Chapter 1821 - Heaven Is Dead
The sun emperor had to continuously attack to overwhelm the Nonacrypt Fushen Formation. If the Divine Wrath were to be s.p.a.ced out over time, the formation would immediately begin repairing itself, and all three hundred million G.o.ds would have time to rest. Then all of his previous efforts would be for nothing; there was no way the sun emperor would stop. However, that also gave Tianming an opportunity to demonstrate his power within the formation. Otherwise, he would have to hide. But even now, he wasnt sure of victory. They were still on the edge between life and death.
If we want an advantage over the celestial orderians, we must create an opportunity to hit their armies hard. At the moment, it still wasnt enough. The Fushen Clan and Imperial Tomb Army are doing their best. I must slay their generals. Apart from boosting our morale, itll also disturb their chain of command and increase my Omnisentient Threads!
"Yin Chen!"
They were running out of time. The Divine Sun Palace is extremely powerful. The formation and three hundred million G.o.ds are on the verge of collapse. Every blow from the astrals.h.i.+p could completely destroy Fushen Valley, which is home to more than a hundred million ordinary folk. The tragedy that had befallen the Windheed Pavilion was a nightmare for Tianming. He didn't want to go through that again.
"Found them!" Yin Chen replied. Tianming had asked Yin Chen to look for the Tumulus Pill G.o.d, Deluge Emperor, and Warlord. With the information provided by Yin Chen, Tianming now knew their exact positions. At present, the warG.o.deans and Blueblood Starocean combined are harder to deal with than the celestial orderian armies. Not only are they more familiar with the Fushen Clan, the Deluge Emperor and Warlords presence is also a key factor. Itll be hard for us to gain an advantage over our enemies on the ground if I cant take these two down!
The Deluge Emperor was cautious. After hearing about what happened to Li Tianyi, he refused to fight someone as favored by the heavens as Tianming. Because the Fushen Clans persistence and resilience was rather unexpected, he chose to play it safe. Instead of glory, he sought to protect himself. It would be difficult to deal with the Deluge Emperor, who had surrounded himself with more than a hundred thousand elites like an impenetrable fortress. His methods showed how cautious he was. Many were still skeptical after hearing about Li Tianyis death.
"I cant do anything if he protects himself like this. Tianming could only turn his attention to the more powerful Warlord. In the battle against the Fushen Clan, the warG.o.deans, who were beastmasters, had to work harder than the bluebloods. However, with their understanding of the Fushen Clan, advance preparations, and ways to resist poison, the warG.o.deans hadnt suffered heavy casualties. After the first wave of deadly poison attacks, they had managed to stabilize themselves under the leaders.h.i.+p of the Warlord. Instead of retreating and relying heavily on defense, like the bluebloods, they adopted an offensive strategy, fighting in the front lines. The goal was obviousbreak into the formation and face the three hundred million G.o.ds. If they were successful, they would have made great contributions in this battle. Combined with the Divine Wrath from the sky, the Fushen Clan would collapse.
The warG.o.deans never lacked bravery.
"The Deluge Emperor refuses to fight me. The Warlord is also surrounded by many elites, but I have a way to make him face me. Bring me to the Tumulus Pill G.o.d!" Tianming said to Yin Chen and the elders.
"He's moving toward the Warlord Warlord!"
"Hurry up!" If the Tumulus Pill G.o.d were to join the Warlord, Tianming wouldnt be able to seize the upper hand. He flew across the b.l.o.o.d.y battlefield, leaving the nine elders behind. "Meow Meow!" As soon as the gigantic beast appeared beside him, Tianming climbed onto its back and Meow Meow burst into lightning speed with the boost from the Omnisentient Threads. The crackle of lightning resounded as black and white bolts struck the warG.o.deans, splitting apart their bodies. The power of Tianmings believers had transformed his lifebound beasts into the ultimate t.i.tans on the battlefield. Although Xian Xian was close to the formation nucleus, its roots and branches had extended across a large area of the battlefield. With just the Evernight Curse, many of their opponents were fighting among themselves.
