Become A World Boss? No Thanks! - Volume 1 Chapter 14-16

Volume 1 Chapter 14-16

World Boss? No Thanks!14: Your Name is...Hmm?! Can You Repeat That?

'Well then, here comes the million dollar question, exactly what are the requirements for evolving into a one in ten thousand [Slime Lady]?' I turned towards Slime-chan with expectant eyes.

"Ermm, I don't know, it feels kinda fuzzy...this happened and then this." She answered in a slightly muffled and embarrassed tone.

'Hmmm, a logical explanation, if I do say so myself! After all, it's Slime-chan the ditz!'

"Hmph! o(o)"

'Ah, that hurts, don't punch me with your widdle fists. Now that you've evolved, they've grown stronger as well'

'By the way, what's up with this talking in my head!? Don't tell me it's something fuzzy as well!'

'Come to think of it, why can't I fuzzily evolve or fuzzily talk! Is it because my fuzziness method is off?!'

"Hmm, I only gained the skill, [Soul Link], after evolving. As long as the other party is willing to engage in soul communication, you can use that skill to communicate with them! Isn't that great!?"

'Mhm mhm, really great, those light blue, elongated eyes of hers are even sparkling right now'

'Ahhhh, damnit, so enviable! Makes me jealous just thinking about it! Why don't I have such a convenient skill!?'

"Enviable? Jealous?" Her eyes began to cloud over once more as she tried to process the terms she didn't understand.

[Soul Link] was a skill that, on the surface, was similar to the skill, [Telepathic Word],described in light novels. However, unlike that, it required consent and was an even deeper form of communication as one's thoughts were laid bare before the other, rather than telepathic words, they were more like the words of one's soul

'Ahhh, it feels like I lost more than five yuan just now, I think I lost 100 yuan instead!'

'This damned system won't even give me 100 yuan after all that! How unreasonable, don't you think so?!'

'Uwaah, I shouldn't think about these things for now...because Slime-chan won't understand them and become even more confused, it's even looking into the distance'

"Come to think of it, why do you keep calling Slime-chan!?" She redirected her gaze away from the distance and suddenly dropped that question on me.

'Ah...about that, well...because it's cute and rolls off the tongue...what's the matter, is there something wrong with it?'

"About that...I have a name. If it's possible, please use that from now on" Her cheeks were tinged with a hint of bright red as she shyly said that.

'Don't...don't be like that, even I will become embarrassed then! That's not good...we just met not too long ago, for us to reach the level of given names just like that'

'Fine.' I still gave her that answer in the end.

'Hmph, you must be joking, how could I do such a flag pulling action like that! Pulling out a beautiful girl's flag, such a person doesn't exist in me!'

"My name is" Slime-chan's face became even redder as if it was a lovely peach blossom.

'Oh oh, and your name is?!' For some strange reason, I was unusually excited.

"My name is!"

'Oooooh, your name is?!'


'Hmmm?! What did you say just now?! I didn't hear you too clearly'

"I said Fumufumu!" For some strange reason, she seemed a little angry.

'Hmm, why are you acting all cutesy all of a sudden? Aren't we talking about your name right now?'

"That's why, I'm saying" She curled her lips and pouted after which her light blue eyes began to cloud over.

'That's why?'

"My name is Fumufumu, hmph!" Slime-chan viciously glared at me.

'Ah?! Fumufumuhmph is your'

'Oh!' A look of realization dawned upon me.

'No wonder, no wonder your name sounds so familiar, so stirring, so beautiful! I have to say, that is a truly good name, Fumufumuhmph!'

"My name is Fumufumu" Her originally shifting eyes started to water up and soon tears began rolling down the corners of her eyes in a truly pitiable expression. "Hmph, that's enough, I'm not talking to you anymore..."

'No, what I'm actually saying is Fumufumu is a great name! Listen to me'

*Ding* [Your soul linkage has been severed! Please wait awhile before dialing!]

From that moment on and for a very long time after, Slime-chan (Fumufumu) no longer engaged in any deep conversations with me, in other words, [Soul Link]...



Special thanks to Kaung Thant Win Naing!!

World Boss? No Thanks!15: Young Man, You Must Keep Your Thoughts Healthy!

The sun was about to set and what was once an azure sky was now dyed a crimson red. Thanks to the poor coloring techniques of the design team, the vast Prairie Grasslands began to glow a light red as well. Gentle winds blowing across the grasslands, wave after wave ran through the endless ocean of green as I stood amidst all that, peering into the distance

' detestable the setting sun is.'

'Each time I look at it, I get the feeling that the day was about to end in the blink of an eye. Almost as if time itself had been squandered...especially when one spent an entire day consoling Slime-chan without any results'

'It's all my fault, can you forgive me, Slime-cha'


[The other party has rejected your call, please wait awhile before dialing.]

'I'm sorry, it's my fault, Fumufumu....'

'Sigh, nothing. Slime-chan is really hard to coax...I should bully her less from now on. Well, at least I managed to persuade her into wearing those clothes made of leaves...from now on, my cheeks won't blush, my heart won't race, my breathing won't turn ragged and whatever I eat will be delicious'

'No, wait, delicious is still a bit'

'Oh right, right, after my relentless hard work (harassing Slime-chan), I learnt [Soul Link], don't cha know! Huhuhu, things are so much more convenient now!'

*ding ding ding*. I excitedly sent her another [Soul Link] request!


[The other party has rejected your call and has rolled her eyes at you.]

*ding ding ding.* '[Soul Link]!'

