A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu - Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335 Mu Sijun Seriously Injured (1)

Mu Sijun hooked his lips, You mean we dont go up and continue here?

Xu Yuning was choked and almost suffocated.

There was no one else who could understand the meaning of this, Mus.h.i.+ Jiu.

Yunin, Id love to.

Mu Sijuns warm breath ironed on Xu Yunings nose tip, and his voice carried a deadly magnetism.

Xu Yunings cheeks almost caught fire and pushed Mu Sijue: In terms of being a hooligan, you recognize the second, absolutely no one dares to recognize the first!

Mu Sijiu rightly a.s.sumed that Xu Yuning was complimenting him and raised an eyebrow, Thank you.

Xu Yuning was completely speechless.

Mu Siju smiled playfully, finally letting go of Xu Yuning and touching Mu Xiaowu, who was squatting to the side: Well wait here.

Of course he wouldnt really do anything to Xu Yuning at a time like this.

He just didnt want Xu Yuning to discover the wound on his leg and wanted to divert Xu Yunings attention.

Now it seems that his plan is working.

Just at this time, Xu Yunings cell phone suddenly rang.

Xu Yuning felt surprised, Does the cell phone still have a signal?

Dongzi just razed the villa and destroyed our intercom system. He is not capable of destroying cell phone towers for now. Mu Sijun looked at Xu Yunings cell phone display and reminded her, Janean.

Xu Yuning picked up the phone, and Su Jianans slightly anxious voice quickly came over:

Yunin, how are you doing?

Its fine. Xu Yuning smiled and downplayed the situation, Other than being trapped in the bas.e.m.e.nt with no freedom, everything else is fine.

Trapped? Su Jianan became more anxious, Youre not hurt, are you?

Dont worry, no. Xu Yuning knew what Su Jianan was worried about, and touched his belly, then said, The baby and I are fine.

Thats good. Su Jianan breathes a sigh of relief, By the way, Bo Yan should have already arrived, he and Si Jue will find a way to save you out. Yuning, dont be afraid, Si Jue will definitely not let anything happen to you.

Xu Yuning heart surged through a warm current, smiled and said, In fact Mu Sijiu and I are together?

Si Jue is also trapped? Su Jianan pauses and adds, Its good that hes by your side, so you wont be so scared. Well, first, Bo Yan will contact you anytime, so keep an eye on your cell phone.


Xu Yuning hung up the phone, and just at this time, another sound came from the ground, and there seemed to be the sound of heavy machinery.

Bo Yan is here. Musas.h.i.+ said.

Whew- Xu Yuning let out a long sigh of relief, I feel relieved when Bo Yan is here.

Mu Sijun narrowed his eyes for a moment, his voice tinged with obvious jealousy, Shouldnt the man who can make you feel at ease be me?

Childish ghost Xu Yuning silently spat in his heart, then explained, The situation is different now, we are in danger well, Bo Yan can help us.

Seventh Brother, Sister Yunin- Kous voice came down through the layers of barriers, Can you hear me?

As if seeing hope, Xu Yuning blankly responded, I can hear you!

You guys hold on a little longer! Ah Guang shouted, Mr. Lu is here!

Got it! Xu Yuning turned around and hugged Mu Sijun tightly, with a kind of excitement of being reborn after the robbery, Mu Sijun, well be fine!

Xu Yuning was too excited and b.u.mped into the wound on Mu Sijuns leg.

Mu Sijun clenched his teeth, didnt move to endure the pain, and hugged Xu Yuning.

Despite the police and firefighters above, as well as Lu Bo Yan and Bai Tang commanding, the progress of the clearing work was still very slow.

They had to be careful in removing the obstacles, otherwise, one slip up would cause the bas.e.m.e.nt to collapse completely, burying Mu Sijiu and Xu Yuning underground.

Light was sweating with anxiety, but other than that, they had nothing better to do.

Halfway through the work, a broken wall suddenly tilted and the bas.e.m.e.nt collapsed once again, with several slabs of stone hitting the bas.e.m.e.nt.

Xu Yuning heard the voice, realized the danger, and subconsciously called out, Mu s.h.i.+ Jue!

Dont be afraid, Im here.

Mu Sijiu decisively picked up Xu Yuning and avoided the stone slabs that smashed down.

Xu Yuning was spared, but his movements were too great and involved the wound on his leg.

This feeling is like a sharp steel pipe plunging directly into the bones.

In a short moment, bead after bead of sweat appeared on Musas.h.i.+s forehead.

Mu Sijiu swallowed the sharp pain hard, did not let Xu Yuning notice his injury, gently put Xu Yuning down and said, You cant sit over there on the sofa, lets stay here for a while.

Good. Xu Yuning didnt know why, but she felt vaguely uneasy in her heart and asked, Mu Siju, are you alright.

Its fine. Mu Sijuns voice sounded no different than usual, Dont be afraid, Bo Yan is here, we can get out soon.

Uh-huh. Xu Yuning nodded, remembering just now, still having palpitations, If you hadnt come down, I would have been unable to dodge just now. If Im unlucky, Ill die here, right?

Mu Sijun closed his eyes and held Xu Yunings hand tightly, I said, no matter what happens in the future, I will be by your side.

Xu Yuning smiled and leaned against Mu Sijues shoulder.

Mu Sijun had treated her so well, and in the future, what reason did she have to fail Mu Sijun?

Seventh Brother, Sister Yuning, after a while, Ah Guangs voice came down again, You guys hold on for a little while longer, itll be over soon!

