Babylonian and Assyrian Literature - Part 35

Part 35


l On the 22d day of the third month, May,[1] in the eponym of Dagan-bel-ussur,[2] withdrew from Calach; I pa.s.sed the Tigris at its nearer bank 2 and received a large tribute; at Tabite I made a halt; on the 6th day of the fourth month, June,[3] I withdrew from Tabite and skirted the banks of Kharmis; 3 at the town of Magarizi I made a halt; withdrew from it and pa.s.sed along by the banks of the Chaboras and halted at Sadikanni; 4 the tribute due from Sadikanni, silver, gold, tin, _kam_ of copper, oxen, sheep, I received and quitted the place.

5 At the city of Katni I made a halt; the tribute of Sunaya I received, and from Katni withdrew; 6 at Dar-k.u.mlimi[4] halted; withdrew from it and halted at Bit-Halupe, whose tribute 7 of silver, gold, tin, _kam_ of copper, vestments of wool and linen, oxen and sheep I received, and withdrew from it; 8 at the city of Zirki I made a halt; the tribute of Zirki, silver, gold, tin, oxen, 9 sheep, I received; withdrew from Zirki; halted at Zupri, whose tribute 10 of silver, gold, tin, _kami_, oxen, sheep, I received; withdrew from Zupri and halted at Nagarabani, 11 whose tribute in silver, gold, tin, _kami_, oxen, sheep, I received and withdrew from it; 12 near Khindani, situated on the nearer banks of the Euphrates I halted; 13 the tribute of Khindani, silver, gold, tin, _kami_, oxen, sheep, I received. From Khindani 14 I withdrew; at the mountains over against the Euphrates[5]

I halted; I withdrew from those mountains and halted at Bit-Sabaya near the town of Haridi 15 situate on the nearer bank of the Euphrates. From Bit-Sabaya I withdrew; at the commencement of the town of Anat[6]

16 I made a halt. Anat is situated in the midst of the Euphrates.

From Anat I withdrew. The city of Zuru the fortified city of 17 Sadudu of the land of Zuhi I besieged: to the numerous warriors of the s.p.a.cious land of the he trusted and to make war and battle to my presence advanced; l8 the city I besieged; two days I was engaged in fighting; I made good an entrance: (then) through fear[7] of my mighty arms Sadudu and his soldiers 19 for the preservation of his life, into the Euphrates threw himself: I took the city; 50 _bit-hallu_[8] and their soldiers in the service of Nabu-bal-idin King of Kardunias; 20 Zabdanu his brother with 300 of his soldiers and Bel-bal-idin who marched at the head of their armies I captured, together with them 21 many soldiers I smote down with my weapons; silver, gold, tin, precious stone of the mountains,[9] the treasure of his palace, 22 chariots, horses trained to the yoke, trappings for men and horses, the women of his palace, his spoil, 23 in abundance I carried off; the city I pulled down and razed; ordinances and edicts I imposed on Zuhi; the fear of my dominion to Kardunias reached; 24 the greatness of my arms overwhelmed Chaldaea;[10] on the countries of the banks of the Euphrates my impetuous soldiers I sent forth; an image 25 of my person I made; decrees and edicts upon it I inscribed; in Zuri I put it up, I a.s.sur-nasir-pal, a King who has enforced his laws 26 (and) decrees and who to the sword hath directed his face to conquests and alliances hath raised his heart. While I was stationed at Calach 27 they brought me news that the population of Laqai and Khindanu of the whole land of Zukhi had revolted and crossed the Euphrates 28 on the eighteenth of May[11] I withdrew from Calach; pa.s.sed the Tigris, took the desert to Zuri 29 by Bit-Halupi I approached in ships belonging to me which I had taken at Zuri: I took my way to the sources of the Euphrates; 30 the narrows of the Euphrates I descended, the cities of Khintiel and Aziel in the land of Laqai I took; their soldiers I slew; their spoil 31 I carried off; the cities I overthrew, razed, burned with fire. In my expedition marching westward of the banks of the Chaboras to 32 the city Zibate of Zuhi, cities on the other side of the Euphrates in the land of Laqai I overthrew, devastated and burned with fire; their crops I seized 460 soldiers 33 their fighting men by (my) weapons I destroyed; I took 20 alive and impaled them on stakes;[12] on ships which I had built-- 34 in 20 ships which were drawn up on the sand at Haridi I crossed the Euphrates. The land of Zuhaya and Laqai 35 and the city of Khindanai[13] to the power of their chariots armies and hands trusted and summoned 6,000 of their soldiers to engage in fight and battle.

