A Wizard's Secret - Chapter 818 - Out Of Control

Chapter 818 - Out Of Control

Chapter 818: Out of Control

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


Merlin's expression changed dramatically. He had thought of everything except he had forgotten that the Atlan civilization had given the Eight Great Lord G.o.ds, Lord G.o.d-level divinity.

These divinities may have usually been insignificant but at such a critical moment when the Lord G.o.d of Light was already severely wounded, and with just a little bit more, they would be able to devastatingly wound the Lord G.o.d of Light, and even kill him.

However, with divinity, everything Merlin had done before had been rendered useless. The reason why the G.o.ds claimed that divinity was indestructible, and G.o.ds were immortal was precisely because divinity was the fundamental source of power for the G.o.ds.

"Haha, trying to kill me? Not enough, that's not enough! Burn it, unleash it. It was a pity to have used divinity so soon…"

The Lord G.o.d of Light had waited until the last moment before he pulled out the divinity. He was truly reluctant because to the Lord G.o.ds, these Lord G.o.d-level divinities' greatest purpose was neither to restore and heal their injuries nor were they for battle. It was for them to comprehend the power of the natural order and increase their own true powers.

However, given the Lord G.o.d of Light's current situation, the only thing he could do was to consume the divinity, otherwise, what awaited him would be death.


A dazzling holy light shot into the sky like a beam of light directly piercing through the Mother Tree's dense canopy. In the darkness of the Void Zone, it appeared to s.h.i.+ne so brightly.

"Look, it's the Lord G.o.d of Light's holy light!"

"He had used divinity. Looks like he must be in a critical situation. Everyone, we'll unleash the power of the natural order together and destroy the Mother Tree!"

After seeing the holy light piercing through the sky, the Lord G.o.ds from the other Great G.o.d Organizations naturally had their speculations of what had occurred knowing that the Lord G.o.d of Light would have only used the Lord G.o.d-level divinity at his most dangerous, critical time.

For a time, these Lord G.o.ds no longer dared to be arrogant, and instead, focused all their might into bombarding the Mother Tree's defenses.


As the dimensions shattered, the hundreds of millions of creatures above it had followed suit, in the blink of an eye, fissured into pieces as their grim ire rose to the skies.

However, this was only the beginning. One dimension, two dimensions, three dimensions…

The Mother Tree could no longer withstand as the a.s.sault from the Seven Great Lord G.o.ds and the Progenitors of the Rock Tribe continued. One by one, the dimensions were shattered and torn apart. In a flash, hundreds of dimensions were entirely shattered.

Merlin's gaze froze. These dimensions were the foundations of the Spell Caster civilization!


The Mother Tree returned to his original form. His face paled as he flew to where Merlin and the others had gathered. The fact that he had been able to withstand the attacks for such a long time was already a remarkable feat.

One should know that the ones he had gone up against were the Eight Great Lord G.o.ds in addition to the two Progenitors of the Rock Tribe. The Mother Tree and the Slothful Beast aside, no one else present stood a chance of going up against them.

"Lord G.o.d of Light, you've been forced to use divinity. Looks like you're in a pinch. Tsk, tsk, you've finally had a taste of what it's like to be on the brink of death, Lord G.o.d of Light."

Having seen the state of which the Lord G.o.d of Light was in, the Lord G.o.d of Darkness had naturally pieced together what had happened as the Avian Monarch, Chronos, Roman, Augustus, and Ceci were in a distance away. The Lord G.o.d of Light had been under siege by at least five of the members of the Spell Caster civilization.

Had it not been for the Lord G.o.d-level divinity, the Lord G.o.d of Light would have died!

This time, the Lord G.o.d of Light had not refuted the Lord G.o.d of Darkness. His gaze was fixated on Merlin and the others. His expression darkened as he utterly despised and hated Merlin and the others. This resentment would last till death.


No one had noticed that in the distant Void Zone, a dazzling beam of light, no, two or even three flashed!

A total of three luminous beams had caught everyone off guard as they instantly locked onto Augustus, Chronos, and Roman. That was the Atlan civilization's void-level wars.h.i.+p which carried the aura of death, soaring forward. Its speed was too fast, and since the few of them had been targeted, even the ultimate existences would not be able to escape.

"Three luminous beams… Has the void-level wars.h.i.+p become stronger? Or have they finally mastered the workings of the void-level wars.h.i.+p?"

Merlin did not hesitate. Now, the Illusory World had surrounded the nearby area, and everyone was already inside the Illusory World. The minute he s.h.i.+fted his thoughts, the

Slothful Beast would act accordingly.


In an instant, the Slothful Beast's body became bigger than ever. Its huge body expanded rapidly as its colossal body s.h.i.+elded Roman, Chronos, and the others. Even in the Void Zone, all that could be seen was a gigantic shadow.


Three luminous beams exploded right onto the Slothful Beast's body. This time, the impact had been more painful than previous times. In the past, the Slothful Beast would have probably awakened immediately.

However, Merlin had consolidated the Illusory World. Now, he was currently casting the Illusory World, keeping the Slothful Beast asleep in the illusion. That was why even though the three luminous beams had exploded onto the Slothful Beast's body and created three b.l.o.o.d.y holes on it, the Slothful Beast seemed to remain unaffected.

Moreover, because of the Slothful Beast's super-regenerative strength, the Slothful Beast soon recovered.

Apart from the Slothful Beast and the Thirty-six Emperors existences, no other force was capable of annihilating it!

