Beastmaster of the Ages - Chapter 2899 - The Wonderians Shall Last Forever More

Chapter 2899 - The Wonderians Shall Last Forever More

Chapter 2899 - The Wonderians Shall Last Forever More

Meng Ying and Shenxi Xingtian looked at each other.

"The miracles of Myriadpath Valley are indeed extraordinary."

"Im full of admiration."

They suddenly felt that, even as reges mundi, they were indeed ignorant in front of the powerful beings of Myriadpath Valley.

"However" Mister Taihe continued and made everyone look over at him again, "the Starshatter Formation requires a large number of astral G.o.ds to use their cosm.o.f.orce together and gather it in the formation to have an effect comparable to a miniature nova source."

Meng Ying nodded. "So, does the Starshatter Formation also have formation threads?"

"Its more advanced and capable of carrying the power of astral G.o.ds," Demoness Yin added.

"Yes!" Mister Taihe nodded.

"How many astral G.o.ds will be needed to break the Sky Palace Formation?" Meng Ying asked.

"It depends on the thickness and strength of the Sky Palace Formation. At least a million, and if it's thicker, three or four million might be enough. Of course, thats a.s.suming theyre ordinary astral G.o.ds. If theyre cosmic cartographers, a few hundred thousand would be enough to break a quasi-infinitum-cla.s.s barrier," Mister Taihe said.

"A million?" Meng Ying felt a bit speechless. He had just sent a million wonderians into the Sun, and now there werent enough after half were wiped out.

"So, next, Mister Taihe will go to arrange the Starshatter Formation, and Ill command the seven million astral G.o.ds, trying to get as many as possible to reach the Sky Palace Formation within ten days?" Meng Ying asked.

"Any problems?" Mister Taihe asked.

Meng Ying's expression turned cold. "Of course not."

A full seven million astral G.o.dsand they were all wonderians! Wonderian cultivators were least afraid of guardian formations as they all carried their own. Meng Ying had experienced the power of the Flameyellow Guard Formation; it was strong, but it was still just an ether-cla.s.s formation.

There were many flameyellow fiends, but they couldn't stop seven million astral G.o.ds. The possibility of most of them pa.s.sing through was very high.

"And my men inside can continuously create marker points, allowing us to enter from two fronts at the same time!" On that point, Meng Ying was confident. It was a breakthrough in marching. If it weren't for Yin Chen, his eight million astral G.o.ds would all be resting inside already.

"As long as the Starshatter Formation is completed and a million or more astral G.o.ds arrive, we can destroy the Sky Palace Formation at any time. Once the Sky Palace Formation is destroyed, its equivalent to completely occupying the Sun and capturing Li Tianming and Lin Xiaodao!" Meng Ying was equally convinced that Li Tianming would surrender because of the life and death of his people. The situation had suddenly become simple.

"The only problem is.... Meng Ying looked in the direction of Ebonia. "Its said that Yi Daiyan gathered 4.5 million astral G.o.ds, right?"

"Yes." Shenxi Xingtian nodded.

"Once we start breaking through to the Sun, will she defend Ebonia, or will she let all four million five hundred thousand astral G.o.ds support them?" Meng Ying asked.

"I think... shell support them," Shenxi Xingtian said. If it was him, he might not. But he had gradually come to understand Yi Daiyan, so he was sure that she, with her character, wouldnt suddenly become selfish and cowardly at this moment. On the contrary, Yi Daiyan was tougher and more ruthless than anyone else!

"4.5 million astral G.o.ds is enough to completely empty the regal clans of Ebonia." Meng Ying looked at Shenxi Xingtian.

"Yes. Shes very daring."


"So, as long as her people dare to go out, Ill mobilize all the last resorts of my ebons and cause trouble for them on Ebonia, so that every astral G.o.d who goes on this expedition can receive news of the destruction of their homeland and the deaths of their relatives! Even if they intercept you wonderians, they won't be able to stop you for long." Shenxi Xingtian's eyes were blazing.

The two old men were filled with overwhelming hatred and killing intent! Regardless of the cost, this time, they were determined to win!

"Okay, that's settled. We of Intrepidus will a.s.sist Mister Taihe in arranging the Starshatter Formation. Whoever comes to interfere, well deal with them." Demoness Yin said. She wasnt afraid of Li Tianming and the others coming to interfere. Instead, she even hoped that they would come to interfere, because then things would be even simpler.

The tasks and desires of the four-party alliance had all been a.s.signed.

"Let's take action now." Mister Taihe was a very straightforward person.

"Good! Men, send Rex Mundi Shenxi back to Ebonia!" Meng Ying's eyes shone with a fierce light and his heart surged.

"Yes!" Shenxi Xingtian entered the xenogate to return to Ebonia, waiting for an opportunity to counterattack Yi Daiyan's forces. His ebons and beast waves had been weakened too much, but precisely because of all those deaths and injuries, endless hatred and anger had acc.u.mulated. Each ebon had been suppressed to the extreme, and just wanted to pick a desperate fight at this moment!

And on Meng Ying's side, a xenogate had already been opened, ready to take a group of powerhouses directly to the Sun.

Before that, Meng Ying arrived before seven million wonderian powerhouses. His ephemeral world wonder unfolded and condensed into a misty giant reaching a height of a million meters. "All wonderian astral G.o.ds, heed my orders."

The grand and domineering declaration immediately excited all the wonderians. The hearts of seven million astral G.o.ds, gathered like stars, throbbed.

The giant shone with endless starlight. "The wonderians shall last forever more!"

Seven million astral G.o.ds roared, shaking the heavens. They were a twisted and fanatical interstellar race.

The combined might of more than fourteen million wonders even somewhat moved Mister Taihe and Demoness Yin. They knew that Meng Ying hadnt chosen his own race to fight on the front lines, but had instead chosen them for a reason. And unlike Shenxi Xingtian, they dared not take advantage of Meng Ying because everyone knew that you couldn't mess with the wonderians. They were the most fanatical and insane lunatics in the entire boundless astralscape!

The wonderians faced the misty giant with enthusiasm. It raised a hand and pointed toward the Sun. "Dominate this star!"


Almost instantly, nearly fourteen million wonders activated. Their radiance cast countless shadows in the sky above the Sun. ?????????.???

And the pink sea of flames that formed the Flameyellow Guard Formation of the Sun was ready. In the fiery sea, Li Wudi, one person with one coffin, fiercely looked at the seven million astral G.o.ds and spat, "Come in here and meet your maker!"

Next to Wudi was a cute little girl with pink hair and pink eyes. She sat on the Flameyellow Coffin and swung her bare feet, her face cold. It was the spiritual body of Ji Ji.

Facing the incoming wonders, she blew out some bubbles, turned over, and sank into the pink sea of fire. At that moment, the fire of the Sun burned even more intensely.