36 They came to close quarters; I fought with them; I effected their overthrow; I destroyed their chariots 6,500 of their warriors I smote down by my weapons; the remainder 37 in starvation in the desert of the Euphrates I shut up.

From Haridi in Zukhi to Kipina and the cities of Khin-danai[13]

38 in Laqai on the other side I occupied; their fighting men I slew; the city I overthrew razed and burned. Aziel of Laqai 39 trusted to his forces and took possession of the heights of Kipina; I gave them battle; at the city of Kipina I effected his overthrow; 1,000 of his warriors I slew; 40 his chariots I destroyed; spoil I carried off in plenty; their G.o.ds I took away; for the preservation of his life he took refuge on a rugged hill of Bizuru at the sources of the Euphrates; 41 for two days I descended the river in pursuit: the relics of his army with my weapons I destroyed; their hiding place by the hills on the Euphrates I broke up; 42 to the cities of Dumite and Azmu belonging to the son of Adini[14] I went down after him; his spoil, his oxen, his sheep, 43 which like the stars of heaven were without number I carried off.

In those days Ila of Laqai, his swift chariots and 500 soldiers 44 to my land of a.s.syria I transported; Dumutu and Azmu I captured, overthrew, razed and burned; in the narrows of the Euphrates I turned aside in my course and 45 I outflanked Aziel, who fled before my mighty power to save his life. Ila; the Prince of Laqai, his army his chariots, his harness, 46 I carried off and took to my city of a.s.sur: Khimtiel of Laqai I made prisoner in his own city. Through the might of a.s.sur my Lord, (and) in the presence of my mighty arms and the formidable attack 47 of my powerful forces he was afraid, and I received the treasures of his palaces, silver, gold, tin, copper, _kam_ of copper, vestments of wool, his abundant spoil; and tribute 48 and impost in addition to what I had previously fixed I laid upon them; in those days I slew 50 buffaloes in the neighborhood of the nearer side of the Euphrates: eight buffaloes I caught alive; 49 I killed 20 eagles, and captured others alive: I founded two cities on the Euphrates; one on the farther bank 50 of the Euphrates which I named Dur-a.s.sur-nasir-pal; one on the nearer bank which I named Nibarti-a.s.sur. On the 20th of May[16] I withdrew from Calach; 51 I crossed the Tigris; to the land of Bit-Adini I went; to their strong city of Katrabi I approached, a city exceedingly strong, like a storm rushing from heaven,[17]

52 the soldiers confided to their numerous troops, and would not submit and accept my yoke: in honor of a.s.sur the great Lord, my Lord, and the G.o.d the great protector going before me, I besieged the city 53 by the warlike engines[18] on foot and strong, the city I captured; many of their soldiers I slew; 800 of their fighting men I dispersed; their spoil and property I carried off, 2,400 of their warriors 54 I transported away and detained them at Calach; the city I overthrew razed and burnt; the fear of the approach of a.s.sur my Lord over Bit-Adini I made good.

55 In those days the tribute of Ahuni son of Adini of Habini, of the city of Tul-Abnai,[19] silver, gold, tin,[20] copper, vestments of wool and linen, wood for bridges, 56 cedar wood, the treasures of his palace I received; their hostages I took, _rimutu_[21] I imposed upon them.

In the month April[22] and on the eighth day I quitted Calach; the Tigris 57 I pa.s.sed; to Carchemish[23] in Syria I directed my steps; to Bit-Bakhiani I approached; the tribute due from the son[24]

of Bakhiani, swift chariots, horses, silver, 58 gold, tin, copper, _kami_ of copper, I received; the chariots and warlike engines of the officer of the son of Bakhiani I added to my magazines; 59 I menaced the land of Anili: the tribute of Hu-immi of Nilaya, swift war chariots, horses, silver, gold, tin,[25]

copper, 60 _kami_ of copper, oxen, sheep, horses, I received; the chariots and warlike instruments of the officer I added to my magazines. From Anili I withdrew; to Bit-Adini I approached; 61 the tribute of Ahuni son of Adini, silver, gold, tin,[5] copper, wood of _ereru_ and _rabaz_, horns, _sai_-wood, horns[26]

62 of thrones horns of silver, and gold, _sari_, bracelets of gold, _sahri_ fastenings for covers of gold, scabbards of gold, oxen, sheep, goats as his tribute I received; 63 the chariots and warlike engines of the officer of Ahuni I added to my magazines. In those days I received the tribute of Habini of Tul-Abnai, four maneh of silver and 400 sheep; 64 ten maneh of silver for his first year as tribute I imposed upon him: from Bit-Adini I withdrew; the Euphrates, in a difficult part of it, I crossed in ships of hardened skins: 65 I approached the land of Carchemish: the tribute of Sangara King of Syria, twenty talents of silver, _sahri_ gold, bracelets of gold, scabbards of gold, 100 talents 66 of copper, 250 talents of annui _kami, harlate, nirmakate kibil_[27] of copper, the extensive furniture of his palace, 67 of incomprehensible perfection[28] different kinds of woods,[29]

