Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1117 Mission Completed

Chapter 1117 Mission Completed

Chapter 1117: Chapter 1117 Mission Completed

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Alright, Lu Yu acknowledged after securing the map. You guys can head back now. I can handle this situation by myself.

The captain eyed him with concern. Are you sure you can go it alone? This fire dragon isnt your average dragon. It seems stronger and more aggressive than usual. Youre susceptible to injuries, too. Didnt you bring any backup?

Lu Yu waved his hand dismissively. No need to fret. I can take care of that beast on my own.

But She began to protest.

Before she could finish, a pair of colossal, inky black dragon wings erupted from Lu Yus back!

With a powerful whoosh, the mysterious wings propelled him skyward.

The captain stared in stunned silence as Lu Yus figure vanished into the vastness above.

Whoa, those wings are something else! She breathed, her voice filled with awe.

Following the maps guidance, Lu Yu soared through the air. Since the scouting team typically followed them on their Wyverns, they wouldnt be too far behind. It wasnt long before he spotted the fire dragons location from afar.

A thick plume of black smoke rose from the dense forest, twisting and billowing like a menacing pillar reaching for the heavens. Even from this distance, Lu Yu could faintly discern flames erupting intermittently within the dense foliage.

Picking up his speed, Lu Yu ascended high above the fire dragon. Observing the colossal beast from this vantage point, he marveled at its sheer size. Easily surpa.s.sing the combined bulk of two elephants, the enraged dragon unleashed a torrent ot attacks on everything in its vicinitytrees, rocks, and unfortunate animals all fell victim to its wrath.

A closer inspection, however, revealed something amiss. A pulsating pustule marred the dragons neck, webbed with bright purple veins. It was evident that this anomaly was the source of the creatures fury.

Diving down with a swoosh, Lu Yu landed with a deft maneuver on the raging dragons back. The sudden presence alerted the beast, its head snapping back with a ferocious snarl. A gaping maw aimed to devour Lu Yu whole.

Reacting instantaneously, Lu Yu conjured his formidable Diamond Dragon Claw, unleas.h.i.+ng a powerful punch.


The immense force of the blow shattered the dragons lower jaw in a gruesome display. Blood, flesh, and bone fragments sprayed outwards as the beast crumpled to the ground, mortally wounded.

Approaching the fallen creature, Lu Yu located the pulsating pustule on its neck. With a swift movement, he extracted his dagger and severed the growth. He then deposited it securely within his spatial pocket watch.

Perhaps this anomaly held some key information about the cause of the dragons rampage.

After all, this country had coexisted with dragons for centuries, and this instilled within their society a deep respect for and understanding of these majestic creatures.

With the sample secured, Lu Yu launched himself back into the air, retracing his path back to the scouting team. Emerging from the ravaged forest, he soon spotted the team gathered further ahead.

He swooped down, landing gracefully beside them. The captain, her eyes wide with curiosity, rushed towards him the moment she saw him return.

Youre back so soon? The captains voice asked with a hint of suspicion.

Did you even find the fire dragon? Everyone, get moving! We need to track it down and make sure it exits Skyplume Citys territory!

Just as the team scrambled to follow orders, Lu Yu held up a hand, halting their frantic preparations.

Everyone, calm down. Your chase is over. That creature is no more.

Lu Yus words hung heavy in the air, causing a collective pause. The captains gaze narrowed, her expression a mix of disbelief and skepticism.

Are you serious? She pressed, her voice laced with doubt. You were gone for barely ten minutes, and youre telling me the whole ordeal is over? Lu Yu shrugged nonchalantly. Absolutely. Any problems with that?

Ten minutes? Thats barely enough time to get my blood pumping, and youre saying its all done? She countered, her voice laced with disbelief.

Lu Yu reached into his pocket, retrieving the severed fire dragons organ hed taken earlier.

See this? He gestured towards the grotesque object. This is what I removed from the fire dragon. It seems to be the source of the mutation, the reason for its erratic behavior.

A team members eyes widened in recognition as he pointed at the gruesome specimen in Lu Yus hand. Captain! Isnt that the anomaly we observed?!

We spotted it with the binoculars while following that guy! Another chimed in, his voice laced with panic.

The captains face fell. Faced with such irrefutable evidence, she had no choice but to believe Lu Yu.

So you truly did kill it? she stammered, struggling to process the swift resolution.

Lu Yu scoffed. Did you think I snuck up on it while it was napping and snipped this off? No, of course not. The creatures dead. If you dont trust me, feel free to head over and confirm it yourselves. But honestly, I wouldnt waste my time on a corpse.

With that final dismissive remark, Lu Yu unfurled his mighty dragon wings and launched himself back into the sky.

He had no intention of lingering any longer. His destination was Skyplume City.

The captain watched Lu Yus retreating form with a mixture of awe and bewilderment.

The ferocious beast that tormented us for three days gone just like that? She muttered, her voice barely a whisper.

Lu Yu wasted no time, soaring through the air at breakneck speed until

Skyplume City sprawled out before him. He made his way directly to the Patrol Department headquarters and headed straight for Zhao Qingyas office.

Inside, Zhao Qingya paced restlessly, her brow furrowed with worry. Her a.s.sistant stood loyally behind her, offering a soothing shoulder ma.s.sage. As the door creaked open and Lu Yu strode in, Zhao Qingyas head snapped up, her eyes filled with antic.i.p.ation.

Report, Lu Yu! How did it go? Did you manage to handle the situation?

Her voice quivered with a mix of hope and trepidation. Lu Yu met her gaze, a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt playing on his lips.

Everythings settled, of course. The fire dragon is no more. However, I did discover some mutated tissue on its neck. It could be the culprit behind its violent behavior. I brought it back for your research; perhaps you can a.n.a.lyze it and uncover some answers.

A wave of relief washed over Zhao Qingyas face. A radiant smile bloomed on her lips. Excellent work, Lu Yu! I knew I could count on you to get the job done flawlessly. You havent disappointed me!

Alright, here you go. Lu Yu pa.s.sed the gruesome organ over.

Zhao Qingya recoiled slightly, her nose wrinkling in disgust. Place it on the table, please. That thing is crawling with who-knows-what. Ill have a professional handle it.

Lu Yu complied, depositing the severed fire dragons organ on the pristine surface.

With the business at hand dealt with, he turned his attention to the matter of compensation.

Now that this task is done, he began, whats the reward?

A reward, of course! Zhao Qingya exclaimed. How about 100,000 dragon coins? Enough to buy a decent house, wouldnt you say?

Lu Yu chuckled, shaking his head. Money isnt much of a motivator for me, Mayor Zhao.

A hint of surprise flickered across her face. Really? But surely there must be something you desire in the Ten Thousand Dragon Country?

There might be a few things, he admitted with a sly grin.

Seeing the amus.e.m.e.nt dancing in his eyes, Zhao Qingya understood. Reaching into her drawer, she retrieved a card and extended it towards him. Here, then, she said. Think of this as your official salary card. It will hold your regular salary and any bonuses you earn. As a token of appreciation for your recent success, Ive already deposited 500,000 into it..