A Wife's Cry - Chapter 29

Chapter 29

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One morning, Vanessa was in a hurry to go inside Rioscents, a perfume shop officially owned by her, because in about 30 minutes would be her appointment with a fragrance chemist. She went straight ahead to her small office upstairs, hurled her bag to the desk, and took off her cardigan.

She turned the aircon thermostat down to its lowest temperature and stood in front of it as she was feeling viscous after something went wrong with her car along the C5 road. It was also very unfortunate for her that it was very humid outside considering that it was just 8 in the morning. Good thing that the towing service in the area was responsive enough, because if not, she'd arrive in the shop late. She was worried as her fragrance chemist has always been on time.

She took off her pony tail from the pocket of her skinny jeans and tied her shoulder-length hair into a bun.  After she was freshened up, she went to her desk and fixed the papers that she will be needing on her meeting, including the sample perfumes placed on top of the table.

It's been 4 years since she left Allen. She didn't notice time fled by so fast. She became too occupied with Rioscents.

She just got back in the Philippines last month. She stayed in London for more than three years. There, she took time for herself – re-united with old friends, roamed around, and did everything that she couldn't when she was with her husband. And she felt great like that was the only time she started feeling and enjoying her 'single' or 'unmarried' years. She was able to go to places and do things wherever, whenever. She felt free.

It was also when she was in London when she thought of putting up a business. She took a short course in making and selling perfumes - well, that was her plan after she would graduate college; she just wasn't able to pursue it after she got married to Allen at a young age.

Her parents were very supportive of her plan, although they bemoaned her decision as they preferred for her to work in their family's company. She didn't agree on doing so because she didn't want to have any connections with her husband. She didn't want to be working with him.

“Good morning!”

She stopped when Claire, her a.s.sistant, came in.

She gave her a sweet smile and said, “Good morning, Claire! Know what, not my day today! I got stranded along C5 because my car broke off! Such a ha.s.sle! And it's too hot outside.” She ranted as she pulled some strands of her hair that fell off her bun.

“Oh, did you have any trouble getting a cab? Where's your car?”

“I called the towing service earlier. I hope they could fix it sooner because I don't wanna take the cab going home."

“I'll follow up later so you won't get stressed. Oh and before I forget, we have 150 orders of Angel's Love for next week.” She mentioned.

Vanessa's face lit up, “150 orders? W-who's the customer?”

“Mr. James Alarcon.”

“A guy?!” She exclaimed in surprise.

Claire nodded in response. Well, this was the first time a man actually ordered perfumes from them, and it was a ton – 150 orders!

She couldn't help but think about where that guy could possibly be using that bunch of perfumes. Maybe he'd use it as gifts? Woah, such a big time human! Her products weren't cheap, though, as some of them were imported from the other countries. A few were carefully handcrafted by her and her fragrance chemist.

"I'll just buy some coffee. Do you want some?” Claire asked.

“No, no. I already had one in my condo. Just make it fast. Also, please call them. We're opening in 30 minutes but they're still not here.” Vanessa asked.

As soon as her a.s.sistant went out of the office, she put her attention back to arranging everything for her meeting. She was piling up some doc.u.ments when suddenly, one paper fled and dropped on the tiled floor. She thought it was just a receipt, but it turned out, it was their wedding photo.

She picked it up and her lips drew a bitter smile as she stared at it.

When it comes to s.p.a.ce and time, she has had enough – it's been four whole years. Many things have already changed, including her.

She admits it, though, that during the first months away from Allen, she had difficult times. She cried herself to sleep for several nights. She couldn't accept everything that happened, everything she went through with Allen – losing her baby, her broken marriage, and staying away from the Philippines, including her loved ones.

It was not easy moving on, especially as she was doing it alone, but she worked hard on it. It's for her own good anyway. So, she decided to divert her attention to other things. From there she thought of putting up Rioscents. She got too busy with it that she couldn't even talk or meet with Leila, and even the annulment which she was supposed to be fixing after she got better was put aside.

Anyway, she was not in a hurry of being annulled. At that time, she was happy with how she's been doing. She felt content, especially Rioscents was doing well even if it has just launched a few weeks ago.

Her husband was also not bothering nor stalking her, which she deemed surprising. With its wealth and power, she thought it was impossible for Allen not to hire somebody to look for her.

Then she realized, maybe Allen already built his own life that's why he no longer thought of bothering her. Maybe he has already forgotten about her or he might already be with somebody else. Knowing her husband, that wasn't far from impossibility.

She has also not heard about him for long, except when Leila would mention something about him seldom. She chose to ignore them, though, because honestly, she didn't care anymore. She has moved on totally and she's already happy. She just hoped it was the same for Allen, too.

She almost jumped out of her seat when her cellphone rang. She immediately inserted the picture she was holding inside her wallet before she took out her phone from the back pocket of her pants. It might be Gavin that's calling, her fragrance chemist.

Oh, and she was right! She cleared her throat before answering the call.


“Good morning, sweetie!”

She smirked and shook her head, “You dialled a wrong number, mister?” She teased.