_ka_ and _sara_, 200 female slaves, vestments of wool, 68 and linen; beautiful black coverings, beautiful purple coverings, precious stones, horns of buffaloes, white[30] chariots, images of gold, their coverings, the treasures of his Royalty, I received of him; 69 the chariots and warlike engines of the General of Carchemish I laid up in my magazines; the Kings of all those lands who had come out against me received my yoke; their hostages I received; 70 they did homage in my presence; to the land of Lebanon[31]

I proceeded. From Carchemish I withdrew and marched to the territory of Munzigani and Harmurga: 71 the land of Ahanu I reduced; to Gaza[32] the town of Lubarna[33]

of the Khatti I advanced; gold and vestments of linen I received: 72 crossing the river Abrie I halted and then leaving that river approached the town of Kanulua a royal city belonging to Lubarna of the Khatti: 73 from before my mighty arms and my formidable onset he fled in fear, and for the saving of his life submitted to my yoke; twenty talents of silver, one talent of gold, 74 100 talents in tin, 100 talents in _annui_, 1,000 oxen, 10,000 sheep, 1,000 vestments of wool, linen, _nimati_ and _ki_ woods coverings, 75 _ahuzate_ thrones, _kui_ wood, wood for seats, their coverings, _sarai, zueri_-wood, horns of _kui_ in abundance, the numerous utensils of his palace, whose beauty 76 could not be comprehended:[34] ... _pagatu_(?)[35] from the wealth of great Lords as his tribute 77 I imposed upon him; the chariots and warlike engines of the land of the Khatti I laid up in my magazines; their hostages I took.

In those days (I received) the tribute of Guzi 78 of the land of Yahanai, silver, gold, tin,[36] ... oxen, sheep, vestments of wool and linen I received: from Kunalua the capital of Lubarna I withdrew, 79 of the land of the Khatti, crossed the Orontes,[37] and after a halt left it, and to the borders 80 of the land of Yaraki and of Yahturi I went round: the land[38] ... had rebelled: from the Sangura after a halt I withdrew; 81 I made a detour to the lands of Saratini and Girpani[39]

... I halted and advanced to Aribue a fortified city belonging to Lubarna of the land of the Khatti: 82 the city I took to myself; the wheats and barleys of Luhuti I collected; I allowed his palace to be sacked and settled a.s.syrians there.[40]

83 While I was stationed at Aribua, I captured the cities of the land of Luhiti and slew many of their soldiers; overthrew razed and burned them with fire; 84 the soldiers whom I took alive I impaled on stakes close by their cities.

In those days I occupied the environs of Lebanon; to the great sea 85 of Phoenicia[41] I went up: up to the great sea my arms I carried: to the G.o.ds I sacrificed; I took tribute of the Princes of the environs of the sea-coast, 86 of the lands of Tyre, Sidon, Gebal, Maacah[42] Maizai Kaizai, of Phoenicia and Arvad 87 on the sea-coast--silver, gold, tin, copper, _kam_ of copper, vestments of wool and linen, _pagutu_[43] great and small, 88 strong timber, wood of _ki_[44] teeth of dolphins, the produce of the sea, I received as their tribute: my yoke they accepted; the mountains of Ama.n.u.s[45] I ascended; wood for bridges, 89 pines, box, cypress, _li_-wood, I cut down; I offered sacrifices for my G.o.ds; a trophy[46] of victory I made, and in a central place I erected it; 90 _gusuri_-wood, cedar wood from Ama.n.u.s I destined for Bit-Hira, and my pleasure house called Azmaku, for the temple of the Moon and Sun the exalted G.o.ds.

91 I proceeded to the land of Iz-mehri, and took possession of it throughout: I cut down beams for bridges of _mehri_ trees, and carried them to Nineveh; (and) 92 to Istar Lady of Nineveh (on) my knees I knelt.[47] In the eponym of Samas-nuri[48] in the honor of the great Lord a.s.sur my Lord on the 20th of April[49]

93 from Calach I withdrew--crossed the Tigris--descended to the land of Kipani, and there, in the city of Huzirina, received the tribute of the governors of its cities.

