Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1107 No One Can Fight

Chapter 1107 No One Can Fight

Chapter 1107: Chapter 1107 No One Can Fight

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

A hesitant knock echoed on Zhao Qingyas office door.

Come in, she sighed, weariness clinging to her voice.

The door creaked open, revealing a young man clad in sleek silver armor. His fiery red hair stood out against his youthful face, which was etched with a nervous smile.

Mayor Zhao, he stammered, bowing slightly. Its an honor to meet you.

Youre City Lord Yuan Huans representative, correct? she inquired, already antic.i.p.ating his purpose.

Yes, Mayor, he confirmed. The City Lord sent me to report on the situation and offer my a.s.sistance. Any task you have for me, Ill complete it to the best of my ability!

Very well, Zhao Qingya said, her voice devoid of enthusiasm. Tell me, whats your power level?

Thirty steps, he puffed up his chest, a hint of pride flickering in his eyes. Not too shabby, right?

A helpless sigh escaped Zhao Qingyas lips. A bit low, but itll have to do for now. Take a sizable team with you. Even if victory is out of reach, retreat is always an option.

Dont worry, Mayor! Ill complete this mission. Every last enemy will fall before me! he declared, clenching his fists with fierce determination.

Zhao Qingya could only shake her head in resignation as the young man exited the office with renewed zeal.

The a.s.sistant approached her cautiously. Mayor Zhao, do you think he can handle it?

Theres a low chance, Zhao Qingya admitted with a shrug. But it doesnt matter. As long as he can buy us some time

Their conversation was interrupted by the entrance of a familiar figure. City Lord Yuan Huan strode in, his expression grim.

Miss Zhao, he began, his voice heavy with urgency. This situation is dire. We need to take decisive action.

Absolutely, City Lord, Zhao Qingya replied, straightening in her chair. We must take this very seriously.

A steely glint appeared in Yuan Huans eyes. Thats why Im here. Ive relinquished all my other duties to personally address this threat. Relief washed over Zhao Qingyas face. Really? Youre taking charge?

Indeed, Yuan Huan affirmed with a confident nod. Leave this task to me. I will ensure Skyplume Citys safety. Its my duty as City Lord.

Consider it done, he declared, placing a hand on his chest. You can rest easy here and await my triumphant return.

Zhao Qingya practically vibrated with grat.i.tude. Yes, City Lord! Please be swift in eliminating the enemy threat!

Fear not, he a.s.sured her, turning to depart. Leave everything to me.

As the door closed behind him, Zhao Qingya slumped back in her chair, a wave of relief was.h.i.+ng over her. Thank goodness. The City Lord himself is taking action. That takes a huge burden off my shoulders.

a.s.sistant, she addressed, a hint of a smile returning to her voice. You must be exhausted. Why dont you go get some lunch?

The a.s.sistant, her face mirroring her relief, readily agreed. Of course, Mayor

Zhao. Finally, a chance to breathe!

She exited the office, heading for the nearby restaurant. By the time she returned, laden with food, she found Yuan Huan already geared up and ready to set off.

Settling in for a late lunch with Zhao Qingya, the a.s.sistant didnt notice the worried crease forming on the Mayors brow as she picked up her phone. A single ring shattered the tense silence.

Zhao Qingya answered the call, her voice laced with impatience. Get to the point. What is it?

Mayor, the voice crackled over the line, the deputy general who just fought the enemy hes dead. Theyve brought his body back.

Thats not information I need! Zhao Qingya snapped.

A tremor of fear ran through her voice as the caller continued, But Mayor

who will deal with the enemy now? We cant fight them ourselves!

Cut the c.r.a.p, Zhao Qingya snapped. The City Lords already on the scene.

This quest is over. Well handle it from here.

Relief flooded the voice on the other end. Is that so? Thats fantastic! With City Lord Yuan taking charge, this situation will surely be resolved smoothly!

A satisfied smile tugged at Zhao Qingyas lips as she ended the call. She and her a.s.sistant continued their lunch, a sense of calm settling over them. As she cleared away the leftover food, the a.s.sistant couldnt help but ask, Mayor Zhao, did everything go well with City Lord Yuan?

Everything is under control, Zhao Qingya a.s.sured him, forcing a confident smile.

However, their peaceful moment was shattered by another call. Antic.i.p.ation flickered in Zhao Qingyas eyes as she answered.

Mayor Zhao! We have a problem! The voice crackled with urgency.

Speak clearly! Zhao Qingya demanded, her patience wearing thin. Dont waste my time.

Its the City Lord! Hes been defeated and is retreating back to the city!

Zhao Qingyas smile vanished, replaced by a look of disbelief. Defeated? What nonsense are you spouting? The City Lord cant lose. Repeat that!

Its true, Mayor, the voice confirmed. Hes badly injured, and his dragon cant fight anymore.

Taking a deep breath to control her rising panic, Zhao Qingya pressed,

Impossible. How could he lose?

Apparently, our initial intel was wrong. We thought it was just one Poison Dragon, but there were actually three! the voice explained frantically.

City Lord Yuan was no match for three highly venomous dragons. He rushed into battle without enough backup, and when faced with superior numbers, he was overwhelmed.

Zhao Qingyas grip tightened on the phone, her voice trembling. Three?! How could you screw up that badly? All this preparation, and you still missed such a crucial detail? d.a.m.n it!

We sincerely apologize, Mayor, the voice stammered. They were extra cautious this time.

Panic clawed at Zhao Qingyas throat. The enemy had three dragons, far exceeding their expectations. What were they supposed to do now?

Just then, the a.s.sistant entered the room with a hopeful smile. District Head

Zhao, did you call? Did we deal with all the enemies?

Zhao Qingyas forced a harsh laugh. Dealt with them? City Lord Yuan is coming back with his tail between his legs.

What? Thats impossible! The City Lord cant lose. It must be fake news! The a.s.sistant exclaimed, her face paling.

Zhao Qingya sighed, defeated. The truth is, we were misled. There arent one, but three Poison Dragons. City Lord Yuan wasnt prepared, and its a miracle hes even alive.

The a.s.sistants face drained of color. Then then what do we do? Are we finished? Who can save us now?

A flicker of desperation sparked in Zhao Qingyas eyes. Theres only one option. Find Lu Yu. Beg him again to fight. He might be our only chance.

The a.s.sistant shook her head vehemently. Thats not happening. First, hell refuse. Second, do you really think hes stronger than City Lord Yuan?

Zhao Qingya fell silent, her mind racing for a solution. Just then, the phone rang again, shattering the tense silence.

Mayor Zhao, the urgent voice began, weve detected enemy dragons taking flight! Theyre heading straight for Skyplume City! If we dont counterattack immediately, well face a devastating attack!

Zhao Qingyas face hardened as the gravity of the situation settled upon her.

A frontal a.s.sault against a stronger enemy is suicide, Zhao Qingya countered, her voice laced with steely resolve. We need a different strategy. We have the advantage of numbers with the City Guards. Well launch a coordinated counterattack!

But Mayor, the voice stammered on the other end, a large number of guards will surely die in such an attack!

The weight of the decision pressed heavily on Zhao Qingya. Theres no easy answer, she admitted. But if we dont act, the enemy will overrun the city, and countless civilians will perish. We cant let that happen.

A grim determination settled in her voice. Mobilize all available City Guards.

They need to regroup and launch a coordinated counteroffensive immediately.

Understood, the voice replied, a hint of resignation in its tone. Thats the only course of action left..