Chapter 98 - Let Me
“What happened up there?” They were stuck in a long line of traffic, and Mengyao was trying to see what was going on .
“s.h.i.+eld Guy, can you go out there and see what’s happening?” Yushu ordered casually .
“Um… Don’t you think it’s faster if you do it? You’d need to leave the car for me to get out . ” Lin Yi replied, smiling bitterly .
Yushu only then remembered that Lin Yi didn’t have a door to get out from- She’d have to do it herself . There were many others watching the scene, but they let Yushu pa.s.s, as a pretty girl walking by and all . It wasn’t long before Yushu came running back again . “Yao Yao, there’s a car crash up ahead- we’re probably not going anywhere for the next hour or so . ”
“Really? I guess we’ll go for a walk or something then, lemme just find somewhere to park . ” Mengyao said helplessly .
“There’s a public parking s.p.a.ce there…” Yushu said as she pointed out a metered parking area some distance away .
“Ugh… Come on Shu, you think I’d be able to squeeze in there?” Mengyao said after one look at where Yushu was pointing . There was a spot between a Toyota Coaster and a SUV, both big cars . No one would park there normally- it was simply too narrow .
Mengyao’s Audi S5 was small, but parking in a spot like that was more than difficult .
But they were in a business district, on a weekend, even- there was no way they’d find an unoccupied parking spot under these circ.u.mstances .
“Then what do we do?” Yushu didn’t drive, but a closer look told her that it was indeed quite narrow to park in .
“Maybe we can park on the side of the road?” Mengyao started the car up with that, parking on the side .
Lin Yi only looked at the big ‘one way lane, no parking’ sign before turning to look at Mengyao .
“They’re just gonna put stickers on us anyway, Uncle Fu will take care of it . ” Mengyao said with a shrug as Lin Yi looked at her .
Lin Yi sighed internally . Rich misses were indeed different, it seemed- money wasn’t an issue at all .
“Let me . ” Lin Yi said as he took the keys from Mengyao, seating himself in the driver’s seat .
“Hey, what’re you doing? I thought you didn’t have a licence!” Mengyao didn’t expect LIn Yi to just s.n.a.t.c.h the keys away from her like that .
“The sign says that they’ll tow your car if we park here……” Lin Yi said while pointing at a row of words at the bottom of the sign . “We probably won’t be able to get back if you park here . ”
Lin Yi didn’t wait for Mengyao to say anything as he stepped on the gas, speeding to the left and into the public parking spot . He waited until he neared the s.p.a.ce before spinning the car, pulling the handbrake and aiming a hundred and eighty degrees into the spot, easing the Audi inside the narrow fit smoothly and cleanly .
Lin Yi watched a video of someone taking another guy’s parking spot this way, and found it quite interesting- he got himself an old rusty car to test the move out twice .
“Ah-!” Mengyao was regretting letting Lin Yi drive her car as it spun around, but realized that he had parked it nicely in the parking s.p.a.ce .
“Drifting! Yao Yao, did you see? s.h.i.+eld Guy was drifting!!” Yushu exclaimed excitedly .
“Didn’t he say he’s licenceless? Liar!!” Mengyao was a bit envious of Lin Yi’s drifting, but was instantly displeased as she remembered his face when he said he didn’t have a licence . The guy was a big fat liar, making her be his driver when he could drive so well himself! Eh? Mengyao suddenly remembered that Lin Yi didn’t actually say he didn’t drive… He only said that he didn’t have a licence…
Lin Yi put five kuai into the hand of a guy working the parking lot, who looked at Lin Yi stunned . Lin Yi then locked the car up before making his way to Mengyao and Yushu .
“There . ” Lin Yi said as he returned the car keys to Mengyao .
“Hey, you didn’t scratch my car did you?” Mengyao mumbled .
“Haha…” Lin Yi only smiled .
“s.h.i.+eld Guy, you know how to drift? When’re you gonna teach me that?” Yushu asked, very interested in how Lin Yi parked the Audi .