94 While stationed at Huzirana I received the tribute of Ittiel of Nilaya, Giridadi of a.s.saya, in silver 95 gold, oxen, sheep. In those days I received the tribute in beams for bridges, cedar wood, silver, gold of Qatuzili 96 of Commagene[50]--withdrew from Huzirina and took my way upward along the banks of the Euphrates; to Kubbu.[51]

97 I crossed over into the midst of the towns of in Kirkhi over against Syria. The cities of Umalie and Khiranu 98 powerful cities centrally situated in Adani I captured; numbers of their soldiers I slew; spoil beyond reckoning 99 I carried off; the towns I overthrew and demolished; 150 cities of their territory I burned with fire; then from Khiranu 100 I withdrew; I pa.s.sed over to the environs of the land of Amadani; I went down among the cities of Dirrie, and the cities within the lands of 101 Amadani and Arquanie I burned with fire: Mallanu which is in the middle of Arquanie I took as my own possession; I withdrew from Mallanu 102 to the cities of Zamba on the sandy outskirt, which I burned with fire: I pa.s.sed the river Sua, proceeding up to the Tigris whose cities 103 on those banks and on these banks of the Tigris in Arkanie to a heap I reduced: its waters overflowed all Kirkhi: my yoke they took; 104 their hostages I exacted; a Viceroy of my own I appointed over them: in the environs of the land of Amadani I arrived: at Barza-Nistun 105 To Dandamusa the fortified city of Ilani son of Zamani I drew near and laid siege to it: my warriors like birds of prey rushed upon them; 106 600 of their warriors I put to the sword and decapitated; 400 I took alive; 107 3,000 captives I brought forth; I took possession of the city for myself: the living soldiers, and heads to the city of Amidi[52] the royal city, I sent; 108 heaps of the heads close by his great gate I piled; the living soldiers I crucified on crosses[53] at the gates of the town; 109 inside the gates I made carnage; their forests I cut down;[54]

from Amidi I withdrew toward the environs of Kasyari; the city of Allabzie 110 to whose rocks and stones no one among the Kings my fathers had ever made approach, I penetrated; to the town of Uda the fortress of Labduri son of Dubuzi 111 I approached and besieged the city with _bilsi_(?) strengthened and marching; the city I captured;[55] ... soldiers[56] ... with my weapons I destroyed; 570 soldiers 112 I captured; 3,000 captives I took forth; soldiers alive I caught; some I impaled on stakes;[57] of others 113 the eyes I put out: the remainder I carried off to a.s.sur and took the city as my own possession--I who am a.s.sur-nasir-pal mighty King, King of a.s.syria son of Tuklat-Adar, (Tuklat-Ninip) 114 great King, powerful King, King of legions, King of a.s.syria son of Vul-nirari[58] great King, mighty King, King of legions, King of a.s.syria, n.o.ble warrior, who in the service of a.s.sur his Lord proceeded, and among the Kings of the four regions, 115 has no equal, a Prince[59] (giving) ordinances, not fearing opponents, mighty unrivalled leader, a Prince subduer of the disobedient, who all 116 the thrones of mankind has subdued; powerful King treading over the heads of his enemies, trampling on the lands of enemies, breaking down the a.s.semblages of the wicked; who in the service of the great G.o.ds 117 his Lords marched along; whose hand hath taken possession of all their lands, laid low the forests of all of them, and received their tributes, taking hostages (and) imposing laws 118 upon all those lands; when a.s.sur the Lord proclaimer of my name, aggrandizer of my Royalty, who added his unequivocal service to the forces of my government 119 I destroyed the armies of the s.p.a.cious land of Lulumi.

In battle by weapons I smote them down. With the help of the Sun-G.o.d 120 and Yav, the G.o.ds in whom I trust, I rushed upon the armies of Nairi, Kirkhi Subariya and Nirbi like Yav the inundator;[60]

121 a King who from the other side the Tigris to the land of Lebanon and the great sea has subjugated to his yoke the entire land of Lakie and the land of Zukhi as far as the city Rapik; 122 to whose yoke is subjected (all) from the sources of the Zupnat to the frontiers of Bitani; from the borders of Kirruri to Kirzani; 123 from beyond the Lower Zab to the town of Tulsa-Zabdani and the town of Tul-Bari beyond the land of Zaban as far as the towns of Tul-sa-Zabdani and 124 Tul-sa-Abtani; Harimu, Harutu in Birate of Kardunias[61]

