「I, I have a report…… Our troops have been defeated by Ekbana troops…… Starting with general Ouka, all high-rank officers have been captured and all soldiers stomped……」
An Ogre person reports with a trembling voice.
「Defeat even with such overwhelming forces? Useless」
The man sitting on the throne replies.
His age is around twenty.
A youth with no characteristic features who looks ordinary from every angle.
But, the fact is, that this man is the Emperor of Rein Empire.
He appeared around a year ago, he annihilated Empire forces on his own and dethroned the previous Emperor, a genuine monster.
He’s now ruling over the Empire with his overwhelming power and fear.
「Certainly, that woman was a hero of the Ogre people? Wouldn’t it better if I make her a prost.i.tute or a s.e.x slave instead? She has a good body, I think everyone would want a turn…… Yosh, let’s do that when she returns. tte, you said she was taken a prisoner?」
When the man speaks ill of the hero Ogre people are proud of, the soldier’s face becomes red in anger.
However, he strongly endures and says,
「…… T, this is still not certain information, but…… th, there’s a soldier within enemy ranks with unbelievable power…… I was told that he annihilated our forces alone……」
The Emperor’s eyes brightened with curiosity.
Then, after thinking for a while「Perhaps another reincarnated person. Fufu, how amusing if that’s the case」he mutters.
「By the way, I have to punish you Ogre people for failing, right?」
A desperate expression floats on the soldier’s face after hearing the Emperor’s words.
Then he appeals to the Emperor emotionally.
「P, please wait…… s, somehow…… give us one more chance!」
However, the Emperor glances at the soldier and amusedly gives an order.
「Onihime was it? Bring her here」
「P, please stop it…… that person…… everyone, but that persoooon!」
The soldier is already in a half-mad state.
「So noisy」
The Emperor sweeps his hand gloomily.
The next moment, the soldier’s body gets blown off like a ball.
After the soldier was flung against a wall and remained silent, the Emperor laughed s.a.d.i.s.tically.
「Looks like we will have a good show today」
Many people gathered before the Emperor’s throne.
High-ranking officials and military officers of Rein Empire and representatives of the va.s.sal states.
Everyone’s expression is gloomy.
Everyone held a great displeasure with the Emperor sitting on the throne.
However, everyone endures their feelings and lower their heads in submission.
「T…… that…… just what is going to happen from now on……?」
A girl restricted by soldiers is carried in.
A beautiful girl of Ogre tribe wrapped in traditional clothes.
She is around 14-15 years old.
She nervously looks around the people gathered in the throne room with an innocent expression on her face.
「Ku…… Onihime-sama……」
The Ogre people around bite on their lips.
The Emperor views their state with a grin.
The reason for the gathering is the defeat in the battle, in other words, a lesson for others.
The Emperor holds the daughters of the Empire’s officials and princesses of the va.s.sal states hostage.
The defiance has been growing recently, so the Emperor is planning to show them what happens when they disobey him.
「Maa, above all, I just want to enjoy myself」
At that time, zun, loud footsteps start resounding.
The gathered people leak voices of surprise unconsciously.
Ït was an Ogre.
Not just one, but three of them.
Cla.s.sified as monsters because of their violent nature and low intelligence.
But, they seemingly look well trained as they follow the orders of the monster trainer beside them.
The Ogres moved in front of Onihime.
Fuufuu, they are breathing hard most likely because of excitement.
The girl looks at the big bodies in fear, a, ah leaking a soundless voice.
「S, surely not……」
Someone notices the Emperor’s intentions and groans in shock.
Soon, they receive orders from the monster trainer and rip off Onihim’s clothes.
Onihime screams.
With her clothes torn, her beautiful, white skin has been exposed.
「Ahahahaha! That’s quite a wonderful show, isn’t it!? They say Ogre people have evolved from the Ogres! So to speak, Ogres are lower organism of Ogre people ! To think that the beautiful Onihime will now get violated by such primitives! It’s surely a blasphemy against G.o.d! Isn’t this the best show!」
「Y, you bastaaaard!」
A soldier of the Ogre people shouts in anger and launches at the laughing Emperor.
People of various tribes who also couldn’t endure it anymore attack the Emperor too.
「Fools. Do you that insects like you can beat me?」
The Ogre tribe soldier who was about to cut the Emperor with sword crashed into the ceiling.
Next, the Emperor caught an arm of a Tiger person and smashed him against the ground. A young man of the Empire’s knights who revolted was sent flying with the sweep of Emperor’s hand.
Then, magic circles appear beside the Emperor and he shoots two Advanced magic attacks.
A terrifying cold air released from the magic circles froze several people in an instant.
That was the end.
「Then, shall we continue?」
The Emperor orders the monster trainer to continue as if nothing has happened.
M, monster…… someone whispered.
「No…… s, stop it…… please, stop……」
When Onihime desperately pleads, the Ogres start violently tearing her clothes off with even more excitement.
There is not a single person left who can help her.
――At that time.
「You are quite a sc.u.m, to say the least」
Suddenly, such words resounded from behind the Emperor.
「…… Who are you?」
The Emperor turns around and frowns.
A man he never saw before is standing there.
Since when was he standing there?
The Emperor is surprised, as he didn’t feel the man’s presence at all.
The man grimaces in disgust and says.
「Although reluctant, I’m a person from different world just like you」