“Maybe when you have a car . ” Lin Yi said, not really intending to teach something like that to the girl- it wasn’t something one could learn from just watching, the movement required exact calculations and agility . Lin Yi only learned it from a video because of his foundations of high reaction speeds and flexible agility; one slight mistake and the car would be done for .
“Oh, I have a car, it’s in the garage at my place . Teach me when we get back, okay?” Yushu said excitedly .
“Eh?” Lin Yi didn’t expect Yushu to have a car prepared- he wasn’t sure what to say . “Sure, I’ll teach you sometime . ”
Mengyao didn’t take well to how Yushu was practically begging Lin Yi like that- the guy was just a s.h.i.+eld her dad had hired, did Yushu have to ask like that for him to teach her stuff?
“Hey, you have to- my dad’s giving you a salary . ” Mengyao added .
“Okay, I’ll go ask Mister Chu if I’m allowed to teach you girls drifting then . ” Lin Yi nodded with a smile .
“You-!” Mengyao was starting to get frustrated- this guy seemed to be treating Yushu a lot nicer than he treated her! Mengyao couldn’t help but feel a bit salty: she was his Miss!
“Come on, Yao Yao! Let’s go! Shopping time!” Yushu wasn’t in the mood to watch Lin Yi and Mengyao fight- they should be out shopping on a fine day like this! They didn’t get chances to go out so often, too .
There wasn’t a lot of time for twelfth graders to waste, and this applied to even the smarter students like Chu Mengyao and Chen Yushu- smart students weren’t rare, after all . They couldn’t let their guards down .
Mengyao was thinking the same- she didn’t want to be feeling down when they finally got the chance to go out . She held Yushu’s hand, ignoring Lin Yi as she walked on ahead with Yushu .
Lin Yi only chuckled faintly as he followed behind the two girls, glancing at the car crash some distance away as they pa.s.sed by . His eyes widened as he looked- with a frown, Lin Yi quickly made his way to where the crowd was gathered .
Lin Yi wasn’t a busybody that liked to b.u.t.t into other people’s business, but he couldn’t just leave this particular business alone- there was a face he knew well over there!
She was the girl Lin Yi met back at the train station, w.a.n.g Xinyan- the girl was helplessly tapping at her phone as she stood beside a red sportscar, looking very troubled as a middle-aged couple surrounded her . They were saying something and pointing at her nonstop……
Xinyan was in a bit of trouble, it seemed .
Chapter 99 - Friend
Mengyao wasn’t very pleased as she watched Lin Yi rush to the scene . He wasn’t even traffic police, what was he doing charging over there?
“s.h.i.+eld Guy’s going- maybe we should go with?” Yushu a.s.sumed that it had to be something interesting to get Lin Yi rus.h.i.+ng over like that . She pulled on Mengyao’s hand as she walked over to where Lin Yi was .
“I’m not going! You can go yourself if you want!!” Mengyao, naturally, was upset- the guy had just p.i.s.sed her off a while ago, and was now b.u.t.ting his b.u.t.t into someone else’s business!
“Oh… Fine then, we’ll go shop for some clothes…” Yushu complied as she looked at where Lin Yi was at, quite unwilling to miss out as Mengyao pulled her away towards the mall . “You think s.h.i.+eld Guy will be able to find us later?”
“Isn’t there a car right there? He can go wait there if he gets lost!” Mengyao’s frustration wasn’t unjustified- she clearly saw Lin Yi charge over after spotting a pretty damsel in distress! And seeing him rush to the beauty like that wasn’t a very nice sensation, either- it hurt Mengyao’s pride quite significantly .
The guy was living with her under the same roof, and yet! He was always looking at other women, what the h.e.l.l was up with that? Did she only have that little appeal? It was Song Lingshan a few days ago, and now this random stranger girl……
Mengyao’s face only grew darker when she saw the two talk- so they knew each other, no wonder Lin Yi was so excited!!
