We have arrived in Ekbana.
Ellen looks outside of the window in puzzlement.
「Normally, it would be bustling with many people……」
The city of Ekbana is surrounded by strong walls, but the road to the entrance gate is deserted.
Rather, I don’t see a single person.
Maa, the gate itself is closed.
We get off the RV and approach the closed gate.
Then, from atop of the walls, soldiers of this country appear and shout,
「The enemy messengers!?」
「First they one-sidedly attack us and then they send messengers!?」
「Arrest them!」
「No, wait! That red hair is……」
Guided by the country’s soldiers, we arrive at Ekbana’s royal palace.
「Please, go in. The Queen is inside. There is an emergency so there’s no need to care for courtesy」
And so we enter the audience room.
I’m told this country has been ruled by a female for generations.
I enter the room while thinking that it would be nice if there was a kemonomimi beauty――
「Uwa~~~n! No ja no ja no ja~~~ Why do we have to witness this with our own eyes no ja~~~!」
――When I enter, the first thing I see is a ten-year-old kemonomimi girl shouting on top of the throne.
「Your Majesty. Please calm down. You must raise the morale of our soldiers」
The one reproving her is an intellectual beauty in the first half of her twenties.
Of course, this one also has kemonomimi.
「We do not care about that! This country is already dead anyway ja! It is the end no ja~~~!」
The little kemonomimi girl flaps with her limbs while shouting.
Because she’s on an elevated pedestal and her legs are spread open, her panties are completely exposed.
「It’s not like the result has been already decided. Our military forces already departed to intercept the enemy’s invasion forces」
「…… What is the strength of our military force ja?」
「10,000 men」
「…… What is the strength of the Rein Empire forces ja?」
「Impossible ja~~~~! There is no way we can win ja! Even we understand that!」
「However, we are the courageous wolf people. Let’s show them that we can overturn the ten-time difference in forces」
「There is no way something so idealistic could happen! Besides, we already know no ja! That the Ogre people and Tiger people could not even raise their hands against the Rein Empire!」
「Moreover ja! We heard that the men of Rein Empire have inhumane l.u.s.t ja! Once we are caught by them, the 100,000 starved men will surely gather around us and fight among themselves in order to decide who will take our matchless’s beauty’s first ja rou! Then, they will torment us no ja~~~! Uwaaaan!」
「…… I think that only men with special fetish will gather around Her Majesty, though 」
「Did you say something?」
「No, nothing」
「Anyway, there is no way we would be able to preserve our sanity! …… Therefore, we entrust this to you」
「Where do you plan on going, Your Majesty」
The kemonomimi beauty strongly caught the kemonomimi little girl who abruptly jumped off the throne by the scruff of her neck.
「Let us go~~~! We are going to escape no ja~~~!」
The little girl struggles, but because her strength is too low, or the strength of the beauty is too high, she can’t break free.
「You can’t do that. Escaping while our soldiers are putting their lives on the line for Your Majesty’s sake is inexcusiable」
「We do not care about that~~~! They are going to die anyway!」
「That’s not the problem here」
「Yosh, then, we will hand the throne to you immediately! With this, we are just a wolf person! There is no problem if we escape!」
「Certainly, I’m more suitable to be the queen than Your Majesty, but you can’t do that」
「You, aren’t you in fact quite mean!?」
The kemonomimi little girl opens her eyes wide in bewilderment at the kemonomimi beauty’s words.
「Please, be at ease, Your Majesty. I have a plan for the worst case scenario」
「Hou! You have a way for us to survive? If you have such thing, say it first!」
The little girl stops trying to escape and listens to the beauty.
「In the worst case, I will behead Your Majesty. With this, you don’t have to worry about becoming their plaything」
「No ja~~~! We do not want to die no ja~~~!」
The little girls start acting violently again.
「I will immediately follow after you」
「That is not the problem here! Indeed, we are going to escape~~~!」
「Your Majesty! Your Majesty the Queen!」
「…… N? What?」
The little girl finally looks our way.
The soldier has been calling her for a while, but she has noticed only now.
「There are guests!」
「Guests ja to? As if we could deal with guests at such time! Quickly retu――」
The little girl swallows her words.
「Y, y, you are…… Aren’t you Alsara Kingdom’s Destruction Princess!?」
The little girl cries out and runs towards Ellen.
「That’s right. I’m Alsara Kingdom’s third princess, Ellen Alsara」
「Ooo, oooooo! You have come to our rescue no ja na!? We have requested reinforcements from the Alsara Kingdom, but because there was not enough time, we have given up no ja! So, how much military forces have you been able to bring no ja?!?」
The kemonomimi little girl is delighted, but Ellen shakes her head left and right and truthfully answers.
「I’m sorry, but I’m alone. In the first place, I have already retired from the commander position. Coming to this country was just by coincidence」
「Wh…… at, ja to?」
The little girl backs off in shock.
「B, but, we have heard that you alone possess the strength equal to 10,000 men! Please, Destruction――No, Ellen-dono! Somehow, somehow risk your life to gain time and allow us to escape!」
That’s quite a selfish proposal.
The little girl not noticing the surroundings with her wet eyes,
「It is fine as long as we survive no ja~~~!」
She shouts seriously.
Nono, you are way too honest.
By the way, I have been deceived by her little girl appearances, but this fellow is actually quite old.
A lolibaba. Maa, it’s not to the extent she can be called baba.
Ellen looks at me「What to do?」and asks me.
100,000 men, huh.
This country will surely get defeated.
Should I lend them a little of my power?
「Kemonomimi Queen. I will help you out」
「? Really? However, we feel like you alone won’t make any difference, but……」
The kemonomimi Queen looks at me dubiously.
There, Ellen next to me says,
「Your Majesty Liliana, this man’s strength is certain. He’s far stronger than me. He’s the master of my sword, after all」
Ah, I more or less taught Ellen the sword along the journey.
On the occasion, I properly appreciated her bouncing b.o.o.bs.
「What! Are you saying that you are stronger than the feared Destruction Princess ja to?」
Kemonomimi Queen――Apparently called Liliana――raises her voice in astonishment.
「Yes. Frankly speaking, I can overturn the progress of the war alone」
「R, really? Please ja! Lend us your power!」
「I have one condition」
「We will do anything! We will do anything so please save us!」
「You said that you will do anything, right?」
I say to the appealing Liliana with a grin.
「Let me mofumofu that kemonomimi of yours」