A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu - Chapter 1322

Chapter 1322

Chapter 1322 I Wish Id Done Something Right There in the Car (2)

Lu Bo Yan didnt like occasions like wine parties.

But sometimes, its time to go to a little bit of a reception.

Su Jianan, who had seen it all before, asked out of habit, What kind of reception? Should I prepare something?

Yue Chuans return reception. Lu Bo Yan said indifferently, Just feel free.

Su Jianan pursed the corners of her lips she knew that the second half of Lu Boyans sentence was intentional.

Shen Yuechuan was really not happy and looked at Lu Bo Yan with dissatisfaction, By what right can you guys be a little more casual about my return reception?

Is that a sign that hes not worth taking seriously?

Lu Boyan patted Shen Yuechuans shoulder, You are not someone else. After saying this, no matter what Shen Yuechuans reaction was, he went upstairs to see the two little ones.

Shen Yuechuan sat down on the sofa and pondered over what Lu Bo Yan had just said.

Does Lu Bo Yan mean that he treats him as one of his own and thats why hes casual?

What kind of logic is that?

Should he be happy, or should he be sad?

The next day, Shen Yuechuan returned to Lus work as vice president.

The discussion on the internet about Kang Ruichengs ident.i.ty didnt stop, and the talk that Kang Ruichengs return to China was some sort of conspiracy became more and more true.

Even some people who had nothing to do with Conrad City seemed to smell the crisis and joined the crusade against Conrad City.

The trend of events was all within Lu Bo Yans expectations.

What Lu Bo Yan didnt expect was that a day later, his ident.i.ty began to be suspected as well.

Some people on the internet posted that they suspected Lu Thin Yan, the president of Lu Clan, was the son of Lu Lawyer back then.

The person who posted this claimed to be Lu Bo Yans high school cla.s.smate.

The poster said that since the name Lu Bo Yan became more and more famous in A city, he began to doubt is Lu Bo Yan, the president of Lu Group nowadays, the same person as Lu Bo Yan, his high school cla.s.smate back then?

More than ten years ago, Lu Bo Yan, who went to the same high school as him, was the son of the famous Lu lawyer.

If Lus president is really his high school cla.s.smate Lu Bo Yan, then, more than ten years ago, lawyer Lus wife and son didnt commit suicide, they are still alive.

The poster still said that he had this suspicion because he didnt want his old cla.s.smate to actually leave the world.

Unfortunately, he couldnt reach Lu Bo Yan at all, so he couldnt confirm his suspicions.

Until the past two days, Lu lawyers matter is back in the spotlight, Lu lawyers wife and sons sufferings have aroused everyones sympathy again, he suddenly suddenly remembered this again, and found Lu Bo Yans photo from the Internet, and compared it with the cla.s.s remembrance photo of that year.

The two Lu Bo Yan, their facial contours are the same.

Also, the ages match perfectly.

Thus, this person was certain that the president of Lu was the son of Lus lawyer back then.

Su Jianan quickly noticed the post and called Lu Bo Yan.

But in fact, the news of the media reporters is faster than Su Jianan, Lus public relations departments phone is about to be busted, and Lu Bo Yan has naturally received the news.

Daisy also tells him that there are already quite a few reporters downstairs at Lus Group.

Lu Bo Yan looked at the sun outside and explained, Have the company restaurant provide afternoon tea for the reporters. However, dont reveal anything. If I dont show up, they will naturally go away.


Daisy left the office and Lu Bo Yan received a call from Su Jianan immediately after.

He didnt need to guess to know why Su Jianan called, established the call, and asked airily, Whats wrong?

In comparison, Su Jianan was slightly fl.u.s.tered, I saw a post where someone said you were Lu Bo Yan!

Su Jianan herself didnt even realize that she was already somewhat incoherent.

Lu Bo Yan smiled, Jian An, who am I if not Lu Bo Yan?

Hey Su Jianan froze for a moment and reacted sluggishly, Right, you are Lu Bo Yan ah. So, what that high school cla.s.smate of yours said is not wrong

So whats wrong?

She clearly felt something was wrong!

Lu Bo Yan could imagine Su Jian Ans confused appearance, the smile at the corner of his lips became more p.r.o.nounced and said, Jian An, my ident.i.ty will be exposed sooner or later.

Su Jianan finally remembered what was wrong.

What she was worried about was never Lu Bo Yans ident.i.ty being exposed, because it was simply something that couldnt be hidden, and once someone found out the end of the story, it was easy to recognize Lu Bo Yan by comparing the current Lu Bo Yan and the previous schools souvenir book.

Who made Lu Bo Yan too handsome?

What she was really worried about was whether Lu Bo Yan could face what happened back then.

In that tragic car accident, he witnessed the death of his father, and later went through a time with his mother that was not unlike running away.

Those experiences a decade ago were a scar for Lu Bo Yan.

Now, suddenly a person appeared, not only uncovered Lu Bo Yans scar, but also to greet many people to come together to see how deeply Lu Bo Yan was hurt.

Bo Yan, Su Jianan asked softly, are you okay?

