「Work hard as the new Em~pe~!」
「Ha, I respectfully accept」
Filia hands over the proof of Emperor, a Saint Crown to Gina.
It’s the moment Emperor Gina was born.
I heavy applause reverberates.
「…… Ah, with this, I won’t be able to fulfil the unreasonable yet somehow arousing orders of Her Imperial Highness Filia anymore……」
「…… I wanted to be abused a bit more……」
「…… Filia-tan haahaa……」
I can hear some regretting voices among the praises for the new Emperor.
No, isn’t the number of perverts quite a lot?
I worry for the future of this country.
Maa, it’s only around 20%.
…… Is 20% a lot?
「Thank you very much, Karuna sensei. It’s thanks to sensei that I have been able to become the emperor」
After the coronation ceremony, Gina calls to me first.
He’s still a macho ikemen. d.a.m.n it……
「I, is that so…… But, it will get only harder from now on. There are a lot of fellows who don’t want you to be the emperor」
「Don’t worry. I have become strong. I just have to send those guys flying」
Gina says while showing off his macho biceps.
「Eh? No, you normally wouldn’t solve that by violence?」
Are, that’s strange?
I have properly educated him before, right……?
Ellen interrupts while I stare in confusion.
「That’s right, you have become strong! I commend you on going through my hard training!」
「Master Ellen!」
「Settle everything with power just as I have taught you!」
It seems he was converted into a musclehead by Ellen.
Un, this needs re-education.
A lot of unexpected things has happened, but we have decided to finally depart from this Rein Empire.
We are outsiders in the first place. It’s not good to interfere with this country any longer and they have the foundation to pull through even without us.
When we went to the throne room to give our last greetings, Gina on the throne suddenly starts crying.
「Fuee…… you are really leaving desu ne…… so regrettable desu……」
「Yes. We never planned to stay too in the first place. But Gina, the present you should be able to become a magnificent Emperor」
「Ha, yes…… I will work hard with everything Karuna sensei taught me……!」
Gina wipes his tears, he tightly clenches his fists in front of his chest and makes a girlish「I will do my best!」pose. Cute.
「tte, how did Gina return to his original character――――!?」
Tira’s angry voice suddenly resounds around the throne room.
「Furthermore, how did his appearances also restored to original?」
「I turned him back. It’s no good when Gina-tan is not otokonoko, after all」
「You turned him back!? How did you do it!? Where did those muscles go!?」
「T, to say it with my own mouth…… e, embarra.s.sing……」
Gina’s cheeks dye red and he looks down while fidgeting. Cute.
「Tira. There are many things in the world that are better unanswered」
「I’m extremely curious about what you really did, though――――!?」
「Ku…… that Gina…… even though I forged him with so much effort……」
We boarded the RV after a long time after saying goodbye to the otokonoko Emperor.
Ellen is still muttering in dissatisfaction, but I’m satisfied. Let’s meet Gina-tan again in the future.
The current season in this region is summer.
Today is fierce heat, but because of the air conditioning we are very comfortable.
s.h.i.+ro constantly takes off her clothes, making Tira angry, but s.h.i.+ro happily runs directly towards the aircon’s wind.
「Papa, where are we going, this time~?」
「There seems to be a sea if we go more to the east, I was thinking of going there first」
「Wa~i, sea~! First time~!」
As a Magic Puppet, Filia has the knowledge of the sea, but this will be the first time she sees it with her own eyes.
「Ah, I also never went to the sea before」
「Me too. It’s like a large river, right?」
Seems like Tira and Ellen also never saw a sea before.
Both of them were born inland so it may not be unreasonable.
「Sea. That fellow is dangerous. It can’t be compared to river」
s.h.i.+ro is expressionless as ever.
「Then, I should tell everyone a way to properly enjoy the sea…… fufufu……」
「…… Didn’t that laughter sound somehow indecent……?」
Of course, it’s a swimsuit time.