Being Cinderella's Evil Stepsister - 18 What's So Hilarious?!

18 What's So Hilarious?!

Anastasia handed Camilla a shaved ice with toppings and flavors she created. Cinderella did the same for her father.

Camilla took a bit from the shaved ice with a happy expression while Francis gazes at what he got.

Drizella took the shaved ice away from him, "Don't worry there's no poison. If I want to poison you I would've used a better method and not involve others. See!"

She took a bite out of the shaved ice and handed the cup to him showing him that there's no poison or anything weird inside.

n.o.bles are so hard to deal with! This thought continuously run inside her mind as she kept up her lovely smile.

"Sister, how was your Awakening Ceremony?" Anastasia asks as she kept chunking shaved ice into her mouth.

"It was good. ...What were everyone's elements?"

The five of them look at each other. Emma was the first to announce: "Wind and metal with a magical output of 3."

Clara: "Mine is earth with a magic output of 4."

Gray: "Fire and Metal with a magic output of 5."

Stan: "...Earth and wind with a magical output of 6."

Endy: "Fire and water with a magical output of 7."

"Me? How about Cinderella and Cain go first," Drizella propose.

Cain didn't have a smug look as he answers, "Water and lighting with a magical output of 8.5."

Cinderella felt embarra.s.sed but still respond, "Um... Also light magic with healing. Magical output of 9."

The children's mouth opens wide from hearing those sentences. Their eye was like 'wow' or 'so cool' as they stare as if those two are now their idols.

Anastasia was the only one look at Drizella like she was her idol. This makes Drizella regret her decision of making those two powerful being go first. She should've saved the ulterior rare like Cinderella last. Now she has to say her piece and disappoint everyone here.

Francis patted Cinderella on the head; Cinderella has a smile like a fresh flower blooming on her face.

It makes the five-year-old Cinderella look very beautiful and cheerful. Francis felt like this is the first time he's seen his daughter smile like this after the death of her mother.

Drizella doesn't want to interrupt such a pa.s.sionate scenery of father and daughter love but she just has to, " Mine is earth, water, wind, lighting, and time. 8 is my magical outp..."

She heard a big drop as she turns her head, kneeling on the ground was Camilla with her eyes open wide full of surprises. Her face was full of despair and her hand was trembling. She didn't believe what her own ears are hearing. She can only mumble, "Why... out of all... why time..."

Everyone went into a silent mood. The only sound that can be heard was the breeze howling past them. Making Drizella more nervous-was my words wrong. Should I have my magical output first then my elements? Everyone spoke their elements first and mine wasn't that different. ...Someone... anything... do something about this silence... I won't last long this way.

Camilla came out of her daze, she quickly stood up from the snow giving an apologizing bow for her action.

She over her mouth lightly with a laugh, "That's funny. It's weird that almost everyone's number go in order. See..."

Camilla places each of them in order from least to greatest magical power output. It goes, Emma, Clara, Gray, Stan, Endy, Drizella, Cain, and last Cinderella. She then makes the children say their magic output out loud from, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8.5, 9...

The children laugh when they realize the fact. Unlike Camilla's gentle laugh, they all laugh like wild animals. Some even can't stop their laughing that they became short of breath.

Drizella rumbles angrily with a blush on her face, "It's hilarious to them... Humiliating to us on the receiving side."

The others with her agree with her rumble as they nodded their head only to resign to their fate as everyone else laughs at them.

Emma and Stan were the first to get annoyed by the situation as they growl and round up the children.

The children all laugh as they try to run away from the gasp of the devil which is Emma and Stan. Clara, Gray, and Endy joined in the fun, trying to catch the children.

Drizella stands there, alongside with Cain and Cinderella. She suddenly said: "You two should join in the fun. We won't always stay as children so while we are children, we should have all the fun we can have."


Feeling warmed up from the shaved ice, Drizella came before Francis to propose a proposal. The proposal has nothing to do with her but it was her idea in the first place. So she has to make the deal with him even if she doesn't have a good feeling about him now.

"Papa. Can Daisy make a very good request?" Drizella smile as she said.

Francis's didn't give her an answer. He just stood there like a well-made beautiful statue.

His action really puzzles Drizella. Does this mean she can or she can't... then let her make use of his silent treatment. It's experiment time!

"So... Ella and I make a deal with Cain. Ella would take Cain in as a servant but I have this gut feeling that Cain is more suited to be a knight... to be more specific, Ella's knight and bodyguard. My reasons are, he is the same age as Ella and me so it'll be more comfortable and he can be around Ella at about anytime unlike other knights. They can protect her but this will only make her isolated from other children her age. Cain's magical power is strong and he has a strong body also a stubborn att.i.tude to the point he won't back down as you have seen during the fight. He also has someone he wants to protect so..."

Is this too much to ask. She isn't his daughter yet.

Drizella waited for his answer but he just glares at her. She kept up her smile but she felt his trying to look into her inner self than anything.

If he has the patience to glare at her, she has the patience to keep her smile on. not letting him see her inner self and wait for him... even if this last for a whole day...maybe?

They stare at each other for about three minutes but she felt it's been more than an hour and at the last minute the person didn't speak, he just nodded his head as he slowly leaves.

Drizella can only hatefully glare at that back when others aren't looking as she uses her smile to hide every bit of her anguish.