Beach Lane - Beach Lane Part 22

Beach Lane Part 22

But maybe running away wasn't the answer? It was such a waste of money. There were only a few weeks left. Her grandmother would be surprised to see her back so early. There would be too much explaining to do, and Jacqui didn't think her avo would approve when she confessed that she had spent her summer in the States just to be with a boy. Her grandmother had only allowed her to come to America because Jacqui had told her she had been chosen to participate in an "educational experience." How prophetic.

After a month in the Hamptons, Jacqui had learned that thongs were not allowed on the beaches, that her breasts were not considered real, and that the best way to crash a party was to pretend you already belonged.

"Should I make the reservation?" The clerk sat back down at her desk.

"Actually, I think I've changed my mind," Jacqui said.

Besides, she had promised Zoe she would teach her to read that book she had brought from home, with all the pretty pictures.

So she left the travel agency, her envelope of cash safely tucked inside her purse.

super saturday is turning out to be not so super after all.

ON THE LAST SATURDAY OF AUGUST, THE ONLY GAME in town was a day-long shopping extravaganza to benefit ovarian cancer. Former luminaries who have cohosted the event include the late Princess Diana (who simply loved the discount de la Rentas), Donna Karan (who turned it into a themed carnival complete with rides), and, of course, the late and great founding chairwoman, Harper's Bazaar's Liz Tilberis. It's a madhouse of billowing white tents, and designers from Calvin Klein, Jill Stuart, Kate Spade, Michael Kors and many more sell samples and overstock and leftovers for a fraction of the price.

Anna, who had been passed up for hosting duties at the last minute in favor of a more well-financed socialite, nevertheless courageously soldiered on to sponsor the booth for Edgardo DeMenil, a new up-and-coming designer who had debuted last fall with a collection of studded leather ponchos. Unfortunately, the world was not ready for studded leather ponchos, and the designer was trying to unload all the merchandise at Super Saturday. Anna was trying to talk up the "couture" items with her friends, all of whom were understandably taking a pass.

"Mara, can you take the kids to the petting zoo? They're scaring away the clients!" Anna asked in a frantic tone.

"Eliza, will you do it? You forgot to pack Cody's stroller and now I have to hold him all afternoon," Mara said accusingly, although the truth was that there was something calming about having the baby rest on her hip.

Eliza, whose attention was distracted by all the incredible designer discounts, wandered over at the sound of her name. A pair of Yanuk jeans for $50! A Calvin Klein silk jersey dress for $120! If only she hadn't bought that Cartier watch! She felt poor and irritable and was looking at six straight hours of misery. Nothing's worse than coming to a sale with an empty pocketbook.

"So what? I took him yesterday. He puked all over my Foley and Corrina top," she said, annoyed. "Where's Jacqui?"

Nowhere, as usual.

When Jacqui waltzed back, sipping a frosty drink, Mara lost it. "You're never around when we need you!" she accused in a whispered, hostile tone.

Anna and Kevin were mingling and kiss-kissing friends, randomly introducing a kid when he or she happened to be in the line of vision. Sugar was sitting looking pouty, sexy, and bored, as usual.

"Shhh! They'll hear you!" Eliza warned, hastily wiping Zoe's chocolate-covered mouth.

William decided it was great fun to hang on her hair, and he pulled her backward just as Taylor and Lindsay walked up, holding several bulging shopping bags.

"William! Please let go! Let go!" Eliza pleaded, trying to wrench the little monkey away from her head.

She looked up and saw Taylor and Lindsay by the Marc Jacobs booth, trying on pinstripe sundresses.

"What do you think?" Taylor asked, smoothing down the front of her peplum skirt. She caught Eliza's eye and turned away in embarrassment.

"Oh, it's Eliza. Hey," Lindsay said, giving her a weak wave.

The two scooted away as soon as they had swiped their charge cards.

Eliza couldn't decide what was worse-that her friends were ignoring her or that they obviously felt sorry for her.

"Excuse me, miss? Can you get me a drink?" Charlie asked, a twisted smile on his face.

"Can't you see? She's working right now." Sugar laughed, getting up from her seat. "Hey, Bill, pull harder," she told her little brother.

"I got ya!" William crowed.

"Fuck you," Eliza said, looking directly at Charlie.

"Excuse me?" Charlie asked.

"Eliza, did I just hear you say the f word?" Anna asked primly. "You know we try to keep that kind of language away from the kids' ears. Spoils their interactive development."

"Sorry, sorry. I . . ."

"Here," Anna said, expertly wringing William away and giving Eliza a doubtful look. "Now go play with the Kennedy-Cole kids. Over there, over there. Scoot!" she said to her stepson.

"Thanks," Eliza said weakly, feeling a little humiliated to have been rescued by Anna of all people.

Mara found a quiet place by the outdoor restaurant to try calling Jim again. He hadn't picked up his phone since Saturday night. She didn't want things between them to end this way, and she wanted to get her story straight with him. It made her furious to think about what kind of lies Jim was probably spreading about her back home. What if everyone thought she was a two-cent hooker when she got back? She was class secretary, after all. She had a rep to protect.

She dialed his number again. Straight to the answering machine.

"Jim, it's me, Mara. I know you don't want to hear it, but you have to. You have to give me a chance to explain. I'm really, really sorry about what happened. . . ."


"Jim, you're there."



