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World Setting:
The setting is set in an alternate world that is like the medieval time only with kings and queens called the Zovaidel Kingdom (A Cinderella world but at the same time not). n.o.bles and commoners all have magical powers only that n.o.bles have more potential than commoners. However, the setback is that woman have less magical power so their standing is always the lowest and seen as inferior. Each daughter and son are tested when they turn 5 years old to see what magical powers are suited to them. They are granted an egg that corresponds with their magical elements and how much power they have. The egg might have a beast, a weapon/tool, or an amplifier to their own cultivation. To hatch the egg and for the egg to recognized you as the owner, it required blood.
n.o.ble Rakings:
Royal Family
(Only the tops have a middle initial or name added)
There are demons and some powerful demons can take the form of a human. They live among human and act like humans, even going to school like a human.
Shadow Demons/Dream Demons-- Most feared demon. They are black shadows that can enter dreams, innating a person to commit crimes and they grow stronger by eating people's dreams or by the people they/the host killed. Their weakness is light magic since they are made out of darkness. Another weakness is the light but they can overcome these two solutions if they can take human forms and grow stronger. But for all demons, Shadow demons are the hardest to level up.
Vampire-- Feared. Two kinds-Pureblood and Infected.
Magical power elements:
Earthly elements (Water, fire, earth, wind, metal)
Heavenly elements (Darkness, light, s.p.a.ce, time, lighting)
Earthly elements are common and heavenly elements are rare (1 in a 100-one heavenly element; 1 in a 1000-two heavenly elements)
Magical power uses mana
Awakening Stages (Changes in person according to magical power):
1st- First awaken at the age of 5. Nothing changes!
2nd- Age 8 or higher. A mark/symbol appear on the person
(Special Condition Met to Reach)
Those that are very powerful eyes can become crystals
Level up by meditation, etc.
Women can't level up
Part I: Birth in a different world and childhood
Part II: Becoming Cinderella's stepsister
Part III: The Magic Academy
Part IV: The royal ball
Character Settings:
Drizella Tremaine/Luna
Side Characters:
Cinderella/Ella Tremaine (the protagonist)
Camilla Wilson/Lady Tremaine
Anastasia Tremaine
The father/Lord Tremaine
Fairy G.o.dmother
Other Characters:
Albert Wilson
Lia Coleman
Like every girl, Luna wanted a prince charming or a knight in s.h.i.+ning armor to save her and live happily ever after. As she becomes an adult she realizes that this is just a far fetch dream. Real life is full of hards.h.i.+p and never have a happy ending.
On the way from medical school, Luna was killed in cold blood not knowing the reason why. She was immediately reincarnated into a different world. She soon realizes this world is Cinderella's world but never thought that she would be Cinderella's stepsister.
"In the Grimm Brother's book, Cinderella's step-sisters got their feet cut just to fit the gla.s.s slipper. Just the thought of having your feet skinned bit by bit by your mother just to fit on a gla.s.s slipper is a nightmare. And afterward having to wear a high heel that is like two feet tall without first-aid or bandage...argh," Luna shudders with gooseb.u.mps at the thought of it.
"...Wait, this world is totally different from what she knows!!" were her thoughts as a child.
Author: There will be more added to the story as it continues!