Capítulo 78 ¿El vendaje es un traje de baño
Apparently it seems that the sleeping pills were put in the food.
Well, it does not work for me with
"Boss, what did you do?"
Lyuna who brought us to the village noticed the abnormality and ruined her voice.
"They will be a sacrifice for the G.o.d of the sea on behalf of the villagers, in particular, these two girls will be enough to satisfy the G.o.d of the sea"
"Such ... ... these people helped us!"
"... Excuse me, Lyuna, this is also for the village, we can not sacrifice more."
"That's why ... ...!"
The boss and lyuna oppose. The other sirens are surprised at the situation, apparently this case is different from a dictator boss doing what he wants.
I asked.
"Hmm, the G.o.d of the sea, what kind of man is that?"
"It's a giant double-headed monster, it looks like it was sealed at the foot of the underwater mountain a long time ago, recently it seems to have awakened, and when it appears in the village once a month it goes after the girls ..."
"It looks like an old story"
I guess it's Yamata no Orochi.
"- What ... Why are not you asleep?"
Finally noticing the situation, the boss squealed.
"... ... It's a little tired"
"What happened to mom?"
Not only me but also s.h.i.+ro and Phylia.
Because it is a dragon and a magic doll.
"Why, it does not work? ... With that amount they should not have woken up ...!"
I'm surprised when the old woman shakes the fallen flesh like a swing.
Hoo ...... What a mental attack ... ...!
I use recovery magic for Thira and Ellen while I divert my eyes from annoyance.
Both woke up soon.
"...... Ah, I should take advantage to do something s.e.xy ..."
-Note: ...... I s.h.i.+t on the ... how could we be so bland-
"I hear you know !?"
That's when Thira claimed.
Roars like beasts came from far away and the screams came from the sirens that had gathered in the square.
"Wow, this is the voice of the sea G.o.d! Evacuate everyone, the building!"
The boss will instruct the sirens aloud.
From the other side of the dark sea where the book of the night was falling, I saw a great shadow that slowly approached the town.
It was a double headed dragon.
It is a sea dragon with blue scales, and as a result the total length will easily exceed 50 meters.
to examine a little more in detail.
"It's an old dragon that lived for over a thousand years, is it a Super Dragon cla.s.s?"
Dragons can generally be divided into three types: lower dragons, middle dragons, upper dragons.
The top dragon is the strongest, for example, Red Dragon is equivalent to this superior dragon.
However, there is a dragon that is considered legendary even among the top dragons, it is a super dragon.
While there are dragons that can be placed in this category by birth, there are cases in which the old dragons that have lived for many years have become super dragons.
The sea dragon in front of me was the last type.
"I left it to s.h.i.+ro, as you knew words:" an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and a dragon for a dragon "."
Our pet had already waited naked after the teacher's intention was captured. No, she's just naked as usual.
s.h.i.+loh's body glows brightly and the white dragon appears.
It usually has the shape of a person, but its ident.i.ty is a kind of dragon G.o.d, which is beyond the super dragon.
"What's going on......"
The grandmother is stuck in the legendary dragon that appeared suddenly.
"I'll be right back"
s.h.i.+ro could run underwater at an explosive speed.
The sea dragon is almost ten times bigger than s.h.i.+ro.
Even so, s.h.i.+ro was not afraid, by opening his mouth, throws a shock wave.
"What? "
Suddenly he attacked and one of his heads screamed.
"What the h.e.l.l? Is it too sudden?"
It's a rather childish tone to be an old dragon.
"It's that dragon!"
"Calm down, he's still a young dragon!"
"Also, it's a good thing we're in the water!"
While exchanging such words, the two heads attacked s.h.i.+ro with their fangs with only one counterattack.
However, s.h.i.+ro swims quickly underwater and avoids attacks by the double headed dragon.
"This guy is pretty fast!"
On the contrary, the shock waves thrown by s.h.i.+ro certainly harm the two main dragons.
"d.a.m.n, how about this!"
Suddenly, a whirlpool was created in the ocean. That sea dragon caused it. A swirl swirl of high speed swallows s.h.i.+ro.
"Hahaha, it's impossible to escape from there! Continue stirring and become seaweed!"
"Hmm, it's easy to get out of that."
"Wow, it came out easily! What?"
The two-headed dragon shouted at s.h.i.+ro that he had escaped the whirlpool with ease.
After that, it was an almost unilateral development.
Although he is a young dragon, he is really a divine dragon. In addition, s.h.i.+ro did not allow the old dragon to approach, which neutralized the disadvantage of being underwater.
When the sea dragon made jiroles realized that he could not win by force, he raised a voice of protest.
"Although you are also a dragon, why do you bother us?"
"Yes because!? "
"Teacher's order"
"Master? A mermaid is the master of a dragon?"
"Wrong. The owner is a human"
"Puff, surrender to a human being that miserable dragon!"
"I can not resist delicious things"
While responding, s.h.i.+ro bit the back of the sea dragon.
"Well then! "
"...... difficult, but can it be cooked?"
"Please, no, eat us, I ask you!" "
The two-headed dragon that realized that it was seen as food, begins to plead miserably.
"It's okay, I'll eat it without leaving anything properly."
"That's not the problem!"
"That's it, s.h.i.+ro, please free him."
When I said it, s.h.i.+ro pulls out his fang from the scales of the dragon.
I thought that the body of the sea dragon suddenly began to shrink, when I realized that, it became the figure of a child with two heads.
I guess it was humanized. Or, even if we humanize it, it still has two heads ...
It seems I judge that I was the owner of s.h.i.+ro, and the boy pleads with me as soon as he approaches me.
"please forgive me! "
"Even if they eat us, we're not tasty!"
It certainly does not look tasty, even if you eat it.
Leaving aside the eating or not for now, order the two-headed dragon.
'' Return the sirens stolen until now "