"No," he interrupted. "I'm sorry I blew up at you on Saturday. It wasn't right and I'm sorry."

Mara was stunned.

"I don't know what happened between you and that guy, and I don't really want to know."


But Jim kept talking. "The thing is, I kinda knew you wanted the job to get away from here. And I guess I was mad at you for deserting me. But the thing is . . . well . . ." He sounded a little sheepish.


"I think I've met someone else," he admitted.

Mara exhaled. Now that, she hadn't seen coming. She had mixed feelings about his admission. On the one hand, she was in the clear. On the other, what the hell? She'd been so worried about his feelings all summer, but apparently he wasn't really thinking of her at all.


"Stephanie Fortuna."

The head of the cheerleading squad. Mara had a vague memory of how the little curly-haired minx seemed to jump extra high whenever Jim got a tackle.

"I'm . . . happy for you," she said, almost actually meaning it.

"Yeah, well. We had some good times, though, didn't we?" Jim asked.

"We did," Mara said softly. She and Jim had been dating for almost two years. It was the end of an era. It was the most anticlimactic end to an era that she could ever imagine. It was like the last sequel to The Matrix.

"Good luck with your job and everything. And I didn't mean what I said . . . about the Camry. It's yours if you still want it," Jim added.

"Thanks," Mara said simply. "You take care."

"You too."



Mara hung up the phone without saying "I love you" like they had every time they got off the phone for the last two years. It was weird, especially because she was pretty sure she really didn't love him anymore. She felt unanchored. Free. She wasn't Jim's girlfriend anymore. She was Just Mara, but she wasn't quite sure what Just Mara wanted to do next.

"Hey, Mar, can you lend me a twenty?" Eliza asked, coming over and holding up a cute black sweater. "Please?"

Mara stared at her blankly. Was she serious? Eliza sure had some nerve. They weren't even officially talking to each other just yet.

"Are you still mad at me?" Eliza bit her lip. She wasn't used to people staying mad at her. Being rude or out of line wasn't new to Eliza, but having to take some responsibility for the things she did, was.

"Listen, I'm . . . I'm sorry about what I said the other day. It's just with everything . . . and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Eliza still wasn't very good at this apology thing.

Mara folded her arms. "Well, you did."

"I know. I suck," Eliza lamented.

"Yeah," Mara said, noticing that Eliza's eyes were starting to mist a little bit. Now that was something she'd never seen before. "I'm sorry too."

"For what?"

"Nothing, I just don't want you to cry."

Eliza giggled, and ran her finger underneath her lower eyelashes to wipe away any makeup. "So, can I borrow the money? Promise I'll pay you back."

"Oh, alright. I'm charging interest!" Mara joked.

Eliza hugged Mara impulsively. "I hate it when you're mad at me. I kind of missed your nagging." Eliza bought the sweater and they walked back to Anna's booth, where Jacqui was handing out doughnuts.

"Here you go, Chloe," she said, giving Zoe a chocolate-sprinkled one.

"Chloe?" Anna asked, looking up sharply from writing up a bill of sale for a particularly ugly poncho.

Eliza elbowed Jacqui. "Zoe."

"Zoe . . . Zoe," Jacqui sang, getting red from her slipup.

"Zoe's been wanting us to call her by different names lately. This week she's Chloe. Last week it was Julie. Right, Zo?" Mara asked.

Zoe nodded, rapturously eating her doughnut. She was only six, but she could be bribed.

When Anna turned her back, Jacqui apologized.

"Dios mio! I'm so, so sorry. I totally lost my head. I don't know what I was thinking," she said, looking completely wretched. "I don't want to get us in trouble."

"It's okay. It could have happened to any of us," Eliza said.

"Yeah, don't worry about it."

They spent the rest of the afternoon stalking a supermodel that the three of them were obsessed with. Mara and Eliza were just thinking how the day didn't turn out to be such a washout after all as they piled the kids back in the car when Jacqui ran up.

Her eyes were shining and she was obviously very excited about something.

"I'll catch you guys later! I just saw a friend of mine who invited me to this great party at Sting's house!" she said. "Ciao!"

Mara rolled her eyes. "What is it with that girl?" She asked Eliza. Mara had had enough of Jacqui. She was getting paid just as much as the rest of them-for doing less than a third of the work. William pulled on a lock of Mara's hair and then ran away. God, another pair of hands sure would be useful to wrestle that little boy sometimes.

Eliza felt extremely annoyed, too, but not about Jacqui ditching them. Hello, a party she didn't know about? The reality of social ostracism was starting to set in.

jacqui is not a chick gone crazy.

RUPERT THORNE SMILED A CATLIKE SMILE AT HIS quarry. He had never forgotten the girl he'd given a ride from the airport that day. Spotting her again at the Super Saturday benefit his wife always dragged him to was indeed a pleasant surprise.

He mentioned Sting was in town-a private concert-and would she care to join him?

They had started the evening by having dinner at The Palm, where Rupert ordered a seven-hundred-dollar bottle of Chateau Latour. "I'm celebrating something," he'd explained to Jacqui. Afterward he had taken her to the bar at the elite Maidstone Club, which was legendary for its stringent exclusionary practices concerning its eighty-acre golf course. Bill Clinton hadn't been deemed worthy enough to tee up during his 1999 visit. Rupert had broken several rules concerning women, foreigners, and Catholics just to impress Jacqui.