Yushu, naturally, didn’t know what had gotten into Mengyao- the girl was way too p.i.s.sed! Come on, Yao Yao, it’s not even that big a deal? Yushu blinked as an evil thought crossed her mind- could it be that time of the month . . ? Was that why the girl was so emotional? It’s possible, it’s very possible! I gotta check tonight… Heh heh .
The crash scene was surrounded by people, but getting through wasn’t that difficult a task . “Coming through, coming through! Will all unrelated parties please make way!!”
Some of the spectators were about to yell at Lin Yi for pus.h.i.+ng when they heard the words, shutting their mouths instantly and clearing a path for Lin Yi- They were completely treating him like he was an official from the traffic police or hospital! After all, who else would talk like that?
Lin Yi got through quite smoothly as he saw a middle aged woman yell at the girl . “Remember this, girl! You’d better be getting ready for jail if something happens to my dad!”
“Aunty, didn’t I just explain this… I didn’t hit him……” w.a.n.g Xinyan said helplessly . “This is a business district, and my car wasn’t even going thirty yards! He just fell in front of my car before I even reached him! I braked and my car didn’t even touch him!”
“Hmph, he fell in front of your car! Who do you think hit him, if not you? I’m telling you, don’t think you can just get away like this!” The middle aged woman said angrily as she glared at Xinyan . “Is the ambulance still not here yet? What’s wrong with Songshan’s Ministry of Health- Darling, call the mayor, won’t you-”
“Enough! Will you stop it?” The middle aged man said with a glare . “Dad’s been sick for a long time, what’re you yapping about? This girl obviously has nothing to do with it, so just let her go!”
“What? So a pretty girl’s more important than your own father now?” The woman snapped in rage upon hearing the words . “I see, so you think you’re a big shot now! Don’t forget how you owe everything to my dad for helping you back then!! Yelling at me, huh? For that little b.i.t.c.h?!”
“That’s enough, Huiru! You’re the one who forgot to bring my dad’s medicine, you know that! Don’t try to push the blame to someone else!” The man hmphed, clearly very displeased at his wife .
“I’ve been married to you so many years, and this is how you treat me!! Fine!!” Huiru’s eyes flashed with violent rage as she reached to attack Xinyan’s face . “You like this b.i.t.c.h so much, don’t you! I’ll scratch open her face, see if you like that!!”
A sudden hand shot out and gripped onto Huiru’s wrist, completely stopping her in her tracks .
“Who? Who is that?” Huiru said, stunned as she turned her head around .
“She’ll be responsible if that’s what really happened . ” Lin Yi said as he looked at Huiru coldly- he could easily tell that the woman had some power in her family background . Some of those with power acted without regard to the things around them .
Xinyan was driving a sports car, and the woman should’ve been able to tell that the girl she was bullying wasn’t small fry, either- it only meant that she had quite the support backing her up . She was even complaining about the Ministry of Health and talking about calling the mayor, too .
Although, there was still the possibility of a bluff- it’d be easier to get a higher compensation from the sports car driving girl that way .
“Who’re you? Darling, look at what this little boy’s doing to me, he’s going to hit your wife! Liu Tianyi, are you gonna do something about it or not?” Huiru started yelling again .
“Okay, little bro- let go of her, don’t involve yourself in this . It’s against the law to attack someone!” Liu Tianyi frowned as he spoke to Lin Yi .
“Your wife’s the only one attacking anyone- I’m only stopping her . ” Lin Yi sneered in response, but let go of the woman’s arm all the same . He was on a mission, and he didn’t want any more trouble than necessary- he didn’t know how long he’d be in Songshan, after all .
Tianyi’s face reddened upon hearing Lin Yi’s words, shooting a glare at his wife . This woman- he really didn’t know what to do with her . He married her when the Liu family was in desperate times- it was because of the aid from the Zhang family that his business managed to hold up .
