When I turn around, there is a stark naked girl with an attached collar.
That is my first impression.
Her hair is pure white.
Her skin is dreadfully white.
She has facial features of a doll, but her expression is as if she just got out of bed.
The atmosphere around her is slightly in vain.
Her appearances are that of a junior high school student.
Surprisingly, her chest is reasonably big. Lovely cherry blossom colored nipples are in the middle of her pure white b.o.o.bs.
On the other hand, her bottom is completely smooth.
To think that a nude girl with a collar would be so erotic…… (delight).
「tte, how long are you going to stare?」
Tira interrupts me.
「I will definitely not avert my gaze when a stark naked girl is in front of me. That is my policy」
「Please immediately throw that policy away!」
Tira covers the girl with her mantle while asking the girl.
「J, just who are you? Why are you not wearing any clothes?」
Then, the girl expressionlessly answers,
「I’m a dragon. Not wearing clothes is my principle」
「This fellow is the Bright White Dragon from earlier」
When I say that, the girl nods in agreement.
Tira stares in amazement,
「B, but…… no matter how I look, I can see only a human……」
「I’m special. Transforming to a human is nothing difficult to me」
The girl replies slightly proudly.
But, to think that dragon would transform into a human.
By the way, she speaks a human language.
However, her uninterested speech lacks intonation.
「Neenee, new mama?」
Filia asks with sparkling eyes.
「Wrong. I’m pet. Best regards」
「Not mama, but pet! Wa~i, pet! Pet~!」
Although Filia felt sad that she doesn’t have a new mama, she’s full of joy now.
I wonder what differences mama and pet have in this child’s head……? It’s a mystery.
Filia tiptoes, extends her hand and yoshyosh pats Bright White Dragons head.
The Bright White Dragon probably feels good as she leaked「N」and willingly lowered her head.
Filia starts mofumofing Bright White Dragon’s head.
Are you a fish-san or something?
「Seriously, to tihnk that you would really make a Bright White Dragon into pet……」
「Although if she stays in a human form it would be considered a crime……」
Ellen is astonished, Tira looks at me with squinting eyes.
「By the way, what is your name?」
Ellen asks the dragon girl.
「I’m a young dragon. I don’t have a name yet」
The Bright White Dragon replies like a Natsume Sōseki.
「That is inconvenient, should I name you?」
「Do as you like」
The Bright White Dragon asnwers me uninterestingly.
「Then, since you are white let’s go with s.h.i.+ro」
「Isn’t that too simple!? She’s not a dog! 」
「That is good」
Although Tira has raised an objection, the person in question OK’d plainly.
「Is that alright!? At least, let’s choose a more girlish name!」
Ellen raises her hand.
「I have a good idea!」
「That’s right, let’s have a girl name the girl and leave this to Ellen――」
「How about Gachimuchi!」
「――I was an idiot for having expectations!」
「That sounds somewhat unpleasant」
Although the Bright White Dragon seemed like she would take any name, she immediately refused Ellen’s suggestion.
「…… I see…… I thought it was a good name, though……」
Ellen drops her shoulders dejectedly.
I think that thinking that such name was good is quite dangerous……
「s.h.i.+ro! s.h.i.+ro! Yo~shyoshyosh」
Meanwhile, Filia was calling s.h.i.+ro, s.h.i.+ro repeatedly.
Maa, s.h.i.+ro is good, isn’t it? It suits her atmosphere so in the end we have decided to call the Bright White Dragon s.h.i.+ro.
「Then, let’s go back?」
Then, we started descending the mountain.
「W, wait a moment!」
The one who called us was Gard and the girls.
「You have saved me…… To think you would be that strong…… I’m really embarrased that I though I was stronger than you…… Honestly, it seems like I have become conceited after becoming A-rank……」
To admit it himself, he’s quite admirable fellow.
The two strong-willed girls are completely depressed now.
「…… So, that girl is……?」
Gard asks while looking at s.h.i.+ro.
「This is the Bright White Dragon. I have put a collar on her since she’s now our pet」
「…… I, I see」
That indeed surprised Gard a little.
On the other hand, the two girls behind exclaimed frankly.
「L, let’s move on, Gard」Ojousama
「That’s right. Gard will eventually reach the point where he can take on a Divine Dragon too!」Noisy one
Both of them encourage Gard.
Gard was not moving from the place for some reason.
He kept on muttering「Pet…… I see…… pet, huh……」repeatedly.
「Gard? What’s the matter?」Ojousama
While the two girls looked in wonder at Gard, he started mumbling with earnest face.
「I, if…… that…… if you would like……」
「…… What’s wrong?」
「Umm…… that……」
Gard hesitates for some reason.
His cheeks get dyed red and he frequently keeps glancing at me while fidgeting.
I have quite a bad feeling about this……
Before long, Gard made up his mind.
「W, won’t you make me your pet too?」
「I decline」