Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1105: Chapter 1015 A Great Enemy Ahead

Chapter 1105: Chapter 1015 A Great Enemy Ahead

Chapter 1105: Chapter 1015 A Great Enemy Ahead

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Zhao Qingyas a.s.sistant hurried over and grasped Li Tianens arm. This time, the mission has arrived, he declared earnestly. The burden falls on you.

Youre Skyplume Citys hope, their strongest warrior! This quest is yours! He delivered a firm pat on Li Tianens shoulder.

Li Tianens lips twitched with displeasure. Whats wrong? Why the glum face? the a.s.sistant pressed. This time, the Demon Lord Abyss isnt messing around. They plan a full-scale attack, not a hit-and-run. You cant afford to be discouraged. We all depend on you to pull yourself together!

Her gaze held Li Tianen expectantly. After all, he was their only hope. The enemy was formidable, demanding a fighter of equal caliber.

Taking a deep breath, Li Tianen forcefully shrugged off the a.s.sistants grip. Get lost! he bellowed, storming away in a rage.

The a.s.sistant stood rooted to the spot, bewildered. Confusion clouded his face as he watched Li Tianens retreating figure. Whats gotten into him? Why yell at me? Is he afraid? Did his brain malfunction?

Yuan Huan sighed deeply. The situation is his dragon battle pet is gone.

Gone? What do you mean gone? The a.s.sistants puzzlement deepened. He adjusted his, peering curiously at Yuan Huan.

Lu Yu took it after Li Tianen angered him.

A moment of stunned silence followed before the a.s.sistant burst out laughing. City Lord Yuan, are you pulling my leg? How can that be? Isnt Lu Yu an outsider? Are you suggesting a foreigner can just bully Skyplume Citys strongest general and steal his pet?

Tell me the truth. I wont fall for this.

Yuan Huans expression turned stern. I a.s.sure you, its the truth.

Seeing Yuan Huans seriousness, the laughter died on the a.s.sistants lips, replaced by dumbfounded silence.

No way! Youre saying Li Tianen actually gave up his battle pet to Lu Yu?

Thats right. Go find Lu Yu yourself if you dont believe me. Youll see for yourself then.

The a.s.sistant clutched his head in disbelief. So what do we do now? Beg a foreigner for help? That would be a disaster if word got out. Absolutely not! He shook his head repeatedly, his voice laced with disapproval.

Not doing it, huh? Yuan Huan patted his shoulder. Then just wait for Skyplume City to crumble. Or maybe you want me to fight? I can plug one hole but not a second.

Besides, if I abandon my duties here, the city could descend into chaos.

The a.s.sistant deflated, his shoulders slumping. He turned and headed towards Lu Yus villa.

Yuan Huan watched him go, a helpless sigh escaping his lips. What the heck? Who knew Lu Yu would be this powerful?

Meanwhile, in a central city office building, Zhao Qingya sat in her office, poring over various intelligence reports.

Any updates? Have those sc.u.m arrived? She inquired sharply.

Not yet, Mayor Zhao. However, weve picked up traces of them making preparations for an attack. Apparently, theyve readied their dragons and are transporting troops to a valley. It seems theyre gearing up.

Are you sure you havent been compromised? Give me their exact location!

Dont worry, Mayor. Our undercover skills are unparalleled. Relax, those fools wont find us!

Good. Now, send me their exact coordinates. I want to know their precise location. Well eliminate them before they can make their move!

Alright, as you wis.h.!.+

Suddenly, silence stretched on the other end of the line. No response, no confirmation.

h.e.l.lo? Zhao Qingya pressed after a tense moment. Can you hear me? Dont joke around! You cant just leave me hanging after all that!

Still no answer.

Zhao Qingya slammed the phone down. She knew her informant wouldnt casually cut off communication. There was only one explanation.

Wiping a bead of sweat from her brow, she muttered, This is terrible. We havent even gotten the coordinates, and theyre already gone. Li Tianen, the fate of Skyplume City rests on your shoulders now.

Anxiety gnawed at her as she paced the room. A knock on the door interrupted her frantic movements.

Miss Zhao, its me, the a.s.sistants voice called out.

Come in quickly!

Report? she demanded, her voice laced with worry. Did Li Tianen make his move? Hes a professional, responsible man. Knowing the truth, he must be preparing for battle, right? Tell him to get ready, now!

The a.s.sistant sighed deeply. Miss Zhao, things arent as optimistic as we hoped. Li Tianen he cant fight anymore.

Cant fight? Hes the citys strongest dragon tamer! Who else compares? If not him, then who? Tell me, why cant he fight? Is he injured? Ill?

Because the a.s.sistant hesitated, his prized dragon is gone. Lu Yu took it. Zhao Qingya stumbled back, eyes wide with disbelief. What? His dragon? That cant be right! Dragons are a warriors lifeblood. Li Tianen wouldnt just hand it over!

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she continued, Did Lu Yu overpower him? Force him into submission?

A glimmer of understanding lit up the a.s.sistants eyes. That seems likely. Li

Tianen wouldnt give up his dragon willingly.

Then Zhao Qingyas voice hardened. If thats the case, doesnt it mean Lu Yu is significantly stronger than Li Tianen? Otherwise, Li Tianen wouldnt have complied.

The a.s.sistant nodded fervently. Absolutely!

Then what are we waiting for? Find Lu Yu! We need his help. If hes hesitant, bring him here. Ill personally persuade him.

Understood! Ill leave immediately and try my best to secure his a.s.sistance! The a.s.sistant replied with renewed determination and quickly exited the room..