"It's the Atlan civilization's void-level wars.h.i.+p again. D*mn it!"

Augustus' gaze was cold but he was powerless to do anything. The void-level wars.h.i.+p was lurking in the dark, and the Eight Great Lord G.o.ds and the two Progenitors from the Rock Tribe were still eyeing them covetously. There was no way to destroy the void-level wars.h.i.+p.

Only the edge of Merlin's lips had tilted into a wry smile as he cast his gaze somewhere toward the vast Void Zone. There, Roman, who had still been around earlier had disappeared without a trace.

Hidden in the rear of the densely packed wars.h.i.+ps, only the head of the mysterious Marshal clad in the Gray Light Armor were seen from within the command s.h.i.+p.

"Not bad, the energy problem of the void-level wars.h.i.+p has been resolved. Although its energy consumption remains to be hefty, at least it's capable of launching three consecutive attacks now! That would be enough to kill an ultimate existence! The void-level wars.h.i.+p is the basis of which the Atlan civilization will be able to stand firm in the Void Zone, and it could even be our foundation to conquering the entire Void Zone in the future!

The Marshal was immensely pleased with the current void-level wars.h.i.+p. After going through an extended period of continuous development and research, the Atlan civilization was finally able to control the alarming amount of energy consumed by the void-level wars.h.i.+p. Now, it was no longer limited to a single blast although recharging it would take a long time and even needed more than a dozen dimensions to fully recharge it.

Now, there was no longer any need for such ha.s.sles, and the void-level wars.h.i.+p was even more concealed, faster, and more difficult to be found.

With the void-level wars.h.i.+p, the Marshal could almost see the complete collapse of the Spell Caster civilization.

"Marshal, the a.s.sault was unsuccessful. The other party had once again used the Slothful Beast to defend against our attack."

A Gray Light Armor guard reported to the Marshal, and suddenly, the atmosphere grew dense and heavy. Everyone knew that the Marshal had a temper. They had ascertained the timing this time yet, they had failed to dispose of an ultimate existence, unlike before with Arcane Wizard Setoh.

However, to everyone's surprise, the Marshal had not flown into a rage but instead, appeared oddly calm.

"It was unsuccessful? The Slothful Beast is indeed peculiar but no matter, we have plenty of opportunities. Let the Eight Great Lord G.o.ds and the Progenitors of the Rock Tribe hurry up and move into action. Once they do that, we'll have our chance! The Slothful Beast cannot possibly protect those ultimate existences at all times."

As for bombarding the ultimate existences, the Marshal appeared fully confident as the void-level wars.h.i.+p was more than just the addition of one or two ultimate existences.

The void-level wars.h.i.+p which was hidden in the dark may serve an even greater purpose than the ultimate existences.

"Lock onto Roman, Augustus, and the Avian Monarch. Especially Roman, this man possesses some of the Vestigial Tribe's top techniques. He poses a great threat to us."

The Marshal quickly issued the order.

"Marshal, we're unable to lock onto Roman. We're unable to locate him."

"Unable to find him?"

The Marshal turned pensive for a moment, then seeming to have thought of something, his expression changed dramatically as he shouted, "Quick, evacuate the void-level wars.h.i.+p. Move it immediately at the fastest speed possible!"

The Marshal was overwrought as he just remembered that Roman had a stealth flying s.h.i.+p. That was something that even the Atlan civilization's most advanced wars.h.i.+p to date would not be able to keep up in speed, and it could not be locked on or identified.

The stealth flying s.h.i.+p may not have posed a threat to the ultimate existences but Roman, who possessed the stealth flying s.h.i.+p, was the biggest threat to the void-level wars.h.i.+p.

"Beep beep beep. Alert. Void-level wars.h.i.+p alert. An unidentified flying object had been discovered. Suspected threat."

"Kill Roman at all costs! Guards, put on the Gray Light Armor. Stop Roman from destroying the void-level wars.h.i.+p at all costs!"

The Marshal was now immensely regretting his actions. He had always felt that the entire course of the battle had been within his grasp. He had originally thought that by bringing in the G.o.d Alliance coupled with the void-level wars.h.i.+p, there would be no doubts about the outcome of the battle as it was sure to end swiftly.

Now, however, things appeared more complicated than he had thought, and it looked like things were not about to end soon. Rather, even the Atlan civilization was in danger as without the void-level wars.h.i.+p, the Atlan civilization had practically lost its say in this war.

With the greed of the G.o.ds from the G.o.d Alliance, the Marshal knew very well that without the void-level wars.h.i.+p, they would be the ones in the most dangerous position.

Even if they had possessed the technology to create the void-level wars.h.i.+p, rebuilding it from the Atlan Dimension now would still take considerable time.

Throughout a long time, the course of the war may take a different turn. Moreover, even if the G.o.d Alliance had annihilated the Spell Caster civilization, the Atlan civilization would still be in danger.

"D*mn it, we can't let Roman destroy the void-level wars.h.i.+p!"

To save the void-level wars.h.i.+p, the Marshal had even sent out a team of Gray Light Armor guards. Without the Brain of Life, the power of the Gray Light Armor created by the Atlan civilization could never compare to the Vestigial Tribe's Gray Light Armor.

However, this was the only thing that was more powerful than the dimension-level wars.h.i.+p that the Atlan civilization could dish out.

Only, even the Marshal was unsure whether it was enough to stop Roman! Moreover, the Marshal had only just realized that the situation on the battlefield had gone out of his control…