Chapter 243 - Odd Terms
Jingyi cried out at the sound of the bottle shattering- she still had business with Lin Yi! How was he supposed to help her steal stuff when some gangster opened a hole in his head out of nowhere?
But the bottle hadn't shattered on Lin Yi's face- it had done so on Scarface's, with the other half of the bottle in Lin Yi's hand .
Scarface was evidently a fighter- he didn't so much as cry out after Lin Yi had shattered the bottle on his head . He steeled himself as he stood up to look at Lin Yi coldly . "Bro- which street do you come from? Didn't you know that the northern market area's Scar Bro territory? You here to cause trouble?"
"Scram . " Lin Yi repeated as he picked Scarface's skewer stick up and flung it at his face with a violent flick- it pierced right into the side of his face .
"Argh!!" Scarface couldn't hold the scream in- the face was a senst.i.tive part of the body, and the hole in the cheek was simply too much!
Scarface was looking a little terrified- the bamboo stick was extremely light, and Lin Yi had managed to pierce it through with a casual throw… This wasn't something just anyone could do .
Yet Scarface was a hardboiled man- he didn't make any more sounds after the initial cry . Gritting his teeth, he plucked the stick out . "Brother, I admit I'm not as strong as you are- but don't go stepping on other people's heads!"
"Who the h.e.l.l are you calling brother? I'm an orphan! Get lost or get more sticks in your face!" Lin Yi said casually without even raising his head, clealry looking down at him .
"This isn't the last you'll see of me!" Scarface said as he started moving away . "Stay here and wait if you've got b.a.l.l.s!"
"Hurry up if you're gonna get backup, I still have stuff to do after this! I'm leaving after I finish lunch . " Lin Yi wasn't about to just waste his time with a bunch of gangsters just because the guy was trying to provoke him .
Scarface paused before waving to his three followers, and they left the stall quickly .
"Scar Bro, why didn't you let us go at him?" A follower named Zi Mao asked .
"Guy's a fighter- might be a proper pract.i.tioner! We can't just take him head on like that . " Scarface explained . "Him sticking a skewer stick into my face like that proves it- he's no normal human!"
Scarface's followers all nodded at the words . "Yeah, but what do we do? Are we gonna just take it? It won't look good for us in the food street!"
"Of course we're not gonna just take it! We're going to Guang Bro!" Scarface said .
"Yeah, Guang Bro! Let's get Guang Bro to bring some men and chop him down!" Zi Mao said excitedly .
Jingyi was quite shocked at Lin Yi's reveal- she never expected that he'd be an orphan! She wouldn't for a second think that the guy was joking, however… No one joked about their parents like that .
Naturally, there was also another thing that Jingyi was shocked about, and that was the skill Lin Yi had displayed! She knew that Lin Yi was fast with his hands after he'd picked Wu Chentian's wallet, but she didn't think he'd be this fast at attacking too! She couldn't even see how the bottle got taken from Scarface's hand before Lin Yi smashed it against his head!
That skewer stick, too- the guy had used it like a shuriken! What the h.e.l.l was this person?
She was about to ask Lin Yi if he knew kungfu when she realized the guy had started eating already- Jingyi was speechless .
The guy had just drew blood- how was he eating as if nothing had happened?
"Fuu… Ah, let's talk about the job?" Lin Yi said, slowing down after the twentieth skewer .
"The opposing party is a trading company as well, and they take on the same type of projects we do . Computers, stuff like that . " Jingyi explained . "But when one of our managers gave a supervisor from another company a rebate… It somehow got filmed, and now the opposing party's using it to threaten our company……"
"Oh . . I see . Does their company not do that rebate thing?" Lin Yi asked as he picked up two more skewers .
"It's not a secret in this industry- everyone does it, it's only natural to give the supervisor some benefits . The difference here is that our guy got filmed doing it . " Jingyi said helplessly .
"What happens to you guys if they expose it?" Lin Yi asked .
"We might get punished by certain departments and the ministry, and of course, we'll lose that client! He's a major client of our company, and he always purchases more than ten million units of our computers and related products . This gets exposed and he can't be a supervisor anymore, and he might even have to take responsibility for other charges . " Jingyi explained . "The main concern here is this: Who's gonna work with our company after all this? Even a rebate is to exposure, who'd work with a company this unsafe? We'd have to shut down business, most likely……"
"It's that serious?" Lin Yi didn't know much about business, but he had a good idea what the whole thing was about after the explanation . "So what are their terms? If they just wanna take a compet.i.tor out, then they've probably exposed the footage already, and we can stop with this thief talk . "
"That's right . " Jingyi nodded . "But it's not beneficial to them as well, if they do expose it- it just damages us, and there are other trading companies . Even if they remove us from the game, that doesn't guarantee that the clients would flock over to their company . "
"Talk about their demands . " It was the whole point Lin Yi had gotten interested in the first place .
"Their demand… is that I'd have to be the lover of their chairman . " Jingyi said .
"Wh Pffff-!!!" Lin Yi spat everything out of his mouth . "Excuse me, what did you say? They want you to be the chairman's lover?"
"Yes!" Jingyi nodded with certainty . "So you're getting half of that demand- I'll be your lover, but I won't be obligated to provide any lover related services . 'Cause I'm just half your lover . "
Chapter 244 - Why'd You Come Here For?
"Half my lover . . ?" Lin Yi was speechless- what the h.e.l.l was that?
"Yeah . Lover in name, but not actual lovers!" Jingyi explained with a nod . "You'll be my boyfriend officially in front of my friends!"
