h.e.l.lo, LegendaryGomo is back.
Right now, I'm waiting for the reply from the author for the translation authorisation. If successful I'm going to continue, if it's not I'm going to drop the series. Even though the raw sites is free, I think it is better to get permission to translate first. Enjoy the chapter.
I returned
home, changed my clothes and went to meeting place Cambolt Square.
Today's clothes are easy-to-move blouse and shorts.
It's my favourite, but now, from now on the trend will change, it is boring to
be in the same clothes forever.
I arrived at the meeting place, but Natta seems to have not come yet.
So, I decided to buy juice at the kiosk and wait on the bench.
The sun peeled from the big oak tree.
A cute voice comes from the square in the afternoon.
The voices of children 3 to 5 years old wearing red or green hats.
It looks like an excursion day for a nearby kids' a.s.sociation.
Children carrying backpacks walked side by side, a young woman's teacher was
too busy to look after them.
"Sorry for the wait."
My eyes
met with a girl of about three years old.
When I waved and greeted, the girl looked back at her with a smile. So
"Take a little time to prepare"
Oh, it's okay. The smile of a small child will heal your heart.
I do not care what kind of children they are, so I think the world is
To protect this smile, I will fight any enemy.
Yes, even if this body burns out, I will fight until it become ash.
I do not have an enemy to fight.
"Hey Ru-chan"
warm, soft and cute things for children who touch each other in the Himawari’s
Just remembering makes my heart worse.
is the first activity during the summer vacation.
In the future, I will definitely become a mother and I want to work surrounded
by many children.
I will try hard for studying.
Small angels, everyone, "Ruche-sensei" and "Ruche onee-chan"
come around and hug and I will call on each person's name and puff the
It looks like heaven. Ufufu ... and someday I want my own kid....
I am living in a pure white house, with a wonderful husband and three pretty
I cannot imagine what my husband looks like, but it surely wonderful -
"Are you listening?"
Fun fancies are forcibly interrupted.
Suddenly my cheeks were pulled from behind!
it is!”
“I, I’m
going to extend!”
finally been released, there was Natta with white pant l looking pure and easy
to move.
"I finally realized"
"Why are you pinning! I wish I had heard your voice normally!"
I like to punipuni , but I do not like being pinched!
"I tried it many times, you were overhead"
"Did you probably arrive for a while?"
was here, you were bored and you did not notice it at all."
Oh, haha. That's why I was absorbed in the delusion, I did not
I'm sorry.
"Ru-chan really likes children,"
Natta seems to have noticed that I was looking at a group of children's a.s.sociations.
That is true, but I cannot tell you that I was in the middle f designing my
future delusions.
I guess."
From a stop near Cambolt Square, we take a regular pigeon carriage to visit the
We sat at the window seat at the back. Maybe because it is lunch time, there
are few pa.s.sengers on a holiday.
The two glowing motorcycles make a sound like sifting through the sand and
It was pulled by it and the car started moving.
When we were talking, we arrived in Rurina street in around 20 minutes.
Rurina street is the city centre of Philia city where the luminous horse
carriage for each area in the city is issued.
The shopping centre called "castle" in the centre of the city is the
largest building in the city that imitated the old age of the royal castle as
its name suggests.
There are shopping streets much larger than the cult street in the surroundings
and it is a place symbolizing the city of Philia as a commercial city.
I usually head to the shopping centre or the shopping centre of the castle, but
when I got off the horse carriage, Natta turned her feet to a direction away
from downtown.
"Although I’m walking quite well, but please arrive properly"
"It's all right"
"If you get lost, do not be shy and call me out loudly"
"I'm stupid too"
The destination is East. Direction of the sea.
When crossing Phillia Boulevard, the surrounding landscape gradually
The busy area is around the hundreds of square meters in the centre of the
city, and if you walk a little bit, the old-fas.h.i.+oned old buildings will be visible.
The so-called downtown. There are places you will not visit so
Natta goes into a narrow alley.
I shut up and followed silently.
When I walked for about ten minutes, I came to a place where bad mood was
The building darkens as a whole, the stains are conspicuous, and the garbage is
scattered here and there.
There are a lot of vacant houses, and compared with the number of buildings,
there is little burning traffic.
"Is not it somewhat disgusting?"
Natta does not seem to do anything, but I do not like this
It is too much different from the bright southern part because there are many
nature, but I do not feel like staying in the same city.
Besides, as I go to the east a bit ....
"Oh, but never get over it, because there are isolated cities nearby, it's
hard to get lost"
I wish
I knew it!
The area on the north-eastern side of the city is a quarantine area called an
isolated city, a so-called poor city.
It is a town made by people who lost their place in the city, there is no city
laws at all.
There are also rumours that every crime is done on a daily basis.
A place isolated in the outer wall and isolated from others. People in
general will never approach it.
Distant streets created by the development of cities have created modern social
problems close isolation streets.
There are such places in most of Teruyos.h.i.+ City Asir in the world, Philia city which
has a relatively good environment, is no exception.
...... I learned it in cla.s.s.
Well, it is insanity to approach such a place.
"Hey, hey, is not it a good clothes shop in the castle?"
If you go wrongly into an isolated city, you do not understand what does
it looks like.
I got scared and grasped Natta's hand.
"It's okay, I’m not going to get inside the isolated city, so do not be
afraid of anything so dangerous as long as you are careful. Even if they hand
out the people in the town, they know that the guards are getting shy away.
kind of nerve do you have, Natta is laughing.
the unlikely event, I will not finish it by just taking it inside."
"Go home!"
"It's okay. It’s okay if you go together with me"
Without worrying about the anxiety, I still could persuade Natta and was about
enough for it, and my legs stopped.
Apparently it seems we had reached the destination shop.