The crown prince opened the carriage door for Cinderella instead of the carriage driver beside them. After the two enter the carriage the driver did his job of closing the door. Drizella and Elijah would have to use the other carriage instead.
Inside the carriage, she finally felt like she can breathe again. Taking the big hat off, she slopes down into the sit not carrying for how she looks in front of Elijah and he didn't have a care about what her appearance looks like.
Though from time to time, his eyes would drift into her face which is resting on her arm while looking watching the outside scenarios.
Her gaze turns to him.
With his face turning red and his heart skipping a beat, he swiftly turns to the side to avoid her gaze.
Seeing him acting like someone in love, Drizella didn't dare to bother him as she kept watching the scenarios. She doesn't even know where they are going. When she tries asking Cinderella, she just smiles while saying 'it's a secret." but she still told Lia, Anna, and Anastasia about it!
Urgh! She doesn't care anymore. She'll just spend this time to sleep before she doesn't get any sleep later.
She was agitated from the clicking and scratching of the carriage coming to a violent stop. She almost flows over to where Elijah is sitting and almost hugged him too!
Elijah cover her mouth when he heard some mumbling and whispering voices outside of the carriage.
Drizella forcefully removed his hand from her mouth, to catch her own breathing. She listens to the voices and footsteps outside. Without thinking she blurted out in a whisper, " people. Three women and four men altogether..."
She realizes her misspoken words as she quickly tries to correct herself, "No... No... What I mean is... is... I'm... I'm right...correct right?!"
Elijah was still suspense of her action, it almost seemed like Leon was the one here instead of her. He didn't have the time to think through his thoughts before the people outside their carriage.
From their speech conduct, they must be the robbers and they must be the robbers that villagers have asked to get raid off. That means that Leon or someone from the second knight squid might come later.
What Elijah is worried about the most right now the first carriage, where Cinderella and the crown prince is. Seems like the robbers doesn't know that the crown prince is here, hopefully, everything is alright on their end.
Drizella with her arms still stretches out, holding onto the wall feel very awkward. If someone really come in, they might really think she's a predator waiting to eat her prey since their posture right now is the well-known pose 'kabedon' or in other words the 'wall slam (love confession)' in her world. Only that it's reverse were she is the one slamming the man onto the wall.
Stop thinking of those things. First of all, I have to get in touch with Leon first to get out of this situation... I forgot he might be training but he's not training in the mansion. Forget it! Let's just contact Leon first.
Drizella closes her eyes as she transmits her own mana to Leon telling him about the situation and ordering him to come to where she is.
After just transmitting Drizella's head feel dizzy but it wasn't due to her using too much mana but its more due to the air. She tries sniffing only to realize it's sleeping gas and a strong one at that! Before anything else, she fell straight into Elijah's embrace, in a deep sleep.
Elijah was surprised that she would faint out of nowhere but he made a guess that it must be sleeping gas and one that can mix with the air showing no sign of it. This sleeping gas must've been placed around a few hours before they came meaning one of their servants must be in cooperation with the burglars.
From what he can see this sleeping gas have a different effect on a person. Those with stronger immune system might be able to stay awake for a few minutes for the gas to grow stronger while those with weak immune system faint right away.
This gorilla girl's immune system can't be that powerful so how can she stay awake until the sleeping gas has become this strong. He himself can sense he's going to collapse soon too...
The clicking and screaming of children can be heard. But the voice Drizella heard the most is the voice of someone crying near her. Her face is drought for an unknown reason, making her feel disgusted and wake up from her sleep to punch this b.a.s.t.a.r.d in the stomach.
She slowly opens her eyes a few times to adjust to the darkness around her. The first clear thing to appear is Cinderella's crying face as tears wet her face unstop. She tries to speak but words just wouldn't come out making her even more annoyed than before.
She rapidly sits up crus.h.i.+ng her head with Cinderella's head. Her and Cinderella's face have a small bruise from the impact. The bruise is hurting like h.e.l.l to Drizella that she try to feel if there's blood but bring one of her hand up, she realizes she's brought two hands that are tied up. On her neck is a black device like chain uses on prisoners. However, this black device restricts them from using magical powers.
Remembering back from a few hours ago... they got caught in the end.
Sean and Elijah are sitting down and conversing like there is no problem at all. They look like they aren't caught... more like just on a leisure ride to their own honeymoon.
She mutters to Cinderella, "Does the kidnap... burglars know that the crown prince is here?"
She shocks her head quietly as she whispers back, "Sean said that one is a new servant from some distant land starting just a week ago so he shouldn't know about him. Does that mean one of the burglars is someone who works for the palace?"
Drizella nodded as she listens to Cinderella. She grabbed her left hand as she guiltily gazes at the wounds that are like claw marks on Cinderella's hand.
She quickly withdrew her hand away: "I... I lent my gloves to the child over there but don't worry Daisy, I'm fine."
How could she not worry! The wounds on Cinderella's left hand is partly her fault. As the oldest child her job is to watch over the younger ones but she... She glances at the child with the gloves on, the child has a lovely smile as she stares at the gloves with stars twinkling in her eyes.
Drizella didn't have the courage to get the gloves back so she can only do something she herself really hate.
Cinderella's life is more important than her's. Francis won't let her or her mom and sister go free if some trouble happens to Cinderella.
Placing her hand on top of Cinderella's wounded hand, a dark blue light flashes by quickly.
She glimpses around trying to find a sharp object she can use. The only sharp objects around are the little broken wood floorings around them. With no other option, she crawls over Cinderella as she sits on the opposite side. The side nearest to the edge of the wagon.
Holding a side of her red dress, she stretches it as she places the piece on the broken wood flooring. With a tag and snap, the dress rip into a small hole; she pulls the dress toward her as it shreds the hole into a line. The rest of the work of tearing she did by hand which is harder than she thought. With her hand tied up and not being able to use magic, she can only use her physical strength.
Seeing what Drizella is doing Cinderella came up with an idea. She whispers to the other two about her idea and they nodded, liking the idea.
Not understanding what is happening, Drizella saw Cinderella, Francis, and Elijah imitating her work of shredding their clothes.
They smear the dirt on the wagon on their faces and clothes, looking just like commoner's children. Cinderella crawls up to Drizella and did the same thing to her too. Tearing more of her dress and smearing dirt all over her, making her into a filthy child.
As she finishes, Cinderella realizes her left hand isn't hurting or anything. The wounds seem to disappear from her left hand. Even with the smear of dirt on her hand, she can still tell that the wounds are gone.
Remembering what just happened a few hours ago, she grabs Drizella's hand but couldn't see her palm with her wrist tied. She tries pulling her hand apart but her hand is also tied, making things harder for her.
Drizella whisper, "It's okay. With your level of skill, you can't still heal yourself. Don't tell the other two."
Cinderella really wanted to call her a fool for taking every little pain there is. However, she can only comply. Taking the line of clean red cloth from Drizella's hand, she helps dress her wound.