HARPER, Dr. J. Wilson.
Christian Ethics and Social Progress. 1912. Contains chapter on Bergson.
Meaning of G.o.d in Human Experience. Yale University Press. 1912.
HUGEL, Baron Frednch von.
Eternal Life: its Implications and Applications. T. and T.
Clark. 1912. Deals with Bergson's view of duree and of Liberty, pp. 288-302.
HUNT, Harriet E.
The Psychology of Auto-Education. Based on the interpretation of Intellect, given by Bergson in his Creative Evolution Ill.u.s.trated in the work of Maria Montessori. 1912. Bardeen, Syracuse, New York.
INGE, Very Rev Dr W.R.
The Philosophy of Plotmus. Gifford Lectures, published 1919.
These lectures on the great Neo-platonist to whom Bergson owes not a little, contain important discussions of Bergson's views on Time, Consciousness and Change.
Alchemy of Thought. Holt & Co, New York. 1911.
JAMES, William A Pluralistic Universe (Hibbert Lectures) 1909. Lectures 5 and 6, pp 181-273.
Personality. Methuen, 1913. Especially Chap. 3 on Bergson, pp 78-124.
G.o.d in Evolution. A Pragmatic Study of Theology.. Longman. 1911.
JOHNSTONE, Dr James The Philosophy of Biology. 1914. Cambridge University Press.
JONES, Prof. Tudor.
The Spiritual Ascent of Man. 1916. University of London Press, Chapter (4) Intellect and Intuition.
LAIRD, John Problems of the Self. Shaw Lectures at Edinburgh for 1914.
1917. Macmillan.
LODGE, Sir Oliver.
Modern Problems. Methuen, 1912. Balfour and Bergson, pp.
189-210 (Chap. 18). Reprint of Article in Hibbert Journal (1912).
Elements of Constructive Philosophy. 1918. Geo Allen & Unwin.
MARSHALL Consciousness. On Revival and Memory. P. 436.
MELLOR, Dr Stanley A.
Religion as Affected by Modern Science and Philosophy. 1914.
Lindsey Press. Devotes a section to the consideration of Bergson and Religion, pp 147-166.
McCABE, Joseph.
Principles of Evolution. Collins--Nation's Library. Very hostile to Bergson, pp 247-253.
McDOUGALL, William.
Body and Mind 1911. Methuen & Co.
MORGAN, C. Lloyd.
Instinct and Experience. Methuen. 1912.
Present Philosophical Tendencies. 1912. Longmans. U.S.A.
The Idea of G.o.d. Gifford Lectures, 1912-13. Lecture (19) on Bergson, pp. 366-385.
RUSSELL, Bertrand Our Knowledge of the External World. 1914. Open Court Publishing Co. Chapter (8) on Cause and Free Will, criticizes Bergson, pp. 229-242.
The Principles of Social Reconstruction. Geo. Allen & Co. 1917.
Shows Impulse to be greater than conscious purpose in our social life.
Mysticism and Logic. 1918. Longman.
Roads to Freedom. On Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism.
Geo. Allen & Co. 1918.
SANTAYANA, Prof. George.
Winds of Doctrine.. Scribner, U.S.A.
SAROLEA, Prof. Charles.
The French Renascence. 1916. Allen and Unwin. Chapter on Bergson, pp. 271-284, with portrait.
Syndicalism and Philosophical Realism. 1919. A.& C. Black.
For Bergson, pp. 70-160.
Major Prophets of To-day. 1914. Little, Boston, U.S.A.
Pp. 44-103. (Portrait.)
SMITH, Norman Kemp, D. Phil.
Commentary to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. 1918. Macmillan.
Moral Values and the Idea of G.o.d. Cambridge University Press, 1918. Gifford Lectures, 1914-15. Discusses Intuition and Vital Impulse.
STEBBING, L. Susan, M.A.
Pragmatism and French Voluntarism with Special Reference to the Notion of Truth in the Development of Philosophy from Maine de Biran to Bergson. M.A. (London.) Thesis, 1912. Cambridge University Press, 1914. Girton College Studies, No 6.
Mysticism. A Study in the Nature and development of man's spiritual consciousness. Dutton, U.S.A. 1912.
WALLAS, Graham.
The Great Society. Error on p. 236, where he has 1912 for 1911, as date of Bergson's Lectures at London University.