a.n.a.l Cleaning 3
Mariko has seen many young girls behind the scenes over the past year
And they are diverse in nature
With dark hair to hair-less
The ripe condition of the secret lip is basically the age, the existence of having children, and the number of years spent in the club is a proof of their ripeness
Asumi who has been here for two years was enjoyed by countless men over the time here, so her 16 year old p.u.s.s.y and its ripeness are not common
"Certainly! 17 will clean the p.u.s.s.y and a.s.s of 30!"
Mariko also shouts the words that the club decided on
She also heard similar cries from the surrounding prison cells as it was time to excrete after their meal
Asumi bent her restricted body, and pressed her forehead on the floor while raising her a.s.s
She also tried to naturally spread her a.s.s to make it easier for Mariko to clean her body
It's the same position as the doggy style
Her white slender body was a delight to look at except the dark mark near her waist
The number 30 was present near her waist
It is the prisoner number that Asumi was given
Not just her even Mariko has the number 12 on her b.u.t.tocks
Branding a name like livestock on human beings is a terrible act
But here only the members have the right to speak, while the livestock don't
Mariko looks at the ugly brand with a sad expression
From her position she could not see Asumi's expression
But both her hands were restrained behind her
And cluttered near her wait, this was enough to imagine her pain
She feels ashamed, and inferior to dogs
Asumi sticks out her a.s.s towards Mariko as if to tell her to begin
The valley in between her a.s.s perfectly exposed to her
Even after 1 year Mariko is still not accustomed to the smell of excrement
However, refusing to clean due to the humiliation will lead to dire circ.u.mstances
Mariko brings her face close to Asumi's crotch which was both beautiful and nauseating
There’s freshly discharged remains of stool around the a.n.u.s, and urine drops near the p.u.s.s.y
First of all, using her tongue she licks the rebound drops on the a.s.s
A red earthworm like swelling runs on her a.s.s, soiling its pure whiteness
Not just her a.s.s the marks were all over her body
The day before yesterday her uncle and his son put these marks with the help of a whip
Just after Asumi was kidnapped into the club, her uncle daily insulted and tortured her
But recently he choose the other prisoners
Just when she felt happy her uncle took her yesterday
And the suffering was worse than before
So much that she couldn't move for a whole day after being put back in the cell
In the club only permanent marks are restricted, marks which leave with time are allowed
Therefore whips are frequently used to torture
However an additional option is available to the members who brought in the animal
Thus her uncle and his son are allowed to do forbidden things with her body
Mariko gently licks the red whip mark
Asumi slightly trembles and groans
"Such a terrible thing, poor Asumi…"
"U, uuuu….."
"You’re a nice girl Asumi, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry as teacher feels sad when you cry"
The aching marks bring both pain and pleasure and Mariko licks them
Then she extends her tongues towards the a.n.u.s
The moment it touches, due to extreme stimulus
Asumi starts moaning
Trying to forget the disgusting smell, she puts her tongue inside the a.n.u.s and carefully cleans it
"Now, I will clean your p.u.s.s.y"
"I'm sorry teacher, you have to do this because of me"
"No, you do it for me as well, how did these marks come on you?"
While asking that question she reminds Asumi of the h.e.l.l that happened two days ago