Mu Sijiu circled Xu Yuning into his arms, Hear that?

Xu Yuning nodded, his heart filled with hope.

Half an hour later, all obstacles blocking the bas.e.m.e.nt entrance were removed and the buried entrance and exit finally saw the light of day.

Lu Bo Yan and Ah Guang rushed down, the two of them noticed the wound on Mu s.h.i.+ Jues leg at a glance, the blood had dyed Mu s.h.i.+ Jues ankle red.

Seven, you

Subconsciously, Ah Guang was about to ask about Mu Si Jue.

Musas.h.i.+ looked at Kou and signaled with his gaze for Kou to be silenced.

Ah Guang instantly realized that Xu Yuning didnt know that Mu Sijun was injured yet, and Mu Sijun didnt want Xu Yuning to know.

Lu Boyan of course understood what Mu Sijun meant, gave Ah Guang a look and walked over to help Xu Yuning up, How is it, are there any injuries?

Im fine. Xu Yuning was always concerned about Mu Sijun, Wheres Sijun? How is he?

Lu Bo Yan ignored the wounds and blood on Mu s.h.i.+ Jues legs and blatantly lied to Xu Yuning, Hes fine, Ill send you back to the hospital first.

Xu Yunings heart was vaguely uneasy: What about Sir?

Ah Guang helped Mu Sijun over, and Mu Sijun held Xu Yunings hand soothingly and said, Im going to stay and take care of something, and Ill go to the hospital when Im done. You go for a checkup first, I dont feel at ease like this.

Xu Yuning nodded, Then, Ill wait for you at the hospital.

Go. Mu Sijiu releases Xu Yunings hand and instructs Lu Buyan, Help me send Yuning.

The injury on Mu Sijuns leg was very serious, he had to go to the hospital immediately to receive treatment, he could not send Xu Yuning, otherwise he would reveal himself.

Lu Bo Yan nodded and led Xu Yuning out of the bas.e.m.e.nt.

Only when Lu Bo Yan and Xu Yuning walked away did Ah Guang ask, Seventh Brother, is your injury serious?

Musas.h.i.+ looked at Light, What do you think?

Ah Guang thoughtfully scrutinized it and nodded, I think its still quite serious.

Mus.h.i.+ Jiu narrowed his eyes, Then why dont you call an ambulance?

Ohhhh! Ah Guang reacted furiously and pushed Mu Si Jiu away to call an ambulance.

A cold sweat broke out from the pain, and Musas.h.i.+ could only stand holding onto the wall.

A short while later, Light came down with the paramedics, and Musas.h.i.+ was placed on a stretcher and taken to the ambulance.

When several ambulances were whistling all the way to the hospital, Lu Bo Yan was also on his way to send Xu Yuning to the hospital.

Xu Yuning sat in the backseat, he could not see anything, he could only hear the wind whistling in the night, and the whole person suddenly became bewildered and uneasy.

Just at this time, Lu Boyan received a call from Su Jianan.

Su Jianan was anxious and asked directly, Whats the situation now? Did Si Jue and Yuning come out?

Out. Lu Bo Yan said half-truthfully, Ill send Yuning to the hospital, Mu Qi and Bai Tang stayed in the villa to take care of the aftermath.

Its good to be out. Su Jianan then asked, Is there anything that I can help with?

For other things, Ill call Yuechuan in a while and ask him to do it. Lu Bo Yan says, You rest well at home.

When Lu Bo Yan said this, it meant that Su Jian An couldnt help much.

Su Jianan also did not add to the chaos, focusing her attention on Xu Yuning, How is Yuning now?

Jane-an. Xu Yuning said in as relaxed a tone as possible, Im fine.

How could Xu Yuning be okay after something so serious happened?

Su Jianan was still uneasy and said, Rest early today, Ill visit you tomorrow.

Good. Xu Yuning nodded, You too.

Lu Bo Yan hung up the phone, sent Xu You Ning to the hospital, handed over to Song Ji Qing and Ye Lu, instructed Xu You Ning a few words, then said, Ill go back to see if Siju needs help, can you do it alone?

I have no problem. Xu Yuning of course wanted Lu Boyan to go back and help Mu Sijue, You go.

Lu Bo Yan nodded and turned to leave.

In fact, Musas.h.i.+ was also in the hospital, the difference was that he was in the orthopedic department.

Lu Boyan rushed to the orthopedic department, Mu Sijun has been sent into the operating room, operation light is brightly lit, only the light standing in front of the operating room.

How is the situation? Lu Bo Yan asked.

Kou shook his head, The doctor said it looks pretty serious, but we wont know the details until after the surgery.

This surgery, its going to take two or three hours anyhow.

Lu Boyan dialed Shen Yuechuans phone, Shen Yuechuan already knew about Mu Siju and Xu Yunings situation, and directly asked, What do you need me to do now?

Say h.e.l.lo to the media. Lu Bo Yan explains, This matter is just an explosion accident, also, Mu Qi and Xu Yunings names cannot appear.

Otherwise, the A-market will be in for another storm.

Shen Yuechuan naturally also understood the stakes, hmm sound, I know what to do. Mu Qi and Yuning how are they now?

All in the hospital. Mu Sijun was succinct, Xu Yuning is fine, Sijun was injured. The specific situation can only be known after the surgery.

Holy s.h.i.+t! Shen Yuechuan was surprised for a moment, Mu Qi will be injured?

This whole thing sounds like an incredible pipe dream