This is the first notice that we have of them. It will be observed that they have not yet penetrated into Media but are still eastward of the Parthians.]
FACE C, _base_
124 I slew. Their spoil I carried away. The cities I threw down, dug up (and) burned with fire. An image of my Majesty 125 in the country of Kharkhara I set up. Yan'su son of Khaban with his abundant treasures 126 his G.o.ds, his sons, his daughters, his soldiers in large numbers I carried off. To a.s.syria I brought (them). In my 25th campaign 127 the Euphrates at its flood I crossed. The tribute of the Kings of the Hitt.i.tes, all of them, I received. The country of Ama.n.u.s 128 I traversed. To the cities of Cati of the country of the Kahuians I descended. The city of Timur, his strong city 129 I besieged, I captured. Their fighting men I slew. Its spoil I carried away. The cities to a countless number I threw down, dug up, 130 (and) burned with fire. On my return, the city of Muru, the strong city of Arame the son of Agu'si, 131 (as) a possession for myself I took. Its entrance-s.p.a.ce I marked out. A palace, the seat of my Majesty, in the middle (of it) I founded.
132 In my 26th year for the seventh time the country of the Ama.n.u.s I traversed. For the fourth time to the cities of Cati 133 of the country of the Kahuians I went. The city of Tanacun, the strong city of Tulca I approached. Exceeding fear 134 of a.s.sur my Lord overwhelmed him and (when) he had come out my feet he took. His hostages I took. Silver, gold, 135 iron, oxen, (and) sheep, (as) his tribute I received. From the city of Tanacun I departed. To the country of Lamena 136 I went. The men collected themselves. An inaccessible mountain they occupied. The peak of the mountain I a.s.sailed, 137 I took. Their fighting men I slew. Their spoil, their oxen, their sheep, from the midst of the mountain I brought down.
138 Their cities I threw down, dug up (and) burned with fire. To the city of Khazzi I went. My feet they took.
Silver (and) gold, 139 their tribute, I received. Cirri, the brother of Cati to the sovereignty over them 140 I set. On my return to the country of Ama.n.u.s I ascended.
Beams of cedar I cut, 141 I removed, to my city a.s.sur[1] I brought. In my 27th year the chariots of my armies I mustered. Dayan-a.s.sur 142 the Tartan,[2] the Commander of the wide-spreading army, at the head of my army to the country of Armenia I urged, 143 I sent. To Bit-Zamani he descended. Into the low ground to the city of Ammas he went down. The river Arzane he crossed.
144 'Seduri of the country of the Armenians heard, and to the strength of his numerous host 145 he trusted; and to make conflict (and) battle against me he came. With him I fought.
146 A destruction of him I made. With the flower of his youth [3] his broad fields I filled. In my 28th year 147 when in the city of Calah I was stopping news had been brought (me, that) men of the Patinians 148 Lubarni their Lord had slain (and) 'Surri (who was) not heir to the throne to the kingdom had raised.
149 Dayan-a.s.sur the Tartan, the Commander of the wide-spreading army at the head of my host (and) my camp[4]
150 I urged, I sent. The Euphrates in its flood he crossed.
In the city of Cinalua his royal city 151 a slaughter he made. (As for) 'Surri the usurper, exceeding fear of a.s.sur my Lord 152 overwhelmed him, and the death of his destiny he went.[5]
The men of the country of the Patinians from before the sight of my mighty weapons
[Footnote 1: The Ellasar of Genesis, now Kalah Shergat.]
[Footnote 2: "Turtanu" ("chief prince") in a.s.syrian.]
[Footnote 3: Or, "the chiefs of his young warriors."]
[Footnote 4: The word properly means "baggage." and sometimes signifies "standard," which may be the translation here.]
[Footnote 5: That is, he died as was fated.]
FACE D, _base_
153 fled, and the children of 'Surri together with the soldiers, the rebels, (whom) they had taken they delivered to me.
154 Those soldiers on stakes I fixed. 'Sa'situr of the country of Uzza my feet took. To the kingdom 155 over them I placed (him). Silver, gold, lead, bronze, iron, (and) the horns of wild bulls to a countless number I received.
156 An image of my Majesty of great size I made. In the city of Cinalua his royal city in the temple of his G.o.ds I set it up. In 157 my 29th year (my) army (and) camp I urged, I sent.
To the country of Cirkhi[1] I ascended. Their cities I threw down, 158 dug up, (and) burned with fire. Their country like a thunderstorm I swept. Exceeding 159 fear over them I cast. In my 30th year when in the city of Calah I was stopping, Dayan-a.s.sur 160 the Tartan, the Commander of the wide-spreading army at the head of my army I urged, I sent. The river Zab 161 he crossed. To the midst of the cities of the city of Khupusc he approached. The tribute of Datana 162 of the city of the Khupuscians I received. From the midst of the cities of the Khupuscians 163 I departed.[2] To the midst of the cities of Maggubbi of the country of the Madakhirians he approached. The tribute 164 I received. From the midst of the cities of the country of the Madakhirians he departed. To the midst of the cities of Udaci 165 of the country of the Mannians he approached. Udaci of the country of the Mannians from before the sight of my mighty weapons 166 fled, and the city of Zirta, his royal city, he abandoned.
