Being Cinderella's Evil Stepsister - 40 Celebration Of War Victory I

40 Celebration Of War Victory I

Drizella pours a cup of water and handed it to her.

"What happened. Where are my flowers?"

Drizella recounted the event to her. She nodded understanding but has the att.i.tude of not caring. She looks around her room and spotted the basket. However, the flower in there seems to have changed somewhat.

Noticing Jasmine line of sight, Drizella explained as she fetches the basket of flower: "Princess's flower was stepped on during the fight. This one went to fetch new ones for the princess."

Drizella handed the basket of flower to Jasmine and put a flower crown made of the flowers she picks on her (Jasmine) head.

Being surprise Jasmine bring the flower crown onto her hand. The flower crown was a color of yellow and white with the green leaves sticking out and intervening the flowers. It was very pretty and matches her very well.

"Nah. Teach me how to make one as such," Jasmine demanded.

As the servant, she got to do as what the master demand. Drizella shows her the steps and the process. Jasmine got to the third flower and she can't make head or tail of what's to come. They continued with perfecting flower crowns until Dalia came in.

The room was a mess with flower petals, leaves, etc. laying around on the bed and on the floor. The two little tigers were also playing, rolling around, and eating the flowers with a cheerful happy face. Dalia's mind hasn't processed the whole situation before she remembers why she hurried here.

"Princess it's already time for the party," Dalia said as she invented the other servants in.

The servants are all carrying pieces of jewelry, dresses, shoes, etc. as they and Dalia rushed to beautify Jasmine up.

After they were all finished, Jasmine's attire gives her a brilliance like never before. Her presence and brilliance are like a model walking on the runway. Drizella faced Jasmine's s.h.i.+ning smile which in turn makes her turn her head away. While Jasmine felt proud of her looks as it can even embarra.s.s someone who is already a beauty.

Dalia came towards Drizella handing her a suit of man's clothing however Jasmine have a different thought on the matter.

Jasmine smiles evilly as she took out a dress in white for Drizella to wear. She snapped her hand and the maids surround her, she has no way out. Even as she struggled through the whole process, they still were able to have her dress up.

Her hair was curled and neatly tied. Around her neck is a chocker in gold color and hammered gold cuff bracelet on her arm. Her white dress is one shoulder with the shoulder cloth (strap) flowing down her back. The dress is knee-length as it flatters forming a v shape. With a rope in gold color acting as a belt. The finis.h.i.+ng touch is a half mask covering her face, bringing out her green eyes and creating a mysteries aura around her.

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Her style and Jasmine style are in contrast but they s.h.i.+ne together. The maids that have a hands-on with their style sigh in admiration.

Jasmine didn't forget to reward them and tell them not to reveal her (Drizella) ident.i.ty or else they might not live to see tomorrow.


"Princess is this really fine? I'm supposed to be acting as a boy so why the dress?" Drizella questioned as they get closer to the party hall.

"You'll know when we get there," Jasmine wink at her with a sly smile.

The big golden door open as cheers and laughter came from all over the place. It was luxuries, men and women are sitting together like they are in a brothel. There was no such meaning of privacy or 'my s.p.a.ce, your s.p.a.ce.' The Sultan and his three wives are sitting at the top looking at everyone's joyous expression. Some made a toast to the Sultan while others try to compliment him. However, he stood like a smiling statue taken in all the compliment and toast without distinction anyone status. His sons and daughters are seated the closest to him while the prime ministers, other officials, and guests are after.

Drizella can now see why she has to dress as a woman now. The Sultan's sons and daughters are seated separately. Officials and guests that are men only swarm towards the sons while the daughters chat with each other or some brave women would join in their discussion. There were no men on their side, even all the servants are women. It's almost like segregation for the daughters.

Jasmine hinted at her that she'll explain later if she (Drizella) behave and do as what she orders.

Drizella smiled at Jasmine as if she knows. Yet to the side she was asking Dalia what the party was for.

Dalia explained, "This party is to congratulate the first and second prince on their first war victory against the neighboring territories. Most importantly two of those territories is willing to become a part of the Desert Empire. Isn't it a worthy point to celebrate and they are also signing the agreement at this party. Don't Nur see that some of the guests are wearing different clothes from us."

Now that Drizella looks closely there are some differences from the guests. Their clothes are more covered up and the style of the men's clothes have some differences. She deduces those differences come from traditions or the environment they live in. However, the one with the most distinguish dress around is still Dalia. She wasn't dressed up, she was still in her work clothes. Still, what's extra important than the clothes is the seducing gazes the ladies are giving the Sultan's sons.

It gives Drizella a scare, how openminded those ladies can be. They acted like little girls who just have their first crush.

Those two young men that have the most gazes beside Noah, Drizella felt a sense of deja vu. If she spins back her before living in Tremaine's mansion, the only place she can have met a redhead with this skin color is... the Awakening Ceremony! That man with the black hair like Noah is the one whose gaze is always at Cinderella. Making her think that he was a stalker, who knew that they both are the princes of the Desert Empire. According to the seating with Noah seated in third, they are the first and second prince. They must have visited the Zovaidel Kingdom as a past time or for a learning experience, who knows and she doesn't want to know too. The less she knows the less involve she'll be with politics.

She forgets that she is the stepdaughter of Francis Tremaine, a war general of the Zovaidel Kingdom. Even if she doesn't want involvement, she would still be involved in one way or another.

Drizella follows Dalia's steps on standing behind Jasmine and helping Jasmine out with what she needs.

"How come the Sultan's brother isn't here? He was the one who organizes this party right?" Drizella whispers to Dalia when she has the chance.

Dalia: "You mean Master Kasim? He is here but prefers not being the center of attention so he erases his presence in this kind of situation. Now that you seem used to serving princess Jasmine, I would be leaving. I still have many unfinished stuff to do."

Dalia left the party, leaving Drizella to face all the problem on herself. It wasn't difficult to serve Jasmine at all, the difficult part is having people's eyes on her.

One of the tribes that surrender from the two territories, a girl steps out holding onto a flute-like instrument. She gives everyone a bow and began playing the instrument. It was a lovely sound being able to make people sigh and close their eyes in admiration. After playing she smiles as she gives another bow.

Another girl came up too but she was from a different tribe, she mimics the first girl action. This time instead of a flute-like instrument it was a harp, the size fitting into her hands as she played. Each time the harp was plunked the melody seems to spin people's mind around and make them keep their cool.

Jasmine was getting tired of listening to those people sing, play music, and dance, to get her father's attention and get into the haram. She believes her father already have enough women. He has to go around to see every single one leaving him in a state where he became ill and exhausted his energy. Even her mother who is one of his main wives doesn't get his visit often, even though she's one of the most beautiful and skilled in his haram. Why can't her father be like her uncle Kasim, loving only one person. Thinking about it her uncle Kasim was known as a playboy before meeting that person while her father wasn't.

She shook her head not wanting to think about it anymore. She needs an approach to make those girls to stop and the haram won't increase. What can she use? Her eyes circle around trying to find the most suitable solution and it landed on Drizella.