Dont worry, Im fine. Lu Bo Yans voice is light, it really sounds no different from usual, My fathers matter has already pa.s.sed for more than ten years, now, I just want everyone to know the truth of that year. Also, I knew this day would come, I was prepared.

Lu Bo Yan knew this day would come?

Su Jianan carefully pondered Lu Bo Yans words, fiercely understood what, a face of surprise: You mean, your ident.i.ty, is Kang Ruicheng let someone leak out?

Thats right. Lu Bo Yan a.n.a.lyzed it patiently to Su Jianan, Kang Ruicheng thinks the same as what you are worried about. He feels that remembering what happened back then is a painful thing for me. He felt that this was my weakness, so he used this method to attack me.

If Lu Boyan hadnt reminded her, Su Jianan would never have thought that Lu Boyans ident.i.ty was exposed and that Kang Ruicheng was behind it.

And Kang Ruichengs purpose was just to put Lu Bo Yan in pain.

Su Jianan hummed and said proudly, But Kang Ruicheng made a thousand calculations, but he still miscalculated!

Lu Bo Yan had known that Kang Ruicheng would attack the events of that year as his weakness.

So he had long ago accepted what happened back then.

Kang Ruicheng couldnt take any more effort to hurt Lu Bo Yan with that car accident more than ten years ago.

Of course, how Lu Bo Yan came to terms with the car accident and how much pain he experienced in between, only he knows.

Su Jianan ended the topic and turned to ask, Whats next, what are you going to do?

Lu Bo Yan looked at the time, today is Thursday.

He mysteriously told Su Jianan, Youll know tomorrow.

Well! Su Jianan didnt pursue the question and acted interested, Then Ill wait until tomorrow.

The corners of Lu Bo Yans lips unconsciously rose as he changed the topic, Have you figured out how to use the investment fund I gave you?

Think about it. Su Jianan followed suit and was even more mysterious than Lu Bo Yan, But I cant tell you now!

Lu Bo Yan raised his eyebrows, Mrs. Lu, Im a professional. Are you sure you want to keep this a secret from me and dont need my guidance?

Sure, pretty sure! And, when the time comes, youll know why I chose to keep it a secret! Su Jianan knows that Lu Bo Yan is busy at work and didnt continue to waste his time, Alright, you get busy, come back early today, Ill make you something delicious.


Lu Bo Yan hung up the phone, the smile at the corner of his lips did not fade, and only after a moment did he continue to deal with work matters.

Before preparing to leave work, Lu Bo Yan asked about the situation of the reporter downstairs, and the person in the security room said that the reporter is still squatting in front of the company and refuses to leave.

This kind of perseverance deserves to be honored, but unfortunately, Lu Bo Yan cant cooperate.

Lu Bo Yan informed the driver to go directly from the underground garage.

How could the shrewd reporter not have thought of this move by Lu Bo Yan, sent someone to wait at the garage door, and when they saw Lu Bo Yans car come out, they swarmed, but in the end, they were stopped by the security guards.

The scene made it to the top of the hot news list.

The media made a big deal out of it, saying that Lu Bo Yan refused to be interviewed and refused to respond to his ident.i.ty.

The furor hadnt died down, and that night, all the major media received invitations to Lus reception.

The invitation said that the reception, which was organized to welcome Shen Yuechuans return to Lu, was open to friends from the media.

The media couldnt be clearer about Lu Bo Yan and Shen Yue Chuans friends.h.i.+p, and all the media are guessing that Lu Bo Yan will be present at tomorrows reception.

The next day, the reporters finally did not go to Lus door to besiege Lu Bo Yan, and instead tried to find a way to attack Lu Bo Yan at the reception tonight.

In the evening, Shen Yuechuans return reception was held at the five-star hotel under Lus banner, which was grand and grand, most of the companys employees and all the shareholders came, and the media even swarmed to the hotel, searching constantly for Lu Bo Yans figure.

Lu Bo Yan is not in a hurry, went home to accompany the two little ones for a while, patiently waiting for Su Jianan to put on makeup and change into a good dress, and then changed into the formal dress Su Jianan picked for him, which then held Su Jianan Shanran out of the door.

Su Jianan put on a hard candy makeup today, the whole person looks gentle but not lacking in rationality, a pair of peach blossom eyes looking at the light, every move is elegant and moving.

After getting into the car, she looked at Lu Bo Yans side face and suddenly had a feeling that she had never looked through Lu Bo Yan.

His eyes, deep and mysterious, like his curved but exceptionally cold-looking profile, gave off a feeling of being unapproachable and difficult to read.

Yet, his perfect face was enough to make one forget everything and just want to be close to him.

Just at this time, Lu Bo Yan suddenly turned his head, looked at Su Jian An and smiled.

In an instant, Su Jianans entire heart melted as she held Lu Bo Yans hand, pursed her lips and asked, Are you planning to do something at the reception?

She asked Lu Bo Yan yesterday what her next plan was.

Lu Bo Yan said that she would know today.

She couldnt help but a.s.sociate it with whether Lu Bo Yan was planning to do something at the reception?

Lu Bo Yan gazed deeply at Su Jian An, and there was an unspeakable fascination in his tone.

He lowered his head and whispered in Su Jianans ear, Id like to do something right there in the car if I can.