But his wife always brought that up, always having her way and completely disregarding his pride as a man! He only endured her because she was his wife, having given him two beautiful children and all .
Yet he grew old as the years pa.s.sed, his wife was getting worse and worse and even suspecting that he was having an affair behind her back! The smallest disagreement, and she’d throw tantrums! She was getting way out of Tianyi’s control, and she’d always slap the past onto the table whenever they fought, talking about how her family had helped him and even telling her father that Tianyi was seeing someone else! Tianyi was honestly at his limit .
“You okay?” Lin Yi asked, turning his head to Xinyan after letting go of Huiru’s arm . Lin Yi only came rus.h.i.+ng over to repay the favor Xinyan did him back on the train- he didn’t actually need her help, but it was the thought that counted .
“Yeah……” Xinyan said, shaking his head . She was about to call someone for help, but decided otherwise- she did sneak out behind her parents’ back, after all .
CHAPTER 100 - a.s.sAULT
w.a.n.g Xinyan was quite pleasantly surprised to meet Lin Yi again, but her current circ.u.mstance didn’t put her in a position for feelings like that- she didn’t want to drag Lin Yi into her mess, after all, and the couple seemed to have quite powerful backgrounds judging from how they were acting .
That wasn’t to say that Xinyan was afraid of the two- the fact here was that she’d done nothing wrong . The worst case scenario would be for her dad to find out about this, and all he’d really do was give her a scolding . At the end of the day, her situation here wasn’t something they’d have too much trouble resolving . Lin Yi’s involvement, however, might agitate the opposing party, resulting in a bigger mess than it already was .
Xinyan was just about to say something to Lin Yi when she realized that he was facing away from her .
Lin Yi decided to see things through and help Xinyan out now that he was involved anyway . This Tianyi guy seemed a bit reasonable, but the Huiru woman was way too emotional, even lunging at Xinyan’s face in a tantrum .
Lin Yi turned his eyes to the old man lying on the floor- there weren’t any notable injuries Lin Yi could see, and Xinyan’s car was pretty undamaged as well . Xinyan was most likely telling the truth- the old man had fallen himself without her car even touching him .
The old man had his right hand held onto his chest, his body sprawled out in an odd posture as he lay on the floor . Lin Yi looked closer and identified the cause to be a type of heart disease: Xinyan was only pa.s.sing by; the old man had collapsed from a heart attack .
Lin Yi reached out and pressed his fingers against the old man’s wrist .
“What do you think you’re doing? Are you trying to murder my father?” Huiru started reddening with rage right after calming down- this guy was trying to do something to her dad! Huiru then started charging at Lin Yi .
“Myocardial Ischemia, and Angina Pectoris?” Lin Yi frowned with a raise of his head . (these terms in chinese are nowhere near this complex looking)
“Huiru, stop that!!” Tianyi’s eyes lit up instantly upon hearing Lin Yi’s words, pulling his wife to the side as his face filled up with hope . He wasn’t an idiot- Lin Yi figuring out his father’s diagnosis through just the pulse made him a qualified doctor in his eyes . “Are you a doctor, young man?”
Lin Yi decided to dodge the question Tianyi was asking . “Your father collapsed because of the heart pain caused by the lack of blood- it’s a case of Angina Pectoris . It has nothing to do with the girl . ”
“Bulls.h.i.+t!!” Huiru said angrily as she pointed a finger at Lin Yi .
“Okay, we’ll see where the bulls.h.i.+t is when your dad dies caz the ambulance’s stuck in traffic . ” Lin Yi said with a curl of his lips as he stood up . “The hospital will be able to prove the cause of death at the morgue anyway- it’ll have nothing to do with my friend at that point . ”
Tianyi slapped his hand across Huiru’s face . “You b.i.t.c.h, will you shut your mouth already? You think this s.h.i.+t would’ve happened if you’d remembered to bring dad’s medicine instead of busying yourself with your makeup?!”
