you will be facing each of us at the same time. You must know how this shall pan out for you. We've been Devils longer than you've been alive. Our powers are at their peak; meanwhile, you've been a Devil for all of a month. There are some in the Underworld that are calling your win against Lord Riser a fluke - although, I personally do not subscribe to that belief," Elizaveta said as they walked after him.
"People can say what they wish about me, Elizaveta," Elros said.
"You think that you'll make a name for yourself by using us as your stepping stones?" Anders asked with a snarl.
"I couldn't care less about making a name for myself. I accepted because it would reflect poorly on Rias and her household if I didn't," Elros said.
"So this is all because of some love you feel for her?" Bastion asked.
"Indeed," Elros replied.
"You're either really or really f.u.c.king stupid," Anders commented.
"I've heard it both ways," Elros replied.
"You do think you're better than us three, then?" Elizaveta asked.
"I have no idea, to be honest. I've been beaten by people that I thought I could beat before, so it's entirely possible I'll lose," Elros said.
"Then why wager so much?" Anders asked.
"If I didn't, you likely wouldn't have wagered what you did. So long as we all have an equal amount to lose, I a.s.sume we'll all give it our best," Elros said. Suddenly he stopped; the other three did as well. When he turned to look at them, they saw the startling difference. Elros drew himself to his full height, not slouching a centimeter. He towered over all three of them, the tallest - Bastion - barely going above his shoulder. It was a staggering sight to see, Elizaveta thought - Elros could inspire dread when he wished to.
"That said - best of luck," he whispered in a low and dangerous tone before turning and walking back to the peerage. Rias and Akeno quickly ran and embraced him, while the others simply looked at the other three who were frozen in their spot.
'What a striking man,' Elizaveta thought.
"Anders! Let's go!" Astor cried out, opening a magic circle. The two stepped through, while Bastian went through another. Elizaveta remained, but she soon stepped through one as well.
"Well? How'd it go?" Rias asked.
"Fights gonna be in a few weeks, once we're back in the Underworld," Elros said with a wry smile.
"Alright. Do you think you're ready?" Rias asked.
"I think so. We'll know once I win or lose," Elros said with a smile. As he looked around, he saw a few new faces.
"Yubelluna! Mihae! Karlamine! Isabela! Marion! BĂĽrent! Xuelan! Hey!" Elros cried happily as he hugged his peerage, all of whom - save for Yubelluna - seemed to be embarra.s.sed by being greeted in such a way. Akeno and Rias observed the sight with smiles; Elros was, they could tell, extremely kind hearted - even to one-time enemies.
"Master Elros, it's-," BĂĽrent began, but Elros put a finger to her lips and silenced her.
"None of this Master Elros business, BĂĽrent. Elros. That's it," Elros said with a grin.
"It's… uncouth for serv-, Marion began, before a finger silenced her.
"You girls aren't my servants - you're my friends. And I, yours," Elros replied.
"It-," Xuelan began, before another finger.
"NOPE! I've made my decision!" Elros said dramatically. They all sighed but nodded, their smiles betraying their true feelings on the matter.
"So have you negotiated the terms?" Karlamine asked.
"Yup. Gonna be in a few weeks, so I'm going to have to get a lot of training in. Still need to work on my Demonic Powers," Elros sighed.
"Perhaps we could help?" Mihae offered.
"Kind of you to offer, but I already have a standing partner I'm afraid. However, there is something that I need to talk to you ladies about in private. Follow me. You guys stay here!" Elros said as he led the girls off to the side. Rias and Akeno looked at each other before looking on in interest.
10 minutes later, they all came back - smiling.
"Did he just… bone them all in 10 minutes?!" Issei asked, aghast.
"Of course not. Can't please a girl in 10 minutes. Need to take your sweet time," Elros said.
"So Elros, is it true - you and Rias?" Yubelluna asked as they rejoined the group.
"It is," Elros winked. She sighed in disappointment.
"Don't worry, Yubelluna dear. Rias is… open to agreement, shall we say," Venelana giggled. Rias turned red as she scrambled to her mother in embarra.s.sment.
"I see. Well then Rias, I need to speak with you," Yubelluna said with a hard look. Rias paused before nodding.
"Anyways, ladies - I'll see you again soon, alright? I've another obligation to attend to," Elros said as he quickly kissed them all on the cheek, leaving them red, before bidding them farewell and walking over to Akeno, a smile on his face.
"Shall we, my lady?" he asked quietly.
"Let's," she said, opening a magic circle. Arm in arm, they walked through. Rias and Venelana smiled at each other before Rias began complaining about her mother embarra.s.sing her so much in front of Elros.