To save his life he ascended (the mountains).
167 After him I pursued. His oxen, his sheep, his spoil, to a countless amount I brought back. His cities 168 I threw down, dug up, (and) burned with fire. From the country of the Mannians[3] he departed. To the cities of Sulu'sunu of the country of Kharru 169 he approached. The city of Mairsuru, his royal city, together with the cities which depended on it he captured.
(To) Sulu'sunu 170 together with his sons mercy I granted. To his country I restored him. A payment (and) tribute of horses I imposed.
171 My yoke upon him I placed. To the city of Surdira he approached. The tribute of Arta-irri 172 of the city of the Surdirians I received. To the country of Par'sua[4] I went down. The tribute of the Kings 173 of the country of Par'sua I received. (As for) the rest of the country of Par'sua which did not reverence a.s.sur, its cities 174 I captured. Their spoil, their plunder to a.s.syria I brought. In my 31st year, the second time, the cyclical-feast 175 of a.s.sur and Rimmon I had inaugurated.[5] At the time while I was stopping in the city of Calah, Dayan-a.s.sur 176 the Tartan, the Commander of my wide-spreading army, at the head of my army (and) my camp I urged, I sent.
177 To the cities of Data of the country of Khupusca he approached.
The tribute I received.
178 To the city of Zapparia, a stronghold of the country of Muzatsira, I went. The city of Zapparia together with 179 forty-six cities of the city of the Muzatsirians I captured.
Up to the borders of the country of the Armenians 180 I went. Fifty of their cities I threw down, dug up (and) burned with fire. To the country of Guzani[6] I went down.
The tribute 181 of Upu of the country of the Guzanians, of the country of the Mannians, of the country of the Buririans, of the country of the Kharranians,[7]
182 of the country of the Sasganians, of the country of the Andians,[8] (and) of the country of the Kharkhanians, oxen, sheep, (and) horses 183 trained to the yoke I received. To the cities of the country of ... I went down. The city of Perria 184 (and) the city of Sitivarya, its strongholds, together with 22 cities which depended upon it, I threw down, dug up 185 (and) burned with fire. Exceeding fear over them I cast.
To the cities of the Parthians he went.
186 The cities of Bustu, Sala-khamanu (and) Cini-khamanu, fortified towns, together with 23 cities 187 which depended upon them I captured. Their fighting-men I slew. Their spoil I carried off. To the country of Zimri I went down.
188 Exceeding fear of a.s.sur (and) Merodach overwhelmed them. Their cities they abandoned. To 189 inaccessible mountains they ascended. Two hundred and fifty of their cities I threw down, dug up (and) burned with fire.
190 Into the lowground of Sime'si at the head of the country of Khalman I went down.
[Footnote 1: The mountainous country near the sources of the Tigris.]
[Footnote 2: That is in the person of his commander-in-chief, Dayan-a.s.sur.]
[Footnote 3: The modern Van.]
[Footnote 4: Parthia.]
[Footnote 5: This refers to his a.s.suming the eponymy a second time after completing a reign of thirty years. At this period the a.s.syrian kings a.s.sumed the eponymy on first ascending the throne, and the fact that Shalmaneser took the same office again in his thirty-first year shows that a cycle of thirty years was in existence.]
[Footnote 6: The Gozan of the Old Testament.]
[Footnote 7: Haran or Harran in the Old Testament; called Carrhae by the cla.s.sical geographers.]
[Footnote 8: Andia was afterward incorporated into a.s.syria by Sargon.]
I The tribute of 'Su'a of the country of the Guzanians: silver, gold, lead, articles of bronze, sceptres for the King's hand, horses (and) camels with double backs: I received.
II The tribute of Yahua[1] son of Khumri[2]: silver, gold, bowls of gold, vessels of gold, goblets of gold, pitchers of gold, lead, sceptres for the King's hand, (and) staves: I received.
III The tribute of the country of Muzri[3]: camels with double backs, an ox of the river 'Saceya,[4] horses, _wild, elephants_, (and) apes: I received.
IV The tribute of Merodach-pal-itstsar of the country of the 'Sukhians[5]: silver, gold, pitchers of gold, tusks of the wild bull, staves, antimony, garments of many colors, (and) linen: I received.
V The tribute of Garparunda of the country of the Patinians: silver, gold, lead, bronze, gums, articles of bronze, tusks of wild bulls, (and) _ebony_[6]: I received.
[Footnote 1: Jehu.]
[Footnote 2: Omri.]
[Footnote 3: This is the Armenian Muzri, not Egypt.]
[Footnote 4: This would seem from the sculpture to mean a rhinoceros.
Lenormant, however, identifies it with the Yak.]
[Footnote 5: Nomadic tribes in the southwest of Babylonia.]
[Footnote 6: The word means literally "pieces of strong wood."]