I finally came to a different world from my dreams.
But, as far as I can see, trees, trees, trees, trees, trees.
I’m inside a forest.
Where should I go?
I didn’t think I would be suddenly blown off to such a place.
「Oh, looks like I might be able to find a town if I go that way」
Apparently, I will be able to leave the forest if I go southeast and from there I will be able to reach a town if I go straight east.
Why do I know such thing?
It’s thanks to the skill I have received from the G.o.ddess you see. Although I have forgotten from which G.o.ddess I have received it.
〈The Height of Information〉
It’s a convenient skill that supplies me with the necessary information.
The information I want naturally flows into my head.
By the way, I also have a skill called〈The Height of Appraisal〉which allows me to see detailed information with my eyes.
Right, right. I was apparently able to successfully acquire all one hundred skills.
Even though having just one would be quite the cheat, I have hundred of them.
Really, although listening to the same explanation hundred times was seriously tiresome, considering that I was able to obtain hundred cheats skills, I can’t complain.
I will use these hundred skills――――and enjoy this different world with all my might!
What? Is there something in the trees?
A bipedaling monster with a pig’s head has appeared――An Orc.
「Ooo, it really is a pig walking on two legs!」
tte, now’s not the time to be impressed.
I have no weapon and the clothes I’m wearing are from the other side.
The orc immediately noticed the defenseless me.
It quickly rushes at me with a spear-like thing in hand.
The height around 180cm with a good body build. The physique of a pro wrestler.
I can’t fight against that.
――If it wasn’t the present me.
The orc thrust the spear at my chest.
I jump up and easily avoid――I only jumped a little, but I ended up jumping nearly two meters into the air――Ramming my knee into the orc’s head.
Uo, what was that dangerous sound!?
I look down at the orc, only to see it getting blown off with a terribly bent neck.
It then slammed into a tree.
It definitely died……
Because the contents are that, the scene looks quite grotesque.
It’s alright since the opponent was a monster, but it seems I will have to use moderation when facing a human opponent.
〈The Height of Body〉
This is one of my skills.
A high improvement of physical capacity.
It’s always active because it’s a pa.s.sive skill.
I pick up the dead orc’s spear and swing it around.
Ooh, amazing.
It feels like I have been wielding this spear for years, many spear techniques has been driven into my body.
〈The Height of Weapons〉
This is a skill that is usable with any weapon.
It seems to activate once you wield the weapon. It’s somewhere between Active and Pa.s.sive skill.
However, this forest seems to be an orc habitat.
Is there an orc nest nearby?
Oh, let’s gather the information with〈The Height of Information〉.
There seems to be an orc fort in the vicinity.
By the way, the intelligence of orcs is low, therefore they are recognized as hostile being.
They are not cla.s.sified as demi-human, but rather as a monster.
Then, there’s no problem even if I defeat them.
Maa, I already killed one, though.
That being the case, I decided to take a look at the orc fort.
I was able to pinpoint the place with〈The Height of Detection〉.
It’s a skill which allows me to sense nearby buildings and enemies.
It’s a big stone structure on top of a hill.
It’s larger than I expected. It looks like it would take a lot of resources to capture it normally.
「A female knight would be captured in there and…」
I check with〈The Height of Information〉while joking around.
It seems there really is a real female knight captured. Are you serious?
I check the fort with〈The Height of Detection〉.
I scan the fort.
……………… There she is!
Furthermore, she’s about to be made into the orc’s plaything.
There doesn’t seem to be the time to enter leisurely.
In that case――
I chant a spell.
〈The Hight of Chanting〉because of this skill which raises the speed of my chanting, a magic circle immediately appears under my feet and a pale light envelops my whole body.
In the next moment, I’m inside the fort――right at the place pointed out by〈The Height of Detection〉.
I have used a transfer magic.
〈The Height of Magic〉
This fellow allows me to use every magic.
Although it enables me to use every magic, it’s necessary to actually “know” the magic, but there’s where〈The Height of Information〉comes in.
Uwa, it really is a female knight!
A girl with a long glossy crimson hair and a beautiful armor.
But now, she’s hanging down from a ceiling with her hands and legs chained up with an expression of agony.
Orcs with vulgar smiles are around her.
「Ku…… kill me!」
tte, now’s not the time to be admiring.
――I ought to enjoy this!
I mix among the orcs.
I do not forget to squeal and oink in order to not be discovered. It’s perfect.
「U! Y, you are human? Why are you here……?」
The female knight has noticed me while I was waiting for the barbaric exciting thing to happen.
Ku…… why was I discovered!?
「Buga!? (Who are you!?)」
「Buhii? (From where?)」
「Buhihi! (A human!)」
The orcs start to oink and look around. Thanks to〈The Height of Language〉I am able to understand their oinking?
I step forward gallantly.
「I came to save you. Everything is all right now」
「Weren’t you enjoying yourself among the orcs until just now!?」
「That’s just your imagination」
I embrace the female knight’s body while trying to make her feel relieved.
Naturally, this is not a s.e.xual hara.s.sment, it’s a part of the rescue operation.
Touching her b.r.e.a.s.t.s under her breastplate is also just an accident. This female knight’s b.o.o.bs are seriously huge.
I use the transfer magic again.
「U, uwaaaa!?」
The female knight screams.
I raise a hundred meters above the fort with her in my arms.
「Are you perhaps bad with high places?」
「I, I’m going to die…… going to die…… save meeee!」
Haven’t you told the orcs to kill you just a minute ago?
The female knight faints, I have no choice, but endure for now.
There doesn’t seem to be any other humans caught in the fort.
Then, no one will probably mind if I destroy that fort.
After I look at the information from〈The Height of Informaiton〉,
「Ultra grade magic〈h.e.l.lfire〉」
A huge magic circle immediately appears and fierce flames attack the fort.
The fort gets instantly wrapped up in flames and a pillar of flame thrusts into heavens.
Although I’m standing considerably far away, the hot air reaches even here.
「Wha, wha, wha……」
The female knight raises her voice in shock at the spectacle.
Rather, I’m also surprised. I didn’t think it would have such terrific power.
The forest is also burning.
tte, c.r.a.p! The whole forest will be reduced to ashes if this continues!
I use a different magic in a rush.
「Ultra grade magic〈Flood of Myths〉」
This time, a heavy rain starts pouring down at the fort.
Fortunately, the fire went out in no time.
But, the trees in the vicinity got carried by a muddy stream leaving only a pond reaching as far as my eyes can see.
Seems like the fort also got washed away as it disappeared without a trace.
「…… Let’s use a lower level magic next time」
I vowed in my heart.