Battered Young Miss - Chapter 144

Chapter 144

"I can't believe this room is all mine! Yes!"

Liu Rachael danced around in her new room, which was all done in white and gold . She kept looking through the closet at the jewelries, shoes, clothes, scarves and an a.s.sortment of accessories . Mirrors hung from various sections in the closet . The vanity set in her room was a work of art, finely carved in white .

After taking her shower and donning a robe from the closet, Liu Rachael eyes was beginning to get heavy from all the excitement of the day, before laying down on the soft bed, she pulled out her cellphone to set the alarm for the next day .


The sound of the phone alarm kept going off, but Liu Rachael kept tossing and turning on her bed, not wanting to leave the soft heavenly comfort alone . Five minutes after the alarm went off, did she finally crawl out of her bed to the bathroom to brush her teeth .

Bleary eyed with her hair in a mess, sluggishly brus.h.i.+ng her teeth while looking at the mirror . Setting the brush by the sink, Liu Rachael cupped her hand to splash some of the water from the tap on her face, that seemed to jolt her awake .

On getting back to her bedroom, a look at the time on her cellphone, made her rush to change her robes into a T-s.h.i.+rt and jeans, while combing a hand through her hair to give them some semblance of being tidy .

"Oh my G.o.d! It's already 6:42! What is wrong with me?!!!!"

Das.h.i.+ng out of the room with her cellphone in the back pocket, Liu Rachael went straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast . Not knowing what his preference would be, she made both traditional and western style breakfast . With an ap.r.o.n on and an oven glove she began working her way through the kitchen, making sure that both breakfasts would be ready before 8 am .

"Would he like coffee or tea?! I don't know and I can't go to his room to ask him just that, maybe I should first get breakfast ready, then I'll look for him . "

Almost an hour later, one by one she began setting several plates on the dinning table, there was cereal, sliced bread, scrambled eggs, sliced strawberry and blue berries, b.u.t.ter . Dumpling with vegetable soup, noodles, rice porridge, scallion oil pancake . She was about to get the coffee pot when Duan Chengyu walked into the dinning room in just his towel, his hair still damp from probably just coming out of the shower .

"Good morning Miss Liu . "

Liu Rachael suddenly felt hot and cold at the same time, while her stomach somersaulted from the impact of seeing the toned physique of Duan Chengyu, she saw as drops of water slid down his taut flat belly . She could feel her throat tighten and her mouth became dry from staring at the well sculptured body staring her in the face .

"Goo . . Good . . . Morning . . . Chairman Duan . "

Her voice shook from trying to greet her boss, who looked back at her as though he wasn't aware of what his presence was doing to her senses .