“You… you actually hit me . . ?” Huiru’s eyes blinked in absolute disbelief!! The guy had been the pa.s.sive type half his life, all this time they were married! She’d never expected him to go as far as smack her in public!
Liu Tianyi, however, had more pressing concerns than his wife . He turned to Lin Yi sincerely . “Friend, can you help my father? You must be able to do it, I know you are… Please, pardon my wife . She’s always been like that- I hope you’ll help rescue my dad…”
Tianyi was no reckless man- Lin Yi was young, but he understood that this was no normal guy standing in front of him, not when he’d just identified his father’s problem just from feeling his pulse . There were no medical kits to save his father’s life, and there was no telling when the ambulance would even arrive… He wasn’t about to give up on this sliver of hope, not when his father’s life was concerned .
Lin Yi nodded slowly- He thought the man to be quite genuine when he made the request, and the slap he gave his wife was quite something, as well . “I’ll try . ”
It’d be quite troubling if the old man happened to die, after all- it wouldn’t have anything to do with w.a.n.g Xinyan, but this woman looked like the crazy type . There was no telling how far she’d go to get even with her, and the best bet was to cut all connections with Huiru by letting this old guy survive .
Lin Yi squatted down as he casually ma.s.saged a couple of spots on the body . He then centralized the ma.s.sage around the heart, boosting the blood flow of the weakened old man . His skills in acupuncture was inherited from his mentor, but he didn’t know if it’d work on a dying guy like him……
His sifu probably would’ve never guessed that he’d be using the acupuncture techniques of to save lives……
It’d be much more effective if he had a needle with him, however . His old man back home was a man renowned in medicine, and Lin Yi had learned from him quite some remarkable healing methodologies… His main profession, however, focused on taking lives instead of saving them . It wasn’t a surprise, then, that he wouldn’t have a box of needles on him .
“Kid, that ma.s.saging’s futile- the guy’s barely breathing, he’ll be dead before your acupuncture takes effect . ” A sudden, casual voice sounded in Lin Yi’s head all of a sudden .
“Elder Jiao? D’you have a plan?” Lin Yi asked, delighted . He’d been worried about how effective just pressing on the man’s body would be- after all, even Old Lin’s genius in medicine required needles in a lot of cases, especially during emergencies like this . The symptoms came into play as well: Lin Yi would be quite confident in bringing the old man back if they just started showing, but this guy had been lying there for quite a while already . Hopes were very slim .
“Hmph, look at you, forgetting all about those ten years you used up training for the Dragon Mastery! Give that old guy’s heart muscles a bit of all that energy inside you, infuse it inside of him! Let his heart start pumping blood harder and you’ll fix the guy!”
“Infuse it directly?” Lin Yi blinked at the notion- something like that had never crossed his mind before, he’d a.s.sumed that the energy was limited to his use only, and that it was only meant for training in the Art of Dragon Mastery, at the very least . “He’s not even trained in the art, will the energy even work on him?”
Lin Yi understood that there were elements in the energy responsible for strengthening const.i.tution and body function, and the results were quite notable, as well…
“He’s not, that’s why he can’t absorb the energy himself; but he’ll be able to receive it if you’re the one sending that energy into him . ” Yazi explained . “How on earth did you not know that, kid?”
“Um…” Lin Yi’s face reddened in response- he really didn’t know much about this kind of stuff . Even Old Lin was oblivious to the Art of Dragon Mastery, and Lin Yi had to train all by himself without even a single person to discuss it with .
“Carry out the mental formula on the dun point, and you’ll be sending the energy over . ” Yazi continued . “You’d better hurry up if you don’t want him dying on you!” (the dun point is one of the acupuncture points)
“Yes sir!” Lin Yi tensed up as he followed Yazi’s instructions, infusing his energy into the body of the old man . Old Lin had made sure to teach Lin Yi to identify between the acupuncture points ever since he was little, and Lin Yi was as familiar with the methodologies as one could get .
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