"Over there!" Tianming and Meow Meow quickly locked onto the Tumulus Pill G.o.d. He was familiar with this elder, who had caused so much trouble in Azurecloud. Extremely powerful in his younger days, he was the Warlords respected master. Despite the pa.s.sage of time, the old man could still kill, thanks to the pills he made. If it weren't for the significance of this battle, he wouldnt have entered the battlefield; after all, he was their spiritual pillar. News of Tianming's feats had spread everywhere. The Tumulus Pill G.o.d, who had just been fighting side by side with Situ Yin, felt his heart tremble as he rushed toward the Warlord.
Lightning flashed behind him. "Be careful, Mu Shen!!" the warG.o.dean elites shouted.
He turned around in shock, only to come face to face with a scene that made him tremble. An enormous lightning beast was emerging from the thick fog. On its head stood a young man with long white hair with a gold and black sword in his hand. His beastlike left arm heightened the visual impact. In the blink of an eye, the young man appeared right in front of him. Man and beast tore apart dozens of warG.o.deans and any lifebound beasts who stood in their way. They were unstoppable. Gone was his memory of the young man from a few years ago.
How can a young man change so much in a few years? Could this be the will of the heavens? Perhaps the celestial orderians have run out of luck and a new force will dominate the sun. The thought made the Tumulus Pill G.o.d tremble. Face pale, his hands shook so hard he couldnt even lift his weapon.
"Dont resist. Youll only die tired." Following the young mans cold words, another sword appeared in his hand. It was a divine artifact that was as thin as a cicada's wings. As far as the Tumulus Pill G.o.d was concerned, that grade-nine divine artifact, which couldnt be found on the sun, was more terrifying than the Grand-Orient Sword. Just as Tianming spoke, the G.o.dsin transformed into a bladed chain that stretched several hundred meters, wrapping itself around the Tumulus Pill G.o.d from head to toe. With the sharpness of the blades and the lethality of the Galactic G.o.dsin, his life was now in Tianmings hands. As long as Tianming wanted to, he could pulverize Mu Shen.
"You arent going to kill me? What are you planning?" Mu Shen was shocked. He was ready to die and had never expected he would be used. What made him powerless was the fact that Tianming entirely ignored him. Climbing onto Meow Meows back, he dragged Mu Shen up with one hand and cleared a path with the Grand-Orient Sword with his other. More than a thousand warG.o.dean warriors tried blocking him with their lifebound beasts, but it didnt matter. The ferocious golden lions and apes were ripped apart, their blood dyeing the battlefield red. Wherever the black and white lightning struck, a large area would be burnt to a crisp.
Find the Warlord!" Not only did Tianming possess countless eyes on the battlefield, he also had the support of more than forty million believers; he was invincible. Deep in the enemys camp, there were countless opponents staring at him. On his way to the Warlord, he was faced with more than a hundred thousand opponents. They roared with anger, their eyes red as they watched Tianming dragging the Tumulus Pill G.o.d across the battlefield. It was something they couldnt tolerate.
"Kill him!"
"Slaughter him!"
"Whoever kills Li Tianming will become tonights biggest hero!" What theyd originally a.s.sumed would be an easy, casualty-free battle had turned out to be something else entirely due to the Fushen Clans fighting spirit and the unbeatable Tianming.
"Stop him!"
As more people tried stopping the white-haired youth, more of them perished. With so many intercepting them, Meow Meow found it impossible to move fast. Thus, Tianming switched to Lan Huang instead. Ying Huo and Meow Meow each occupied one of its dragon heads. Shrinking themselves, the two unleashed their abilities like cannons on top of the two-headed dragon. If it were an astrals.h.i.+p, its firepower would be just as destructive.
"Anyone that comes will die! Charge!"