[Rejected and rolled her eyes twice]

*ding ding ding* After an unknown number of [Soul Links] later

'I forgive you already alright' Fumufumu-chan finally accepted my [Soul Link], not knowing whether to cry or laugh at my attempts.

'Ah, no, to be fair, I only wanted to test out the usability of the [Soul Link]...however, since you forgive me then that works out as well. Tehe~'

After that, we spent a beautiful night together...well you get it


Hunted an entire night's worth of blackwing pythons!

'Hm?! What's with all those raised fists?! What else did you think I was going to say'

Anyway, after all our hard work hunting, I managed to level up from eight to ten 'the blackwings we hunted gave more XP than the insects we killed so far, did that mean that XP varied by race as well?'

As I suddenly recalled our multitude of past experiences, all those blood, sweat and tears hunting on the precipice, my eyes couldn't help but water.

'Must it be so hard for a boss to level up!? That's just ten levels, when will I even be able to hit the MAX level?! Next year?!'

'How do those other bosses even level up, teach me too please! Sigh...sadness!'

"Dragon-chan, behind you!" Slime-chan yelled at me through the [Soul Link].

Without turning around, I extended a claw in that direction

[Claw Swipe]! Like that, the blackwing python was torn in half by me!

I had to admit, the growth of a world boss was truly something to look forward to. As of now, blackwing pythons were no longer a threat to me.

'Hmph, how could such small fries even threaten me' Just as I thought that, another voice echoed from behind me.

'Hisss' The blackwing python continued hissing from behind me, moreover, it was getting louder by the second. It was a hiss that was completely unlike any other before it, even now its pressure was growing stronger.

I clearly heard something slithering on the ground. *slither slither*

'The behind that Slime-chan was talking about, don't tell me it'

'Hmm?! What's behind me'

I turned around and found myself staring at an unbelievably gigantic blackwing python just 50 meters ahead of me

'This is...bad'



Special thanks to Kaung Thant Win Naing!!

World Boss? No Thanks!16: Battle! Blackwing Python!

*hiss hiss* The giant blackwing python spat out its forked tongue and stood there motionlessly observing me. Unlike most games, the creatures of [Fan Tian] would act like those of the natural world and make a judgement based on their observations.

Snakes were actually extremely cunning beasts. Without having an accurate judgement of their opponent's strength, they would never rashly act but instead maintain a safe distance they could attack and retreat from.

Is the other side stronger than me? Is it worth my time to hunt? How large is the possibility of failure?

Whether it was the snake or me, the instincts and genes carved into our body would instruct us on what to do and when

Under this sky filled with stars, those tiny gems cast a gentle light over the vast grasslands. Tonight, it seemed like only the sounds of my racing heart and the breath-like winds from the north could be heard.

Tonight was bound to be a restless one.As I stood facing that colossal blackwing python, I did my best to maintain a defensive stance while keeping eye contact.

My instincts screamed of danger: what if its level was significantly higher than mine? If I were to reveal any weakness right now, it might just be my last.

There was no gunfire to signal the start of battle here. It begins with a stare and ends with one as well.

'Run!' That was what my inner self was screaming right now.

This enemy wasn't the same as that white deer at all. That deer would only warn those who tried to intrude upon its territory thus I never felt any danger when facing off against it.

However...this giant blackwing python was totally different. It was here with the purpose of killing me. Perhaps it was because it treated me as food or perhaps it was here to take revenge for its brethren!

In an instant, my judgement was completed

I was...weaker than it! Furthermore, it wasn't just a matter of one level or two!

The moment I made that judgement, it seemed to finish making its own as well. Thus, it charged at me with no hesitation whatsoever.

'Run!' I swiftly used the [Soul Link] to transmit that message to Slime-chan.

'Sh*t, Slime-chan seems to have been scared witless by it! She's just standing there in a daze right now!

'Anyway, before Slime-chan makes her escape, I need to do my best and stall it!'

With its formidable muscles, all it took was a single flick from it to produce a powerful feedback that launched it forward towards me.

Staring into the bloody abyss that was its mouth, the terror came at me in droves. My body began to tremble slightly as I stood there in shock. I knew, the moment it manages to bite me would be my death!

Terror, that was man's most basic instinct! Now, it was my weak point!

'It's alright, it's alright. This is just a game, a game, there's nothing to be afraid of! Damned body, move! I want to dodge it!'

In that short span of a second, countless thoughts raced through my head as I desperately tried to command my body to move!

Finally, it worked. Swiftly, I managed to roll to the right and dodged the python's mouth by a hair's breadth. Having missed its target, it crashed into the soil, sending a massive shockwave rippling throughout the earth as it did so. The residual shockwave alone was enough to make me fall on my butt.

[Widdle Dragon has learnt [Fear Resistance] Lv.4!]

'Seems like I managed to pick up a new skill along the way as well!'

What was most shocking was that despite its massive size, its movement speed was extremely fast! The stronger its abdominal muscles were, the more power it had and the more mobile it was!

'Looks like escape isn't even a possibility!'

As of right now, the only thing worth celebrating was that its massive body prevented it from making quick turns. All it could do was make rapid but wide turns.

Yet even with that weakness, it was an extremely difficult opponent to handle! Not to mention that pythons in this game seemed to have a ton of skills as well. Furthermore, judging from its size, the amount of skills it possessed definitely wasn't any less than mine and might even be several times more!

Because there was basically no way to know what skills it had, I had to factor in an endless variety of potential dangers as well!

'There's no weakness to found at all...this'



Special thanks to Kaung Thant Win Naing!!