“Why? Don't you like 'sweetie'? Would you like 'honey' better? Or 'babe'?”

“Stop or I'll hang up!” She threatened Gavin, and then she heard him laughing.

“Easy, woman. It's too early for being grumpy. I'm just joking.”

She could only sigh. “Why did you call? We'll be seeing each other in a few minutes.” She asked in confusion as she pulled some hair strands to behind her ear.

“Nothing. I just wanna hear your voice. Is that so bad?”

Oh. She rolled her eyes. Gavin seemed to be playing her again. He does that every single day! “Seriously, Gavin, what do you want?” She asked, and then she heard the person on the other line laughing.

“Hey, you're always so serious. Well, Ms. Vanessa, I would just like to inform you that I'm postponing our meeting.”

One of her eyebrows then raised unconsciously. d.a.m.n! If only Gavin knew what she went through just so she could be in Rioscents on time, only to postpone their meeting? He really had the guts to cancel their meeting, huh?

“And why is that so, Mr. Trinidad? This has been scheduled two weeks ago. Why cancel it just now?” She fiercely asked.

“I'm so sorry, Vanessa. It's an emergency. I have to drive my son to the hospital. He's been sick since last night.”

She immediately calmed down after she heard the news. She sat down the swivel chair and leaned her back on it. “Oh. Sorry to hear that. O-okay, okay, just contact me when you're okay for the meeting. I'll free my schedule. Just give me a heads up.”

“Okay, then. Will call you again. Bye, honey?”

“Hey!” She snooted, and then she heard Gavin laughing again as he ended the call.

Then, she could only shake her head as he placed her cellphone on the table. She wasn't numb not to feel that her fragrance chemist liked her. He's been treating her special for long, even when they're still in London, but she only ignored him. She never entertained him, too.

She no longer has any interest on such things. She has a lot on her plate to even think of Gavin's courts.h.i.+p.

It's not that because he has child and not married. In fact, he has a good-looking face - a very manly appeal indeed. He's also a gentleman and he came from a good family. She just doesn't like to commit to a new relations.h.i.+p; she has no plans of doing so. She's still in a huge trauma after what she went through with Allen. She doesn't want to go through that again. It won't save her sanity. Besides, why would she dive into a new romantic relations.h.i.+p? Legally speaking, she's still married.


All the frames hanging on the wall of their office almost fell down when Leila forcibly opened the door of her office. Vanessa's eyes bulged to what Leila did. She almost fell off her chair, too! How did Leila know she has already come back in the Philippines?

“You're such an a.s.shole, lady!” Leila exclaimed as she walked toward her cousin. “Since when have you returned, huh? Why didn't you tell me so I have picked you up from the airport?”

She could only scratch her nape before she stood up to welcome Leila. She embraced her tight.

“Sh*t! You're so gorgeous!” She exclaimed. “You're s.e.xier than we last saw each other!”

She smiled a little. s.e.xy, huh? Then she realized that she took off her cardigan, revealing her in a fitted floral tank top and skinny denim jeans. The curve and built of her body could be clearly seen, especially her b.r.e.a.s.t.s - her cleavage were exposed on her neck line top. She was also wearing a make-up, bringing out and enhancing her beauty.

“Thanks!” She answered. “It's good to see you again, cousin. You know what, I was really planning to surprise you.” - which was true. She planned on visiting Leila on her condo when her schedule would free up.

“Surprise?!” Leila shouted, and then released herself from their embrace. “You're successful, Van! I'm indeed surprised! If I haven't talked to your mom, I wouldn't know you're already here!”

Vanessa laughed, and then sat back on the swivel chair. “I'm really sorry, Lei. I really have no plans of hiding it from you.”

Her cousin made it pa.s.s and just sat down in front of her desk. She rested her elbows on Vanessa's table, and then grinned, “So, how was your flight? Where are you staying now? When did Rioscents open? Woah, I have plenty of questions! Tell me about it, lady!”

Vanessa laughed out loud. She missed her cousin's blabbing. A lot has changed about her, but Leila seemed to remain the same, except for her hair which was already dyed burgundy and her body which was slimmer than before.

“I'm staying in a condo. I'll show you some other time. The place is perfect! It's quiet. It's peaceful. Uhm, Rioscents… It opened a few weeks ago… And you, lady? How are you? It's been four, five months since we last saw each other? You didn't visit me in London anymore.” Vanessa continued as she opened her laptop placed on top the table.

“I'm fine. I'm always fine.” Leila responded as she took a smell of the perfume placed on Vanessa's desk. “W-wat, wait!” She hurriedly returned the perfume to the table, and then continued, “Why are you asking me? You should be the one telling stories! How are you?” She stressed. “You're blooming, huh? Is that what happens after separating from your husband?”

Vanessa stiffened and her eyes squinted.

“JOKE!” Leila shouted, taking back what she just said. “T'was only a joke! You're so serious.”

Vanessa smiled. Her cousin has always been like that – she's the same old Leila. “How's Mom?” She asked to change the topic. “Do you still visit them there?”

