Drizella wanted to explore and learn more about the Marquess's mansion and people but with her short legs and small body, it'll take her over twenty days to finish her tour.
She can only sit still silently letting Anastasia enjoy her sleep. From Anastasia's mouth, the first prince's name occasionally came out as a mumble. Meanwhile, Drizella can only stare into outer s.p.a.ce in the s.p.a.cious room they are in right now.
"How. Can. This. Little. Thing. Fell. Asleep. Like. This!" Drizella pinches Anastasia's cheek, wiggling it around.
Kyle who was ordered to watch over the two of them couldn't help but let out a chuckle.
Drizella swiftly took her hand away and have the look of an innocent bystander. She sits there for fifteen minutes not trying anything silly again but her legs are giving out. Anastasia's heavy head was press on her little skinny thigh for fifteen minutes! She's starting to feel her thigh having harsh problems but the mean reason is before coming and after arriving here, she hasn't used the bathroom! She's really feeling the need to now but asking someone to carry her sister for her so she can use the bathroom is too embarra.s.sing! Moreover, she has no idea where the bathroom is.
She shouldn't have drunk too much fruit juice and water yesterday with her grandparents. She's really regretting it now!
Kyle saw the older girl fungating almost like she's in pain. He walks up to them and picks up the younger girl, carrying her in a princess carry. He only looks at her with his eyes but she understands what he was asking for.
Drizella calms her urgency and creek a smile, "Thank you Mister knight. I believe Mister knight's name is Kyle Scalzo. My name is Drizella and my sister is Anastasia. Sir Scalzo can put her in one of the bedrooms that are prepared for us."
He nodded as he carries the sleeping Anastasia in his arms.
Drizella finally has the courage to sigh, like master like servants.
But with her sigh, her urge to use the bathroom came out faster than expected. She quickly stands up from the comfy sofa and makes a rush dash to find the bathroom before she really pees herself.
She came out of the bathroom with a happy face. She was so glad that she found the bathroom before she embarra.s.ses herself and without anyone noticing her too.
Drizella didn't have to babysit Anastasia anymore with her still sleeping so she slowly spent her time walking through the hall with no destination.
Out of nowhere, a man in a butler's suit appears before her. It gives her heart a shock but she quickly tries her best to overcome her shock and have the att.i.tude of a young lady.
Before coming here, Camilla drilled a few easy characteristics of an ideal lady to Drizella. One of them; never show any silly expressions, always have a stable att.i.tude, and have a simple smile. Don't act like a commoner, always have a straight back and a strong will that is unbreakable but most of all trust in your instincts.
Is this really characteristics of a n.o.ble lady? She always thought a n.o.ble lady has to have elegance, grace, and be n.o.ble. What her mother told her is more suitable for a man.
"Young miss. The master called you to his office." the butler announces with a bow.
Drizella nodded lightly as she allows the butler to show her the way. She walks with her back straight and elegance. What the butler didn't know is that her gaze might be straight but the corner of her eyes are surveying the directions they are walking towards. She's trying to remember easy to spot items so that when she runs away from the room, she doesn't get lost.
The butler opened the door for her. Francis's was sitting on his desk signing paperwork. The butler announces her arrival and Francis only gives a nodded.
The butler gaster Drizella to go inside. Drizella took a deep breath, in and out, before she took a step into the door that will change her life forever.
Drizella was all prepared for whatever will happen but... nothing happened. Francis's whole attention is on looking over the doc.u.ments in his desk.
Drizella felt that it's impolite to sit down when the owner hasn't allowed her to so she just stands there paralyzed, waiting for Francis to finish.
Drizella felt like she has waited for hours, even her legs are getting weak and she almost can't support herself standing.
Francis finally completed all the paper on his desk. He handed them to the butler as the butler took them and left the room.
Sitting back down, Francis cupped his hand as his chin rest on it. His gaze was only directed towards Drizella.
For a moment, Drizella felt like it wasn't bad to have a handsome father like Francis. There's not a lot of men that are as gorgeous as him.
Out of Francis's mouth was a random question, "What do you want to do with your life?"
Drizella blackout for a minute-he's not trying to grant me my last wish then silently kill me right?-Then she remembers, she's still a child and he doesn't know her yet. To add, he must unmistakably want her mother for something so it might not be about silencing me.
She put on her best smile as she answers with another question, "Does papa want the truth or the lie?"
Francis prank up his brow, interested in what his new daughter wants: "Truth."
Drizella: "The truth is I only want to be a spectator!"
She explained further with great enthusiasm: "A spectator as in a bystander, a watcher to everything that is happening. I just want to lay back and relax as I enjoy the show and make comment from time to time. I don't want to deal with troublesome things!"
Francis was dumbstruck by his new daughter's little amount of pa.s.sion and ambitions. He laughs out as he replied, "Sorry. Things won't work out as you want."
Drizella: "Then how about letting me live as freely as I want."
Francis shocks his head again, indicating a no.
Drizella can only go along with what he wants now.
His words make Drizella want to flee from the scene, "I want you to be a boy."
'Huh? Are you dumb?' with a speechless face in her mind but she didn't voice anything out loud. She only stays silent waiting for him to continue.
He throws some doc.u.ments from his desk towards Drizella, making her flinch. Instead of landing on her messily like what she has seen in movies, it floated in the air. By reflex, she stretches out her hands and the papers landed on her hands with a thump. She doesn't even understand how and why she would catch those papers.
"Those doc.u.ments are about you, my daughter. Do you know what I'm going to say next? Instead of Cindy being the next inheritor, I want you to inherit the Tremaine's fortunes." Francis's spelled out his plan.
Drizella scribbles through all the doc.u.ments, not believing her eyes. They are about her but also about Anastasia. The surprising part is that all pieces of information gathered are from people from Hadleigh. They are pieces of information about how she has helped them such as solving mysteries, helping with their crops, and her activities.
She scans and creepily stares at Francis like he's a stalker... no, he is a stalker. People don't ask or know all these private matters about her.
"Is papa trying to threaten me with all these into doing something, such as being your biological daughter," Drizella hold onto the doc.u.ments with a questioned face.
Francis gives a slight smile, "Half right and half wrong. Starting today you will be two people. The first ident.i.ty is being you, yourself, my daughter. The second ident.i.ty is my adopted son, Leon who will be inheriting the Tremaine fortunes."
Drizella has the arch to really hit him right now. But she plays innocent, "That's not possible papa. There's only one of me, not two."
"With a little trick. It's more than possible." Francis handed her a scroll from under his desk, "I'm looking forward to your performance within three days."
Drizella stands outside the door with the thought, 'Am...am I... AM I GOING TO GET A s.e.x CHANGE?!!... and this scroll is the application."