Behind the Scenes in Naruto World - Chapter 730 - Prince Loki, I Will Take Your Scepter and Treat It as a Gift to Your Sister!

Chapter 730 - Prince Loki, I Will Take Your Scepter and Treat It as a Gift to Your Sister!

Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 730 Prince Loki, I Will Take Your Scepter and Treat It as a Gift to Your Sister!

Loki frowned.

Did Asgard have a G.o.ddess of Death?

Why had he never heard of this name before?

However, the man in front of him had solemnly mentioned this name. It was clear that this G.o.ddess of Death called Hela truly existed. From the words of this person, it could be determined that the G.o.ddess of Death Hela should have some connection with the Allfather Odin.

However, this man did indeed have a strange aura of death

This man was wearing a large white robe. He had a head of light purple hair that was almost silver, narrowed eyes, and he seemed to be incompatible with this world

It seemed that

At least, this guy was not an ordinary person. Could he be a traitor from Asgard?

The G.o.ddess of Death, Hela

Loki narrowed his eyes and chuckled, Asgard has never had this woman Moreover, there is only one true successor to Asgard. I am the one who will become the King of Asgard!

What an interesting statement

The person looked at the arrogant Loki and suddenly shook his head slowly. A sneer flashed across the corner of his mouth, A prince who cant even lift Mjolnir, a hammer forged from the heart of a dying staris he really qualified to hold the Gungnir in Asgard?


Lokis expression instantly turned ugly!

Did this guy really want to stab him in the heart?

When Allfather Odin gave the artifact Mjolnir to his brother Thor, G.o.d of Thunder, and made Thor the successor of Asgard. That father was truly biased

Mjolnirs owners.h.i.+p was also what Loki hated the most!

But, it had to be said that this man in front of him seemed to know their Asgard affairs very well. He even knows Mjolnir and the Gungnir well

There seems to be something about this man

He does have some interesting secrets in him!

In the next moment!

The scepter in Lokis hand suddenly moved and was about to stab directly into the chest of the man in front of him. As long as he controlled this guy, he would know this persons secrets!

By the way

He also wanted to let this guy know who the real master was!

Prince Loki, you dont have to be angry from embarra.s.sment

The person leaned slightly to avoid Lokis scepter and continued with a sneer, We came here with good intentions to talk about cooperation With your strength alone, even if you have Chitauris help, you cant still return to Asgard, right?

What do you want to say?

Lokis gaze was slightly dark, There is only one throne in Asgard, and a group of little mice want to pry into it

The old king sitting on the Asgards throne is actually a rat

The person grabbed Lokis scepter, his eyes filled with sharp killing intent, Mistress Hela has never been interested in being trapped in Asgard

A mere nine realms is not enough to become Mistress Helas residence.

If not for Allfather Odin secretly imprisoning his daughter at the critical moment, the entire Milky Way, and even the entire universe would have become Asgards pasture

Helawho is she?

Lokis eyes focused on this person and he said coldly, I have never heard Odin and mother say that they have other children

Could it be

Were there others like him who were adopted?

If Prince Loki returns to Asgard and breaks the portrait in Asgard, he will naturally know about the existence of Mistress Hela You can ask His Majesty Allfather Odin if he has ever felt guilty for sealing his daughter

She is the first child of Allfather Odin

She is also Mjolnirs first master

The G.o.ddess of Death who once wielded the hammer that symbolized the successor while riding the Asgardian Wolf Fenris, and led her army to conquer the nine realms.

The person looked at Loki who had a slight change in expression.

The corners of his mouth curled into a strange sneer, Just pretend that I never showed up today. When Prince Loki truly knows about the existence of Mistress Hela, it will be the time for us to form an alliance again

As long as Prince Loki can let the Allfather Odin undo the seal, it is impossible for all the G.o.ds in Asgard to prevent Mistress Hela from returning home. The G.o.ddess of Death with infinite power is more powerful than the t.i.tan Galactic Overlord you have taken refuge in

When Mistress Hela returns to Asgard, and when death once again covers the nine realms. The new Lord of the Nine Realms, Mistress Hela, is willing to canonize Prince Loki as the true G.o.d King

Even if you dont do it, it will be useless. Odins power will become weaker and weaker, Mistress Helas power will become stronger and stronger, and one day she will return to Asgard!

Loki fell into a strange silence. He suddenly looked at the person in front of him and slowly shook his head. He grinned and laughed, Hehe, it seems that you dont know what happened to Asgard at all. The Bifrost has been broken

Is that so?

The man who turned to leave suddenly stopped in his tracks. He turned his head slightly and revealed a mysterious smile, Butdidnt you get the Cosmic Cube that can repair the Bifrost? Prince Loki, how can the King of Midgard be as good as the King of Asgard?

Loki watched silently as the person disappeared.

This man was indeed right. How could the king of this backward planet be comparable to the King of Asgard?


It seemed that there was no need to rush now.

Now that he had this scepter that Thanos had given him, as well as the Cosmic Cube, he had to deal with the problem on Earth first.

As for the G.o.ddess of Death Hela

Lets talk about it after he returns to Asgard!

This organization which belonged to the G.o.ddess of Death Hela, was called Hydra, right?

He seemed to vaguely know these secrets from Clint Borton. The scale of this organization was not small. After conquering the earth, he will talk to Hydra about Hela

At least, Loki also wanted to know whether the G.o.ddess of Death Hela, would really hinder him from ruling Asgard in the future.

To be honest.

If something really happened Allfather Odin, Loki never worried that his stupid brother, Thor, would steal his throne. Because as long as he used a little trick, he could make Thor jump into a trap himself

That brother of his was really too stupid, so stupid that he was simply an idiot!

It was a bit of a pity that that brother who was as stupid as an idiot always liked to act rashly based on his intuition, which often brought a lot of trouble to this genius

I almost forgot one thing

When the person was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and pulled out a short sword from his waist and pointed it at Loki while grinning!

Shoot to kill, s.h.i.+nso!

The blade of the short sword suddenly extended!

Its speed was so fast that even Loki was unable to react!

Even though Loki hurriedly dodged, his shoulder was still pierced by the blade that was over a hundred meters long, and he was instantly nailed to the wall next to him!

This guy

He actually launched a sneak attack!

Lokis body trembled slightly. He looked at the wound on his shoulder and the blood flowing from the wound in astonishment. He still hadnt figured out why this man had attacked him

I will take away the Scepter first

The man slowly walked to Lokis side. He grabbed Lokis wrist with one hand and forcibly took away the Scepter from his hand. He narrowed his eyes and smiled, Ill treat this Scepter as a gift from Prince Loki to his sister