It took a while before Leila could answer. She stood up, and then walked around Vanessa's office. “Uhh, they're fine. They're just sorta busy lately. I heard the business is doing well. The casino they're building in Entertainment City is almost done. So by next year, that's going to launch.” She said.

“Well, good to hear that.” She directly answered, and then s.h.i.+fted her attention to the new email she received.

Perez and Fajardo's partners.h.i.+p still continued even if Allen and Vanessa already separated, and Vanessa didn't know how that was possible. She didn't know if Allen did something just so their families' partners.h.i.+p won't be affected by their break up, or if the two families just decided so. Well, it's also been years since their hotel and casino business and Allen's family's airlines were merged.

Even if she's been caught up by a lot of work in London for Rioscents, she didn't forget to make time to know how her parents have been doing. She knew about their businesses' expansion. Based on the news that reached her, most of the credits were given to Allen. They said that he was the working hard for it, and it made her happy. Since the beginning, she knew Allen was good at it - the reason why she was married to him.

“Who's your architect? Rioscents is beautiful huh. Loft-style.” Leila praised. Vanessa lifted her head up and saw her cousin taking a bird's eye view of her shop from the stairs. She was speechless and just secretly smirked.

Leila knew how hard she has worked for Rioscents. She has given it her full time and attention. They were exchanging emails before to get updates about each other. It only stopped last year when she got too busy with planning for her shop while her cousin needed to take care of some things as well. However, they didn't miss on meeting each other on their free time.

“So, aren't you going to ask about someone else besides your Mom?” Leila asked, smiling, and then sat back in front of Vanessa.

Vanessa stopped what she was doing and thought that there her cousin goes again. She already knew what Leila was pointing out and where that conversation was going.

“And who else's life am I supposed to ask about?” She innocently responded without looking at Leila.

“Oh, come on, Vannie! Quit acting! Do you want me to mention his name?” Leila challenged.

Vanessa sighed a deep one. She knew that her cousin and her husband frequently saw each other. What she didn't understand was that how they've been in good vibrations when Leila didn't like him before.

“What? Am I to mention him now?” Leila insisted.

“Okay, okay! How is he then?”

“Who's he?” Oh, Leila. Such a wicked woman!

“Okay, fine! How's Allen?”

“Allen? Your husband?” Oh, she even dared teasing!

Vanessa rolled her eyes, “Fine! My husband.”

“There! You should've just said it right away! Oh well, the last time I heard from him… He's dating this girl he met somewhere.”

She looked at Leila for a moment, and she seemed serious. Then, she turned her focus back to work and said, “Well, good for him. I'm glad he has moved on already just like me. It looks like I won't have a hard time on our annulment.” She confidently stated.

She s.h.i.+fted her gaze back to her cousin when she noticed Leila looking so seriously at her, “Why?” She asked.

“You've really changed, huh? The last time we've seen each other, you weren't that serious about the annulment.”

Vanessa sneered, stopped typing on her laptop, and the leaned back on her chair. She took a deep breath before she said, “No. I didn't change, Leila. This is still me. Maybe… I just became wiser. And tougher. Maybe novels and romantic movies would be the only things I'd cry for.”

“So, you're still going to push through with the annulment?” Leila asked seriously. She didn't even laugh at her last joke.

Vanessa only smiled before she started typing on her laptop again. “And why not?” She said without looking at Leila. “I have my own life now. You can see it right? And based on what you told me, he also has his own life now. So yeah, as planned, I will still push through with the annulment so we can both be free. I'll find a lawyer. But not now because I'm still busy. I have to monitor Rioscents. The first few months are risky. I don't want my efforts to go to waste.”

“H-haven't you seen each other yet? You haven't visited him?” Leila asked again, in a serious tone.

“Not yet.”

“Then what if you accidentally see each other? I bet he doesn't know you're back.”

“He doesn't have to know.” Vanessa responded instantly. “If we happen to b.u.mp with each other somewhere, then we b.u.mp with each other. It's that simple. Let's not make that a big deal, Lei.”

Suddenly, something crossed her mind that she stopped from typing. With a confused look on her face, she looked at Leila and said, “W-wait a minute! Why are we talking about him, huh? We should be talking about great things! Why so serious?”

Leila's face lit up, and then she smiled. “Woah, I don't know about you. You started it.” She provoked.

Vanessa's mouth dropped open, “Wow, Leila?! Was it I? T'was you who asked if I wanted to ask about someone! You started asking about my married life that was long, long buried in the grave.”

“d.a.m.n it. I'm just curious about your feelings. If you do not know my beloved cousin, it's been four years and only Rioscents has been the talk of your mouth. May I ask, do you still have a social life?”

She laughed at her cousin, “Of course I do! Do you want us to go bar hopping later, huh?” She challenged her cousin and grinned.

“That's the greatest thing you have ever said. Game!” She exclaimed as she slapped Vanessa's desk. “But wait, can you not be busy just this morning? We still have a lot of catching up to do! Come on, let's have breakfast! My treat!”

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