Lin Yi finally realized that he'd been had… It was a huge scam!! It didn't get any worse than this- not only did he have to steal stuff for this Sun Jingyi, he had to act as her boyfriend for free!
It was a huge loss, but he was the one who set the terms… He had only himself to blame .
So this was what his gut had been trying to tell him- this was what's up!
"You… You win… . . " Lin Yi didn't want to go back on his word- he wasn't that shameless a man . "But did their boss really do all this just to get you to be his lover?"
"You can go ask him if you don't believe me- everyone in the business knows about his interest in me . " Jingyi said .
"Isn't that Wu Chentian chasing you? Why can't you go to him for help?" Lin Yi asked, remembering that that Wu Chentian person was supposed to be pretty good . Stealing a doc.u.ment shouldn't be too difficult for him .
"I don't wanna involve myself with him too much- I don't have any feelings for him . " Jingyi said, shaking her head . "You're not thinking of going back on your word, are you?"
"No . Tell me where the doc.u.ment is and I'll get it to you . " Lin Yi said, not dwelling on the Wu Chentian topic any longer- Jingyi didn't seem very willing to talk about him .
"It's at his place . We move tonight . " Jingyi said .
"Alright, tonight then . " Lin Yi didn't mind . "That half lover compensation- I'll pa.s.s on that . "
"You can't!!" Jingyi rejected immediately, shaking her head . "I've warned you so many times before, remember? You accepted half the demand so surely, didn't you!You can't just 'pa.s.s on that'!"
"So I'm not allowed to say no to the reward?" Lin Yi smiled bitterly .
"No, absolutely not!" Jingyi said . "You help me out, and I repay you for it! It's only natural!!"
"Alright then……" Lin Yi complied helplessly- this girl wasn't holding back one bit, and he'd promised her already…
They were still talking when a bunch of gangsters ran over, Scarface included . "Guang Bro, there he is! That's the kid stopping me from collecting protection money, he even attacked me!"
This Scarface person had quite the imagination- he'd twisted the story from 'him messing with a girl' into 'the kid stopping him from collecting money' to get his boss to show up .
The stall owner paled at the scene before turning to warn Lin Yi and Jingyi . "Young man, quickly! Run! Scar Bro's called his boss out, they're here for you!"
"Ah . . I'm haven't finished eating yet . Let them come if they want . " Lin Yi said, not a care in the world as he nibbled on his spicy meat skewer .
The stall owner only sighed- he'd done his part to warn him, but there wasn't much he could do if the guy didn't want to listen . He only hoped that Guang Bro wouldn't cause any trouble for him .
"Hey, they have a lot of people there . You sure you can handle it?" Jingyi admired Lin Yi's strength, but the numbers were quite concerning…
"Do they?" Lin Yi put down the bamboo stick and raised his head- joyed when he saw who it was- it was someone he knew! And he was looking pretty, too .
"Who's causing trouble in the northern district? This is my territory!" Scarface's boss called out as he walked over to the stall .
"Aaah . . we meet again!" Lin Yi smiled faintly as he looked at 'Guang Bro' . "Shouldn't you be resting your bones and tendons? Why'd you come out for, you wanna get disabled or something?"
Guang Bro froze upon sighting Lin Yi! He was, naturally, Zou Rouguang, the gangster head in he northern district! He wasn't expecting to meet the guy from the hospital here and now!
His trauma from that day remained fresh in his memory- this kid was a violent monster, merciless when he tortured people! He still remembered vividly how he twisted his hands around for fun!
Ruoguang wasn't looking too good at that moment- he had a lot of manpower with him, but it was manpower he didn't dare unleash on Lin Yi! He wasn't very brave, and he knew what fate awaited him should his men lose against Lin Yi .
The guy would probably twist his legs this time!
"Haha… It's you, bro…… . " Ruoguang used the 'haha' tactic for now- he didn't want to cross Lin Yi yet, but his reputation was at stake here . The best course of action was to act if he was close with Lin Yi . "What's a man like you doing here, it's been so long! Scarface, this bro here wouldn't just mess with you for nothing- tell me honestly, what actually happened?"
Ruoguang, naturally, understood that Scarface had been exaggerating things… Scarface's followers weren't that loyal, either, and Ruoguang had heard a thing or two about what had actually taken place .
Standing up for Scarface despite that, on the other hand, was due to the fact that he was still one of his men- it was only natural to stand up for him .
On top of that, Ruoguang was still very pent up from getting beat up by Lin Yi without daring to hit back- he had wanted to blow off some steam… Who'd have known that he'd meet that exact Lin Yi here again? His luck was way too s.h.i.+tty .
Scarface froze as well upon hearing his boss' change in tone- he understood immediately that things weren't that simple anymore- After all, he'd have to have some wits to be able to climb up to his position today!
Guang Bro was here to stand up for him, but his friendly att.i.tude towards Lin Yi gave Scarface a really bad feeling . Was this person really so monstrous that even his boss had to respect him?
"I'm sorry, Guang Bro… I messed up… I was talking to this… big bro's woman…… . " Scarface said honestly- this was no time to be pulling s.h.i.+t .
Ruoguang sent a slap across Scarface's cheek . "That's for what you've done . Well? Aren't you gonna apologize?"
"I'm sorry!!" Scarface apologized to Lin Yi and Jingyi crisply .
"Alright, stop with that acting- I don't have time to be watching your performance . " Lin Yi said impatiently with a wave of his hand . "How much for the meal, boss?"
"Aah… . . " The stall owner wasn't daft- even Zou Ruoguang didn't dare cross Lin Yi!! Where did he come off taking Lin Yi's money?! "No need for that, brother… This one's on me, it's free… . . "
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