Behind the Scenes in Naruto World - Chapter 775 - Tony, I Will Take You Away

Chapter 775 - Tony, I Will Take You Away

Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 775 Tony, I Will Take You Away


The hardest metal material in the universe.

There was no such thing as a vibranium vein on Earth. Only s.p.a.ce meteorites could bring this material. At present, only Wakanda in Africa has received this gift from s.p.a.ce.

Due to Wakandas monopoly on this unique material, the country has only sold a very small amount of vibranium in history, allowing Wakanda to gain a sudden increase in wealth.

Compared with other backward countries in Africa, Wakanda was the only technologically advanced country. Through vibranium technology, they could compete with any country on Earth.

It was just that the successive kings of Wakanda have been very low-key and have always implemented a secluded att.i.tude, which also prevents the outside world from knowing the truth about Wakanda. This isolation from the outside world has always made the outside world think that Wakanda was still a poor and backward agricultural country.

If you dont know Wakanda, no one would know that this so-called backward country was actually the most technologically advanced country on earth.


Being the most technologically advanced country on earth has naturally brought Wakanda advanced education levels, advanced living standards, advanced medical levels, and advanced military levels.

The citizens of Wakanda were well-versed in any mainstream language on Earth, and they also grasped all kinds of advanced scientific technology.

With the help of vibranium technology, Wakandan doctors had even developed medical technology that was sufficient to treat cancer and other terminal illness, so that Wakandans do not need to worry about their bodies at all.

Wakandan soldiers possess the most advanced and powerful equipment in the world. Relying on vibranium weapons, Wakandan soldiers were so powerful individually that they could be called true super soldiers.

The most surprising thing was

Wakandas spy network.

There was a lot of information that could not be detected, but Wakandas intelligence agency P.R.I.D.E. has a good grasp of that information, allowing the king of Wakanda to know anything they want to know.

There were also superheroes in this country.

The King of Wakanda was their superhero, hailed by the people as the Black Panther who protects Wakanda and was also the belief of many tribes in Wakanda.

To say it seriously

The black panther was roughly equivalent to the combination of Iron Man Tony Stark and Captain America Steve Rogers. His wealth and technological suit were far beyond anything else, and his physical strength was comparable to that of Steve Rogers injected with the Super Soldier Serum.

The first time Nick Fury knew about the existence of Wakanda was from the data file within S.H.I.E.L.D. because the founder Howard Stark had contacted the Wakandans and purchased some vibranium for $10,000 per gram to create a s.h.i.+eld for Steve Rogers.


Nick Fury has also been secretly exploring Wakandas intelligence. The earth has such a powerful force, and he really wants to include this power in protecting the earth.

Of course, the king of Wakanda was too lazy to pay attention to him.

All of the Vabranium on Earth was in Wakandas hands. They did not need to do anything extra at all. All they needed to do was to remain detached from the outside world.

Now they cannot remain detached.

Hydra controls some of the most powerful forces on Earth and wants to go to war directly with Wakanda to seize Wakandas vibranium resources.

We have to find a way to stop this war.

Nick Fury had a grave expression on his face. He slowly closed his palm and explained in a low voice, If this war really breaks out, the world may be destroyed in this war. They dont know the true power of Wakanda at all

After finis.h.i.+ng speaking, Nick Fury no longer worried about revealing any secrets, and described to those present a superpower that was isolated from the outside world.

A country that lacks nothing.

A superpower capable of disrupting the earths order.

But how should we stop them?

Natasha frowned and said helplessly, From the looks of it now, there is no way for us to change this. Hydra or the military hawks are in control of everything. The only ones who can talk to them are Uehara and Stark

They are considered under house arrest.

After Clint finished speaking, he added, And they are not trusted either. Maybe it would be easier for us to instigate Coulson.

Nick Fury fell into deep thought.

If one were to put it seriously, it would be easier to instigate Coulson. The problem was that Coulson would definitely not listen to their wishes Moreover, if they wanted to first capture Coulson, they would need Uehara Naraku to provide them with information and help.

It might be too late

Bucky Barnes said hesitantly. He rubbed his temples and continued, When Coulson asked me to clean up Steve and you two, he mentioned that this war would probably start on the 7th But I dont know the exact time

The time now is

Steve Rogers looked at the clock and his expression instantly became serious, Its ten oclock on the 6th night Even if the war starts at midnight, we still have two hours to change everything.

Ill contact Uehara!

Natasha took out her phone and was about to call Uehara Naraku, I hope this guy is not resting now, and I dont have time to worry that he might be exposed




A long time later.

A strange female voice answered on the other end. This voice said softly, Sorry he is asleep.

The foreheads of everyone present jumped.

At ten oclock in the middle of the night, a strange woman held Uehara Narakus phone and said that he was asleep. There was no need to explain what had happened before this, right?

Why did Uehara Naraku want to sleep at this time?

Or, why was Uehara Naraku still sleeping with a woman at this time? What went wrongdid they guess wrong?

Just as the woman on the other end of the phone quietly hung up the phone, the roar of engines was heard before the line was cut off, as if a super engine was starting!

And what they heard was a problem.

Just now, it was the sound of Helicarriers engine starting up

Nick Fury stood up, tidied up his clothes, and said in a low voice, It seems that Uehara Narakus communication has been cut off. If S.H.I.E.L.D.s Helicarrier has already moved out, it means that the war is about to begin.

Is there any other way?

Can you contact Tony?

We cant contact him now. Originally, after Tony was put under house arrest, he could still communicate with Pepper Potts at a fixed time A few days ago, after Coulson returned, Tonys contact was also cut off.