to the borders of my land I added; (the inhabitants) of the territory of Babite 125 with Khasmar among the people of my own country I accounted: in the countries which I held I established a deputy: they performed homage: submission 126 I imposed upon them; I, a.s.sur-nasir-pal, great, n.o.ble, worshipper of the great G.o.ds, generous, great, mighty possessors of cities and the forests of all their domains, King of Lords, consumer of 127 the wicked _taskaru_ invincible, who combats injustice, Lord of all Kings, King of Kings, glorious, upholder of Bar (Ninip) the warlike, worshipper 128 of the great G.o.ds, a King who, in the service of a.s.sur and Ninip, G.o.ds in whom he trusted, hath marched royally, and wavering lands and Kings his enemies in all their lands 129 to his yoke hath subdued, and the rebels against a.s.sur, high and low, hath opposed and imposed on them impost and tribute--a.s.sur-nasir-pal 130 mighty King, glory of the Moon-G.o.d[62] worshipper of Anu, related[63] to Yav, suppliant of the G.o.ds, an unyielding servant, destroyer of the land of his foes; I, a King vehement in war, 131 destroyer of forests and cities, chief over opponents, Lord of four regions, router of his enemies in strong lands and forests, and who Kings mighty and fearless from the rising 132 to the setting of the sun to my yoke subjugated.

The former city of Calach which Shalmaneser King of a.s.syria going before me, had built-- 133 that city was decayed and reduced to a heap of ruins: that city I built anew; the people captured by my hand of the countries which I had subdued, Zukhi and Lakie, 134 throughout their entirety, the town of Sirku on the other side of the Euphrates, all Zamua, Bit-Adini, the Khatti, and the subjects of Liburna I collected within, I made them occupy.[64]

135 A water-course from the Upper Zab I dug and called it Pati-kanik: timber upon its I erected: a choice of animals to a.s.sur my Lord and (for) the Chiefs of my realm I sacrificed; 136 the ancient mound I threw down: to the level of the water I brought it: 120 courses on the low level I caused it to go: its wall I built; from the ground to the summit I built (and) completed.

[Additional clauses are found on the monolith inscription in the British Museum. They are not, however, of any great importance and amount to little more than directions for the preservation and reparation of the palace, with imprecations upon those who should at any time injure the buildings. On this same monolith is found an invocation to the great G.o.ds of the a.s.syrian Pantheon: namely, to a.s.sur, Anu, Hea, Sin [the Moon], Merodach, Yav Jahve, Jah[?], Ninip, Nebo, Beltis, Nergal, Bel-Dagon, Samas [the Sun], Istar.]

[Footnote 1: Sivan.]

[Footnote 2: 878 B.C.]

[Footnote 3: Heb. "Tammuz," a.s.syr. "Duwazu."]

[Footnote 4: A city in Mesopotamia.]

[Footnote 5: "Burattu." In Hebrew (Gen. ii. 14). "Phrat."]

[Footnote 6: Dr. Oppert renders this "Anatho."]

[Footnote 7: Literally, "from the face of."]

[Footnote 8: Probably military engines used in sieges.]

[Footnote 9: Or, sadi-stone shining.]

[Footnote 10: "Kaldu." There are fragments existing in the British Museum of a treaty made between this Nabu-bal-idin, King of Kardunias (Babylonia), and Shalmaneser, son of a.s.sur-nasir-pal. v. "Trans. Soc. Bib.

Archaeol.," i. 77.]

[Footnote 11: The Hebrew Sivan.]

[Footnote 12: Literally, "impaled on stakes." But Dr. Oppert and Mr.

Norris generally adopt the rendering given in the text, I. 108, p. 194.]

[Footnote 13: It will be observed that this city is differently spelled in line 27. Irregularities of this kind are very frequent, especially in the termination of proper names.]

[Footnote 14: See note 3, p. 188.]

[Footnote 15: "Ahuni." See l. 61, p. 191.]

[Footnote 16: The Hebrew Sivan.]

[Footnote 17: Or, "as it were situated among the storm-clouds of heaven."]

[Footnote 18: The nature of these engines ("bilsi") is uncertain.]

[Footnote 19: I.e., stony-hill.]

[Footnote 20: Or, lead.]

[Footnote 21: Possibly "humiliation," from the Chaldee "rama."]

[Footnote 22: Airu.]

[Footnote 23: Carchemish. Cf. Jeremiah xlvi. 2.]

[Footnote 24: Tribe(?).]

[Footnote 25: Or, lead.]

[Footnote 26: Some projecting ornament, like "horns of an altar." Cf. Ps.

cxviii. 27; Exod. x.x.x. 2.]

[Footnote 27: Probably some utensils, as explained by the Hebrew word "unutu" ("anioth").]

[Footnote 28: Or, with Mr. Norris, "the whole of it was not taken." Dict., p. 558.]

[Footnote 29: The words specified are "sa" or "issa," "pa.s.sur," and probably "ebony"; the others have not been identified.]