Beastmaster of the Ages - Chapter 2854 - Greenhill's Nightmare

Chapter 2854 - Greenhill's Nightmare

Chapter 2854 - Greenhills Nightmare

"Yes!" There was madness and ruthlessness in Shenxi Xingtian's eyes. "The bloodline wisteria says that it hasnt drank blood to its heart's content for a long time. The blood of astral G.o.ds is most nouris.h.i.+ng."

"Yes." The calm Shenxi Xuanxi said little.

"Xuanxi, Ling'e, you must monitor Yi Daiyan. We wont be able to get rid of her today, so we have to make sure she doesnt go crazy," Shenxi Xingtian warned.


Meanwhile, the black fiendish head that was the Ebonfiend flew across Ebonia, heading toward Greenhill. Beneath the Ebonfiend was an enormous beast wave, bound for the same destination.

"By the way..." Shenxi Xuanxi said, puzzled, "we dont have the location of Lin Fengs Ninedragon Imperial Tomb."

"He isnt there?" Shenxi Xingtian froze for an instant.


"Hes probably afraid that Yi Daiyan will break into his astrals.h.i.+p and kill him if he gets too close to her. But it doesn't matter as long as the Gladean Ruins is there," Shenxi Xingtian said.

"Maybe Lin Feng has the same idea as you and wants to destroy the territories of the Infintum Regal Clans," Shenxi Xuanxi said.

Shenxi Xingtian barked a sinister laugh.

At that point, the Ebonfiend had appeared above the green mountain range ahead. Under the canopy, the Greenhill Guard Formation glowed green.

"Forget about that for now. Im sending support to the luxdaemons and Greenhill Yushan Clan."

Yi Daiyan was a member of the luxdaemons, and the Greenhill Yushan Clan suppressed the ebons. Therefore, Greenhill was an important stop for Shenxi Xingtian, and he didnt come alone. Trillions of beasts were charging from all directions, surrounding Greenhill.

More terrifying were the blood-red vines as large as all of Greenhill. It stretched millions of meters long, its thorns piercing the ground, causing cracks in the surface. Within the Ebonfiend were five hundred thousand astral G.o.ds, ready to finish them off.

There were less than four hundred thousand astral G.o.ds and about 1.8 billion normal G.o.ds, luxdaemons, and members of the Greenhill Yushan Clan combined. However, normal G.o.ds would have little impact on the battle. Cultivators beneath the Greenhill Guard Formation looked up and saw the ferocious fiend in the sky while the earth shook as trillions of beasts approached. Greenhill had become a small island in a sea of beasts.

The bloodline wisterias countless vines that emerged from the ground were Greenhils nightmare come to life. Its last attack had caused heavy losses.

"Its the Ebonfiend and the bloodline wisteria!"

"A beast wave!"

"Its Shenxi Xingtians revenge! Hes going to destroy Greenhill because we attacked Taixi City!

"Report this to the rex mundi! Hurry!"

Their superiors were responsible for making the decisions, while ordinary folk like them could only obey. Although they believed in Yi Daiyan, they couldnt help but s.h.i.+ver in the face of the Ebonfiend and the bloodline wisteria. Many broke down in tears. Despite how confident they had been before, they knew Greenhill was doomed.


"Greenhill and the Yushan Clan are finished!"

Before they even had a chance to grieve and despair, the sea of wildbeasts around them launched their attacks. For a moment, the heavens and earth trembled. Deafening roars a.s.saulted their ears so strongly that they could no longer hear the world outside. The violent quakes revealed their large numbers. Amidst the horde was the terrifying bloodline wisteria that had spread everywhere, even within the Greenhill Guard Formation. It had resisted the formations attack with its physical body alone.

One could only witness the thrill of the battle from the highest vantage point. Compared to the battle in the world down under, this battlefield was instinctual and bloodier. It couldnt be easier for the vast sea of wildbeasts to swallow an isolated island. Anyone that had ever experienced a beast wave as far as the eye could see first-hand would fear the ebons in their bones.

The courage and confidence of the ebons came from their long legacy and millions of years of domesticating and training nova wildbeasts. They had been defeated on Gladeus and the Sun because they werent in their home court, but Ebonia was their home! And on this star, they were many times stronger.

Armies of wildbeasts were more effective than astrals.h.i.+ps. They sent wildbeasts to any battle that could be fought with flesh and blood. It didnt matter how powerful the Greenhill Guard Formation washow could they launch an attack when the entire formation was covered with the corpses of these beasts? When the hordes of beasts finally wore them down, the ebons would come out to finish the job.

The earth split open. It was even more terrifying to see the Ebonfiend appear above Greenill, the huge b.l.o.o.d.y mouth on the fiendish head opening wide, its infinitum-cla.s.s compact nova source building up power for an attack. With the attack on the formation, Greenhill was unlikely to last very much longer. All 1.8 billion normal G.o.ds would be reduced to ashes!

The bloodline wisteria and wave after wave of wildbeasts swept toward them.

"Today, Greenhill will become history. Not even an ant will survive! I declare that Ebonia belongs to the ebons! Those who go against us will meet the same fate as the dead souls on Greenhill!!" Shenxi Xingtian had repressed his emotions for far too long. Laughing hysterically, he activated the Ebonfiends most powerful attack. Red light from the Ebonfiends mouth engulfed the entire astrals.h.i.+p; it was as if a blazing helical-cla.s.s nova source appeared in the sky, illuminating all of Greenhill.

Nearly two billion cultivators looked up and fell stumbling to the ground, their eyes full of despair and pain.

"I'm about to die."

"Ahh..." someone wept.

"Father! Father!"

Greenhill had descended into chaos. Right before the end, the luxdaemons and Greenhill Yushan Clan were wrapped in despair. Among them was Tianming's old acquaintance, Yi Taoyao. She stood in the crowd, her eyes br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears. An infinitum-cla.s.s nova source war was a terrifying nightmare, even for a genius like her.

The Ebonfiend was finally ready. Thunderous roars from the wildbeasts and bloodline wisteria shook the sky. The end was near.

"Die!" Shenxi Xingtian growled. There was nothing but Greenhill in his eyes.

He missed the huge nine-headed black-and-gold mechanical dragon that descended from the sky like an eagle catching a chicken. Its claws and rotating tail that resembled a Starbreaker were all aimed at the Ebonfiend.

Tianming had arrived!