Its not like there is no other way

Nick Fury took a deep breath and said in a low voice, Wakanda actually has an intelligence contact point in the United States. I just dont know if this contact point is still in use

Are we going to inform Wakanda in advance?

Telling Wakanda, without any evidence, that they are about to face a war and have to prepare in advance?

Perhaps this is the only way

Steve Rogers suddenly stood up, and his face suddenly became serious, If the intelligence we get makes us make a mistake in judgment, then we will be ridiculed at most, and will be considered by Wakanda, which we have never had contact with, to be causing trouble for no apparent reason or anything

If our judgment is correct, it may be possible to resolve this war in advance. These wars that should not exist in this world should not exist. For this purpose, we can sacrifice our lives or everything.

Then lets go

Nick Fury took out the keys from his pocket and said casually, If five people are together, the car might be a little crowded

No matter what, they finally chose a plan.

If they had not chosen to contact Wakanda, perhaps at midnight, Uehara Naraku would pretend to have secretly prepared a Quinjet for them to fly directly to Wakanda.

Even so.

Uehara Naraku still sent an email to Natasha at midnight and reported in detail how he was going to Africa for a travel trip.

An Helicarrier flags.h.i.+p.

Three Project Insight Helicarriers.

This war was not a big one, with hundreds of thousands of troops cooperating. It only consists of a few Helicarriers equipped with fighter jets.

Other than that

There were no other forces involved.

In addition to this information, Uehara Naraku even went out of his way to help Nick Fury and others gain Wakandas trust by directly starting to build momentum.

For example

P.R.I.D.E., Wakandas intelligence agency, found out that dozens of media outlets in the United States were rus.h.i.+ng to prepare a series of news that violated democracy and freedom, including the existence of weapons of ma.s.s destruction in Wakanda and the feudal kings abuse of indigenous people

If nothing else goes wrong, the United Nations General a.s.sembly will be held the next day. The U.S. representative at the United Nations will take out a small bottle of laundry detergent at the meeting, and then the entire U.S.s grandiose aircraft carriers and fighter jets will fly to Wakanda

They dont really think that Wakanda doesnt have a weapon of ma.s.s destruction.

Now it seems that there was a possibility that war would break out. When the King of Wakanda heard the news, he was a little unhappy. However, he heard that a team of agents contacted them and told them that this war was Hydras plot

It has to be said that

The information that Nick Furys group brought was quite useful.

Not to mention anything else, just the combat readiness of the United States and the World Security Council to launch a war against Wakanda was enough for Wakanda to believe part of what Nick Fury said.


Nick Fury also raised a matter.

That was, they could resolve this war as peacefully as possible. So TChaka asked people to bring Nick Fury, Steve Rogers, and others to Wakanda overnight.

As long as the Hydra spies and the Helicarriers could be eliminated, this war could be resolved peacefully. And the old king really does not want to expose Wakandas existence as much as possible.

Just as Nick Fury and the others boarded the plane and rushed to Wakanda, S.H.I.E.L.D. was also urgently preparing for their Helicarriers battle group.


Uehara Naraku came to the laboratory where Tony Stark was under house arrest and threw him a stack of photos. He said in a low voice, This is the latest news I found Nick Fury, Steve, Natasha, Clint, they are together with Bucky Barnes.

After saying that, Uehara Naraku added, Alsohalf an hour ago, they left the United States and went to a country called Wakanda



Uehara Naraku nodded and continued, That country is a hidden super technological power, the only country on earth that has vibranium resources.

Maybe they defected to Wakanda, or Wakanda itself is one of them because there is also a superhero named Black Panther there.


When Mr. Howard Stark made the s.h.i.+eld for Steve Rogers, Wakanda provided some vibranium. You should have heard of this

I know

Tony Starks fingers clenched the photo bit by bit. His eyes were fixed on Bucky Barnes in the photo, and his eyes became a little red.

It was this person!

He killed his mother!

In the photo, Bucky Barnes patted Steve Rogers on the shoulder. His smile was very gentle, and it was completely impossible to tell that he was the demon who killed an elderly couple!

If such a person could still live so freely then this world was too unfair!

This was unfair to the Stark!

It was unfair to his parents!

My father helped Steve Rogers create his s.h.i.+eld

Tony Stark looked at the person in the photo and said word by word, Does Steve Rogers know that his friend, Bucky Barnes, killed my parents?

I dont know

Uehara Naraku reached out and patted Tony Starks shoulder. He bent down slightly to look at the photo in Tony Starks hand and comforted him in a low voice, But Director Fury and Natasha should know


Nick Fury and Natasha should know!

Because Natasha got this video, Nick Fury must have watched it during his tenure as Director.

They were in the same group!

They were in collusion with each other!

Uehara, where are they now?

Tony Starks fingers tore the photo in his hand bit by bit. He raised his head and looked at Uehara Naraku with red eyes, When will I be able to leave this place?

Tony Stark suddenly grabbed Uehara Narakus sleeve. His voice was mixed with anger and pleading, Uehara! I want to leave this place! I cant stay here any longer! I cant take it anymore! Uehara! Help me!

You will be able to leave here soon.

Uehara Naraku patted his arm and said in a low voice, If Wakanda is really in cahoots with Hydra, we might all have a reason to get out of here.

Because the White House and World Security Council know very well how dangerous it is if a country like Wakanda colludes with Hydra. I will report this to them.

Tony, relax.

We still have a lot to do if we want to be free again.