Chapter 2491 - All Troops Attack
Many people thought Lin Xiaodao was stark raving mad to challenge the ebons. However, it turned out it was all to set up a thousand years for Tianming to cultivate! Activating the h.e.l.lstar Formation would burn up a large quant.i.ty of Gladeus nova source, and the rest of Gladeus and the Infinitum Bodhimanda as a whole would condemn it and intervene sooner or later.
Thus, Lin Xiaodao was taking advantage of the two major factions in Ebonias standoff to take over Gladeus. He had chosen to ignore everything else.
Tianming breathed in deeply.
With Master Chen, we have a ninety percent chance of victory on the Gladeus front. The only concern is the ebons infinitum-cla.s.s astrals.h.i.+p, but with Little G.o.ddess Ji Ji, we have a seventy percent chance of victory there. Together with the Gladean Ruins, there was some logic to Lin Xiaodaos risks. Of course, we cant predict if you can succeed within a thousand years, he continued.
Master, Tianming smiled, youre underestimating me. Just a hundred years is enough.
You acting cool?
But was it smooth?
The two laughed at each other. It was good that everything was out in the open.
Tianming had thought that Lin Xiaodao was being a little rash, but it turned out that he was seeing much further ahead than him. A unified Gladeus with its astralguard formation up was the only safe zone for him to cultivate. Any nova source world would feel the pain from the expenditure. The only thing Tianming could promise was to not let the Lin Clan down.
And it would all start at Inkwell Sea.
Lin Xiaodao immediately flew off, as he had pressing war matters to follow up on.
Tianming made some preparations before the Ninedragon Imperial Tomb took to the skies and soared toward the Inkwell Sea. Along the way, he saw that the pink star had become a complete battlefield, its pink storms now more resembling a fog dyed by blood.
The pink was no longer so beautiful.
The Skycross Lin Clan has a hundred and thirty-seven highsword cities, more than five thousand midsword cities, and over a hundred thousand lowsword cities. They have seventy thousand astral G.o.ds and countless of those below. We also have some subordinate powers that bring our astral G.o.d count up to a hundred and fifty thousand. We have a bit more than the ebon faction. Their advantage is the underground wildbeasts. Tianming looked ahead. The Inkwell Sea was almost before them.
According to Yin Chen, the ebons had set up an ambush there and added quite a few reinforcements. Originally, another army was to be sent there, but after the most recent development, Lin Xiaodao had sent the Black Panther Army there as an astrals.h.i.+p navy instead.
It was too late for the ebons to react by then; any troops they sent were intercepted en route by Lin Xiaodaos people.
Yin Chen had greatly boosted his confidence.
I have to quickly meet up with the Black Panther Army. The battle is almost about to start. Since they were fighting against an army with a numerical advantage, the plan was to end it fast.
The Black Panther Army has five thousand astral G.o.ds, and I met many of them in the Skycross Lin Clan last month. They also have five hundred thousand stellaminors and a million solarians in their armies. Back at their base, they have a billion constelliers. The weaker members were usually from the smaller clans within the territory administered by the tenth branch.
The Black Panther Army has a sanctuary-cla.s.s astrals.h.i.+p, three hundred deific-cla.s.s, several thousand skypiercer-cla.s.s, and over ten thousand heliacal-cla.s.s! In comparison, the ebons had only sent elites to Mount Taia and hadnt had so many people.
It wouldnt pose a problem to this army to sweep through the Mysterium Cl.u.s.ter, Tianming couldnt not be awestruck by the power of a fifth-level nova source world after hearing about that line-up. It was impossible to imagine the scale that a similar war on Ebonia would reach. The SwordG.o.d Lin Clan's core was a billion people strong, but the army they fostered on Ebonia was at least five times the size of the one on Gladeus.
At the Inkwell Sea were a billion ebons and an uncountable number of underground wildbeasts.
It was Tianmings first time in such a large battle, so his heart was thumping. Masters goal here isnt murder, but three objectives. First, break their formation and take their base. Second, destroy their astrals.h.i.+ps. Third, after weve suppressed the ebons, exterminate all their warbeasts and underground wildbeasts, turning the ebons into a third-rate clan!"
There was no need to view life as valueless; thus, the Black Panther Army hadnt sent their constellier soldiers.
Once weve accomplished the three objectives, the ebons on Gladeus wont be a threat anymore. Time will make them drop more and more. The Ninedragon Imperial Tomb dropped from the sky. Ahead of them, sword-shaped astrals.h.i.+ps whistled past. It was the Black Panther Army.
Up ahead lay an endless black sea.
Ready, attack!
Tianming had just arrived and hadnt even met Lin Xiaodaos cousin before the war erupted.
Beasts roared within the sea, while above it, a black guardian formation sprang into existence.